#Kazetsuyo Bonenkai 2019
syncopatedid · 4 years
02.01.2020: Kazetsuyo Episode 23: In the Wind
“That night, when you passed before my eyes, I had a thought: That’s my dream right there, it’s taken shape and it’s running... “
“You asked me once what running is. You said you wanted to know what it is...” 
“Did you know?” “The answer is you.”
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syncopatedid · 4 years
11.12.19:  Kazetsuyo Episode 1: The Tenth Man
“Let’s run it together. The Hakone Ekiden.”
My most favourite recurring motif in this anime has always been the sound of the wind. Like its namesake, the wind has always made its presence felt throughout the series. Whether it’s the rattling of the doors when Haiji first announces his lofty goal; the gentle breeze that brushes past Kakeru as he begins a new chapter of his life in Aotake; or the forceful howl that ushers in a flurry flashback of events leading up to Where We Are Now. The wind serves as a symbolic marker for all the pivotal plot points: The Catalyst. The Back Story. The Big Event. The Midpoint, the Crisis, the Climax, and the Realization. It is a sign that change is coming.
Everything is written in the wind.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
「ども。一年の清瀬ハイジです、文学部。よろしく。」 “Hello. I’m first-year Haiji Kiyose, literature student. Nice to meet you.”
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syncopatedid · 4 years
20.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 10: Our Speed
“You’re always facing forward... Until you turn around, you’ll never see them from where you are.”
I love how this episode’s underlying theme centers around the idea of  “perspective”, both in the literal and figurative sense. Kakeru learning to “turn around” and see things from Akane’s point of view. Akane learning to look up, to “face forward” to experience the way Kakeru runs.
In a way, perspective was what both Kakeru and Akane lacked and needed in their lives.
Kakeru, the “unstoppable force”, is too obsessed with charging ahead. Because running comes easily to him, he is quick to dismiss the efforts of others as “half-assing it” without understanding what they have to struggle with. Akane, the “immovable object”, is too stubborn and set in his ways. He’s a creature of habit and is resistant to change (even if, imo, it feels like he does desire to change himself), and he’s a quibbler for the sake of quibbling. Because neither was willing to see the other’s perspective, when unstoppable force meets immovable object, they find themselves at an impasse.
It took Kakeru taking a step back and Akane taking a step forward that they are finally able to meet in the middle and find common ground. And in gaining new perspectives, they are able to achieve the breakthrough they needed and see real progess with their running.
My Kake-Ouji feels cannot be contained, and my puddle of tears is a lake.
Bonus thoughts because this post could use some Haiji:
1. A moment of silence please as we appreciate the preciousness that is Haiji’s genuine laughter.
2. Why does my son not practice what he preaches, smh.
3. I’d like to think Haiji only ate the Ochazuke because he didn’t want to hurt the twins’ feelings and not because he was hungry (also because he could just go out and get some food since he already has an escape window).
4.  Let us give thanks to the window in Haiji’s room.
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5. I am mesmerized by this gif, I tell you. I have been staring at it all day. It’s likely that Kakeru is used to backward jogging because it’s not as easy as it looks, to be able to do that for a distance would require some amount of practice! Also, yes I know both Haiji and Kakeru are jogging in sync and at the same pace, but I’d like to imagine Kakeru’s backward pace is still a hair’s breath faster than Haiji if you stared long enough, ahaha... 
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(⌐‿⌐ )ɜ ɛ( ¬‿¬)   ...bump.   
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syncopatedid · 4 years
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02.01.2020: Kazetsuyo Episode 23: In the Wind
Haiji hasn’t really thought about the future, because the truth is, Haiji can’t see beyond the ekiden.
The ekiden was a dream that’s kept him distracted for the past four years; it kept him running, kept him from sinking into despair. But now that he’s actually gotten this far... what next? What future does he have to look forward to after it’s over? Before the accident, Haiji had a bright future as an athlete, his career path had been laid out for him the day he was born. That option no longer exists for him, and he’s not arrogant enough to believe he has the chance to make a comeback. He knows his body well enough to know this is as far as his running can go.
After the ekiden, Kakeru and Fujioka will no doubt go on to pursue competitive running and he’ll get left behind. He’s jealous that they’d be able to go much further as athletes, to pursue their aspirations and continue running in a world where he can’t follow.
What about him?
