impunkster-syndrome · 9 months
Also hey fun fact the Liberty University Online Academy has a lesson on suicide and how it is bad without giving any crisis resources and just giving you bible verses. Fucking abhorrent and irresponsible. Wish I had a screenshot of this shit but I remember it so vividly.
I also had to read the sex scene in Paradise Lost as an example of a "good" way to have sex in marriage. Literal required reading was smut. Not as if that was heavily triggering and I was crying to the point I just guessed on all the lesson answers because I could not read it due to my own sexual trauma.
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bl00dysk1es · 4 months
goon mornihg luoas
good mornin!!!! happy friday
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rexlapiws · 7 months
Bingung mau cerita ke siapa, rasanya minggu ini banyak banget masalah. Minggu ini aku udah bikin 2 dosen ngambek: dosen pkn dan bahasa inggris dan dua-duanya ngga ada hubungannya sama jurusanku, but that's fine. Tadi aku kuis basis data dan ternyata banyak yang salah, bahkan fatal, aku pikir aku udah paham tapi ternyata masih banyak yang salah. Rabu aku responsi basis data dan aku luoa query trigger, lebih tepatnya nggak tau. Capek banget. Mungkin yang aku rasain ngga seberat orang lain, ya mau gimana lagi, aku ngerasa ini lelah banget. Ditambah, aku merasa belum ada progress apa-apa dan malah mikirin cowo yang amat sangat nggak penting. Mungkin ini semua karena aku banyak, itu sih udah pasti, maksiat, solatnya ditunda-tunda. Bisa jadi, ini reminder buat aku inget sama Allah.
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catatanmasa · 1 year
H1 Ramadhan Karim
Ya Allah Ramadhan hari ini aku seperti diajak untuk mengagungkan bulan ini sebagaimana Allah Yang Maha Agung menurunkan Al-Quran di bulan suci ini. Hari ini hamba bersyukur untuk nikmat berkumpul dg keluarga, bisa tarawih di masjid bareng sari mamak windi mbak dar, pulang sebentar ambil ho, baljk tadarus satu jus... makan roti sama ibuk ibuk pulang semua jamaah tinggal aku sendiri di masjid, berdialog mendekatkan diri denganmu. Habis itu seru aja dirumah ngipenin diri ya kan... terus berkontemplasi journaling sebentar di journalku dan bobok cantik...
Bangun saur udah mateng aja harusnya ini aku bantuin mamak yakan. Habis itu saur barneg semoga nantj malam saurnya lebih harmonis, terus habis itu minum yg banyak sikat gigi sholat ke masjid subuhan, dengerin ceramah sambim merem harunya perhatiin aslinya tetep denger terus doanya sama persia yg aku hapal bareng bareng mamak tadi malam.
Habis itu aku kok tidur lagi ya. Ngantuk mungkin hehehe terus bangun 7 lebih baru mandi terua kepasar mau jual emas e malah harganya murah emasnya kecil sih wkwk, alhasil ngibrol sama lik marsih ja, habis itu ya sudah sih gak jadi jual si emas, beli mwlon kecil aja terus pulang tu pun gak bisa di tawar habis itu jual dedak ke pasar awalnya dibeli 2000 aja per kilo mamak protes sing alhasil dibeli 2500 perkilo alhamdulillah sudah miyer muter pasar aja gak ada yg dibeli...
Pulang ya kan bebersih rumah eh dengwr berita mbah wir meninggal, habis itu dokus ngepel beberes rumah yg kaya kapal pecah kata barsini terus bilangi aku suruh jualan wkwkk lucu banget.
Habis itu aku mandi baru ke kantor telat ya kan, gak ada kuota harusnya sebelum duhur samoau kantor. Alhasil teteo ketwmu keluarga nya asif doyok sama kyai dngerin manasik sebentar eh luoa foto, bkki ppt manasik belum jadi... pulan aja... dah jam 2 lihat akhlakk kyai yg ngasih musafir.
