#LOL i wrote this before the yamato kiku trandgender bath scene. i love being right
wizardyke · 2 years
one piece hcs!!
- PORTGAS D. ACE IS AZERI THROUGH AND THROUGH!!!!! roger is azeri and so is rouge. land of fire fist ace baby!
- nami is hmong ! she's never really made aware of that since she was adopted as a baby and her birth parents never enter the picture at all
- nojiko names nami after the waves one day. bellemare finds it very sweet
- usopp is angolan
- robin is native! im not sure which particular band or tribe but native north american !!
- sanji is half japanese half french but his genes REALLY favour his french side (tentative! i haven't seen wci at all so i don't know his parents)
- franky is japanese american
- i refuse to believe that sabo is british
- namis top artist is flo mili
- robin knows many many languages! including many of the strawhats native languages so they get the sense she's always listening
- ace, sanji, usopp and franky are trans men! sanji is deeply deeply repressed about it and usopp is gently trying to get him out of his shell about it. meeting ace & franky (who you'd imagine would be very flashy about it) helped a lot
- robin is a trans woman & vivi is a trans girl
- usopp & sanji & robin are bisexual, nami is a lesbian, zoro is gay and franky is a straight guy whose DEFINITELY slept with men "why live life with a hand tied behind your back?"
- luffy is by definition aspec gay but like HELL he knows wtf that means
- robin has cptsd and sanji has ptsd. vibes.
- sunny has a giant bathroom and they all have collective baths there after major fights and the like (think more bathhouse than like. personal bath). this is not just to counter the CANON FACT that LUFFY ZORO BROOK shower ONCE A WEEK. but because that scene post alabasta really was the world to me. also to remedy the fact that sanji is a fucking creep AND to get him to warm up to the idea of being Openly Trans in front of his crew
- also all the fuckin strawhats have seen eachother naked no one cares!! non sexual nudity 4ever
- ivankov is a trans woman and bon clay is some foavour of trans fem ?? genderfluid???
- also instead of sanjis 2 year training being Like That its normal intense training under ivankov and the people of the kingdom. like maybe at first when he washed up they were like. trans woman?? because he has that awkward hang ups and repression around his gender but thats for the OPPOSITE reason. so after an explanation they get the idea and throughout those two years he becomes a lot less hellbent around whatever the hell his gentlemens code is
- BUT THE THING IS... his post ts pervert attitude is literally plot relevant in fishman island so its a fucking nightmare writing it out. maybe the air pressure was wildly different in kamabakka island and he's had a hard time adjusting elsewhere idc.
- kuina is a trans guy and if he lives he would've probably had some crazy beef with his dad/owner of the dojo
- usopp and nami do kpop choreography together
- law of course listens to fucking evanescence and pierce the veil that much is obvious. what he doesnt wnat you to know is that hes also into like. eiffel 65 & darude
- makino is gay
- dadans hair is meant to be white but she dyes it with henna and when garp goes grey too she offers to dye it too (he doesn't find it amusing)
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