#Lain Burwani
shroudsong-blog · 6 years
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Lain: haha is this... like...............a fetish
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shroudsong-blog · 6 years
LFRP - Lain Burwani (Mateus)
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The Basics
AGE: 25 RACE: Miqo’te; Keeper of the Moon GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Pansexual MARITAL STATUS: Single
Physical Appearance
HAIR: White; Lain often dyes streaks into her hair in order to match her current favorite set of gear. EYES: Magenta HEIGHT: Taller than average BUILD: Slim athletic build; Lain is built like sprinting is a beloved hobby with a toned upper body from years of archery. DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Lain has a thin diagonal scar that runs across the bridge of her nose from an errant bowstring that whacked her in the face when it snapped.
Lain’s face, upper arms, shoulders, and thighs are covered in a myriad of light grey-to-white freckles. Her mother calls this being ‘moonkissed’ -- blessed by Menphina at birth. If it’s imparted a boon, Lain hasn’t discovered it, but it’s kind of charming.   COMMON ACCESSORIES: Lain is rarely seen without a bow on her back, and dresses with typical bardic flair. That is, the miqo’te looks like someone who is constantly picking shiny stuff up to better decorate her nest with.
Her fingers are festooned with thin rings and in lieu of gloves, hammered gold is wrapped up and over her wrists in an intricate looping pattern, ending at about mid-forearm. Various trinkets are tied to her belt -- a golden spyglass, some climbing rope, glittering crystals and pouches giving off suspicious smells.
The large curled feather stuck into her chapeau looks to be a writer’s quill, which matches the vials of ink wrapped around her belt loops with so much twine. Rolls of parchment are stuffed into free pockets and her arrow quiver.  
PROFESSION: Adventurer-bard, tracker, bow for hire, amateur writer, persistently testing her luck and scraping by in deathly situations by the skin of her teeth HOBBIES: Travelling, writing, people-watching, room-reading LANGUAGES: Eorzean Common and a basic understanding of Beast Tribe languages. RESIDENCE: Vagrant -- Lain is an adventurer and wherever she rests her head is home. BIRTHPLACE: Somewhere deep within the South Shroud. FEARS: Lain has a great many fears. Drowning, uncontrolled fire, being trapped in a small space, abandonment and failure are the big ones.
SPOUSE: None. CHILDREN: None. PARENTS: Reula Burwani, mother. Father unknown -- Lain has vague memories of him but nothing concrete. He was a poacher. Her siblings were sired by another man. SIBLINGS: Mhinx Burwani, younger sister, deceased.                   Reula’a Burwani, younger brother, deceased. OTHER RELATIVES: Vashti Burwani, aunt.
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / apathetic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / uncultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
Additional Information
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
RP Hooks:
Lain worked closely with an enigmatic group called The Library, a Free Company sponsored by Sharlayan historians towards unknown ends. She left the Free Company quite abruptly and, while she keeps in contact with some of its Eorzean members, she doesn’t like to talk about her time among them.
Lain has found her passion in both adventuring and transcribing the stories of other adventurers, so that they will always be remembered. Do you have a good tale to tell? Lain’ll take it, and pay you for your time, too.
Lain’s a tavern fly and a consummate people-watcher. She likes sitting on benches in cities and watching the world flow around her.
In her youth, Lain was a poacher with a chip on her shoulder and violent tendencies to spare. She was apprehended by the Wood Wailers several times and constantly ran abreast of the Trapper’s League. She was eventually set straight just before the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
OOC Notes:
I’m jumping back into RP after some time away from it and would LOVE contact! I don’t ERP out of personal preference (I’m a fade-to-black-er) but other than that, I’m game for anything -- mature/violent RP, grimdark stuff, humor, slice of life -- you name it.
I’m cool with in-game RP and Discord! Send me a message on Tumblr for my Discord ID. :D
I also LOVE PvE, though I’m only...63 on my Bard as of writing this. I’m  working on getting Lain’s healer spec up to task as well, and I love doing FATEs and Dungeons/Raids!
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shroudsong-blog · 6 years
Roleplay Preferences - Lain Burwani
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BOLD what you will, italic what you will consider, strike what you typically do not;
Originally posted by itadakimasu-letmeeat I have preference for RP (with) the following themes / genre / styles:
Combat | Injury | Violence | Military | Mature | Casual Social | Dark-themed | Casual Erotic |Adventure | Slice of Life | Political | Heavy Narcotic Themes | Romance | Conflict | Western Themes | Poetic | Villainous | Plotting | Humor | Excessive Vulgar Language | Mild Substance Abuse | Racism | Action | Mystery | Tasteful, maturely-written 18+ | Erotic |Descriptive | Event | Time Skip | Horror | Drama | Pre-Established | Far Eastern Themes | Murder | Specific Scene | One-time | Angst | Short-term | Long-term | Tragedy | Past Scene | Dismemberment | Torture | Perma-Death | Temp Death | Sexually suggestive themes | Training / Skill | Story Telling | Macabre | Paragraph | Multi-para | Mirror | ALL RP | One-line | Monogamy | Polygamy | Script Speak | Older Characters | Crime | Business | Lore Breaking | Overly complex/mary sue characters
tagged by:  @cahli-tia
tagging: Whoever wants to!! I’m not ya mum. 
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shroudsong-blog · 6 years
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Opinions on Lain’s aunt Vashti range from “somewhat eccentric” to “actual lunatic”, and she’s made no aim to try and sway people one way or the other. Though her mother wished her to be a bard and continue on the Burwani tradition of storykeeping and ballad weaving, Vashti had other plans, and happily escaped the Shroud the moment she could to hone a quieter trade.
Though she was supposed to teach her youngest niece the Canticle of the Deep Dark Wood -- the history of the Burwani bloodline put to verse -- she has only provided bits and pieces to Lain via letter, the notes that accompany the verses scribbled in the margins in a simply unforgivable messy scrawl. 
Though Vashti’s letters often span too many pieces of parchment, she only grants Lain a single verse every few months or so -- instead regaling her with tales of the Space Between Worlds, the Woman of Three Faces and her Six Bright Blades who guards her kingdom, and of doomed destinies forged by blood and by blade. 
Vashti’s mother used to say her daughter was a natural songstress with a mind touched by fire. Her sister Reula, trying to be diplomatic, called her a woman who dreamed too much with a wince and a cringe.
Lain, for her part, absolutely adores her. 
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