#Lilithmon x S/O
digimonloving · 2 years
A Lillithmon NSFW Alphabet, please? That'd be cool.
Lilithmon NSFT Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Lilithmon likes to be pampered after sex -- smooches, praise, soft caresses -- but sometimes, she'll be the one doing the pampering to her dear partner when she's feeling lovey-dovey
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Lilithmon has to adore her partner's chest. No matter how it looks, be it fairly small or pretty thicc, she loves to rest her hands on their chest and mess with their pecs/boobs.
Lilithmon is very proud of her general figure, and especially her fair skin. Her face being pretty and untouched by blemishes
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Lilithmon adores cum on her breasts, as if her partner has a cock, she loves to give them boobjobs and a blowjob with it. Just the feeling of it dripping from her lips and onto her breasts is something that hits just right for her. She also just enjoys the feeling of cum (female or male) slipping past her lips or dripping from her chin at any point
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Lilithmon does love being dominated and shown a true dominant energy, it gets her so riled up and if her partner can make her the submissive one in some sense, OH does she ADORE it so much... It truly feels like love to her~!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Being the Digimon Embodiment of Lust, she has had quite a few partners. While it's not always about sex for her, as lust goes for many different things, sex is very enjoyable indeed... and she simply can't help herself when she finds someone she thinks will do nicely for her. She very much knows what she's doing in bed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She does love to take a ride on her partner's cock/strap, always facing them and resting her hands on their chest. But she does love any kinky position she can get from her partner
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not quite the goof during sex, but it can depend based on her mood and the type of person her partner is
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Very, very well groomed, even has her pubes shaped into a heart shape. Black, just like her hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
There are so few times Lilithmon gets truly intimate, it all depends on how she views her partner and how long they've been together. For sometimes she'll caress them and tell them she loves them, then other times she's really just trying to get off
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lilithmon only masturbates when her partner doesn't feel in the mood but she highly is, are already asleep, or they're just too far away from her. She prefers using toys - mostly vibes - to do it so she doesn't have to use her hands too much
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dom/Sub, petplay, roleplay in general, S&M, marking, hair pulling (on her partner), blood play, degradation, the list can go on...
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Lilihmon truly doesn't care about where she does the do with her partner, so long as she doesn't get too dirty, she doesn't care where.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being scolded is a big turn on for Lilithmon, but it has to be a true scolding at that, she wants to see the Dom energies come off her partner before she fucks it out of them, or she lets them dom her with such energy, so long as they slap her and call her a slut
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any body ordeal that isn't cum or blood, feet kink
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Lilithmon much prefers to be on the receiving end more than anything. Always gripping her partner's hair as she guides them the way she likes to be eaten out, cooing to her partner when they do well and tugging their hair when they don't go how she wants. But she isn't against giving, mostly liking to tease in such moments with slow and languid strokes of her tongue
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Lilithmon likes it rough. Give her that, and she's more than pleased.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh... quickies are her favourite. Especially when she gets riled up over something like a good fight, or a good scolding. She just can't help but to get a quick fuck in afterwards
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Of course she's open to experiment and take a risk or two, what sort of embodiment of Lust would she be if she didn't?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She's certainly going to tire out her partner quite quick, as pleasing a Digimon like her does take a bit of stamina in itself from her partner. Let her take her pleasure as she likes, and she'll make sure she gets off with her partner
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Ohhh does Lilithmon own quite a collection of toys. She has plenty she uses on herself, but there's quite a lot she loves to use on her partner as well depending on certain things~ she just adores making her partner squirm while she uses a toy on them
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The Queen of teasing, and can make it go for HOURS just to listen to her partner beg and cry for her to please do something for them, they can't take the torture that is her repeatedly edging them, or drawing so many orgasms out of them they're shaking. She just enjoys her teasing, especially as punishments should her partner have done something to deserve it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If Lilithmon is moaning loud enough for her partner to hear, then they know they're on the right path with whatever it is they're doing to her. She usually only lets out soft sounds, humming and sighing in pleasure. But loud moans mean they're doing too well for her to hold back
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lilithmon can be the sweetest during sex, but it always depends on her mood and what she wants at that moment. There are times where it's easy to tell what exactly she wants, as her expressions or how she voices her words can give it away -- it's best to be observant of that to get what she wants right away. It's not subtle, so it's easy to get
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Has a normal, very human looking vagina. Vulva closes around everything to hide it away until she spreads her legs
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Lilithmon has quite a high sex drive, but she can control herself. So to say. Sometimes it's a bit tough for her to ignore the calls of lust when her partner does something or a battle hits just right...
