korselettlover · 21 hours
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crossdresslover789 · 3 months
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...ich im Wohlfühldress
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sissystraum · 10 months
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Triumph Doreen+Cotton Hosenkorselett mit bestickten Obercups.
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korseletts · 1 year
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von Nancies
Farbe: rot
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gowibu-blog · 5 months
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gowibu · 1 year
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Sehr schönes Korselett wird aber leider nicht mehr produziert 😔 trage es sehr gerne
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megastretchy · 9 months
Wo kann man sich das Korselett Was mit der schönen Frau gezeigt wird besorgen?
No idea
0 notes
hatari-translations · 2 years
CYBER - Elda (Cook) - transcript/translation
Apologies that it has been a while! An anon requested several CYBER songs a while back; here's the next one, "ELDA", yet another CYBER song about cannibalism.
Content warning for a neglectful relationship culminating in killing and eating your boyfriend, as one does.
Icelandic transcript
Allt of langt síðan ég heyrði eitthvað frá þér og Netflixið mitt er að gefast upp á mér Ég heyri í þér anda, ég segi þér brandara Nærð ekki neinu og spyrð að því hvað sé að
Elda mat, borða hann, tannbursta Elda mat, borða hann, tannbursta Setja í samband og hlaða það Drepa í stubbnum og setja í þurrkara, ha
Lít á klukkuna, klukkan er átta Ætlaðir að koma inn fyrir átta Hringi og segi að klukkan sé átta Þú segir að þitt úr sé korter í átta (Ohh!)
Ekki segja mér að þú sért að gleyma því sem við ætluðum að gera Ég gerði ráð fyrir því að vera að gera eitthvað svo ég sagði nei við sjitti sem ég hefði viljað gera
Elda mat, borða hann, tannbursta Elda mat, borða hann, tannbursta Kannski set ég þig í þurrkarann næst ef þú gleymir að setja í hann (þannig að)
Næst þegar þú reynir að hringja svara ég ekki Næst þegar þú talar um hana mun ég muna það
Næst þegar þú reynir að hringja svara ég ekki Næst þegar þú talar um hana mun ég muna það
Ég tala of mikið við fólk sem ég þoli ekki Fer ekki heim því ég þoli ekki að vera ein Fer eftir hvað er að gerast í kringum mig hvort ég sé til í að tala um sjálfa mig
Er ekki búin að taka til Hef ekki neinn til að tala við Langar að flytja eitthvert annað, mig langar að reykja minna og sofa sjaldnar yfir mig
Halló? Ertu hér? Varstu nokkuð búinn að gleyma mér? Ég vil að þú komir með mat til mín, kannski vín og sjálfan þig, ég vil liggja hliðina á þér
Elda mat, borða hann, tannbursta Ég elska þig fyrir að elska það Lyfti glasi og reyni að heyra hvað þú segir þegar þú talar um hana
Næst þegar þú reynir að hringja svara ég ekki Næst þegar þú talar um hana mun ég muna það
Hví ertu ekki kominn heim? Langaði bara að ríða þér Klæddu mig í korselett en þitt núna (?)
Hættu að leita, leita að afsökunum Þykjast læra, læra af mistökunum Búin að heyra nóg af afsökunum Reyni að bara bæla niður vonbrigðin
Þegar þú fokking loksins svarar símanum ertu búinn að slökkva á öllum sögunum Fer svo í taugarnar á mér að höndunum langar að skera þig upp og ég vúps!
Elda hann, borða hann, tannbursta hann Bragðið er smá eins og kryddblanda Plasthnífapör og tómatsósa Beinin af þér fara í blandara
Næst þegar þú reynir að hringja svara ég ekki Næst þegar þú talar um hana mun ég muna það
Næst þegar þú reynir að hringja svara ég ekki Næst þegar þú talar um hana mun ég muna það
Transcription notes
The line "og sjálfan þig, vil liggja hliðina á þér" sounds more like "sjálfa þig", the feminine, but given the rest of the context of the song, I think it must be referring to the boyfriend (who is explicitly referred to as he), so I'm guessing it's just slurred.
