babaengiskolar · 1 year
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DAY 3 | January 16, 2023 | 8:00AM - 5:00PM
This morning, I was instructed to report and render courtesy call to PCOL ROBERT R BAESA, COP, TCPS as well as to attend the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony at the Taguig City Hall as I was reassigned to Taguig City Police Station beside the City Hall. The City Government of Taguig was this time celebrating the 27th National Autism Consciousness Week with the themes "1Pangako: A Call for Kindness" and "Building a Nation Powered by Transformative Autism-Inclusive Innovation" together with the Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office (PDAO) and other government agencies including the PNP, BJMP and BFP.
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National Autism Consciousness Week is held every third week of January. It is a time to raise awareness through sharing vital information about this lifelong neurological disorder and to bolster the government's commitment for the inclusion of people with autism. This annual celebration is conducted as a response to the increasing statistics of Filipinos diagnosed with this condition and has been supported by the Proclamation No. 711 signed on Jan. 4, 1996, by then President Fidel Ramos.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability characterized by social and communication deficits that impede optimal functioning. The cause of this condition has remained unknown yet has been linked to genetics. Some autistic people have difficulty in making eye contact, understanding or using spoken language and expressing emotions or feelings which sometimes lead to self-harming behavior, tantrums and aggression. These characteristics of autism may be detected in early childhood, but autism is often not diagnosed until much later. [1]
Some of the main signs of autism are anxiety, especially in social situations, the inability to make friends and difficulty in understanding what others think or feel. While an independent life is possible for those in the spectrum, not all are able to achieve the same level of independence. Since ASD is a developmental disability, it must be noted that ASD begins before the age of 3 and can last throughout a person’s life, with symptoms improving over time. [2]
During the said activity, Disabilities Affairs Office (PDAO) head Larry Supas shared the importance of supporting the persons with disabilities particularly those with autism. According to him, people with Autism have daily challenges that not everyone can understand and that we have to support them in every way. The local government and the PDAO continue to intensify and expand advocacy against abuse and discrimination.
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On the other side, Mayor Lani Cayetano encouraged everyone to join her in reciting the 1Pangako Pledge. This pledge aims not to use the word "autistic" as a joke but rather to promote the acceptance and care of people with disabilities.
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As a cadet, I became more aware to people with Autism and what it means to live with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) specially the unique challenges that they may face, such as difficulty in communication, social interactions, and understanding the environment.
It is important for us, cadets, to have a good understanding of autism and its impact on individuals and families. This understanding can help us, cadets, to provide appropriate support and assistance to individuals with autism, and to interact with them in a respectful and sensitive manner.
References: [1] https://www.nnc.gov.ph/regional-offices/mindanao/region-xi-davao-region/6928-national-autism-consciousness-week-ways-to-promote-healthy-eating-for-autistic-people [2] https://www.philstar.com/opinion/2023/01/20/2238988/national-autism-consciousness-week
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babaengiskolar · 1 year
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DAY 2 | January 15, 2023
“Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” ― Henry Clay
As part of our Cadet Customs and Decorum, cadets are expected to be familiar with the etiquette of rendering a courtesy call. It is best to remember that necessary calls should always be made if time and circumstances permit to show respect and to establish working relationships. [1]
Courtesy calls are made to pay respect to higher-ranking officials or to develop official and social contacts with public officials, individuals, and social groupings. Additionally, it is also a way to keep the tradition and culture of the Academy.
Today, I, together with my classmates who are deployed within the Southern area of Metro Manila, reported at Southern Police District to render courtesy call to PBGEN KIRBY JOHN BRION KRAFT, District Director, SPD.
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PBGEN KIRBY JOHN BRION KRAFT is from Calauan, Laguna and a proud member of PNPA Sandigan Class of 1994. He joined the Special Action Force after he graduated from the Academy and later on was designated to different positions throughout the country, receiving various medals and awards for his hard work in police service. He was formally appointed as the District Director of the Southern Police District on August 8, 2022.
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During the call, we were given a chance to have a short talk with him. He shared some of his life experiences during his cadetship and when he was already in service, his achievements and challenges he had overcome. We were also given guidance and few reminders in regards to what we will be expecting during the whole duration of our Cadet Attachment Program to our respective police stations.
PBGEN KIRBY JOHN BRION KRAFT is truly a remarkable officer who embodies the core values of integrity, professionalism, courage, and dedication.
Reference: [1] Section 5, Rule II of the Revised Cadet Guide 2018.
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babaengiskolar · 1 year
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DAY 1 | January 14, 2023
Cadet Attachment Program is one of the programs for the graduating class of the Philippine National Police Academy to further develop and enhance the knowledge and skills of the cadets as they are about to embrace the public safety profession. With this, cadets are deployed to different police stations to observe and participate in the day-to-day operations of the unit, and to gain a better understanding of the challenges and realities of the job.[1]
Being a member of the graduating class of PNPA to undertake the Cadet Attachment Program and one of those who will join the Philippine National Police, I was deployed to Manila Police District-Station 11 or the Meisic Police Station. Right after I logged out from the Academy, I headed straight to the station to report and render courtesy call to the Station Commander of MPD Station 11.
However, by the time I arrived, the Station Commander had already left. I was then advised to return on Monday to have time for preparation for the 2-week journey of my Cadet Attachment Program.
Reference: [1] Memorandum from DPNPA with subject Station Immersion of PNPA MASIDTALAK Class of 2023
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babaengiskolar · 1 year
"Greatness from small beginnings."
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