#Kali SoulLover
kilroytssf · 2 years
That Night
He lies in his RV, thinking of what he’s lost. He tosses and turns in the night. His mind full of thoughts of her and the pain in his heart from her words. Tears sting his eyes, and the shaky breaths come, rattling his teeth. He keeps hoping to roll over and see her there, breathing slowly and evenly in a deep slumber. Her soft skin catching the moonlight and letting it dance across her face. But when he rolls, she’s still not by his side. Weeping, he closes his eyes once more, and he tries to find the sleep that evades him. He sees her smile behind his eyelids and he realizes, he’s back in the room in Kali’s house. The ultrasound equipment murmurs, and the voices sound a thousand miles away, but her eyes are glistening. He turns to the screen, and his eyes fill once again with moisture, but not of pain. Of love. The woman he loves is carrying their son. Their Loki. He grows stronger and larger everyday, and all he can see now is him. The son he will raise. The son he will devote his life to. He weeps still, but now because he feels more alone than ever. His woman is gone, and with her, his son. He’s now truly alone. His heart aches and he screams into the still air of the camper. What he would give to hold his family close again…
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