#Kidney hospital in delhi
madhubancare · 8 months
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madhuban-kidneycare · 17 days
Robotic Surgeries simplifying Procedure and outcomes in Delhi
Technological advancements have touched every aspect of human life in the last 2-3 decades. Everything is at our fingertips, and most tasks, minor or significant, are possible at the click of a button. Medical technologists have also contributed significantly to the development of newer devices, drugs, and consumables, thereby making the treatment; of errors accessible, more precise, and accurate with much lesser side effects & complications, thereby improving the outcomes drastically. One such technology that has changed the landscape of modern surgeries is the introduction of surgical robots. Robotic surgery is a technique that surgeons employ to operate on patients using small incisions with the help of robotic arms. Robotic-assisted surgeries have simplified surgical procedures, fewer complications, and better outcomes than traditional methods.
The first documented use of a robot-assisted surgical procedure dates back to 1985 when PUMA 560 robotic surgical arm was used in a delicate neurosurgical biopsy. But, this was a non-laparoscopic surgery. The first robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery was the removal of the gall bladder in 1987. Since then, there have been numerous developments in this field. The breakthrough came in 2000 when the da Vinci Surgery System became the first robotic surgery system approved by the FDA for general laparoscopic surgery. This system’s three-dimensional magnification screen allowed surgeons to view the operative area with high-resolution clarity. The “Endo-wrist” features of the operating arms precisely replicated the skilled motions of the surgeon at the controls, improving accuracy in small operating spaces.
What does Robotic surgery mean to you?
Robotic surgery has many benefits. It is less invasive, which means it can be done with smaller incisions and less tissue damage. It also has better precision, which means it can be used for more complicated surgeries than traditional methods. The main benefits of robotic surgery for you as a patient are:
Fewer incisions and more minor scars
Less blood loss and operative time
Improved post-operatory recovery & Shorter hospital stay
Fewer post-operatory complications
How is it helpful for surgeons in improving outcomes?
I would say that three crucial features that robot has, which help simplify surgeries & thereby improve surgical outcomes, are:
The 3-dimensional high-definition view helps surgeons concentrate even on the tiniest structures in the body and even reach difficult-to-access areas with great ease. This, along with better depth perception, improves surgical accuracy.
Three hundred sixty degrees of wrist movement allows surgeons to be more precise and accurate in difficult areas like the pelvis.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning enable the system to have many safety mechanisms, resulting in fewer complications.
With these advances, surgical robots make your surgeries easier and better.
Get the second opinion from kidney specialists in Delhi for kidney transplant and robotics surgery
You can contact us by:
Phone: +91 7827890989
Email: at Madhuban kidney care
Website: Madhuban kidney care
Visit us: at Best nephrologist in Delhi
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madhubankidneycare1 · 2 months
Selecting the Right Kidney Hospital in Delhi: Expert Tips and Advice
Make an informed decision while selecting the right kidney hospital in Delhi. Our website offers expert tips and advice to guide you through the process. Get valuable insights and choose the best hospital for your needs. Trust us for reliable information. To get the best kidney realted tratmennt from Madhuban Kidney Care. Email at :- [email protected] Phone No:-+91 7827 890 989.
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rawahealth · 23 days
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transplantcounseller · 2 months
Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India – Transplant Counsellor
One aspect that requires a lot of attention to support the country's overall growth is the healthcare sector. In the health field, kidney diseases require special attention. With the increasing need for various kidney-related medicines, kidney transplantation has become one of the most necessary procedures.
 With this increase in the need for kidney transplants, the establishment of the best kidney transplant hospitals in India has also increased significantly. Some of the key services these hospitals seek to provide include providing best-in-class kidney testing, support from top nephrologists, and access to keep you updated on the current location of your kidneys in case of problems.
Retests and free blood tests for those who can't afford it, the best and fastest kidney transplants, financial assistance for kidney transplants, and more. These facilities are only available at some of the top India kidney transplant hospitals . All these aspects contribute to the hospital becoming one of the best hospitals and providing the best services to the people of India.
These hospitals have both the financial support and infrastructure to provide this type of service to kidney patients. Some of the best and most reputed kidney transplant hospitals in India have come up in the last five years. This phenomenon is not only seen in large cities, but also has strong developments in smaller states and cities. The development's motto is to provide world-class kidney support to everyone. Kidney transplants can be quite expensive. With the financial support of these excellent institutions, we can help all sections of the population.