Oukang jam 14.00 lebih ambkl tahj bakso gass goteng sampe rumah denger dimulai layatnya layat sebentar sholat ya alllah aku kok lupa urutan doanya belajar lagj terus ini....
Bikkn sncak bareng bareng sirumah kocak abis mamak bapak windi
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2005-11-25 · 1 year
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rozali09 · 3 years
Tidak tinggi tidak pendek
Tidak putih tidak hitam
Tidak kurus tidak gemuk
Suka membaca buku
Suka keramaian suka kesunyian
Tidak banyak memiliki teman dekat
Kadang lupa sama ulang tahun sendiri...
Setiap tahun punya 1 sahabat yang ngga luoa ngucapin
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blue-dinosaur · 4 years
Di umur yang sudah nggak lagi belasan tahun rasanya perasaan dan pemikiran insecure dan overthinking makin sering dirasa wkwk
Kali ini tertampar dengan sebuah kalimat "YAKIN ilmu yang kita punya sudah bermanfaat bagi orang lain?"
Well, rasanya terlempar ke masa lampau. Betapa seringnya mengeluh dengan segala macam tugas sekolah. Belum lagi beberapakali tugas kerap kali di kerjakan asal-asalan. Copas sana sini tanpa di baca dulu. Berkah aja nggak tahu di dapet apa nggak gimana mau bermanfaat? Miris sayaaa sama diri sendiriii
Adab sama guru? Udah berapa kali prasangka jelek nyelip di hati. Belum lagi kadang obrolan tentang guru yang kurang menyenangkan. Bahkan jadi bahan bercandaan. Maaf pak buu
Well, but life must go on kan? Jadi yaaaa kalau sekiranya merasa ilmu yang Allah titipkan rasanya belum mampu bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar yaa coba jadi perantara ilmu yang baik.
Jadi guru mungkin
Jadi teman yang menyemangati temannya belajar
Jadi teman yang mendoakan guru dan teman belajar
Jadi penyedia forum ilmu
Jadi penyedia snack untuk guru
Jadi operator LCD saat forum
Ah pokoknyaa jadi apa aja dah selama bisa mendukung atau berkontribusi di forum ilmu walau se uprit
Ya udah gitu aja kali ya, udah malem. Jangan luoa wudhu dan perbanyak istighfar. Maapin orang-orang yang sempat membuat hatimu jatuh. Entah jatuh cinta atau jatuh hingga hancur berkeping. Soalnya nggak tahu besok masih buka mata atau nggak
Kan nggak enak kalo meninggal masih ada dendam nggak enakkk dan nggak elit banget
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pheita · 4 years
STS time! :D If you could switch places with any of your characters, who would it be and why?
Hi merigreenleaf, sorry for the delay.  Well, there are way too many options. I love a lot of my OCs and some of them are pretty awesome.  Like Deyani, who has her Talik cat Luoa (a huge cat you can ride) and she has this sense of adventure.  When I think of another WIP I would like to switch places with Swea who is an old dragon and was a mentor to many generations to female warriors. Or Pashyn of my latest WIP who is a merchant who knows what she wants and sees so much of Mitresk others usually won’t which mixes for her thirst for learning.  Honestly, I would pick Deyani just because of Loua gg I love cats and having this big fluffy and smart companion would be awesome. 
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visibriggita · 4 years
Kamu Bukan Ibu Ainun
18 Desember 2019
(backsound : ferdinand - sudah)
hari ini hari rabu dan hari libur masih lama
gue ga nunggu weekend atau tanggal merah, gue cuma butuh pergi sendirian. Ga kok, lu ga salah denger. Iya, gue butuh pergi sendirian. Tanpa siapapun, teman, saudara termasuk suami gue.
“heh Visi sadar dong, lu udah jadi bini orang, ga boleh pergi sendiri !” mereka mulai berkicau.
iya, gue tau, posisi gue sekarang gimana. tapi gue butuh sedikit “bernapas”, sedikit aja.