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
All Lilithmon has to do is wrap her arms around her partner, either pull them to rest on her chest or she rests on theirs and she slowly falls asleep. She does coo and love on her partner a bit before she falls asleep.
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digimonloving · 2 years
*hands you a tasty burger* how would be like the waking naked and with a hungover with it's tamer also nude and smiling, but this time myotismon, mummymon, arukenimon, laylamon, lucemon and the tamer wakes up on their shared bed (a little more sober) tells what happened while they got drunk and thankfully nothing very bad and serious happened and they had a steamy and romantic intimate moment when they came back home?
Myotismon - being how he is - normally prefers to have his nights of intimacy be firstly introduced with a nice dinner and wine. Always looking to please before he playfully seduces his Tamer into the bedroom. Seemed that their wine was a bit too much this time as he looked to his Tamer as they both woke in bed together naked. He's glad to know that he and his Tamer didn't do much else... but he would have preferred to remember their intimate night together. Perhaps they can have another round later after they cleaned up and got over their hangover...
Mummymon doesn't really enjoy drinking. He is a lightweight, only needing so much before he's out of it. But if his S/O finds him a good enough drink that he thinks tastes good, he can't resist. He doesn't enjoy the feeling in his head, turning over to look to his Tamer as he snuggles up to them as they offer a nice grounder for his dizzy mind. He asks what happened, and when they tell him about the night they had together, he hums in thought before he grins and places his chin on their shoulder to ask if they want to have another go for the morning.
Arukenimon slipped into her human disguise to drink with her Tamer S/O. She can hold her alcohol, managing quite well for awhile and manage to hold her disguise as well. At least she believed she held her disguise up for the whole night, waking in her true form as she looked to her Tamer beside her. She smiles softly to them as she holds them to her, nuzzling her face into their neck. She didn't need to ask.. she could already smell what happened between them. She rolls out of bed and goes to make them both coffee to wake-up with. And a small meal as well.
Laylamon already knows how the night went. Being the Demon Lord of Lust, she already knew how the night was going to end, especially when they get a couple of drinks in them at that. She wakes up before her Tamer, gently caressing their face as she informs them instead of the other way around. She can only laugh at their reaction before she kisses their forehead and only wonders if they want a quick bite to eat, for she has more plans for the day..
Lucemon FM
Lucemon... is not a fan of drinking. He'd choose wine, and would avoid drinking too much. He understands the effects that such a drink has on the mind, how it impairs thoughts and actions. And he could already see it from his Tamer S/O when they drank together. He only having one glass of wine. He's the one to inform them as to what had happened... and how he admittedly gave in to their rather persistent wishes to sleep with him. He'd much rather they have been more there, so to say, and so they best to make it up to him in one way or another...
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digimonloving · 3 years
Can I request a Lilithmon x child!S/O who sees Lilithmon as a mom figure?(platonic)
Lilithmon with a dear child who sees her as a mother figure
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Oh dear child. How cute it is to her that they see her like a mother figure, she hasn't quite done anything to deserve such a title, but she certainly appreciates it and gives them a little smile as she leans down and gently boops them on the nose
She can be sweet, and incredibly caring... but only to the dear child that she's destined to. Anyone else she's fairly callous with, unless they tend to her needs and wants and follow her orders without question
Considering how she is, Lilithmon may try to teach them her own ways with a caring and motherly nature towards them the entire time. To slightly shape them the way she'd like, but without forcing it entirely. She can't help it, after all, she isn't exactly all that sweet and the space she resides in... it makes her think that they need a push in a kind of direction
Other than that, she loves to sit with them resting against her, she finds it so adorable when they lean against her to nap. She doesn't move, and instead wraps her arm around them to let them rest, the long sleeve of her outfit acting as a sort of blanket to keep them warm as she gently strokes their hair and hums soft tunes to them
Lilithmon gets easily angered if any of her underlings ask why they keep the young child around, them always suffering one of her outbursts. She needn't a real reason to explain, the child simply needs her, that's all she ever says. And it's clear as well.
She huffs and puffs, but always calms down the moment they come running to her to hug her leg. It always gets a small laugh out of her and cheers her up
At the start, she truly wanted nothing to do with them, especially if they saw her as a potential mother figure. She didn't find herself capable of handling young ones, and so wouldn't allow them anywhere near her. She's not sure where the sudden fondness came from, maybe from a plan to use them but that turning on its head after a little while spent with them.
Whichever the case, she refuses to let the little one go now, always seen with them and playing with them when she can.
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