The New Water Cooler
Discussions around the water cooler, were once been known as a very popular form of discussion about the greatest television shows or movies that premiered. The morning after  a television show or weekend it was broadcasted people in the work place would gather around the water cooler to discuss what they have seen.
Many things have changed in the recent years, especially in the way in which people watch television. Although the methods may be different, one thing is clear, people love to discuss and share what they watch. Once the use of social media first developed, fans were able to create and share their own content from their favorite shows, still this seemed limiting for fans. 
Now television studios can live tweet with their viewers and discuss what is going on, allowing new portals for everyone to discuss what is going on. In an article by TechCrunch they discuss a new application that allows its users to share what is going on with their friends. 
People love to share, analyze and discuss with their friends. With the new application Whipclip, it allows users to pick a clip from the past few minutes of screening. This is an interesting concept when considering its use in social media.
I personally think that this is a great opportunity for companies like ABC, to use this when they are conversing with their fans. It allows for real time interaction and engagement, which is something that is often hard to obtain from consumers. I know when I watch tv, I love to watch certain clips from tv over and over again. For instance, one of the most iconic clip from Grey’s Anatomy, is when Meredith tells Derek “Pick me, choose me, love me.” Sometimes fans do not want to re-watch the whole episode to relive that magic moment. This application gives broadcasting new ways to communicate and engage their fans with sharing clips but in real time and high definition. Honestly, what can be bad about this amazing application?
To read the full article click here:http://techcrunch.com/2015/03/26/whipclip-launch/#.wqpluf:00Aw
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tansuke-desu · 9 years
Some controversy has risen from the wake of the Thursday East Village explosion that left at least 22 people injured. The controversy arose from the amount of selfies that were uploaded onto social media from the scene of the explosion.While many people expressed condolences for those affected by the blaze, others posed for selfies — complete with smiles — and some even used a selfie stick to capture just the right angle. These selfies have generated quite a bit of negativity from social media users and for good reason in my opinion. In such a situation which involved the injuring of multiple people, documenting the accident is perfectly acceptable, but posting selfies of yourself smiling on social media is something you should have considered carefully before doing it. 
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Small Business: Social Media Blues
Small business are in trouble. Many feel that they cannot keep an online social media presence because they are small. However, what small businesses may not realize is that if they do not use social media at all they are losing out on major business. My mom always tell me, that things are not black and white. Small firms may not have a larger social media force but this does not mean that they should not use this to their advantage. Small businesses SHOULD be using social media sites, and using them to their advantage.
As we learned in Eric Qualman’s book, people find out about things based off what their friends are recommending. How are people finding out about this information you may ask, it is simple. People find out this information through their social media channels. Therefore it is imperative for small businesses to be on social media and show this to show their unique advantage. 
Although it would be best to stay consistent,. small businesses should focus more on quality post. Having many post that are boring and do not engage with their target audience is not nearly as effective as those who do. Small businesses need to focus on quality versus quantity. This also will not make them feel as guilty not having as many posts, so they should not worry about spamming their target audience. 
Another advantage that small businesses can do when using social media is the ability to engage with their community. Small businesses are more likely to have more meaningful conversations with their community than others. Therefore, they should work on these attributes so they are able to differentiate more. 
If you have a small business and would like to learn more. Please message me back.
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tansuke-desu · 9 years
Comedians and Vine stars Jason Nash and Brandon Calvillo have a new project that is largely inspired by their real lives: a full length film called FML: A Social Media Adventure. This plot of this movie is notable in that it will talk about 2 men who travel across the country in a bid to improve their social media reputation through the recording of short videos onto an app called Reload. The movie will also feature Vine stars and comedians. Among the tentative cast are popular Vine celebrities like Robby Ayala, Ry Doon, Sunny Mabrey and Manon Matthews and comedians like Rob Corddry, Patton Oswalt and Busy Phillips. Because of the funding that such a project would require both Jason and Brandon have started a KickStarter Campaign to raise money for this project that they hope to feature by Winter 2015. This is an example of social media coming to life for me. Who would have ever thought that a movie about vine celebrities will ever appear. It just comes to show the impact that social media world holds on us now and how even vine celebrities that became famous through the 6 second videos can eventually make it to the big screen. For me the appeal of the movie also grows because I have seen quite a number of vines myself so I can relate to the story and what people go through.  
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