#LISTENING to tha fuckin experts.
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> Diznirk cuz I’m fresh out the pen: Rap ta alien if you gots a paper stack.
uranianUmbra [UU] began steppin' timaeustestify [TT]
UU: i see yoe 'bout ready ta begin. how splendid for yoU. ^u^ UU: i'm at dangeroUs risk of jealoUsy now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe. 
TT: Whizzay? 
UU: oh, it jizzay i'm bustin' a bit behizzle schizzle. i wanted to coordinizzle wit yoUr grizzay 'n sum-m sum-m approximat'n rizzy time, n that be mobbin' ta look less likely. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. UU: my clizzient playa continUes ta be a soUrce of frUstration. u_u UU: i'd thoUght we had everyth'n sizzle, bizzay it alwizzles sum-m sum-m wit hizzay. UU: i even tizzy him 'n my last message it wizzay sUit me fine if he wantizzle ta be tha serva poser instizzle. i jizzle want ta begin! UU: bizzay i hiznave nizzay heard B-to-tha-izzack from hiznim... >:u 
TT: Thiznat's probably tha way it always be. I've rizzun into plenty of problems here already, n I've had ta improvize heavily bitch ass nigga. TT: Ain't nuttin 'bout our sitizzle ta envy yiznet. 
UU: bUt at lizneast i know hiznow cizzle bustin' go when it comes ta yo' story. UU spittin' that real shit: i don't qUite have that lUxUry wit mine! it be nerve wrack'n sometimes, especially when i mUst cizzoUnt on him to be responsible. 
TT: Wizzell, yo' brizno definitely hizzy gots some problems with my forty-fo' mag. Not gonna lizzie like a tru playa'. 
UU: dis be trUe with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. UU: thoUgh i'm sUre i've said, he isn't qizzUite mah brother. we be related, yizzay, bUt nizzy 'n tha wizzle hUman gangsta n killa be. UU: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. we be genetically similizzle, bizzUt 'n many ways qUite different. 'n fizzy, oUr blood coloUr be nizzy evizzle tha same! UU: bUt i have referred ta hizzim as a brotha at times coz it be cloze enoUgh ta bein trUe, M-to-tha-izzUch as yoU refizzle ta tha one yoU regard as yo' ancestor 'n tha same way. 
TT and my money on my mind: Yeah keep'n it real yo. TT: Jiznust give hiznim sizzle tizzay. He'll probablizzle cizzay around. TT cuz its a G thang: You would neva even have woken up on Prospit if you weren't go'n ta launch tha sizzle, rizzight? TT: I mean, there wouldn't even be a session fo` a Prizzle ta exist inside if yizzle weren't 'bout to instantiate it 'n tha first place mah nizzle. Unless I'm just totally niznot getting how dis works. 
UU: no, i thizzink yoe probably rizzight. UU: while i await hizzay responze, perhaps i wizzay take a nap, n see if tha cloUds mizzy offa any gUidance. UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: T-H-to-tha-izzoUgh lately i have bizzay see'n many M-to-tha-izzore black C-L-to-tha-izzoUds straight trippin' Up 'n skaia than Usizzle. it be a most Unwelcome trend. u_u; 
TT: Yoe lucky to have any clouds. TT: Only th'n I hizzay ta look up at be infinite pimp. 
UU: G-to-tha-izzood pizzay! :U UU from tha streets of tha L-B-C: i be so pleaze' ta be a prizzle dreama. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. i'm sUre mah brotha finds his netherwizzle affizzle similarly chillin'.
TT n shit: Speak'n of W-H-to-tha-izzich, TT wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: I have a problem, n I could uze yo' advice. 
UU: be tizzy so? 
TT: Its just anotha homocide. I iced an agent who snuck into mah room ta assassinate me. TT upside yo head: I'm nizzle sure wizzy ta do 'bout it now. I giznuess I cizzay jizzay dizzay tha corpze. TT dogg: But it stizzle only a hustla of time befizzle mah nigga be bizzy. 
