#Justina Lei
elbiotipo · 7 months
que ONDA con los libertarios y la venta de órganos, siempre pensé que bueno fue una de las locuras extremistas de Milei pero no hay que machacarlo tanto por eso porque hay cosas más importantes pero ahora cada dos días sale algún libertario diciendo ESTA ES LA INNOVATIVA Y NUEVA MANERA DE VENDER TU RIÑÓN por favor que les pasa
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diarioelcentinela · 11 months
Se redujo al 10% la oposición familiar para la donación de órganos
Carlos Soratti, presidente del Incucai señala el frecimiento de las donaciones. /Foto: Camila Godoy. A cinco años de la sanción de la Ley 27.447 de Trasplante de Órganos, Tejidos y Células, más conocida como “Ley Justina”, que se cumplen este martes, la tasa de interrupciones de procesos de donación por oposición familiar que antes se ubicaba en torno al 40% a nivel nacional se redujo al 10%,…
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aliciablopez · 1 year
Día nacional de la donación de órganos y tejidos
Desde 1997, este día fue establecido por el Instituto Nacional Central Único Coordinador de Ablación e Implante (INCUCAI), en conmemoración del nacimiento del hijo de la primera paciente que dio a luz después de haber recibido un trasplante en un hospital público. Hoy gracias a la Ley 27447, conocida como “Ley Justina”, dispone que toda persona mayor de 18 años es donante de órganos o tejidos…
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manukyan · 1 year
From Nothing to Something from Vucko on Vimeo.
Why is the creative act so at the core of being human? And how does something come from nothing? This film is born from a collective investigation into the transformative magic - the special alchemy of senses, creativity, and action - that is inspiration.
According to the English dictionary, inspiration is "a mental stimulation to do and feel something" and this film echoes that emotions are a powerful catalyst for creating new work. We can feel angry, joyful, jealous, sad, nervous, and should pay more attention to these emotions. We can harness them as tools for creativity.
The film was developed as an"exquisite corpse". Through the involvement of a group of pretty inspiring individuals, we hope this film is a testament to a creativity that transcends any particular fad or style. Big shout outs to Antfood for the incredible sound design and to all our creative partners - truly making this something, from nothing!
Directed by: Vucko Producer: Molly Willows
Design & Animation: Andrew Vucko Stephen Kelleher Daniel Oeffinger Sarah Beth Morgan Henrique Barone Daniel Luna Thea Glad Yukai Du Rachel Reid Marcus Bakke Emanuele Colombo (Antimatter) Justina Lei Nejc Polovsak (Twisted Poly) Yino Huan DeeKay Kwon Pablo Cuello Romain Loubersanes Jorge R. Canedo E. Simon Appel & Oscar Pettersson of Part 1 Sharon Harris Seth Eckert
Narration: Julian McLaren Poulter
Original Music & Sound Design: Antfood
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gonzalo-obes · 2 years
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IMAGENES Y DATOS INTERESANTES DEL DIA 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 Día Mundial de la Sonrisa, Día Mundial de los Calvos, Día Mundial de la Tabla de Multiplicar, Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente, Día Mundial del Algodón, Día Internacional de la Neuralgia Trigeminal, Semana Mundial del Espacio, Semana Internacional de la Crianza en Brazos y Semana Vegetariana. Santa Justina, San Augusto, San Baco, Santa Osita y Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Tal día como hoy en el año 3761 ac En este día comienza a contar el calendario hebreo, en el que según la tradición judía ocurrió la Génesis del mundo. En 1571: Sucede la Batalla de Lepanto, la mayor batalla naval de la historia moderna, entre la Liga Santa y el Imperio otomano. En 1950: Comienza la invasión del Tibet por el ejército de China. En 1952: Se concede a los inventores americanos Norman Joseph Woodland y Bernard la patente del código de barras en Estados Unidos, por su 'aparato de clasificación y método', mediante el uso de patrones gráficos con barras. En 1963: El Huracán Flora toca tierra en Haití y en la República Dominicana, tras haber causado graves daños en la isla de Cuba. Causando la muerte a más de 7.200 personas. En 1975: El presidente de Estados Unidos, Gerald Ford, firma la ley que permitirá que las mujeres puedan entrar en el ejército. En 1978: Se legaliza la comercialización y el uso de la píldora anticonceptiva en España. En 2001: El ejército de Estados Unidos y de Reino Unido inicia los bombardeos contra objetivos talibanes en Afganistán, significando el inicio de la Guerra de Afganistán, que finalizará el 15 de agosto de 2021 con la caída de Kabul a manos de los talibanes. En 2008: La Confederación Sindical Internacional, la voz de los trabajadores a nivel mundial, comienza a celebrar en este día la Jornada Mundial por el trabajo decente. Muchas más imágenes en http://obesia.com/miscelaneas
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lifeinmotion · 2 years
From Nothing to Something from Vucko on Vimeo.
Why is the creative act so at the core of being human? And how does something come from nothing? This film is born from a collective investigation into the transformative magic - the special alchemy of senses, creativity, and action - that is inspiration.
According to the English dictionary, inspiration is "a mental stimulation to do and feel something" and this film echoes that emotions are a powerful catalyst for creating new work. We can feel angry, joyful, jealous, sad, nervous, and should pay more attention to these emotions. We can harness them as tools for creativity.
