#Like damn. Marquie if you seeing this I need that fic like NOW. respectfully
bluebellhairpin · 1 year
I wanna share like the whole cutscene and concert sequence of the last half of 'The Seed' and the first half of 'Through the Eyes of a Child' SO BAD but I can't bc I can't record that long on my switch.
I'd have preferred to have gotten a good amount of the last half of 'The Seed' to stitch together as a video but ughh I can't. I might try later, because I like it so much and want to save it forever and keep in my brain pocket so I can watch it whenever right want. It's so emotional. ANYWAY.
So here's some of my favourite bits as screenshots of the 'Through the Eyes of a Child' cutsence that I was able to fish from the footage I could get. It's not a lot but you get the idea.
(Aurora Concert/Musical Voyage spoilers under the read more)
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Those last two are just,,,, they're really. They hit hard. I don't know why, to me they shouldn't, but they do.
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