jcrayonbox · 2 years
Long Term Grief
Grief is a funny thing. It affects both short and long-term aspects of your life.
I am nearly two years out from a traumatic family death and I can only watch comedic content. I have tried multiple times to watch drama or history and it just feels like too much.
At the same time, I have watched my comedic shows too many times and I do not want to watch them anymore.
So I’m left with hours spent on YouTube watching clips of shows I’ve already seen- or better yet, compilation videos put to music.
What does this have to do with grief? I have enough sadness that I cannot process anything hard. I need to keep things light. I do not know how long it will last, but I’m going to keep honoring my instincts.
And I re-watch The Good Place for approximately the 20th time.
How has grief impacted your life long-term?
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longtermgrief · 6 years
longtermgrief post 32:  death of a pet
““It’s just a dog,” It’s just a cat”—Wrong!
Have you ever heard that phrase.  Some people just don’t understand— and say very insensitive and hurtful things on the death of a pet, or grief over a pet, But often pets are considered  to be a member of the family and a person may be devastated when their pet dies.  
And furthermore, a pet is not an “it,” but a “he” or a “she.”
To be continued....
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