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Transplant Counsellor ensures the best treatment and all other types of support that patients and their families can expect during a kidney or liver transplant. Our affiliation with India's leading multi-specialty hospitals that perform heart and lung transplants and our knowledge to assist with social, economic, psychological and medical issues makes the entire process a mundane task.
Source Url : https://www.transplantcounsellor.com/blog/recent-hike-in-the-establishments-of-the-best-kidney-transplant-hospitals-in-india
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epitomehospital · 2 months
Expert Kidney Care in Delhi: Find Top Specialists at Epitome Hospital
Discover the best kidney specialist in Delhi at Epitome Hospital. Get comprehensive care and treatment for kidney conditions from experienced nephrologists. Searching for a kidney specialist in Delhi? Look no further than Epitome Hospital. Our experienced nephrologists offer comprehensive care and treatment for various kidney conditions, ensuring personalized attention and support. From diagnosis to post-treatment care, trust Epitome Hospital for expert kidney care in Delhi.
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shriharihospital · 2 months
Best kidney stone Hospital in Ghaziabad
Discover shri hari hospital, best kidney stone hospital in Ghaziabad With a dedicated team of specialists and state-of-the-art facilities, we provide unparalleled expertise in managing kidney stone ailments. Trust in our commitment to excellence for your health needs. Schedule a consultation today.
For more information visit our website: www.shriharihospital.com
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ssbhospital · 6 months
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Watch this video where Dr. Ankit Goel shares diet recommendations to treat kidney stones or prevent  kidney stones if there is a possibility of developing them. Don’t allow kidney stones to hinder your path to recovery. Let’s collaborate for a future free from the burden of stones
To Get In Touch With Us: MASSH Hospital
B-18, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi - 110048 
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sarvodayahospital · 7 months
Sarvodaya Cancer Institute stands as one of the leading cancer care centers in North India, where nationally renowned oncologists, dedicated nurses, and staff go to greater lengths to provide a cancer-free life to the patients. Watch as Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar - Director, Sarvodaya Cancer Institute in a recent conversation with Bharat 24 News Channel talks about the specialties of Sarvodaya Cancer Institute.
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madhuban-kidneycare · 17 days
Vegetarian diet for kidney patients in summer in India
Kidney patients in India often face a challenge when it comes to their diet. It’s crucial for them to be mindful of what they eat, as certain foods can impact their health negatively. During the summer season, it can be even more challenging for kidney patients to follow a healthy diet. The hot and humid weather can make them feel less hungry, and their bodies may need more fluids than usual. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of a vegetarian diet for kidney patients during the summer season in India.
Why a Vegetarian Diet for kidney patients in summer?
A vegetarian diet is one that includes plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. It is a healthy and nutritious diet that can provide kidney patients with the nutrients they need to maintain their health. A vegetarian diet is also easier on the kidneys, as it contains less protein, which can be beneficial for people with kidney disease.
Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet for Kidney Patients in Summer
Hydration: One of the essential benefits of a vegetarian diet for kidney patients in summer is hydration. Vegetables and fruits are high in water content, which can help kidney patients stay hydrated during the hot and humid weather. It’s crucial for kidney patients to stay hydrated, as dehydration can lead to further kidney damage.
Lower Blood Pressure: High blood pressure can cause further damage to the kidneys. A vegetarian diet lowers blood pressure due to its high fiber content, low fat content, and the absence of processed foods. Eating more fruits and vegetables can also help lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of kidney damage.
Lower Cholesterol: A vegetarian diet can help lower cholesterol levels, which is beneficial for kidney patients. High cholesterol levels can lead to heart disease, which is a common complication of kidney disease. Eating a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease.
Reduced Protein Intake: Kidney patients need to limit their protein intake to reduce the workload on their kidneys. A vegetarian diet is lower in protein, making it easier for kidney patients to manage their protein intake. Plant-based sources of protein, such as beans and lentils, are also less expensive than animal-based sources of protein.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: A vegetarian diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for kidney patients. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for kidney health. It lowers the risk of complications associated with kidney disease.
