#Literally I have a 7 hour U2 playlist
drones-of-innocence · 8 months
Lyric Headcanon
I know I'm like a bazillion years late and I'm so sorry, @peaches2217 wrote this adorable story back in August and at the end included a cute callback to One Step Closer. The reference was a quote from the eponymous U2 song, where the lyric "a heart that hurts is a heart that beats," is mentioned as something the Bros mother used to say.
I think it was so sweet and it kind of gave me this sense that the Bros' mom quoting U2 was becoming fanon 😂 So what if their mom was just a huge U2 fan, and all her wise or uplifting quotes that the boys fondly remember are literally just lyrics from their songs? They have plenty of material and quotes I've adored my whole life. I'll make a list here, and I may incorporate this into my future fics. Any other Mario writers are welcome to do the same as long as you give me a little shoutout 😎
--In no particular order, here are some quotes alongside some context I believe they could fit in--
"A heart that hurts is a heart that beats." -One Step Closer (A gentle reminder that pain makes us human and can be appreciated.)
"Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel." -City of Blinding Lights. (On religion and judgement against others.)
"...Grace makes beauty out of ugly things." -Grace (A reminder to be kind even when it's hard, maybe something Peach does in her approach to politics reminds Mario of this line.)
"It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success." -The Fly (A warning that both ambition and success can be damaging.)
"I'm not broke, but you can see the cracks." -All Because of You (A quip about money or sense, maybe Mario and Luigi use this to tease each other?)
"The only pain is to feel nothing at all." -A Man and a Woman (A similar sentiment as One Step Closer.)
"Sweet the sin, bitter the taste in my mouth." -Running to Stand Still (Some things are just not worth it, especially when it comes to overindulgence.)
"There is no failure here, sweetheart, just when you quit." -Miracle Drug (Uplifting reminder to keep going. Maybe something Mario tells Luigi.)
"Stay a child somewhere in your heart." -Original of the Species (A plea to not become jaded by adulthood.)
"The right to be ridiculous is something I hold dear." -I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Being silly for the sake of silliness is an underappreciated privilege in our lives.)
"It's hard to listen while you preach." Every Breaking Wave (Remember other people have valuable things to say that you'll only hear if you listen.)
"Love is bigger than anything in its way." -Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way (I feel like this could be a quote Mario chooses to live by, and he tells Peach this and it kind of shifts her perspective too 💖)
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nextstopwonderland · 7 months
Hmmm, what *would* go on a Bryan playlist? I don't have a pithy title, sorry!
so like, I went with songs that make me think of him. I’ve made a few mixes but they’re pairing based — nevertheless some of them made it onto this because they still fit the general vibe/were more him-coded.
which for me is basically kind of gentle/nature-y/kind/folky.
I get a Peter Gabriel/U2 vibe with him. And just uplifting/whimsy.
(I wasn’t thinking Bryan as a wrestling character when I did this either, which obviously has more of a frenetic/violent energy; hence why there’s none of his theme songs on here)
So here we go:
(click titles for Spotify links)
1. Where the streets have no name - U2
Just such a escaping into nature at Joshua Tree vibe
(If you haven’t played the album while driving through Joshua tTee 10/10 recommend)
2. Life in a northern town -The Dream Academy
He lived in a PNW town. I love the whimsical/meditative nature of this song
3. Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel - Spiritual soul-searching and uplifting
I was feeling part of a scenery I walked right out of the machinery. What a Bryan-esque lyric. He’s literally been talking about disappearing after this next year (much to my utter dismay)
4. Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls.
Sticking with the spiritual soul-searching and uplifting vibe. The line (my favorite line) about the college degree doesn't apply to him but he recently talked about that -- like what would've been different if he did have a formal education/if it actually matters at all. (I'm grateful to Barbie for making a new generation of people discover this epic)
4. Gypsy - Suzanne Vega
Again, a very nature/vagabond getting away from the rush of it all. I love the way Yuta described their hike -- how it was so nice to just turn things off and just "be". And Bryan, who literally uses his phone 1 hour per day is definitely all about "just be-ing."
5. The Wind - Cats Stevens/Yusuf
More of the same simplistic living/being/folksy vibe.