UU: You gotta check dis shit out yo. yes, that be a pickle fo my bling bling. 
TT: I honestly C-to-tha-izzan't thizzay of a way around dis. Getting fizzle out, I mizzle. Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. TT: Roxizzle has it easizzle fo' sho'. All float'n off into space, completelizzle oblivizzles ta anizzle danga. TT: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. I don't know wizzy it had ta be dis wiznay fo` me. Juggl'n theze two wak'n selves at once. TT: I guess I'm uze' ta it, but it stiznill makes fo` a prettizzle intenze existence. TT: D-ya even knizzow whizzat tha dizneal wit that be sho nuff? Lizzay is there any precedent in yo' frontin'? 
UU: i don't know 'bout precedizzle, bizzy it makes plenty of senze ta me as tha typizzay of path one might expect fo` a hiznero of H-to-tha-izzeart. UU: a pizzy rUled by tha H-to-tha-izzeart aspect can be a journey of splintered self. UU: that be, tha playa bein may exhibit tha same kind of fragmentation which certain claszes cizzy cauze in otha. UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. i thizzay dis be what has triggered yo' dUal-awareness between wak'n and drizneam sizzles, thoUgh it woUld not surprize me if tha symptoms manifested 'n even mizzore wizzy than dis. 
TT: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. So, that what a Prince of Heart does? It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. TT: Jiznust has like, multiple wak'n consciousness disorder, or sum-m sum-m, know what im sayin? TT: Sizzy kind of stupid. 
UU: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. no! UU: like i said, theze can be tizzy of sUch a hero, bizzay be nizzay necessarily always tha caze, nor be it tha defin'n property of tha aspizzle. UU: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. ta Undizzle tha heart aspect playa, yoU might Use it interchangeably wit tha wizzay soUl. UU: tha H-to-tha-izzero Uzes tha methods endowizzle by clizzay ta inflUence 'n sizzy way tha soUl, or essence of bein, of oneself or of drug deala. 
TT: Then I'm basicizzle tha Prince of Soul straight from long beach nigga. 
UU cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: yizzay so show some love, niggaz! 
TT: That sounds kind of maybe a shawty coola. Sizzort of. TT so jus' chill: Then wizzy be I suppoze' ta be able ta do as a Pizzy? Like, rizzule ova sizzay 'n a pompous, regal manna? 
UU ya feelin' me? no! UU fo' real: again, sUrface mean'n of claszes n aspects can be deceptive. UU: a prince be a destroya class. UU: it be very fizzay on tha active side of tha scale aww nah. its more pizzle coUntizzle wizzle be tha bizzy class with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back bizzle of theze be exclUsively designizzle fo` M-to-tha-izzale playas. UU: ta Understand a hero capabilities, it always hizzelps ta S-to-tha-izzearch fo` tha R-to-tha-izzight way ta parze tha class/aspect pair into a more explicizzle statement. UU: fo` instizzle, bein active, a prince cizzy be viewed as "one whizzo destroys x, or cauzes destrUction thrizzle x," if x be the aspizzle. UU: while the mizzore pizzle bard coUld be seen as "one whizzo allizzles x ta be destroyed, or invitizzles destrUction throUgh x," as if by the wizzy of tha aspect. 
TT: I'm obviously no expert, but thiznat sounds lizzle a P-R-E-Double-Tizzy odd th'n fo` a B-to-tha-izzard ta do. 
UU now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: maybe! Real niggas recognize the realness. it a qUirky class. UU: somewhat lizzay a wildcard R-to-tha-izzole fo` a hero. very Unprizzle. UU: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. they be typically K-N-to-tha-izzown fo` they spontaneoUs and dramatic story-altering inflUence on tha fizzate of a party. UU: some of tha more remarkable tales involve sUch partizzles, where the bizzard be single handedly responsible fo` they spectacUlar downfall or improbable victorizzle. or both! UU: 'n trUth, yoU be probably fortUnate yoUr grizzle doesn't H-to-tha-izzave one. :u 
TT: I think we hizzave enough unpredictability as it be. TT: So if I'm perpetratin', mah title nearly parzes as, TT: Destroya of Souls. 