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syncopatedid · 4 years
01.01.20: Kazetsuyo Episode 22: Embrace Your Loneliness
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I think the saddest thing about Yohei’s story is that he’s never given himself the chance for others to get to know the real him. How many times have people extended an invitation to him to join them, only for him to snub their offer because, perhaps, he expected preferential treatment from them? To be considered a “best friend”? He’s so attention starved, but the kind of attention he seeks is not forthcoming because he’s placed himself so high on his own pedestal that people can’t reach him even if they sincerely wanted to. He desires closeness but self-sabotages and pushes people away.
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It’s not wrong to want to be seen as special, of course, but what he doesn’t realise is that friendships need to start on equal ground, and him being such a prideful creature who refuses to get down to their level is why Yohei finds it so difficult to make that connection with others. How could a friendship progress to something more, if he’s not even being true to himself? That’s why he always ends up being disappointed by others and shutting himself out.
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He’s also forgotten that Haiji was the one who extended his hand to him first.  (And as we all know, Haiji specifically chose these members to run the ekiden. So in every sense of the word, Yohei was considered special to Haiji too). But when he’s running, Yohei’s unable to maintain his facade of perfection anymore. He sees his own weakness, as does his teammates, and yet... he feels that connection to them because this is his shameful, authentic self.  He is a nobody. Just like everyone else. And like that, he’s able to see his own value as an important member of the team in spite of his own weakness, see people cheering on the streets for him. At the end of the day, everyone is alone in their struggles, but perhaps in admitting it so, he’ll be brave enough to break out of that cycle and reach out to others the same way others have reached out to him.
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Speaking of other basket cases, Sakaki.
I personally don’t think he and Kakeru will ever make up or be friends again because his high school life can’t be undone, but in spite of all that’s happened, Sakaki’s managed to get into a reputable sports college, and he’s even made it as a regular on the team. Objectively speaking, regardless of what Kakeru did that jammed the brakes on his ambitions in high school, there’s no doubt that Sakaki is back on the right track and making progress in life, except like Kakeru before, he’s hung up on the past and unable to let go of his anger.
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I’m not saying Sakaki should forgive Kakeru because Kakeru has changed for the better and has reflected on his actions. You don’t get to dictate when someone should forgive you for the damage you’ve done. But the fact is that Kakeru has already moved on, and no matter how much Sakaki wants to continue to guilt trip him about their past, it won’t work on him anymore. And in spite of himself, Sakaki seems to have friends and teammates who think the world of him too. He’s got the right support system and I think he has what it takes to go further in life. Sakaki needs to let go of that anger and make peace with himself so he doesn’t miss out on the good things that he now has.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
24.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 14: You Are Not Alone
“Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward!!” 
It’s too soon to be crying again yet here I am with all of my feelings.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
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22.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 12: Summer Prank
So anyway if you’re genuinely wondering how long the Aotake boys were stuck on Haiji’s ride on their way up to Shirakaba Lake the answer is at LEAST 2 hours and 31 minutes assuming Haiji didn’t make a wrong turn RIP kids. (They were luckier in the novel because Haiji already mastered driving by then, ahaha). 
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syncopatedid · 4 years
18.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 8: Dangerous Character
“No one here is running half-assed! Why won’t you try to acknowledge that everyone’s trying their best?"
Production IG really gave us some A+ humor between Akane and the Twins for this episode, but it did very little to cushion the pain of the Big Fight between Haiji and Kakeru. Also, the camera panning to Haiji’s knees just as he says “It’s futile”? I felt that. 。゚(*´□`)゚ 。 
It’s obvious from his dark circles that Kakeru was having trouble sleeping, so you can tell he’s been pushing himself really hard. Imagine how displaced Kakeru must have felt ever since he lost his sports scholarship in his second year of HS. The running world was all he knew. By now, his previous record would have been broken/erased by someone else, and his sound defeat at the track meet only confirms his worst fears, that he’s lost his place in that world. Now that he’s finally found his way back into the competition circuit, his impatience to leave his mark in that world again is palpable, and he is anxious to make it happen whatever the cost. 