“emang lu sekarang ga bahagia ya?” 
“emang suami lu ga pernah bahagian lu ?”
mereka mulai berkicau (lagi).
Bukan....bukan, hidup gue sekarang (alhamdulillah) sangat bahagia. Gue punya suami yang lucu, baik, perhatian dan selalu peka. 
Tunggu....gue bilang apa ? Peka ?
Sorry, sepertinya gue salah nulis. Dia bukan orang yang peka. Lagian, jaman sekarang dimana lu bakal dapetin cowo yang peka ?
lelaki stock terakhir yang peka sudah kembali ke tuhannya, sudah bertemu dengan istrinya di surga, seandainyaapi diluar gue bisa ngerasain rasanya jadi Ainun, sebentar aja :”)
Tapi diluar itu semua, gue bisa ngerasain kebahagiaan menjadi seorang istri yang belum sempurna.
tapi...sepertinya gue ga akan bisa jadi sesempurna itu. Gue ga akan pernah bisa menjadi sesosok Ibu ainun ataupun (mungkin) jadi sesosok masa lalunya. Gue juga ga tau sesempurna apa di masa lalu-nya itu.
“jadi lu ngerasa ga sempurna ya Visi?”
sejujurnya iya. jadi gini...
gue tau gue ga secantik Nia ramadhani atau badan gue ga seseksi artis film porno, dan gue ga akan pernah tersinggung atau gue bakal tutup telinga kalau ada orang lain (temen, saudara atau siapapun itu). Cuma tau ga rasanya kalo yang ngomong itu pasangan kamu sendiri ?
rasanya pengen “ketawa” sekeras-kerasnya.
 rasanya seperti gue sudah melakukan satu dosa besar yang.
oh iya ?
gue ga tau apa arti setia. gue ga tau rasanya mendapatkan sesosok orang yang setia. 
gue selalu mikir apakah Alm. Eyang Habibie dulu pernah menyinggung ibu Ainun ?
“Ainun, kopi kamu tidak enak” atau “Ainun, kamu tidak cantik” atau “Ainun, jaga makananmu agar kamu tidak gendut”.
diberita manapun, gue ga pernah baca soal ini. yang gue tau Eyang Habibie selalu mengungkapkan 
“Ainun adalah wanita yang paling cantik yang pernah dia kenal” atau “setiap nafasku yang berhembus ada nama ainun di sana” bahkan gue pernah baca, pernah suatu hari, Eyang Habibir meminta supir pribadinya untuk putar balik kembali pulang, hanya karena luoa meminum kopi yang dibuatkan oleh Ibu Ainun dengan alasan 
“Ainun sudah susah payah membuatkan aku kopi, jadi aku harus meminumnya”
-ah jadi pengen nangis- :”)
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kalanaputra-blog · 4 years
tolong bantuanya ya, jangan luoa disubscriber ya
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ayumufidah · 5 years
Takdir Allah
Saya orang yang cukup melow, kadang suka mendramatisir, dan sangat melankolis. Beberapa waktu lalu saya suka menangis pada beberapa waktu sholat. Menangisi pasien-pasien saya yang meninggal sewaktu saya jaga.
Saya selalu berpikir apa karena saking bodohnya saya, misdiagnosis, ataukah saya under treatment pasien-pasien saya. Karena beberapa kali jaga selalu saja ada dua hingga tiga pasien meninggal setiap saya jaga. Saya pikir, saya sudah cukup kuat dan bisa berempati dengan baik karena bisa menahan air mata di depan keluarga pasien. Tapi ternyata tidak, beberapa kali saya cuma bisa nangis waktu sedang sholat ataupun selesai sholat. Menangisi takdir Allah untuk orang itu atau menangisi ketidaktahuan saya, saya juga sudah nggak sanggup mikir.
