imaybe5tupid · 1 day
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#Touden father#dungeon meshi#laios would never set foot in his hometown ever again but in my dreams he visits Melini for some reason#and him and Laios reenact Bergman’s film Autumn Sonata#my favourite genre is the domestic drama and so naturally his Everything entranced me#the entire Touden family could easily fit in among Ibsen’s dysfunctional nuclear families (toshiros too for that matter moreso even)#and BEFORE non-Ibsen heads who only know A Doll’s House think I’m comparing him to Torvald I AM NOT#ITS A NONSENSICAL COMPARISON BUT I CAN SEE SOMEONE WHO ISNT CRAZY ABOUT HIM OR IBSEN THINKING THAT#so i needed to nip that in the bud NOW!!! because just the thought of someone thinking I feel that way makes flames crawl up my face#anyway Im really obsessed with him…what hes doing now that his children are grown doing their own thing what were his dreams long ago….#what is his relationship with his frail and severely nervous wife…do they even really have one? how did he learn about elf mythology?#did he go to school? Does he have any magical aptitude? what are his plans now that his children have flown away?#who will lead the village when hes gone? Is he trying to find a suitable replacement? Does he have any extended family?#What kind of letters did him and his wife write to Falin? How long until they stopped writing Laios?#Did they ever stop or has Laios just stopped reading them?#How often do he and his wife write Falin? Does he really not have any friends or is that another of child Laios’ misconceptions?#ahhhhh so many things….so many feelings in my heart….#Also “Faren” is father in norwegian :) since that is where i hc toudens from#bc of the mountains and vibe the other parts of scandinavia cant even compare it wouldnt make nearly s much sense to be any of the others#lol i just move on when I dont agree with certain interpretations but i get so heated seeing them hc as another scandi country lmao#like BE SO SERIOUS#NORWAY IS THE MOST TEXTUALLY SUPPORTED AND ITS NOT EVEN CLOSEEEE
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 1 month
Actually let’s talk about watcher because so many of you are so unbelievably clueless about how money works it’s actually embarrassing.
You understand a company costs a LOT, right?
Today ONE FAMILY could live a comfortable but not a lavish lifestyle off of 70k a year. That’s for ONE FAMILY.
An entire business definitely can’t live off that. They’re getting approximately a few million. That’s not enough, not anymore.
And yeah, they do have a fan base. But it’s not exactly the most established. They didn’t start their own channel on YouTube like GMM or Smosh. They started at Buzzfeed and THEN moved to YouTube. They started late.
They started around Covid. And the economy has worsened so much since then. Of COURSE they’re struggling.
Also, hey, guys, it’s absolutely suicidal for them to put all of their own personal money into this business. Ryan and Shane are married. Their income helps support another human being too. What exactly do you want them to do? Go without food? Lose their HOMES?
Yeah, a business comes with sacrifices but, hey, guess what? That shouldn’t mean killing yourself in the process.
Also, hey, Steven owning a Tesla? Not a valid argument. He is ONE person, and frankly, we don’t know how long he saved or what he gave up in his personal life to have that. And FRANKLY, a Tesla isn’t exactly the most bizarre and out of this world car to own.
For a business they have to pay for the office, depending on who that’s through they may have separate bills for things like water, electricity, ect. They have to pay a salary for each staff member, they have to pay their guests. They have to pay for equipment, they have to pay for travel fees. They have to pay for food for staff when traveling, and so much more.
Also, hey, you guys understand how much we pay for everyday, right? How many of you have Netflix? Disney+? Spotify premium? How many of you pay for Starbucks more than once a week instead of making coffee at home?
And I’m not saying you should be ashamed of that, but just think for a moment. You don’t need all of that. Struggling for money means you can’t afford any of that to begin with. If you can that means you’re deciding how YOU want to spend your money and where, just like they are. Except unlike you, they’re making an investment for their COMPANY.
Also, guys, not a single content creator owes us their content or time. They’re giving it to us for free and that’s amazing. But it’s definitely hard on them. Especially when fans are so demanding. We have to pay for most things in life. It’s not all the surprising that we’d have to pay for watcher.
If anything it makes sense. They’re a show, these guys are basically actors. They provide entertainment like any other tv show. And hey, you have to pay SOMETHING AND SOMEONE to watch tv.
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yellowcurtajns · 2 months
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OHHHH he’s watching them for sure i see that look edmundo that is straight up jealousy
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I'm obSESSED with the moral panic in the Doctor Who fandom over... Like... The existence of Ncuti Gatwa I guess? So many people crying sexualisation over the Houdini comment when
a) it's basically the same thing Thirteen said once and
b) the Moffat era exists
Like, that entire run was Steven's wet fantasy about hot bisexual women who could step on him, Amy Pond was a literal sex worker, Eleven frenched every woman in sight, and "hot summer with Harry Houdini" is what got you all bothered? Sweaty it's nothing new, you're just a homophobe
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I’m so sorry but Ghost would not say “it’s not that deep”
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cassiaslair · 2 months
pretty gross that you charge for layouts using images that aren't yours
PLEASE BE SO SERIOUS LMAO are you just messaging like, all the creators on tungle... chronically online behavior.
my carrd layouts don't come with images. it's stated very clearly in all the descriptions.
as for promos and icon borders and literally whatever graphic template i sell, i use assets i purchased from etsy, kofi, any other site that sells little pngs etc. i specifically purchase assets that come with licenses that allow me to profit from them, and if the licenses aren't inherently included, i will purchase licenses from those creators.
please have some common sense before you come into my inbox or the inbox of anyone else making baseless accusations. if you have this much free time to go around the rpc sending people these anons, surely you've got the time to go do some research of your own and not be stupid on purpose.
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syringa · 10 months
being a coheed fan will have you say insane things like ‘we should go to nyack ny’
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akkpipitphattana · 7 months
i don’t understand how there’s STILL people claiming ray thinks of sand as a whore after yo’s lil speech about people only wanting her for her money and her body and her being scared when plug came along. they literally could not have made the comparison more obvious unless they’d slapped a “SHES A METAPHOR FOR RAY” sticker on her forehead
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starlooove · 21 days
Batfans when they finally read a Duke comic and see literally everything they say about him has not only been addressed but denied ☹️😨😰😰😰
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funniest apology I've ever received has got to be the time a girl who treated me differently like. every other day. said it's because she's a Gemini
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silviakundera · 4 months
let's be honest, the most unrealistic aspect of the Cherry Magic adaption from Thailand is not the mind-reading, but management making moves like they'd press their best sales guy for six straight years out of the company because he doesn't want to stop dating another employee who isn't in his reporting structure. BRO.
a sales guy canonically that good could pick up the phone and get an offer from their competitor within 72 hours. It would be prayers up from Oceania recruiters that he's back on the market.
For corp leadership across the globe, these people are viewed as top talent to be preserved at all costs. The boss' annual bonus is riding on this guy. WHO MIND FUCKS THE MEAL TICKET?!
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formulalfc · 5 months
kevin de bruyne can't be the best midfielder in prem history, he's literally ginger
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sebin · 11 months
i can’t believe i’m meeting p1harmony
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tirednotflirting · 1 year
still thinking about the conversation i was having about travel with a couple of the new people in the office last week when at one point one of them says ‘yeah americans who only travel around the US are just so uncultured’ like babes. not everyone can afford international travel. have you thought of this?
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brightyearning · 1 year
hate when the checkout guy is flirting w me but doesn't even offer a lil discount or something to sweeten the pot 😒
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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