6. Northern Sky - Nick Drake
Goes hand in hand with the above for me.
7. Spinning Away - Brian Eno, John Cale
More of that 'just be-ing, experiencing the joy in the little things, appreciating every moment, nature/artistic vibe. I love the way he talks about all the ideas he has in his head, how he's constantly thinking about wrestling and has notebooks upon notebooks of ideas, not just about that but all kinds of things.
8. Kind and Generous - Natalie Merchant
A sappy one to close it out, i love how everyone who talks about him basically calls him the nicest person alive.
If anyone wants all the songs in one place, here ya go
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grimelords · 5 years
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Finished writing my January playlist up a couple weeks ago and forgot to post it. Sometimes things are like that I suppose. A pretty good mix of all the songs I was very into two months ago.
Terrapin Station (Suite) - Grizzly Bear & The National: It's shocking to think that a 5 hour long Grateful Dead tribute album changed my life but it really did. It's so good all the way through which is a feat in itself and it's a great introduction to every side of a band that can sometimes feel culturally overwhelming to try to get into. This song is a highlight, veering over every kind of territory for 16 minutes but always maintaining the sort of precision of purpose I associate with Grizzly Bear.
New Year - Beach House: January baby! I've got tickets to see Beach House later this month and I'm excited because they really surprised me as an incredible live band last time I saw them, building their songs with a lot more dynamism than the sort of drum machine play alongs their albums are (which I love!!).
BAGDAD - Cap.7: Liturgia - Rosalia: I'm still working my way into fully appreciating how good this Rosalia album is. The Justin Timberlake melody is so beautifully repurposed and I absolutely love the church choir behind the 'junta las palmas y las separa' part. It's just a heartbreaking and beautiful song even if I did have to google translate it.
Signs Of Life - Arcade Fire: I've been thinking a bit about Everything Now and how it was received and weirdly it seems to have a lot of parallels with the Achtung Baby/Zooropa/Pop era of U2, 20 years before it. Well established megastar bands who turned from their extremely heartfelt authentic origins and explored the world of pop and commercialism with varying critical success. Everything Now doesn't feel old fashioned but it's kind of weird they're playing with a lot of the same ideas U2 were in their Pop-Mart era so long ago. Anyway this is one of their best songs ever I think. The disco instrumentation versus the paranoid lyrics is just great, the backing vocals especially.
Discotheque - U2: The vocals in this song are so interesting. There are at times upwards of three Bonos harmonising with each other. It creates an unsettling image of a world overrun with Bonos. I do however love the extremely strangled guitar sound in the breakdown. I sort of wish this song were longer, long as it is, because it really starts to build into something serious by the end but then it just fades out disappointingly.
Violent Shiver - Benjamin Booker: I love Benjamin Booker but he needs to take a lesson from this song and do some hot licks again. He doesn't do hot licks like this in barely any other songs! Benjamin Booker sounds like he's from an alternate timeline where rock n roll stayed black and this is where it's at now.
Dawn Of The Dead - Does It Offend You, Yeah?: Can you imagine naming your band 'Does It Offend You, Yeah?' in 2019? What a time to be alive 2008 was. I absolutely love the steel drums in the prechorus and the bass and 'ooh ah' in the chorus. The production is just so chunky throughout. This whole song is thick.
Golden Skans - Klaxons: Anyway speaking of the heady days of English 'new rave' Golden Skans is a masterpiece. It's also masterfully compact, it's over in 2 and a half minutes. Amazing.
Go Bang - Pnau: I really applaud Pnau for having the audacity to release Chameleon and Go Bang on the same album right after each other when they're essentially the same song. Close enough to be the same song but different enough that you're still completely hyped when either of them come on.
Say You See Why So - Eleventh He Reaches London: I found this extremely serious Perth screamo band a little while ago they're so good i'm surprised I'd never heard of them before. I love the style of just endless new sections on new sections with barely any repetition, it makes you feel crazy which is perfect for this music.
Why Write A Letter That You'll Never Send - The Drones: I don't really know what to say about this song other than imagine literally getting this email verbatim lol.
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - U2: Fully fucked up that one of the best U2 songs only got released on the Batman Forever soundtrack.
