sockodot · 2 years
WIP Wednesday- Distraction
This here is a little teaser for @chronic-ghost The first five hundred words of my fic Distraction. Which hopefully, I’ll be uploading fully before the end of the week. Enjoy!
Aloy tells herself she’s testing the security as she scales the palace’s walls. She finds herself wanting to go back to Meridian every time she’s away. The feeling is creeping in her quicker and quicker each time. She’s drawn back to the palace, to warm sun and spices in the air. Soft silk and dark wine. To big hands and bright eyes and charming smiles.
She scowls as she climbs higher. She heard there was an attempt on his life, an assassination. A failed one, obviously. But the worry that twisted in her chest, that clawed her heart and made her blood surge was… unpleasant. Surprising, unwelcome, upsetting, distressing- she could go on. She doesn’t like it. But something always draws her back. The looks, the squeezes to her hands, standing far too close, the whispers. She got to him full on laugh once, hands clutched at his stomach, tears in his eyes. She had gaped at him when she realized she hadn’t seen him like this before. Aloy had to snap herself out of it.
 It’s a distraction, she realizes. He’s a distraction. One she definitely doesn’t need, doesn’t have the time for really, but-
 But she doesn’t stop herself as she heaves herself over the balcony railing. She looks into his room, one foot barely scraping the floor, the other one hanging off a cliff. The sheer drapes blow gently in the wind and there’s barely any light in his room, only a few candles lit. Maybe he’s already asleep. She checks her focus. 20:27. Not entirely late and besides, he usually works much later. He’s devoted like that. But she sees his purple figure just past the opening.
 She swings her other leg over and stands. “Avad, I know-” He appears suddenly, sword pointed at her. She freezes, stares at him.
 “Aloy? By the-” He quickly lowers it. How she could have missed the sword is beyond her. Distraction. “I am terribly sorry, forgive me. I didn’t know it was you.” Checking security, assassination attempt. It clicks. Fuck, how is she this stupid?
 “It’s fine. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
 “I know.” He raises a hand to soothe her, like she isn’t the one that made him think he had to fight for his life to tonight. That thought has her swallowing, stomach twisting. She does not like that at all. He steps out of sight for a second and comes back out without his sword.
 “Where are my manners? How are you? What are you doing here? Something didn’t happen, did it?” Yes, you almost died. But she can’t say that. He’s worried all over again and this time she raises her hand to soothe.
 “No, nothing like that. There’s something north of here that I’m heading for.”
 “What is it?”
 Before she can say answer, the doors are bursting open, a crowd of guards rushing in. They stop when they see the two of them on the balcony, when they see Aloy. The captain sighs, sword hand lowering.
 “You were quicker this time,” she offers with a smile.
 He seems tired behind his helmet, and he looks to the ceiling. “Sun give me patience.” He gives a nod to Avad, and then her. “Your Luminance. Savior.” The guards filter out. She bites her cheek to not laugh, definitely not where the guards can still here and when she looks over at Avad, his lips are pressed together.
  The door shuts and he meets her eyes. They immediately burst out laughing.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey XLII
2151. Should fun or safety come first? >> I’d imagine that depends on one’s goals. When it comes to skydiving, one should learn to be safe (take the lessons) before one goes on to enjoy the experience (start actually skydiving). But also, if you take a more psychological approach to the word “safety”, sometimes one has to take a little social risk to get to something fun, and that can feel unsafe, but it [ideally] ends up being worth it. 2152. Does mind over matter work for you? >> I’m not sure in what sense you mean. 2153. What’s the most weight you ever lost in one year? >> I don’t know. Whenever that happened, it’s when I wasn’t paying attention to things like my weight. 2154. What are your feelings about punk and goth? >> I love goth and I have affection for punk because it is kin to goth. 2155. Did you ever write something when you were high and then looked at it sober and realized that it was nonsense? >> No, I don’t think anything I wrote while intoxicated seemed nonsensical when looking at it sober -- maybe a little more inscrutable or revealing than my usual writings, but still within my normal mental/emotional/spiritual frameworks.