Dan setelah beberapa waktu galau, Allah menjawab.. "Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun". Ayat-ayat Allah yang sering saya baca itu juga ternyata saya sempat luoa definisinya. Bahwa semua akan kembali kepada Allah. Semua hal di dunia ada di tangan Allah, semua takdir manusia sudah Allah tentukan. Manusia hanya bisa berusaha sebaik mungkin. Dan.. "biidznillah.." atas seizin Allah. Allah yang memberi sakit pun Allah yang akan mengangkat sakit itu. Dokter hanya perantara, Allah Yang Maha Menyembuhkan tentu.
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gary36 · 5 years
GM X: Binary pt 2
I hung up the phone. Nobody asked. They already knew.
Miss Shirley pulled a book out. "Ah! Here we go! This is a good one Tina. You kids know Plato I bet. He had a lot of ideas. Tina? Can you get these boys and girls something good to eat? Virgil go help her. Where's Darius?"
"Home." I said. "But nobody was there."
"Oh, that's too bad. He'll miss the lesson. Alright kids, we'll have a snack, then we'll find your families. Alright, we all know that perfect circles don't exist in nature..."
I walked out on the lesson to keep Kyrie company. She was waiting by the truck, tapping her foot, and smoking a cigarette.
"What's going on?" She barked.
"Phone doesn't work. Everybody's in shock."
Kyrie stomped out her cigarette "I'm checking on Suzie."
"Take me with you."
"We can't take the truck, they might need it."
Kyrie shrugged "I can probably have any one of these I want."
Kyrie wanted a Mercury Marquis about a block away. She said it'd be easy because it was a 70s model. She walked me through the carjacking process because her right arm was a carnivore. I didn't comprehend most of it, but I pulled the wires out and followed directions. When the engine turned over I smiled. I stole my first car in broad daylight.
The Marquis had smooth leather seats and a new car smell tree hanging from the rearview mirror. We were back on the road. The docks weren't too far. Kyrie said Suzie was moored there when she left. We were the only car on the road. I felt my heart beating fast as we passed one more empty gas station, one more empty bank, one more empty super store. On and on until I found myself speeding again. I was going 70 in a 45. I stopped using my blinkers. Soon I didn't stop for red lights. I squealed to a stop when the beach gave way to the dock. The sun beat down on the Marquis and the lion roared into the sea breeze.
We saw it. Kyrie and I headed straight for the houseboat. We lept aboard. Kyrie beat me to the hatch and she headed below deck. I was right on her heels and I heard her before I saw her.
"Hey babe!" Suzie called out. I felt a rush of relief.
"Hey Suzie!" I called out, but they were frozen in place.
"Kyrie?" Suzie said as she reached towards her girlfriend's right arm, towards the lion.
"Wait." Kyrie said, but the lion reached out, opened its razor lined mouth, and licked Suzie's hand.
Suzie giggled. "This is just like a dream I had, Adella was there too."
Kyrie embraced her.
We talked for hours. Suzie gave the lion a can of Tuna. I told them about the school, about the Reptilians, about Thompson's congregation. Suzie had to go throw up when I told her about Thompson's eating habits. Kyrie filled her in from there.
"You haven't seen anyone else?" Suzie asked.
"No one." I said.
"I've been down here reading the whole time. I wish I could catch the news."
"What about the diner next door?" Kyrie asked.
"I could go for coffee, they have a TV." Suzie said "Assuming anyone is there."
"I can't go any further." I said as I sank down in the couch. The weight of the previous night was setting on my eyes in the dimly lit houseboat.
"We'll go. You rest." Kyrie said. Kyrie put her left arm around Suzie and they hedded for the door.
"But Kyrie," I nodded at her right arm "What if someone sees you?"
"Who cares? Let them stare." Kyrie waved my concerns away and they went above.
All alone on the couch I heard my inner voice loud and clear. It told me to cry. It told me everything was going to hell. I layed my head back and tried to calm down. I covered my face and started gasping and crying but mostly I thought about Adella. If we couldn't find anyone else in the world then we had to find Adella. I cried and shut my eyes and told myself to calm down. Calm down and keep it together. Keep it together or who would help Delle? I just needed to close my eyes, take deep breath. That's all I needed. Rest my eyes.