There's just one line I can't hear properly, ugh. She sounds increasingly drunk and slurs more as the song goes on, but that's the only one I actually can't make out in any sensible way.
English translation
Been way too long since I heard anything from you and my Netflix is on the verge of giving up on me I hear you breathe, I tell you a joke You don't get anything and ask what's wrong with me
Cook food, eat it, brush my teeth Cook food, eat it, brush my teeth Plug in and charge Put out the cigarette and load the dryer, ha
I look at the time, it's eight o'clock You were going to be here by eight o'clock I call you and tell you it's eight o'clock You say your watch says fifteen to eight o'clock (Ughh!)
Don't tell me you forgot about what we were going to do I was assuming I'd be doing something so I said no to shit that I would've wanted to do
Cook food, eat it, brush my teeth Cook food, eat it, brush my teeth Maybe I'll put you in the dryer next time if you forget to load it (so...)
Next time you try to call I won't answer Next time you talk about her I'll remember
Next time you try to call I won't answer Next time you talk about her I'll remember
I talk too much to people I can't stand Don't go home because I can't stand to be alone Depends what's happening around me whether I'm down to talk about myself
Haven't tidied anything up Don't have anyone to talk to Want to move somewhere else, I want to smoke less and not oversleep so often
Hello? Are you there? You didn't forget about me, did you? I want you to bring me food, maybe wine and yourself, I want to lie by your side
Cook food, eat it, brush my teeth I love you for loving it Raise my glass and try to hear what you say when you talk about her
Next time you try to call I won't answer Next time you talk about her I'll remember
Why aren't you home yet? I just wanted to fuck you Dress me up in a corset but yours now (?)
Stop searching, searching for excuses Pretending to learn, learn from your mistakes I've heard enough excuses I just try to suppress my disappointment
When you finally fucking answer the phone you've turned off all the saws It annoys me so much that my hands want to cut you up and I whoops!
Cook him, eat him, brush his teeth The taste is a bit like a mixture of spices Plastic cutlery and ketchup Your bones go in the blender
Next time you try to call I won't answer Next time you talk about her I'll remember
Next time you try to call I won't answer Next time you talk about her I'll remember
Translation notes
The title is the verb "To cook", not the noun.
In the last line of the first verse, it's ambiguous whether the boyfriend is asking what's wrong, in a concerned way, or what's wrong with you, in a creeped out way. I went with the latter because that seems more likely to be a reaction to a joke and to the narrator of the song.
The "turned off all the saws" is a bit weird. Technically it could also equivalently translate to "turned off all the stories", but that makes even less sense.
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korselettlover · 21 hours
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die-1950er · 3 years
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Unterwäsche für den Abend, 1952. Dieses trägerlose Korselett mit Strapsen war für Abendkleider gedacht.
Evening underwear, 1952. This strapless corselet with suspenders was intended for evening dresses.
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crossdresslover789 · 2 months
Hallo Claudia, ich komme auch aus NRW (OWL) und sehne mich ebenfalls nach einem realen Kontakt. Bin über 50, schlank und stehe neben Damenwäsche auch auf PETTICOATS und weibliche Kleidung aus den 50er und 60er. Bin sehr aufgeschlossen und offen für alles.
Falls Du besuchbar bist, würde ich sehr gerne mal,vorbeischauen. Vielleicht können wir ja auch mal chatten oder telefonieren. Bin daher old-school und rede gerne persönlich.
Liebe Grüße, Manuela
Hi Manuela, ich antworte Dir mit einer PN, kannst Dich dann gerne noch mal melden. LG Claudia
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maltebrun · 4 years
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rosalie-lingerie · 8 years
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Korselett ohne Bügel
von Rosalie
Farbe: haut
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gowibu-blog · 5 months
Korselett mit spitzen Brüsten
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