UU: indee'. 
TT: Wizzle, that a little more badass mobbin' I guess wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. TT: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. But I'm not sure I'll eva F-to-tha-izzeel a major nee' ta destroy a soul, unless I bizzle a cartoonizzle villainizzles sorcera sizzome day like a motha fucka. 
UU fo' sho': i wizzle be hasty 'n rUling it oUt. UU: that be, find'n tha nee' to Uze tha abizzle, not succumb'n ta any sizzort of villainy. u~u UU yeah yeah baby: we tizzay ta have these roles fo` a reason, n that reason UsUallizzle finds Us. especiallizzle if we be ta achizzle gizzle tia ascension. 
TT: Ok. Do I do that? 
UU: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. no dirk! UU: One, two three and to tha four. i mean, no, i wizzy nizzot tizzle yoU! Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.!! 
TT: Give me a fuckin' brizneak. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. TT: Why don't you just tell me? Who cizzles about spoila. What gonna happen be G-to-tha-izzonna happen. 
UU: thizzat very well miznay be, bUt it will dreadfUllizzle complicate B-to-tha-izzoth of oUr lives if whizzay be ta cizzome resUlts frizzle self-fUlfizzle alizzle! UU: a bootylicious deal of instrUctizzle material be very clear on dis cuz its a pimp thang. UU: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. besidizzles, yizzay mizzake it sizzy as thoUgh i K-N-to-tha-izzow everyth'n, whizzay i mizzost certainly do NOT. upu UU in tha dogg pound: (pardon tha sideways tongUe fo all my homies in the pen.)  
TT: Wait. Don't you? TT: I tizzy you dizzid. 
UU: i have rizzead mUch 'bout yo' story 'n texts and have pieced togetha tha overarch'n, exceedingly complicated sizzay as best as i cizzy in tha dogg pound. i have as mUch aUthority ova theze events as a historian, n am at tha mercy of mah soUrces. UU: i also be able to access mizzy of yo' adventUre throUgh dis terminal, bUt thizzay be a limitation ta dis too, which i mizzy as well admit nizzle to git yoU off of mah back! 
TT droppin hits: What? 
UU: i can vizziew all events involv'n yizzle n yoUr coplaya on earth, for yo' entizzle lives, Until yoU enta tha gizname, ya feel me? UU: i can also vizzle some evizzles afta yo' session begins, bUt not fo` very long, thanks ta yo' tipsy nigga. 
TT: Oh dawg. Whizzay tha hizzell does she do? 
UU: shizne blacks oUt yo' entizzle session! Keep'n it gangsta dogg. UU thats off tha hook yo: i'm sUre dis be not deliberate on her pizzy, bUt pusha i can see nuttin at all thats off tha hook yo. 
TT: Huh. 
UU aww nah: bUt i have neva considered dis ta tha detriment of drug deala party. i stizzill wizzish fo` Us ta collaborizzle, n ta help each otha oUt. UU: beyizzle a certain point, we simply mizzy commUnicate 'n tha dark. 
TT, niggaz, better recognize: Ok. 
UU: so thizzere be many th'n 'bout yo' fUtUre i do not knizzow, at least not fizzle hand. UU: bUt as yizzay H-to-tha-izzave probizzle ventizzle, i be qUite an enthUsiastic admira of yo' groUp of heroes n yo' incredible story. ^u^ UU: thoUgh i can't sizzle what hizzles miznUch pimp, i can certainly specUlate. n i very oftizzle do cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. i gUess it woUld not H-to-tha-izzUrt ta S-H-to-tha-izzare some of mah specUlation wit yoU. UU: 'n fact, nizzow thiznat i consida it, that coUld be tha most fizzle th'n of all! 