You can contact us by:
Phone: +91 7827890989
Email: at Madhuban kidney care
Website: Madhuban kidney care
Visit us: at Best nephrologist in Delhi
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madhubankidneycare1 · 2 months
Tips to Prevent Kidney Disease: Advice from Madhuban Kidney Care, Delhi's Premier Nephrology Hospital
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Kidney disease is a serious health issue affecting millions worldwide. However, with the right knowledge and lifestyle changes, it's often preventable. At Madhuban Kidney Care, we understand the importance of kidney health and strive to educate our patients on preventive measures. In this blog post, we'll discuss effective strategies to safeguard your kidneys and maintain optimal health.
Stay Hydrated:
One of the simplest yet most crucial steps in preventing kidney disease is staying hydrated. Adequate water intake helps your kidneys flush out toxins and waste products efficiently. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and increase your fluid intake during hot weather or physical activity.
Maintain a Balanced Diet:
A healthy diet plays a significant role in kidney health. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit your intake of processed foods, saturated fats, and excessive salt and sugar, as these can strain your kidneys and increase the risk of hypertension and diabetes, both major contributors to kidney disease. Madhuban Kidney Care offers the Best Nephrology Hospital in Delhi.
Control Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels:
High blood pressure and diabetes are leading causes of kidney disease. Monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar levels regularly, and work with your healthcare provider to keep them within a healthy range. Lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and following a low-sodium diet can help manage these conditions effectively.
Exercise Regularly:
Regular physical activity is essential for overall health, including kidney health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Exercise helps control blood pressure, manage weight, and improve cardiovascular health, all of which contribute to reducing the risk of kidney disease.
Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption:
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage your kidneys and impair their function over time. Quit smoking if you currently smoke, and limit alcohol intake to moderate levels. If you need assistance in quitting smoking or reducing alcohol consumption, seek support from healthcare professionals or support groups.
Practice Good Hygiene:
Practicing good hygiene can prevent infections that may affect your kidneys. Wash your hands regularly, especially before handling food or after using the restroom. Ensure that you follow proper food safety measures to prevent foodborne illnesses, which can strain your kidneys.
Get Regular Check-ups:
Regular health check-ups are crucial for early detection and prevention of kidney disease. Visit your healthcare provider for routine screenings, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and kidney function tests. Early detection allows for timely intervention and management of any underlying conditions that may affect your kidney health.
Preventing kidney disease requires a proactive approach to lifestyle and health management. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine and seeking regular medical care, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing kidney disease. At Madhuban Kidney Care, we're committed to supporting you on your journey to optimal kidney health. Remember, small changes can make a big difference in safeguarding your kidneys for a healthy future.
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drforambhuta · 9 months
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The manifestation of kidney stone symptoms can vary significantly and is influenced by factors like stone size, location, and whether they obstruct the urinary tract. Common indications include:
1. Intense Discomfort: A defining feature of kidney stones is severe, piercing pain, often referred to as renal colic. This kidney pain usually begins suddenly and can extend from the lower back to the abdomen and groin. Its intensity can be agonizing, necessitating immediate medical attention.
2. Hematuria: The presence of blood in urine, known as hematuria, is another prevalent sign of kidney stones. Hematuria can be visually evident, causing urine to appear pink, red, or brown, or it may require microscopic urine analysis for detection.
3. Increased Urination: People with kidney stones may experience heightened urges to urinate, often accompanied by pain or discomfort during the process.
4. Nausea and Vomiting: The severity of kidney stone pain can be sufficient to induce nausea and vomiting in some individuals.
5. Fever and Chills: Infections linked to kidney stones can result in fever and chills, although this is more frequently associated with struvite stones.
6. Turbid or Foul-Smelling Urine: Infections stemming from kidney stones may lead to cloudy or malodorous urine.
There are some of the best hospitals in Delhi, such as Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, where you can be diagnosed and treated for kidney stones early.
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epitomehospital · 2 months
Leading Kidney Specialist in Delhi: Epitome Hospital Offers Comprehensive Care
Epitome Hospital in Delhi houses a team of expert kidney specialists dedicated to providing top-notch care for various kidney ailments. From diagnosis to treatment and transplant services, Epitome Hospital stands as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking advanced kidney care in the region.
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kidneytreatmentnatural · 11 months
Karma Ayurveda in Delhi are specialists in Kidney Disease Treatment
Restore Your Kidney Health Naturally with Karma Ayurveda in Delhi. Renowned specialists in Ayurvedic treatment for kidney diseases. They are committed towards holistic care and improved well-being.
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