The camera chimeras are watching. They swivel and swerve, they zoom and shake, they pan and shoot, but they never blink.
"Dad, I'm home."
"Hey, Alex."
I saw my father's head perched atop the recliner, only a shadow. The sillohette bathed in the cold blue light of the television. No trucker hat rested on Dad's head and that meant night was upon us. He made no move to face me. Immediatly fear gripped me and I sat still and quiet. I listened intently but only the sound of our bulky obelisk of a television reached my ears.
"If Todd wants to survive the next elimination, he'll have to wrest Immunity from the mouth of Chief Mea Culpa in the Dijarido Luoa Pinball Trial. Survivors, ready."
"Initially when I got here I was planning on using my brains to survive the challenges but now I see it's going to take muscle as well."
"And go!"
"As soon as he said go I went. I have a lot of enemies. I know Bryan has it out for me since I voted Fatima off. If I want to survive the next elimination I HAVE to win immunity."
"Bryan soars through the Luoa Ziggaraut."
"I'm looking around and I'm thinking, I have to pick up the pace."
"Looking good Haley!"
"Todd wants Immunity, but so do I, to get it, he'll have to go through me."
Tentatively I took a step on the wood floor, then another. Dad didn't flinch. The boards under my feet groaned like stretching leather. The cold light flashed intermittently with the program. The boards groaned again and my father jumped to his feet.
My eyes flew open and Suzie was there, leaned over the couch. "You OK Alex?"
I wiped my eyes with my hand "Ya, all good."
"You were talking in your sleep." Kyrie said from over Suzie's shoulder.
"It kind of sounded like... Survivor?" Kyrie said perplexed.
I shuddered. "Be right back." I headed to the little restroom. I ran water on my face and looked in the mirror.
There's something I haven't been honest about. I stared at the mirror but I only vaguely knew what was in there. To be honest I didn't know when it started. To be honest I didn't know how deep it went. When I looked at myself I saw something familiar, but not clear. There are things I can't figure out about myself. Everyone called me Alex. I think I blocked out the rest. I think I chose not to hear anymore. I think they knew what I was. I didn't know. Why couldn't I see? When I looked for the details I just saw skin. When I showered or went to the bathroom I moved mechanically. I couldn't remember. I couldn't see what Alex was.
I ground my teeth, it sounded like a chalkboards against chalkboards. Sweat formed on my forehead. I felt tiny warm sensations all over my body, crawling beneath my skin, pushing and squirming. I locked myself in the bathroom. The light over the mirror was so bright. I saw everything. I saw too much. What was I missing?
Then I saw them. The little hot spots, writhing beneath my skin. They were pushing and growing and coiling inside me. I saw them. I felt them. Parasites. Tiny and innumerable and warm and alive. I reached in my pants producing a pocket knife.
I don't remember anything until I heard a knock at the door. So close it seemed to come from in between my ears.
"Alex!" Suzie "You OK?"
My eyes were wide open and there was blood all over me and blood all over the mirror and blood all over the knife in my trembling hands. I breathed sharply and never broke I contact with my reflection.
"Be right out."
I couldn't tell you a single thing about Alex. I couldn't even tell you what Alex is short for.
I looked under the sink and found a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I washed up the mess. Meticulously getting every little red spot off every surface. When I washed the blood off my skin I couldn't find any wounds. I would've been confused if I wasn't used to it.
When I got out Suzie and Kyrie were curled up together on the couch. They were passing a portable phone back and forth.
"Where did you get that?" I asked.
"The office at the shipyard." Kyrie said. "No one was around. The TV didn't work. I stole some coffee from the diner for you."
Suzie looked perplexed, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder, tapping her pencil against her notepad "It's not Morse code..."
Suddenly we heard boards groaning as someone walked above deck.