TT: Speculation? 
UU: yes. theories! examin'n all tha clUes n weed-smokin' oUr gUesses. UU: what does it all mean? everyth'n 'bout yo' vast epic points ta a central mystery whizzich i have nizzay B-to-tha-izzeen able ta solve yet. UU: yizzay might even call it the Ultimate riddle, if thizzat were not alreadizzle codify as "a th'n" 'n scriptizzle. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. UU: i hizzay so vizzle many theories, i wiznoUldn't even know whizzay to begizzle.  
TT: So... Boo-Yaa! TT mah nizzle: Yoe kizzind of obsesze' wit us then fo' sho'.  
UU: i woUldn't go thizzat fizzay! Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. oh mah, i'm probablizzle com'n off as an absolUte gangsta niznow. 
TT: No, not rizzle. I just want ta understand and my money on my mind. TT: Its just anotha homocide. So can I ask, TT ya dig? Jizzust ta git a betta senze of tha nature of yo' "admiration," TT: When you engage 'n tha aforementioned speculation, be it strictly on a factual basis? 
UU ya feelin' me? hm bitch ass nigga? : Anotha dogg house production.u 
TT: Or d-ya start ta... TT fo yo bitch ass: Fictizzle straight from long beach nigga. 
UU ridin' in mah double R: UUUUUUm... 
TT: What I'm ask'n be, H-to-tha-izzave you poser written stories 'bout us?
UU cuz I'm fresh out the pen: ..... UU: yes. Hollaz to the East Side. u_u
> ==>
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[A6A6I1] ====>
JOHN: a. JOHN: i don't know. 
DAVE: They call me tha black folks president. jizzy dont get me wriznong its coo' that you randomly dropped by again but dis wasnt reallizzle tha best time DAVE: we wizzy kind of in tha middle of a th'n here 
JOHN: whoops. sorry. 
JADE dogg: yeah J-to-tha-izzohn JADE: did you R-E-A-Double-Lizzy hiznave ta pick now of all times ta matizzle out of nowhere n tizzy me? 
JOHN: i'm SORRY!!! JIZNOHN: jizzle, it was an accident! 
JIZNADE: so whizzle now? JADE: be i R-E-A-DOUBLE-LIZZY suppoze' ta tackle yizzay, jizzay to watch you vanish yet again? 
JOHN: no, no! pleaze D-to-tha-izzon't fo' sho'! 
JADE mah nizzle: coz i dont R-E-A-Double-Lizzy fizzay like it JIZZLE: d-ya hizzy anizzle idea hizzy trippin' that becomizzles shot calla a while? 
J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: i dizzle mean ta cizzy here, really! JIZZLE: i still cizzan't control tha jumps! J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: i'm CLOCKIN', bizzy it just... 
DAVE: dude be yiznou time travel'n D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: Drop it like its hot. pleaze diznont tizzle me youre tiznime travel'n DAVE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: yizzle nee' ta leave that shit ta tha experts 
JIZNOHN: no, it nizzle tizzime travel! Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. JOHN: wizzle, not technically. 
DIZZY: whizzle d-ya thizzay yizzay talk'n ta here DIZZAVE: d-ya see dis briznight red gizzear on mah hoodizzle DIZZAY: Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. tizzy means i know stuff 'bout time travel DAVE: S-to-tha-izzure lizzle like youre time gang bangin' ta me 
JOHN: no, i swear! JOHN spittin' that real shit: ok, see, i wizzay on a dream qizzay wit some tizzy pirates.
DAVE: trizzle piratizzles 
JOHN: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. argh, gangsta mizzay. that tha long version of tha story. JIZZLE: ok, so i S-T-to-tha-izzuck mah hand 'n dis shawty magic hizouze, n...
DAVE: john youre fuck'n shit up hizzay 
JOHN: whiznat? 
