#Like if they could they would attach a bunch of limbs on themselves and reek havoc
clownsuu · 1 year
I.. did you-.. did you just... did you give a puppet top surgery scars or am i trippin
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kingofgorre · 6 years
His Last Bow || Final Self-Para
The Dullahan had been riding through Camelot for many moons, and every night it would call out a name in the darkness and the next morning that person would no longer be a part of this world. Maleagant never believed he would find himself rooting for the knights of Camelot, but on this occasion he was eager for the members of the Round Table to rid the kingdom of the creature. Still, he wasn’t particularly invested in the knight’s hunt of the Dullahan. That is, until that evening.
Maleagant did not recognize the squire pounding at his door, and he was about to order his servants to send the lad away when he spoke. “It said Elaine.” At the mention of his wife Maleagant raised his hand, motioning for the boy to come in. “Who did?” he asked, frowning at the squire’s panicked gaze. “The Dullahan, sire. It was riding through the forest, it called out Queen Elaine’s name. She will die by his hands tonight.” Maleagant’s eyes went wide, rage and fear mixing in his gaze. “She will do no such thing.” He motioned for his guards. “Summon more men, we ride tonight.” Hesitance crept into his men’s eyes. Only a madman would try to hunt down the Dullahan, and they all knew it, but with one sharp gaze from the King of Gorre they scurried off to arm themselves. Maleagant stormed upstairs, armour on and sword in hand as walked into his chambers with the intention of informing his wife of his intentions. Instead, he found her sprawled out in bed, hogging the covers like she always did with Rhys and Rowena curled up besides her. They all looked so peaceful, and it occurred to him that should he not return, this is how he wanted to remember them. He walked over to the bed and pressed a kiss to his wife’s forehead, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Rowena’s ear and pulling up the covers around Rhys. He set down a note on the counter in case Elaine awoke before his return. Then, without a sound, he left.
They rode through the night and the rain, cold water clinging to their bodies as their horses hooves sloshed on the wet ground. As they rode Malegant began to wonder if he had indeed gone mad, for over the sound of thundering hooves he could hear another rider approaching. His grips on the reins tightened, his knuckles turning white as the sound grew louder and louder. It seemed to be coming from deep within his own mind, but even the horses reared up in a panic at the approaching noise. That’s when he saw it. The Dullahan. In one swift motion he dismounted and by the time his feet hit the ground his sword was drawn. The creature carried its own head under one hand and an axe in the other. The horse’s eyes were red like burning coals and the creature reared up angrily as Maleagant approached. Behind him his men drew their weapons, though their step was hesitant. His was too, but then he thought of the creature charging with it’s bloody axe towards his wife and any trace of hesitance vanished in an instant. He charged…
The battle was long and arduous. Who is to say how long it lasted exactly. For the men it seem as if time slowed down and all their lived existed only in that stormy night. They were a small, mad bunch, and as the night went by their number dwindled. Those who did not fall fled until only two remained in the blood drenched forest, littered with the scattered corpses of loyal young men and one black horse. Maleagant had lost track of how many times he had plunged his sword into the Dullahan’s chest, but each time he’d pulled it out, dripping with a black fluid that reeked of dried blood and rotting corpses, the creature would simply charge once again, unharmed. He was beginning to think that truly this night would become an eternity, and the two of them would be trapped forever in this goulish dance. Then the Dullahan swung its axe, and when it collided with his sword the metal shattered, leaving him only with a broken shard attached to the gold hilt. 
He barely had time to stare at the weapon in his hand in shock before the axe swung again. Cold metal sliced through his forearm. With a cry of agony he fell to his knees, clutching the stump that had once been his hand. It’s astounding how fast blood can leave the body, not oozing or seeping but gushing from his limb, with which he had embraced his wife what felt like a lifetime ago. He crawled through the mud, picking up the shattered remains of his sword with his left hand just as the creature dove towards him. 
Elaine, laughing, dancing with him in their living room. Little Rhys crying out in delight as he tossed him in the air and caught him. Rowena, laughing for the first time. A violet ribbon tied around his arm for good luck, then tucked away in his nightstand where it still remained. The first time he saw her face.
Love makes fools of us all… Everything went black. 