The door swung open and Adella stumbled below deck and fell back on the couch. She sipped on a cigarette and looked straight up at the ceiling "It's computer code."
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bakucats · 2 years
Bueno, me estoy leyendo un manhua llamado Black Lotus, que en mi opinión, está entretenida y extremadamente... ESTRESANTE. Yo ya sabía que clase de manhua era este, uno tóxico y masoquista, y aún así yo dije ''Nah, no puede ser tan estresante. No me lo tomaré enserio. " Y mientras leía, enserio me fui emputando con los personajes, es que enserio, todos son desesperantes, a excepción de dos pero de ahí todos, hasta el protagonista que es la víctima ya llega aún punto donde su "amor e ingenuidad" cansan, y ya hasta yo pienso que el, quiere ser la víctima por qué quiero, además de también ser idiota que también es un tóxicos de mierda y no un pancito de dulce que le hace parecer su manhua. Y el seme enserio, se me hace una mala persona, una basura, una desgracia para la humanidad. El tipo maltrata a Wen Nian-Nain, lo golpea, lo lo insulta, lo desprecia, le hace infiel y hasta le rompió un piano al protagonista que le había dado su madre, realmente un ser asqueroso y que aún así el protagonista lo... ¿ama? Es que yo simplemente no puedo entender. Y a pesar de eso, en algunas ocasiones la autora romantiza su porquería de relación. En fin.
Y bueno bueno, tu me dirás que no hay solo que criticar a los personajes, sino entender porqué son así, qué los llevo a ser así, cuál fueron sus motivos, etc. Y es que en Black Lotus tampoco explican nada, y eso que ya voy por el capítulo 39 casi 40, y no sé explica porque ambos se casaron, porque Yuan Sheng, el seme odia tanto a Wen Nian-Nain, el uke, de dónde viene todo ese amor que siente Nian-Nain por Sheng (porque si lo ama tanto como para tolerar maltratos, por lo menos dime de donde se crea ese amor, que ya parece más una obsesión por parte de nian), que pasó entre estos dos con Luoa Han, etc. Y quiero una buena explicación.
Creo que mi problema mayormente radica en el protagonista, el uke, la víctima, si, ese. A ver, nada justifica la violencia, absolutamente nada. El Sheng, el seme sin duda es un maltratador, un victimario que debería estar un centro psiquiátrico de por vida por ser un violento de mierda, un ser asqueroso. Pero el uke también es tóxico,no tanto pero lo es
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chocolabread · 3 years
30 November 2021.
wow, gak kerasa yaa udah november aja. jujur cepetttt bangetttt, lebih cepet lagi kalau sama dia ga sih?😊
really miss him. laki2 yang entah gimana wajahnya, tp tahu suaranya deep bgt. tiap denger suara dia tuh kyk emosi gua tenang gituu. yaaa padahal dia yang bikin emosii. laki2 yang suka kirim emot love hitam (🖤)
gua tuh nanyaa, "kenapa sih love item?" soalnya gua lupa2 inget yaa artinyaa. tp gua lebih suka merah gitu, lebih jrengg, kan hp gua dark theme sih jd ga begitu keliatan wkowko. yoo balik lagi ke dia. trs gua cari di google artinya "soulmate." ihh jadiii gimana ga sih rasanya😭😊
yaaa gitu sihhh, lg kangen sama dia. ralat, kangen rutinitas diaa. gara2 liat postingan geez and ann guysss! dlu waktu film lepasnya, gua nntn sama dia gitu.
ada satu scene blg "ldr 85% gagal, sisanya ga berhasil." (gue luoa berapa persennya.) dengan percaya diri dia bilang, "kita berhasil kok."
lucu bgtt sayangkuu. berhasil lu nyakitin gua💖 gimana ga makik sayang sih gua sm lu, lu nyakitin gua, lu ninggalin gua di titik gua sayang bgttttt sm lu :)))
udahan ah, ntrr ga lupa2 sama dia.
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axerental · 3 years
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