Akihiro knows that feeling well. Like Kakeru, he’s been offered a second chance at re-entering the competition circuit, and his desperation to leave his mark in that world before time runs out is also manifesting in unhealthy ways, thanks to Kakeru’s influence. I’ve thought about why Yuki wouldn’t just confront Nico-chan when he found out he’s been over-exerting and starving himself. Yuki’s never had reservations calling Nico-chan out on his behavior before (e.g: for smoking), but it’s always framed around the reason that it inconveniences him. Yuki does not want to bother himself with others because of his personal hang-ups with his family, and without a plausible excuse, he is reluctant to step in to stop him because it would mean admitting that he actually cares for the guy. 
And then there’s also Haiji. He too, had lost his place in the running world and had been patiently biding his time to return, and he too, shares the same fears and anxieties as the others. What must be going through his mind as he sat Kakeru down for this intervention? To see a reflection of his past self repeating the same mistakes he did? Haiji’s been there. He was Kakeru once. And having to ground Kakeru, to force him to stop running, something he knows is the most cruel thing one can do to an athlete, must hurt him as much as it hurts Kakeru. 
Haiji knows that feeling well. 
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syncopatedid · 4 years
31.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 21: Goodbye, Beautiful World
“Thanks for letting me run again. Thanks for telling me the truth. Thanks for running with me.” 
In my headcanon, Akihiro had always secretly rooted for Haiji. He’s been watching him, watching over him these past four years, after all; this weird kid whose thoughts he can’t read. This kid’s eyes hint of the same pain and rejection he’s experienced, yet unlike his, had never lost their shine. And instead of getting dimmer over the years, that sparkle in Haiji’s eyes only seemed to shimmer brighter with every new occupant that had come to stay at Aotake. How does he even do it? Akihiro would often wonder, but would chalk it up to the indiscretions of youth.
In my headcanon, Akihiro was one of the few that Haiji’s ever told his dream to (which Akihiro assumed was because he’s the most convenient since he had a background in track and field), and every so often, Haiji would casually bring up that subject, and Akihiro would detect that shimmer in Haiji’s eyes and feel his own heart stir in expectation. His own experiences tell him that Haiji’s dream is a lost cause, and someday he’d have to wake up from it and accept reality like he did.
...but he’s never told Haiji to stop, because Haiji’s shimmer had already rubbed off on him.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
01.01.20: Kazetsuyo Episode 22: Embrace Your Loneliness 
“It’s a nice dream. So nice, I never want to wake up.”
It’s hard to talk about this episode without my feelings spilling over into the final run, so just let me dream for awhile longer, if only for this moment tonight.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
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02.01.2020: Kazetsuyo Episode 23: In the Wind
And on this fateful watch I finally picked up on that creaking noise that was slipped into the scenes where Haiji’s running and it just clicked in my bleeding heart that it’s the sound of Haiji’s knee breaking down. ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
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syncopatedid · 4 years
30.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 20: Even if I Break
“This time I’ll share a dream with teammates who earnestly want to run.”
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syncopatedid · 4 years
16.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 6: The Emperor’s New Clothes
“Reality is harsher than that. The track meet could be the end of the team.”
Oof. And just as Kakeru was finally starting to see the residents of Aotake as his teammates and friends, too. But much as he is slowly warming up to them, Kakeru hadn’t forgotten why this team was formed, and therein lies the problem: Haiji’s promise to take them all the way to the ekiden. As an athlete who has been ingrained by the system to believe that winning is everything, growing affections for them aside, Kakeru knows that these guys are ill-prepared for the ekiden, and they will most certainly crash and burn at the first track meet. Worse still, now that their times are actually improving, the others might have gained some false sense of confidence that they actually had a shot at winning, and Kakeru, unfortunately, knows better. 
I suspect what Kakeru actually wanted out of Haiji was some assurance that Haiji knows what he’s doing, that they’re running “to win”, and that by picking these amateurs meant that maybe he has a plan to make it work—but Haiji’s vague answer of “idk why we’re running actually” just makes his promises feel hollow and empty. Kakeru probably wasn’t just angry at Haiji for disappointing him either; I’d like to think he’s also angry for the others whom Haiji has irresponsibly raised their hopes up for nothing... and that reality is going to cause them to become disillusioned with running and drop out one by one. Imo, for them to reject running, to someone as passionate about it as Kakeru, would almost feel like they’re rejecting him as well.  