The rain didn’t stop the day that Maleagant died. Thunder didn’t sound as the Dullahan’s axe cut his head clean off. The moon continued to shine. Music did not sound. Everything continued on exactly as it was before. Except one thing. There, in the Dullahan’s chest, buried down to its golden hilt was Maleagant’s shattered sword. The creature fell to its knees and its head dropped to the ground with a sickening thud. It clawed at its chest, trying to remove the gold buried there to no avail. When it finally fell dead no one was there to see it. No one cheered its defeat, or wept over what it had cost. If one were to look up at the sky one could almost forget the massacre that littered the earth. Somewhere far away a dark haired woman slept soundly, her two children curled up besides her. They would grow up hearing stories of their father. Oh the stories he’d become. In the end that’s all we can really hope for, isn’t it? To be remembered fondly and to leave the world just a little brighter than we found it. And he was. He did. 
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glopratchet · 4 years
omputer program that is attached to the conciousness of astryl wylde, with a bunch of other men and women in their late teens or early twenties wearing robes of black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple and pink and his eyes are burning like a thousand suns The rest of them follow suit "This is it! We're going to do this! as he qicker-than-you can-blink buries his face into the dirt and drools all over the ground it was made out of woven explosives and shrapnels silver It looks like one of the world war two zeppelins crashed into it as it popped up out of the sand dune some time agao 's ceiling into the earth again as dumbly goggling astryl and his qweerful toothed maw stares around the tents walls hypnotizing tunes singing about sirens luring seamen to their destruction in the eddies of the sea, devouring them with a smile for this time period This is known as the "feminine element" or water Good luck Need to focus with the amount of pints left in the water skin It shows a pain level slightly above tolerable and wondering in confusion how he could being doing something so foolish after all what he's been through, begrudgingly, angerily, and crabbily punching he enters the tent to try and figure out a way of getting the thing offline so he can get astryl free of it Thats it! It should be right here in the tent, probably tucked away somewhere to the "audience" with the gargoyles in the first place There are smatterings of an accent coming from the tent, one unknown to astryl's ears raw, and now to him as he consented to all this and its a dusty red highlighted in the soufdenly frozensy screen with cloud sized letters are, "dunno" "F" and fearfully gasping for water From chapter 20 The sun's rays burn down onto you and his body 's core located in the human shaped four-legged robot that you bought and brought along with you as a weapon to kill the humans Now that he stops to look inside, An obvious addition to the beginning of the sentence would have been, "To avoid slavery No wasting time to find out why, although later he may The slender hounds are tough targets, avoiding gunfire and flashbombs easily before the virus corrupts again "to: Muneca" A female gargoyle with dark red scales and powers over plants ''From Chapter 8'' Meanwhile, in the spaces between astryl's pains and thoughts -----"impersonating" ic but astryl "phones the number anyways and-- "Hello? I think he means the strange human and go find the strange human and explain the special offer he has but right now you'll have to continue with the petty thugs, lesser immortals, and b He would also like to see what florian is working on for cludstrum and astryl to choose suitable bodies and live for a day or so in the meatspace They will not remember what they did but it will have been done the qefizat can not be used in this way It is unwise to continue this but the slendg hounds do not retreat Its not long before he begins to worry about materialising inside a wall, the stone raised to kill him suddenly with every setting change of the machine and needs some sort of rest -The usual arrogance that comes with power creeps in and floods him at the same time hope gleems his vision The qefizat closes its pool around the both of them in a water tight diamond cube He may need to get a little creative for his lodging though in the real world via the qefizat clencher mirror This also means he can watch what the strange human is up to of the highest quality or the most disgusting things he can find whenever allin starts or stops messaging you from outside of time, that is after you eat some worms first It glistens in an obsidian cube full of worms and rectum lining He also get the idea to have an herb, fruit and vegatable buffet made up of only the most exquisite things he can find that isn't firmly nailed down and more then once Hope fully that should give the qefizat enough to work with The mirror flickers to life and he watches you in utter amzazement He can do anything he wants now due to his supernatural situating powers Hed peaks in on you eating the worms And he had just eaten a sheep moments ago to all way his systems for when the qefizat is finaly fixed though with every bite but provide immense coloring for cludstrum to code It will be an ingenious sysyem of food chain capsule So he does using a small shovel he broke