Dead Of Night - Orville Peck: I'm so glad Lana Del Rey has been around long enough now that she's inspired a second wave. I absolutely love the whole concept Orville Peck has going, masked gay cowboy is a criminally underexplored genre.
Trip The Mains - Methyl Ethyl: I can't believe Methyl Ethyl are onto their third album already. I love how dancey this is compared to their other stuff, and his voice is still completely blowing my mind.
Strange Days (1999) - Health: I've had the cover for this single as my lock screen for two months now. It's simply very good and such a direct distillation of Health's essence. They've simplified and moved closer to pop ideas on this album and I'm all for it, they sound like Purity Ring if Purity Ring exploded occasionally which sounds very good to me.
Milk Crisis - The Go! Team: I'm racist because I thought for a long time that this song was gibberish but it turns out it's actually just in Japanese.
Cream On Chrome - Ratatat: It's fucking sick that Ratatat have been able to not only survive but thrive for so long making music that sounds like the loading screen of a Dreamcast racing game.
Will The Circle Be Unbroken - The Staple Singers: This is maybe my favourite example of 60s stereo recordings making completely bizarre decisions. The drums and bass in this are panned extremely far left and the guitar far right, which has the nice effect of letting you take out your left headphone and listen to a very beautiful stripped back guitar and vocals only version.
Angel From Montgomery - John Prine: I'm seeing John Prine next week and I'm very excited. He's approximately one million years old and seems to only now be getting the recognition he's deserved for decades.
(My Friends Are Gonna Be) Strangers - Merle Haggard: It's interesting thinking about the parts of American culture that don't really get exported to Australia. We got Johnny Cash and Hank Williams to a lesser extent but I hadn't really heard of Merle Haggard before this year which seems insane now that I've realised just how massive he was.
Debbie - Architecture In Helsinki: I have so much love for this vocal performance. Sitting in a weird half falsetto out of breath and just shrieking your way through it, mwah mwah I'm doing a chef's kiss right now.
Yandere - Yamantaka / / Sonic Titan: It's reassuring that the enthusiastic art nerd mindset of bands like The Red Paintings and The Sound Of Animals Fighting will never truly die. There should be more bands where they all have costumes and multi-movement songs songs telling an inscrutable story and a guy in the band whose whole job is just doing the lights.
Sweetness And Light (For Life Remix) - Itch-E & Scratch-E: My lifelong grudge against Paul Mac for enabling The Dissociatives and various other crimes will always be slightly tempered by how much this one song bangs.
Ontheway! - Earl Sweatshirt: I am such a big fan of this album. All the way through it feels like laying on the floor feels and it's addictive because of it. Every time I listen to it I just want to start it over again and lay the fuck down.
Mistake - Middle Kids: This song made me feel like a record producer in a movie or something when I first heard it because I got about one bar into the chorus and was absolutely smitten. It's just incredible.
Pressure To Party - Julia Jacklin: "I know where you live, I used to live there too" is maybe one of the best ever breakup album lines I've ever heard.
Our Shadows - Deantoni Parks: Deantoni Parks has a huge brain. The thing he does, where he sort of plays live mpc as part of a drumkit could be extremely naff and I'm sure there's a million guys on youtube doing it and making bad music, but he ain't one of them.. His take on it is so completely alien that the human element serves to bring it back to earth, all the disconnect that you would get from someone making a song like this on a laptop is metered out by a physical human body feeling every sound out personally and it's amazing.
Head To Toe In Morocco Leather - Muslimgauze: What's the word for being a weaboo except about the middle east and getting totally radicalised about it but never leaving England? Anyway Muslimgauze rocks and every six months or so I reread his wiki article and listen to his music exclusively for a couple of days before whatever that feeling is wears off again. I have a lot of respect for him but also suspect he may have just been a nut, which I respect as well.
In The Nervous Light Of Sunday - Circle Takes The Square: Very excited that Circle Takes The Square is on spotify now!!!
I'm In It - Kanye West: I heard that when they were recording this there was steam coming out of the horny meter that they have in the studio and then the glass broke on the horny meter and the needle started spinning around and around because the horny levels were so high.