In any case, the team was already in danger of disbanding because of Yohei. If it hadn’t been for Shindo, I honestly had my doubts if King could be convinced to return to the team. King comes across as the insecure type who craves attention and needs his feelings validated, but instead of addressing his fears and concerns, it felt like Haiji was just pushing his own feelings onto him and demanding he run for the sake of others, so of course, that wouldn’t go down well with him at all (I don’t think that was Haiji’s intention though; not to over-project here but imo, Haiji is a rational person and by that nature, he’s not wired to coddle people’s irrational fears but offer a logical solution to it, and for him, the solution is to keep running*). From King’s POV, however, it most certainly feels like his feelings were being made light of. 
Throughout this episode, everyone was busy getting hyped up for training, and Shindo was the only one who seemed to genuinely care and check in on King from time to time, and it was his soft and sincere approach that eventually won King over. I’m not sure if King completely buys into Shindo’s reasons for running, but Shindo was the one who paid real attention to King’s feelings and I think that definitely was a big factor into him wanting to come back, because someone in the team made him feel that he mattered.  
*That’s also the thing that’s gotten me deep in thought: Why hasn’t Haiji tried to approach King to get him to come back to the team? A lot of my thoughts on Haiji’s actions (or inaction) are my meta on Haiji’s own personal hang-ups and fears, but I’m always at a loss for words when I want to talk at length about him, so this part is best left to steep for now.  
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syncopatedid · 4 years
22.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 12: Summer Prank
“To Lake Shirakaba!”
So I kinda want to talk about serious things for this episode, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever get over the hilarity that is Haiji behind the wheel... reprised! Production IG has been very good to us for this episode, and now we’re into S2 of this anime, and the Aotake squad is enjoying some well-deserved summertime training love! New OP! New ED! Everything is shiny again and whoa~ we’re halfway there!
Emotions in point form today:
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Hugs and glompings are so SO GOOD for the soul, you guys! Look at the size of those grins! It really feels so long since they’ve been this happy aaaa my heart, my heart, my heart! The stormy weather appears to have lifted, and Yuki and Shindo clearing their qualifiers breaks the 50/50 stalemate and takes them yet another step closer to their ekiden dreams. The team is finally seeing some tangible progress! Two down and three more to go!
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It..... kinda just occured to me that in all of my previous watches, I had automatically assumed that King had lost to NIRA at rock- paper-scissors. I am stupendously amazed with myself.
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Why are these boys so poor that they can’t afford meat?! Didn’t the residents at the shopping street generously sponsor their ingredients? Has all the club’s budget been spent on protein powder? Why does Haiji have to pick strawberry of all flavors? (at least pick chocolate, chocolate would have gone down better mixed with curry)! 
Also please discuss this exact same dialogue and scene, but with Yuki replaced with either Kakeru or Akane.  
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I laughed such an ugly laugh here, ahaha. Haiji sounds so offended that nobody wants to follow him in the search party van but aye... these boys can never get back those 2.5 hrs...  but bless Production IG for bringing back Haiji’s “moe gap” not once but twice. 
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Sometime soon, I would like to muse a little more at length about my love for Shirakaba Lake but for now I’ll just say I quite love the view. :3
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Bonus: please just enjoy a gif of Haiji very flawlessly folding an apron.
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syncopatedid · 4 years
23.12.19: Kazetsuyo Episode 13: And Then Start Running 
“Thank you for believing in me.”
Kakeru's been running for the longest time, but no matter how much he ran, how fast he ran, his past would always catch up to him. It haunts him in the form of his former teammate Sakaki, the consequence of his past mistake; and as long as Kakeru's running, Sakaki would remain as his scarlet letter marking him, reminding him that he is hated, that he will never be forgiven. Kakeru’s running but he can’t escape.
If the Aotake members knew, if they ever found out just what kind of person he was... or still is, what would they think of him?
Kakeru looked like he’s about to cry when he confessed to the others. It’s like he’s convinced that he’d surely lose their trust and friendship -- with the people he now considers to be his teammates -- the way he was rejected by his team a long time ago. He stops, frozen in fear. It terrifies him to have to go back to running by himself again, but he’s already exposed that ugly side of himself to them. It’ll just be a matter of time before they find out. He can’t run from himself anymore.
Yet Haiji said, “Why not tell everyone?” Haiji, who definitely knew something happened in his past, knew that something was wrong with him. But still he said, “It’s okay”, “We’re still us”, as if he knows that everything would turn out fine.
And Haiji again extends his hand, the same as he did when they first met.  
“Let’s go there together.”
And Kakeru starts running again, and finally he breaks free.
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