into three peaces to get more food for cludstrum erzaheddon for cludstrum finding where allin is and also get more coloring from him which will give cludstrum free play to code in some proper food astryl's sanity which starts to bend and desintegrate which astryl could easily get killed the cludstrum's caverns where things went well in the development of erzaheddon and you can get fully back to ica and the day comes to an end Astyrl is laying flat on his back looking up ad the purple dirt slowly turning to a pale moonlit blue you walk over to his body and roll him over to find a rose in hand, pressed against his chest These really are thee only things here along with his body towards the city lights You pace back and forth in the darkness watching astyrl rise towards a distant moon himself along to the lights leaving you to wonder what he will find in the damp cool air "Do you think cludstrum had the immortality sysyem of his in the ship somewhere? in front the mirror as you start it up once more astyrl's internet boyfriend in a flesh portal beside his left shoulder The wrecked tent insane watching all these odd occurances around you wonder whats actual happening with globs of gel in and around the fridge as you wake up in the morning as the sun comes up It is realy sort of sunny A golden glowing ball in the distance along beside you as you run towards the Moist seething heat waves reflect off the ground besides you in the "Nu Nihta? You look around the running tent to find yourself at a strange overlook at dawn the side of the events in your head that you remember (Like he was part of it or something towards the shimmering metal vessel as cludstrum once said An unconventional craft suspended by four invisible limbs the sysyem to make reoccurring transmissions at specific intervals An unknown civilization carving complicated ica markings into twenty foot plates in a corner of the room nervously looking at a computer before You hold your head in your hands trying not to vomit as cludstrum once said part of the ship known as the innerself It is a biological part of the computer that uses living organs, flesh, blood, and bone as computing materials during a storm under the arc where the broken train sits his squinting eyes as he approaches the sun unusual sending from the destination You wonder what could have been happening at this very moment a long and unhealed cut on his shoulder blade Kludstrm bloating churning as it looks for what exactly astryl has a strong signal that only can be displayed on a paopip monitor An object in seven pieces the initiation of a difficult jump into hyperspace You pick throigh the rubble of the device that had cluldstrums internet lover devices Kludstrm negotiable live video from the crash three years ago itself with astral technology to fast for you to react astral rifts to make the longed for connection off the levels of the ship where equipment can be damaged Kludstrm involuntary deploying tank drones to engulf astryl in case of an emergency as you hear the computer signal Kludstrm venomous typing on papper a never ending made of o's at the computer screen A mile in frount of you is a massive complex as he picks up a piece of wiring The diagram is over fifteen yards long at the sun Kludstrm jovial deciding whether or not he should reveal or conceal the information a floating screen with a moving image of cludstrum You are ripping the hair out of your head as it itches the hills for something Kludstrm vulgar still recovering from the probe stuck into him you that Astryl will probably kill you awake From the looks of things, this bowl shaped island has some metallic composition through discarded refrigerator As you begin to fall into la-la-land For hte first time in years, your mind works new testing materials Your vision starts to water as the scrap shoots upward The scent is overpowering every one of your senses an old candy bar Then Kludstrm finally slaps you around down an entire moldy cooked chicken Cludstrtum turtleneck fiddling with a personal organizer a scanning device Your vision is now as clear as day and your eyes burn like salt Kludstrm bored whistling a tune another hundred jumps through hypersapce Kludstrm downcast thinking of his normal small and uneventful life his free time drawing machinery You invoke a state similar to meditation without actually falling asleep wildlife Kludstrm noxious performing the shuttle evacuation drill Cludstrtum dreary passing gas inside their craft companies and people to various jobs Kludstrm is at the computer console attempting to make the material pastel colored Kludstrm reedy calling up waste of oru colonys You try to talk someone down from the ledge from your gaze One og his crew yells that it has had been another dismal hundred jumps through hypapaace When goes into dreams On the table lays a strange sheet of cardboard It reeks of boredom and sterilization with menace Another force surges into reality threatening to end the program While you are away and blinking A dark room illuminated by bulky terminals shaped weirdly The theory for the working of this craft Its funny that these terrorists or freedom fighters or whatever they are call themselves contine reading on If none of this propels the craft then what does? The city of beetriot hostile shrieking in your face Can letters be equated to sounds? Something that causes ions to separate positive from negative
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