#Legolas is neurodivergent. no you cannot change my mind
lordgrimwing · 9 months
At The Park #1
“Excuse me.”
Thranduil slowly lowered his book and raised an eyebrow at the human woman standing in front of the park bench. He claimed the spot the better part of an hour ago, settling in for a quiet afternoon of reading while Legolas played in the grassy field and occasionally meandered over to the play sets with the other kids.
“Yes, excuse me,” the woman said in the same irritated voice she’d used before. “Your son is causing problems.”
He scanned the area quickly, finding Legolas sitting under one of the slides and playing with the wood chips with three other children. “Is he?” He asked blandly. 
The woman crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s swearing.” When that revelation failed to garner the desired reaction, she added, “He’s teaching the other kids to swear.”
Thranduil watched his six-year-old drop something small and dark—probably a beetle—in the hands of the girl sitting next to him. The girl shrieked and kicked her legs a bit, sending wood chips and one frilly sandal flying, but kept the beetle cupped safely in her hands. The scene was entirely mundane, really. He settled back on the bench, unimpressed.
“Well, aren’t you going to do something about that?”
He resisted the urge to raise his book again to block her face. “They look fine to me.”
“He’s swearing!” She repeated, sounding as though anyone younger than twenty even knowing a single curse was unthinkable. “What kind of father lets his child swear?”
With a roll of his eyes, Thranduil leaned around the woman so that Legolas could see him better. 
“Legs!” He called.
His son’s platinum head shot up to look at him.
“Are you using swear words?” He asked.
Eyes wide, Legolas nodded.
“With your hands?”
He shook his head.
“With your voice?” Thranduil asked, suddenly interested.
The affirming head bob was accompanied by a little fist mirroring the enthusiastic motion.
He dropped his book and offered two thumbs up. “That’s my boy!”
The woman gasped.
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