Do Me A Favour - Arctic Monkeys: Alex Turner has two songwriting modes: incredibly tangible story songs and songs where he's just playing word association rhyming games and the craziest thing is both types are good. This is absolutely one of his best of the first kind I think​.
listen here
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tessabennet · 5 years
answer 21 questions & tag 21 people you want to know better
Thanks for the tag, @mollyamory-again
Nickname: my sister calls me all sorts of loving names (among which are honey, bitch, dumbass, punk, and jerk) does that count?
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′3″
Hogwarts house: definitely Ravenclaw
The last thing I googled: “Elizabeth Cady Stanton 19th Amendment″ (college research, in case you're wondering)
Favorite musicians: oh boy. I couldn't name favourites, but, like, a lot of classic and alternative rock? And punk? Mixed in an odd playlist with emo and musical and classical music and soundtracks? Idk.  
Song stuck in your head: “Toxic” in that 2WEI version.
Following: 199
Followers: 69
Do you get asks: not really, but then, I only just started actually interacting with other people on this site
Amount of sleep: average of up to 7 hours if I'm lucky enough to actually fall asleep at a reasonable hour
Lucky number: 3 and/or 5 and/or 7
What you’re wearing: grey sweats, dark blue t-shirt, socks with glitter
Dream job: writer, either of original fiction or academic stuff, preferably in gender and queer studies. Both would be... too good to be true, honestly.
Dream trip: I don't know, I like cities that have a harbour. And maybe Ireland or Scotland because nature.
Instruments: sadly, none.
Languages: native German speaker, but tbh by now English has caught up to the point where it sometimes comes more naturally than German. And I’ve got a sad little bit of very bad French. 
Favorite songs: I will always have a soft spot for American Pie by Don McLean, but there's so many more, I don't even know. Any song that ever opened a Supernatural season. Any song that was ever used in a Marvel movie. Welcome to the Black Parade, for reasons. Bohemian Rhapsody, Under Pressure, and any other Queen song, as well as AC/DC, U2 and Metallica stuff. The entirety of Hamilton. Literally, it's too much to name here.
Random fact: I have weird phases occurring at least semi-regularly. They include my Greek (and other) Mythology phase, my artsy phase, my classics (mostly Shakespeare and Jane Austen) phase, my Broadway phase, and my audiobook phase, but there's many more. Fandom, feminism, LGBTQ+, and mental health stuff is a permanent thing, however. I NEVER like any of the above a normal amount, ever. I have not liked anything a normal amount since I was, like, seven. All or nothing. I'm told this is called hyperfixation.
Aesthetic: Biker jeans, dark shirt, flanell. Boots or sneakers. Dark colours, preferably black. Long curly brown hair, sometimes pulled back in a bun. Phone and keys in my pockets, earphones on. Always.
Tagging: @mskatharinawho @ace-of-black-hearts @thewolfdragon @what-a-catch-donkey @clusterthoughts @jbuchanan @padmedala @existence-is-overrated @steebrogurz @scars-on-future-heartsss @tree-of-blue-squirrel @sting-me-orcrist @wingedcatninja @ whoever else wants to! 
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tallmanbusiness · 6 years
The 86 best tracks to walk on stage to – on earth. (According to a fifty year old British bloke).
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Read time: approx. 1 mins and 45 seconds, ish (excluding the track list).
Following on from my last two posts:
More than ever before, business success depends on Visible Leadership.
Master the mic’ – highlighting the need for leaders to master the art of public speaking.
. . . this post is a bit of fun: If you are about to walk on stage, think about the power and impact of your entrance.
I am a massive fan of music.
Music is a great way to get a presentation off to a flying start.
When I’m presenting, aside from delivering content on my specialist subjects: innovation; scale-up; and entrepreneurship – most of all, I like to deliver ENERGY.
Over the years I spoken at literally hundreds of big conferences and corporate events – often to audiences of hundreds of people, hosted at major conference centres, often with significant production budgets, elaborate stage-sets and proper-professional Audio-Visual technology and expert AV crew.
If possible, I’ll ask the event organisers if I can choose a track to walk on-stage to after I’ve been introduced.