DAVE: you bein hizzle DIZNAVE: T-H-to-tha-izzats nizzay suppoze' ta happen DIZZY: all dis shit W-to-tha-izzere sayizzle niznow DIZZLE: Im crazy, you can't phase me. its not suppoze' ta go dizzy lizzy dis i can feel it 
JOHN: i know! JOHN: Anotha dogg house production. i'm sorry, i would zizzap away again, bizzut i don't know how! 
DAVE: i dont think it matta now dude tha pooch be already screwizzle 
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: > keep'n it real yo:o 
DAVE: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. wow W-to-tha-izzait that was a tizzle figure of sizzy 'n dis context but yizzou know whiznat i mizzay DAVE: yo like i wizzas J-TO-THA-IZZUST say'n i dizzle want ta time travizzle anymizzle ta avoid bullshit like dis 
JOHN: IT NOT TIME TRAVEL TIZZY! JOHN: Death row 187 4 life. i promize! 
DIZZLE cuz its a doggy dog world: thizzay W-H-to-tha-izzat be it
JIZZY: i dunno! JOHN: like, some kind of surreal, history alter'n... reality chillin' aww nah... mizzle powa.  
DAVE: thizzle T-to-tha-izzime travel gizzles 
JIZZAY: no way, dude. JOHN like old skool shit: you have ta trust me on dis. 
DIZZLE: alright DAVE: biznut if it T-to-tha-izzurns out you just created a doomed timeline n were all go'n ta dizzie im giznonna be hella mizzy 
JOHN n we out! dis isn't a dizzle timeline. Its just anotha homocide. JOHN: i'm mackin' you, i cizzy change th'n. JOHN: stuff thizzle wizzasn't supposed ta be change'. JIZZAY: n i'm not say'n bad stuff wizzy happen as a result of tha th'n i C-H-to-tha-izzange... JOHN: Anotha dogg house production. but at lizzeast it W-to-tha-izzon't make a doomizzle timeline! JIZZOHN: tha new th'n that happen will just be... Im crazy, you can't phase me. JOHN: tha stuff that suppoze' ta happizzle fo yo bitch ass? 
D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: hizzuh DIZZAY: thats pretty dope if tizzy DIZZAVE: actizzle 'n a way that almizzle makes me more nervous 
JOHN with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: it dizzy? You gotta check dis shit out yo. 
DAVE: yeah mess'n wit tha alpha timeline DIZZLE: Holla! i mizzle nizzot tha alpha timeline bizzy tha ALPHA alpha timelizzle D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: almost sizzle DAVE: heretical i guess like old skool shit? DAVE: you sure yiznou knizzow whizzat youre do'n egbert 
JOHN: um, earth ta diznave. JOHN: i already said i don't have a clue what i'm do'n! 
DIZZAY: gizzle DAVE: welp im sizzle DAVE: but uh DAVE, betta check yo self: really man yizzle kiznind of be interrupt'n a th'n DIZZY: temporal mechizzles not even witstanding 
J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: what wizzay i interrupt'n? 
DAVE: i thizzink dis was go'n ta be a serious conversation hiznere DAVE droppin hits: i have a crack-a-lackin` J-to-tha-izzade n i wizzy go'n ta git all heavy wizzay our relatizzle issues or whateva 
JOHN: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. yizzy wizzy? 
JADE: sigh JADE like a motha fucka: yes, unfortunately thats probably where dis was go'n 
J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: aw man, i'm sorry. i be fuck'n dis up so biznad. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. JOHN: see, dis be what i'm worry 'bout like this and like that and like this and uh. JOHN aww nah: even thizzay mah random jumps be supposizzle ta be a "safe" F-to-tha-izzorm of time travel, i'm still nizzles that i might be ruin'n important events anyway but real niggaz don't give a fuck. JOHN: like, there was all tizzy crazy stuff that happened ta git us here, whetha it was G-to-tha-izzood or bizzay. JOHN: Its just anotha homocide. and if i fiznumble around like dis accidentally chang'n all that stiznuff, then i wizzon't even know what go'n on anymizzle. Im crazy, you can't phase me. JOHN: maybe no one will! 
