tomasitaoficial 9 months
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They are my favorite couple 馃馃挋
(It took me 10 hours to draw this, help)
And despite the fear, I still published it..
And I want to clarify something because I live in constant fear of uploading something from those two...
Despite being my ocs and loving them, I'm afraid people will see Katherine as Michael's daughter when Katherine is just the apprentice
And if they see Katherine as Michael's daughter, Knowing that Zamir is the son of the devil, And the devil and Michael are brothers... They will start to think that Katherine and Zamir have a cousin's love when that is not the case.
So I need to clear that up now before there is any other problem.
AND ANOTHER THING I NEED TO CLARIFY, ZAMIR IS 20 YEARS OLD AND KATHERINE IS ABOUT 10K YEARS OLD! They are both older even though they don't look like it (especially Zamir)
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mimotofu 11 months
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Gael: Los patos dominar谩n el mundo!
Un dibujito para : @tomasita-oficial
(espero te guste y/o sea de tu agrado)
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mimotofu 1 year
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Bueno, lo quise hacer, no sab铆a cu谩l dise帽o ocupar para la Lizel de atr谩s, as铆 que ocupe ese. Y tambi茅n hice a la otra Lizel con el nuevo dise帽o que le dio @tomasita-oficial
Espero te guste y sea de su agrado
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mimotofu 1 year
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jegudiel y eruvielh
Dibujo original de: @tomasita-oficial
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