#Lauren has no hobbies and neither does Jayden
theorangerangers · 2 years
I think if Lord Shiba and Dane Romero met Dane would do everything in his power to beat Lord Shiba’s ass
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avalonbayblog · 5 years
Jayley Valentine’s Day
A set of questions from @oc-lub​ and it made sense, for me, to post it all here so that it didn’t clog up their discord server.
1. How did they meet? Was it cute or awkward? Did it start out as friendship?
They meet in the coffee shop that Bailey works as a Barista at after moving to Panorama City. It is a bit awkward because she’s noticed him since the first day she stopped in. She and her co-workers call him ‘Ass Face’ and ‘Sad Guy’ because he always has a mopey and disgruntled look to him. And it takes a bit for them to become friends.
2. What did they do for a first date? Who asked who out?
Their first date was more of an accident. Neither asks each other out, they just run into each other while they’re out and then do date things...to the point that they both wonder if it’s a date, don’t ask each other, and hem and haw over whether or not they should kiss at the end.
3. What is their favourite trait in the other, physically and personality-wise?
Bailey really likes how disciplined Jayden is in every part of his life while Jayden likes how open Bailey is to numerous ideals and ways of living that other people show her. Physically, Bay likes Jayden’s smile (when he does smile) and Jayden likes Bailey’s energy.
4. What about their least favourite trait, physically and personality-wise?
Again, Bailey equally dislikes how disciplined Jayden is. She consistently wonders how tightly wound he is and if it’ll end up killing him. Jayden dislikes how flighty Bailey can appear. If it weren’t for the fact she was so smart, she could come across like a ditz. (If not being so holier than thou and a know-it-all).
5. What was their first or most memorable fight about? Do they get personal during arguments?
They fight about how they operate as being rangers. Jayden has a daily routine that works and believes having to be so rigid in their training is the way to go while Bailey knows having a battle plan works, but that they have to rely on their instincts. They do get personal with their arguments. And, they tend to fight about Bailey’s ex, Fred.
6. Do they have a lot of hobbies in common? What about friends in common?
They have the common hobby of meditating as well as understanding oneself. Otherwise, they’re very opposites attract in terms of hobbies and personality so they don’t have much in common. They have ranger friends in common.
7. How do they spend Valentine's day? Does one of them plan it, or do they plan together? Do they do gifts? 
Valentine’s Day for them is a bit bigger deal than they’d like to let on. With Mike’s and Kevin’s advice Jayden realizes that getting flowers and a gift is probably a good idea to win her over, while Bailey agonizes over “what do you get for a guy?” despite having been able to find gifts for Fred very easily.
8. If they broke up, how would they both cope? Would they be likely to get back together or move on?
If they broke up, it’d be a heat of the moment break up and they’d be miserable. Often wanting to get back together but unsure how to talk about it until they have to.
9. What is their opinion of each other's families? When did they first introduce each other? 
Jayden is similar to Avalon but also doesn’t trust that she holds big parts of herself to herself, knowing what it’s like to be isolated. There’s a part of her that he can’t crack and he doens’t like it so much. Bailey really likes Jayden’s sister Lauren (after a while) and loves Mentor Ji, so they get along well.
10. Are they the type to get married? If so, how would it look? What about kids?
They wil get married and it’d be a big wedding. Jayden knows Bailey wants a luxurious thing and sets about to give it to her while Bailey tries to act like she doesn’t care much and fails. I don’t know if/when they’d have kids yet.
Yet being the key word.
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