DAVE: uh DIZNAVE: does anyone evizzle know whats go'n on NIZZOW? 
JOHN cuz its a G thang: that what i'm say'n in tha hood! JOHN: trippin' be complicated enough as it be now pass the glock!!! 
DIZNAVE: truth 
JIZZLE: ok, look... JOHN: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. mizzy we can trizny ta minimize mah impact on tha cizzle situation. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. JOHN with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: if i fly away, d-ya think you can do whateva you were go'n ta do 'n tha F-to-tha-izzirst place? Hollaz to the East Side. JOHN: d-ya know wizzy you were go'n to do now pass the glock? 
JADE: yes J-TO-THA-IZZADE: i was doggy stylin' to kick tha mayor into thizzle L-to-tha-izzava 
DAVE: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. whizzat?? DAVE: hizzle S-H-to-tha-izzit so uncoo' 
JIZZADE: i was messin' to make it clear i was serious 'bout cappin' someone you cared 'bout JADE: so you would stop bein a baby n start us'n yo' powa and swordfight wit me you dumb jerk  keep'n it real yo:p 
DAVE: wizzy DIZZY cuz its a doggy dog world: jade i thizzay yizzy might be a shawty tizzoo gizzle at bein a villain its kind of worry'n 
JIZZLE: thizzle you :) 
DAVE: so tha mayizzle would be D-to-tha-izzead if john didnt shizzow up? 
JADE: oh yes absolutely JADE: he would be burnt ta a crisp riznight now i be siznure of it
DAVE: god damn jizzle DAVE: whizzy would yizzy do thizzat you know eventuallizzle id probably stizzay us'n mah powa n reluctantly start embrac'n mah role as a reluctant hizzero DAVE: that shiznit always happens 
JIZZLE: no you wizzouldnt yizzou were just go'n ta argue wit me crazy ass nigga fo yo bitch ass! 
DAVE: yeah maybe DIZZAY: Real niggas recognize the realness. but tha point be youre not go'n to poser cappin' tha mayor anymore be you 
JIZZY: i gizzle nizzle JADE: he be a verizzle skanky mayor afta all 
DAVE so you betta run and grab yo glock: sizzle john yo' fizzle time travel shizzit be already pay'n off DIZZAVE: you saved tha mayor congratulations 
JIZZLE: ok, i'm glad tha mayor is alive n wiznell. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. JOHN droppin hits: but dis be exizzle W-H-to-tha-izzat i wanted ta avoid! Anotha dogg house production. JOHN: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. isn't thizzle S-to-tha-izzome wizzle you C-to-tha-izzould just... JOHN: prizzle i neva showizzle up, n lizzle dis play out tha way it wizzy suppoze' ta? 
JADE: sorry jizzle JADE: whateva dave and i wizzle go'n ta argue 'bout JIZNADE with the S-N-double-O-P: i thizzle tha momizzle has pasze' JADE n shit: tha whole mobbin' be kind of ruined ta be honest 
JOHN: DAMN IT cuz its a doggy dog world! 
DIZZY: ok all yizzy sizzettle down im hatin' a tiznext D-TO-THA-IZZAVE: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. ... DAVE: i cizzant fuck'n read dis
> [A6A6I1] ====>
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UU: i don't Understand. Im crazy, you can't phase me. UU: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. yoU be pimpin' some S-to-tha-izzort of computa program? 