2156. How often do you shave: your face? I don’t shave. your legs?  under your arms? 2157. What word do you often hear people misuse? >> I can’t think of any right now. 2158. Have you ever used somebody? >> It’s possible. I’ve had to do a variety of things to survive. 2159. Are you paranoid? >> Not typically, but I can be. 2160. What is the best music video of all time? >> --- 2161. How many Shakespeare plays have you read all the way through? >> Only Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I know I was taught Hamlet but I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually read the whole thing. Also, I comprehended almost nothing I read when it came to Shakespeare, so does it even count as reading at that point... 2162. What was the deepest religious or spiritual experience you’ve ever had? >> Not going to get into it here, that’s for sure. I’ve written multiple long-form posts about this kind of thing, so it’s not casual fare. 2163. What is it like to be you today? >> I’m not sure how to answer this. 2164. Do you like to play games? >> Video games, sure. 2165. Have you made any good friends on this diary site? >> --- 2166. Have you met anyone from open diary? >> --- 2167. What have you done lately that gave everyone something to talk about? >> Nothing??? 2168. Do you get along with people who annoy you, disagree with you, dislike you, and hate you? >> If I’m annoyed by someone, or hated by someone, I’m definitely not getting along with them...  2169. When you ask for something do you make a request or a demand? >> I mean, a demand isn’t an ask, so obviously if I’m asking for something it’s a request....... 2170. Who are you a bad influence on? >> I have no idea. 2171. Who are you a good influence on? >> I have no idea. 2172. Who is on your christmas list this year? >> Who?? 2173. How many other people do you know of that are doing this survey? >> Just Elizabeth (Elisabeth? can never remember if it’s a Z or an S, one day I’ll get it right), who I’m taking this from, and someone else in the survey tag. 2174. Have you ever intentionally had a one night stand? >> Yes. 2175. Do you tend to get car sick? >> No. 2176. What is the length of your hair? >> Like, a couple of centimeters. 2177. Do you like to listen to techno music? >> Sure. 2178. Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color? >> Long time ago, yeah. 2179. What do you think of these diary names? Oculto: suffer victim: With A Purpose:  Almost_Famous: In.The.Name.Of.Lust: The Phallic Stapler:  <*>SeXyCandace<*>: 2180. What do you think of these entry titles? Lesbians … as far as the eye can see: Why Avril Lavigne sucks:  Call On Jesus: Buddha-licious: WeLCome To The JungLe!: Geektastic: Should i get an abortion?: 2181. What do you find beautiful in an atypical way? >> I don’t know what that means. 2182. What would you PHYSICALLY fight someone over? >> Nothing. As previously stated, I have sub-zero interest in being in a physical altercation. 2183. What was the last thing you were invited to? >> I don’t remember. Probably Lauren’s birthday party.
2184. What do you like >> Either there was more to this question that got cut off, or you’re really being this vague at this point in the survey. Either way... Next. 2185. Have you ever drank:  chartruese? No. Was going to buy some for my birthday this year, and then fuckin COVID got in the way of all my plans. absinth? Yes, I drink it somewhat frequently. 2186. Do you plan your outfits ahead of time, pick them out the morning of, wear whatever was on the floor, or wear what you slept in? >> I just wear whatever I pull out of the drawer, when it’s time to change. Most of my clothing is pretty interchangeable. 2187. How long have you ever gone without changing your sheets: A long, long time. Months, probably. clothes: A few days, I imagine. underwear: Also a few days, I imagine. toothbrush: Probably ages, idk. 2189. What item should not be shared? >> Needles. 2190. How do you keep control of your temper? >> I don’t really have to work at this, I don’t have a very advanced temper. It’s my other emotions that tend to get out of hand. 2191. If you could gain all of your dreams by giving a family member (little brother) to the goblin king who would turn him into a goblin, would you? >> Ha! This situation doesn’t apply to me. Can I just be the goblin king instead? 2192. Do you like to listen to Duran Duran? >> No, but Hungry Like the Wolf is a bop. 2193. Do you ever feel the need for MORE than life has to offer? >> No...? What I want is what life does have to offer, but apparently didn’t want to offer to me. 2194. What is your favorite children’s story? >> The Phantom Tollbooth. 2195. Do you think that adult books should have more pictures? >> I love a good illustrated book, sure, why not? 2196. What was your all time low? >> --- 2197. Do you make up songs and sing them to yourself when you’re alone? >> No, I just sing songs that already exist. 2198. Do you like to listen to the Smashing Pumpkins? >> Yeah. This is one of those bands that annoyed me when I was a kid, but I enjoy now. 2199. Do you see the expression of emotion as weakness? >> Unfortunately, I had that concept instilled in me by an emotionally unavailable parent and emotionally abusive relatives. But I fucking hate that concept and I want desperately to be rid of it. 2200. Are you prepared in case of chemical, biological and nuclear attacks? >> I am not.
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