#Like sure powers and how strong they are sounsd interesting
alchemistdetective · 10 months
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Amber's word vomit for today
I much prefer villains which try to be good, rather than good people go evil
Like, I've seen lots of people saying "What if x character became EVIL, THEN EVERYONE'S DOOMED", kind of like, say, Marisa ends up being evil because she's jealous of Reimu, shoots Master Spark all over the place, etc etc
So alright, she does that, and that's pretty strong, but you know what feels more stronger for me? The fact that Marisa, despite feeling 'second-best' to Reimu, an ordinary human, decides to keep up with her and supports her best friend.
I could have Rirune snap and he'd be able to fully make his kitsune side go wild, and sure, he's much stronger than his normal, but you know where his real strength comes from?
His family and friends who supported him. Corny, I know, but fighting for them is much better than fighting for himself with very temporary goals.
Another canon example would be Yuuka, I believe. Can she go spread her nature outside Gensokyo? Absolutely. And then she goes crazy and just how powerful she is? Probably.
But you know what I like the best about her?
That despite her reputation, she chooses to be nice to the fairies who enter. Not entirely nice, but she has enough self-control to bring smiles to everyone else. That despite her reputation as an 'evil being', she chooses not to show it off, and be kind to others instead.
And that's much stronger than any other power, in my book.
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