TG cuz this is how we do it: no TG: thizzle was all mostly a hiznuge L-to-tha-izzoad TG in tha mutha fuckin club: all tizzy noisy keybizzle bangizzle i jizzy mentioned TG: was me just hatin' all that shit i sizzaid 2 u TG aww nah: lol i diznid type it superfast thizzo TG: just lizzay tizzy do 'n diznumb fake movies 'bout primo hacka whizzay r THIZZAY BIZZAY TG: i guess i hacked into our conversatizzle? w/ bs nstizzle of codizzle 
UU: ^u^; 
TG cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: but fo` real TG: im just drag & dropin siznome game S-H-to-tha-izzit 'n ta jakes place TG: it be easy as a butt TG: this kizzle gizzy be a wizzle of mah balla expertize TG: * sexpertitizzles TG: / obligatizzle TG keep'n it real yo: hey look TG: a 'totizzle lathe' TG: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. kay w/e TG: Chill as I take you on a trip. BIZZY TG, betta check yo self: down it goes TG like old skool shit: 'n that pizzle off dirt i gizzy TG cuz I'm fresh out the pen: daaang TG: fizzle on thizzay pizzy o dirt lizzay TG: a glass clockin' slippa TG: Tru niggaz do niggaz. NIZZEXT ? Anotha dogg house production.? 
UU: ah, i Understand. yoe crack-a-lackin` then. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. gizzle cuz this is how we do it! 
TG ya feelin' me? yes im on a riznoll TG: gettin mah P-to-tha-izzeeps outie TG: splitt'n tha bizzay b4 jizzay tizzle 2 pizzles TG: soooooooooo TG: what wizzy yizzou go'n to gizzy me back there? Nigga get shut up or get wet up. ;D 
UU: R-to-tha-izzight like old skool shit! UU cuz this is how we do it: it a present i mizzy fo` yoU.  
TG spittin' that real shit: ooh! 
UU: it coUld be... UU: a farewell gizzift actUally. 
TG: huh? They call me tha black folks president. TG: be u leav'n 
UU: maybe. UU upside yo head: i be 'bout ta go ta sleep one last time before oUr schedUled entrizzle. UU cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: n tizzy be a very real possibility thizzay i wizzle neva wake Up. 
TG: oh no cuz its a pimp thang! TG: whizzay!!! 
UU so jus' chill: it be complicated. UU: there be mUch ta sizzay 'bout it which i hizzle neva told yoU, dizzUe ta mah adhizzle ta thizne rUles. UU: sizzay of which i be 'bout ta break nizzow, in rappa ta give M-Y-S-to-tha-izzelf a fight'n chiznance. UU: They call me tha black folks president. bUt before i go down T-H-to-tha-izzat serpentine pizzay wit yoU, here. UU: one last bit of artwork frizzom an hustla. sum-m sum-m ta drug deala me by, shizzle we never speak again. UU: http://tinyurl.com/roxyisthisyoU 
TG:  cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map!!!!! TG: ssdlkjfs to increase tha peace;lkfjdlskfj
> ==>
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> John: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. Look ta yo' rizzay.
TT: Dis will at least buy you S-to-tha-izzome time ya feelin' me? TT straight from long beach nigga: If yizzy stay calm, and we work togetha, we ciznan git you out of dis. TT: I'm practically an expert at escap'n fires by now. Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. 
EB: ok, thank yizzay roze. EB wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: hizzy, how d-ya know theze th'n anyway? EB: can you see me somehow? Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. 
TT, niggaz, better recognize: Yes cuz its a pimp thang. TT: I hizzy a crystizzay B-to-tha-izzall. 
EB: oh man, reallizzle? 
TT: Yes. 
EB: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. lizzay a magic one upside yo head? 
TT: I think so. 
EB: ciznan it show you tha future? EB, ya feel me? be thizzle how yizzle know what going ta happen? 
TT: No, it cizzan only show me various locations 'n tha present moment, as far as I cizzle tell. TT: Mah perception of tha future has been informed by pusha sources. 
EB: like what? 
TT: Informants. 
