#LIKE IM TRANS BTW I’m seeing these t3*fs uncritically read a post from so long ago with my faggy essence I’m. mad.
meme-sauce · 2 years
I try not to have regrets but it does bug me that my most popular post on this website is the one that can be most easily assumed as terf rhetoric
I meant to make it as a demonstration of how patriarchy affects how we raise amabs, and how we often raise them to be inconsiderate and unwilling/unable to be emotionally intelligent. (It’s not the individuals fault, it’s a system. Pedantics (? Is that an adverb or a noun?) aside, most cultures are patriarchal. Why this is, is up for discussion, but I really do think it feeds into a system of ‘this is how it’s always been’. … A much deeper analysis needed so. Anyways.)
I was 4 years younger, and didn’t have the vocabulary or intelligence needed to covey the message in a clear way. Now terfs and constantly needing to block them haunt me. Btw, If you are a terf, this is not a place of honor. Literally get the fuck out.
If you saw that post and hated me because it can be easily rhetorically commandeered by terfs, I’m really sorry. This is truly the bad side of a post leaving containment: I wrote it in 2 minutes frustrated in the back room of my workplace, and never meant for it to be anything but a rant.
TBC, I still have issues with how the binary sexes are raised. But this is not intended to offend anyone, it’s just a commentary on how most parents I see are raising /boys/ as opposed to /girls/. Gender neutral parenting and all that.
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