#Last and their Mentor fell into that unusual category both due to circumstances
little-paper-man · 5 months
Rythulian Headcanons #1
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Though Rythulians are born with adult bodies, they’re as clueless as any newborn as to how the world works. So, before the war, older/more experienced Rythulians would head out to known “glyph falls” in order educate any newcomers on at least the basics of their society. It helped that newcomers instinctively imprinted on the first person they saw and would followed them around like ducklings.
Typically, the new Rythulians would stay with their mentor for at least a few months to maybe a couple of years. It was highly unusual for mentors and pupils to stay together any longer than that as mentors needed more room to educate the next batch of clueless newcomers.
Usually, a mentor would wind up with 1-3 pupils at a time but as with the poor guy above sometimes they’d get more than they bargain for lol
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