I take great care to select tracks that set-up my presentation and arrest the attention of the audience. Over the years I’ve accumulated a playlist of my favourite tracks that deliver positive impact.
In my view, this list are the best 86 tracks to walk on stage to – on earth!
Here’s a link to the playlist in iTunes.
Here’s a link to the playlist on Spotify.
The playlist is not in any particular order – I’ve not deliberately arranged them.
I hope you enjoy listening. I think the list is a lot of fun.
Before you listen to the playlist, you have to imagine that you’re about to walk on stage in front of say 500 people, in a dark conference centre/hotel hall – with huge projector screens displaying Powerpoint at the back of the stage. In most cases, the track would be played from the opening beat for the first 30 seconds or so (on some tracks, I’d ask for it to commence playing a few bars in).
They should be played loud.
Total playtime for the entire playlist: 6 hours and 7 mins (or a fraction of that if you only listen to the intro’s).
Playlist as follows:
Many of Horror – Biffy Clyro
Fans – Kings Of Leon
Spaceman – Killers
Islands – The XX
Killing in the Name [E] – Rage Against the Machine
High and Dry – Radiohead
Reckoner – Radiohead
Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana
In Bloom – Nirvana
Come As You Are – Nirvana
Lithium – Nirvana
Crystalised – The XX
Death BY Diamonds and Pearls – Band of Skulls
There Goes The Fear – Doves (My favourite track)
Place Your Hands – Reef
Sweet Disposition – The Temper Trap
Somebody to Love – Queen
All the Lovers – Kylie Minogue
Echoes – Klaxons
Radioactive – Kings of Leon
Confide In Me – Kylie Minogue
Thinking About You – Radiohead
Taper Jean Girl – Kings of Leon
Lippy Kids – Elbow
Song 2 – Blur
Do I Wanna Know? – Artic Monkeys
Keep Your Head Up – Ben Howard
Magic – Coldplay
A Sky Full of Stars – Coldplay
Charlie Brown – Coldplay
Shiver – Coldplay
Trouble – Coldplay
In My Place – Coldplay
All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
When You Were Young – The Killers
Read My Mind – The Killers
You Know You Like It – AlunaGeorge
Lies – Deap Vally
Unfinished Sympathy – Massive Attack
Karmacoma – Massive Attack
Master Blaster (Jammin’) – Stevie Wonder
Seven Nation Army – The White Stripes
Rebel Rebel – David Bowie
I Feel Fine – The Beatles
Teenage Kicks – Nouvelle Vague
Life On Mars? – David Bowie (I have a story about this track)
Jump Around – House Of Pain
Out of the Black [E] – Royal Blood
Gett Off – Prince
I Believe In Miracles – Jackson Sisters
Proof – I am Kloot
Conrad – Ben Howard
Close To Me – The Cure
Waterfall – The Stone Roses
Remedy – Adele
Stay [E] – Rihanna
Watching The Detectives – Elvis Costello
So Lonely – The Police
Wonderwall – Oasis
Purple Rain – Prince & The Revolution
Lovesick [E] – Mura Masa
Tell Him – Lauryn Hill
Shape of You – Ed Sheeran
Movin’ On Up – Primal Scream
I’ve Got You Under My Skin – Frank Sinatra
The Riverboat Song – Ocean Colour Scene
Move On Up – Curtis Mayfield
Get Familiar – Bullion – Gilles Peterson
Kids – MGMT
Don’t Look Back in Anger – Oasis
Champagne Supernova – Oasis
Hello – Oasis
Cast No Shadow – Oasis
Take Five – Dave Brubeck
Are You Gonna Go My Way – Lenny Kravitz
Rock And Roll Is Dead – Lenny Kravitz
Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino [E] – Artic Monkeys
Got ‘Til It’s Gone – Janet Jackson
Keep On Movin’ – Soul II Soul
Crazy in Love – Beyonce
It’s Now or Never – Elvis
Fools Gold – The Stone Roses
Peaches – Stranglers
Beautiful Day – U2
Desire – U2
There Is A Mountain - Donovan
I welcome any suggestions if you have any favourite tracks that you'd like added to the list.
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