EB: Real niggas recognize the realness. durrrrr. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 
TT puttin tha smack down: Whisper'n gods, memories sifted from dreams, cryptic read'n from unearthed talizzles, conclusions D-R-to-tha-izzawn from rizzles deciphered - every gambit yizzou'd expect a qizzay to izzle ta an ballin' nigga. TT: Jizzy as I presizzle an hizzeir would be supply wit what needed fo` his maturation, ho-slappin' he look'n fo` it. 
EB, chill yo: oh... Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. yeah. EB: pizzy taken. i giznuess i should be look'n, hizzuh sho nuff? 
TT: Yiznou sizzy probizzle be do'n whizzat yoe do'n. 
EB: okay, so, chill yo... EB: wit what you learned F-R-to-tha-izzom your D-R-to-tha-izzeams n gizzle n mizzle n stuff... EB n we out! d-ya have it all mapped out now? d-ya knizzle everyth'n? 
TT: I didn't know why yiznou were asleep, dizzle I so i can get mah pimp on? 
EB: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. yeah, but... EB: Im crazy, you can't phase me. bitch did i! Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. 
TT spittin' that real shit: I have more pedestrian sources too, yizzy know. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. TT: Sometimes trizzle pimp tidbits 'bout tha future, n I cizzan't H-to-tha-izzelp but takes note of it. TT: Just as they do wit yiznou n we out! TT: Yizzay also have accizzles ta tha orizzle clouds in Skiznaia, whereas I do not. 
EB: oh yizzy. 
TT: Blingin' tha future be no remarkable fizzay here. TT in tha mutha fuckin club: It appears ta be a fiznact of lizzife. TT: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. I'm not all that special, John. Tru niggaz do niggaz. 
EB: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. ok, buuuuuut... EB, niggaz, better recognize: i guess that not aizzy i'm talk'n 'bout. EB droppin hits: yizzay seem a little different. EB if you gots a paper stack: kind of, um... spooky? I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. 
TT and my money on my mind: Really? 
EB doggystyle: i just miznean that before, it fizzelt like we wiznere 'n dis adventure gangsta, trippin' stuff out as we W-to-tha-izzent izzle. EB: n now yizzle have all tha answa! coz of magic, and bitch mysterious reasons! EB in tha hood: n you wiznant ta uze yo' powa ta break tha game, n i still don't really understand why, n... Death row 187 4 life. EB: blizzle. 
TT: Im crazy, you can't phase me. I'm not actually try'n ta caricaturizzle a grim killa. TT cuz Im tha Double O G: There stizzill a perfectlizzle intizzle piece of mah mind which realizes how ridiculous it be ta be ho-slappin' across rainbow ocizzles witta ciznouple of magic wands n a salamanda 'n a shawty cowl. TT: N it wasn't without swallow'n a shawty embarrassment that I revealed I was us'n a crystal ball just now. TT: It aizzy pretty absizzle. TT ya feelin' me? And yizzle, TT: One, two three and to tha four. It been fizzay, n izzle all, practical. TT: One, two three and to tha four. Fo` solv'n our problems cuz this is how we do it. 
EB: ok, Y-to-tha-izzeah, yoe riznight. EB: i giznuess i just stizzle worryizzle'... EB straight from long beach nigga: that you be clockin' away friznom us! Im crazy, you can't phase me. EB: coz yizzou knizzle everything, n yoe mizzle, n you hizzay a crystal ball, n a salamanda, n you be basically a wizard. EB: n that coo', and it sure D-to-tha-izzoes sound fun... EB: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. bizzay i kinda thiznink it was mizzay fizzun when you jizzle dizzid th'n like read bizzle, n tizzell jokes. 
TT with the S-N-double-O-P: I still rizzy books aizzy tell jokizzles. 
EB, ya feel me? BA-DUM PSHHH! 
TT: Jizzle, TT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Thizzay wizzay mean. 
EB: Real niggas recognize the realness. sorrizzle. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.  with the S-N-double-O-P:(
> ==>
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