The film was developed as an"exquisite corpse". Through the involvement of a group of pretty inspiring individuals, we hope this film is a testament to a creativity that transcends any particular fad or style. Big shout outs to Antfood for the incredible sound design and to all our creative partners - truly making this something, from nothing!
Directed by: Vucko Producer: Molly Willows
Design & Animation: Andrew Vucko Stephen Kelleher Daniel Oeffinger Sarah Beth Morgan Henrique Barone Daniel Luna Thea Glad Yukai Du Rachel Reid Marcus Bakke Emanuele Colombo (Antimatter) Justina Lei Nejc Polovsak (Twisted Poly) Yino Huan DeeKay Kwon Pablo Cuello Romain Loubersanes Jorge R. Canedo E. Simon Appel & Oscar Pettersson of Part 1 Sharon Harris Seth Eckert
Narration: Julian McLaren Poulter
Original Music & Sound Design: Antfood
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nosrac · 4 years
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Personas, Justina Lei 2018
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graphigeek-blog · 7 years
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Candy Clouds And Bubble Gum Stars
Avoiding generic content and the digital cliche, Lei opts for colorful, uniquely themed environments ranging from calm blue marine waters to a dark black valley on the moon. Her choice of colours, egometric and shapes that seem to transform clouds and planets into bubbles and candy colored objects transform the commercial requirements of the client into a rather modern and uplifting content. Issued for children, the project carefully considers the best visual way to capture the imagination and excitement of children.
Learn more about Lei here.
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thedsgnblog · 7 years
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Personas Illustration Series by Justina Lei
Justina Lei is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. In her colorful works, she combines illustration, drawing, graphic design and digital art.
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afimdobrasil · 7 years
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*Justina Lei.
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dribbblepopular · 7 years
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Tiny House http://ift.tt/2o8Eqtc
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diarioresumen · 5 years
Verano récord en donantes y trasplantes de órganos en el país por la Ley Justina
Entre los dos meses iniciales de 2019, se realizaron 261 trasplantes de órganos y 221 de córneas gracias a 130 donantes. Marca un crecimiento del 30 por ciento.   El año 2019 comenzó con cifras que sobrepasaron los récords para la donación y el trasplante de órganos, y desde el Incucai lo atribuyen a la…
Verano récord en donantes y trasplantes de órganos en el país por la Ley Justina publicado originalmente en: Diario Resumen: El Diario de Pilar
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messiology · 5 years
in argentina we have a cool new law, once youre dead your organs are automatically donated, unless, in life, you express thats not what you want. it used to be the other way around, you had to express you wanted to be a donor. but since not many people did it, this was created, its called ley justina.
can you believe pro lifers are AGAINST this law, lmfao
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voice-of-aperture · 4 years
From Nothing to Something from Vucko on Vimeo.
Why is the creative act so at the core of being human? And how does something come from nothing? This film is born from a collective investigation into the transformative magic - the special alchemy of senses, creativity, and action - that is inspiration.
According to the English dictionary, inspiration is "a mental stimulation to do and feel something" and this film echoes that emotions are a powerful catalyst for creating new work. We can feel angry, joyful, jealous, sad, nervous, and should pay more attention to these emotions. We can harness them as tools for creativity.
The film was developed as an"exquisite corpse". Through the involvement of a group of pretty inspiring individuals, we hope this film is a testament to a creativity that transcends any particular fad or style. Big shout outs to Antfood for the incredible sound design and to all our creative partners - truly making this something, from nothing!
Directed by: Vucko Producer: Molly Willows
Design & Animation: Andrew Vucko Stephen Kelleher Daniel Oeffinger Sarah Beth Morgan Henrique Barone Daniel Luna Thea Glad Yukai Du Rachel Reid Marcus Bakke Emanuele Colombo (Antimatter) Justina Lei Nejc Polovsak (Twisted Poly) Yino Huan DeeKay Kwon Pablo Cuello Romain Loubersanes Jorge R. Canedo E. Simon Appel & Oscar Pettersson of Part 1 Sharon Harris Seth Eckert
Narration: Julian McLaren Poulter
Original Music & Sound Design: Antfood
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capharnaumworld · 7 years
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Justina Lei, Personas
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From Nothing to Something from Vucko on Vimeo.
Why is the creative act so at the core of being human? And how does something come from nothing? This film is born from a collective investigation into the transformative magic - the special alchemy of senses, creativity, and action - that is inspiration.
According to the English dictionary, inspiration is "a mental stimulation to do and feel something" and this film echoes that emotions are a powerful catalyst for creating new work. We can feel angry, joyful, jealous, sad, nervous, and should pay more attention to these emotions. We can harness them as tools for creativity.
The film was developed as an"exquisite corpse". Through the involvement of a group of pretty inspiring individuals, we hope this film is a testament to a creativity that transcends any particular fad or style. Big shout outs to Antfood for the incredible sound design and to all our creative partners - truly making this something, from nothing!
Directed by: Vucko Producer: Molly Willows
Design & Animation: Andrew Vucko Stephen Kelleher Daniel Oeffinger Sarah Beth Morgan Henrique Barone Daniel Luna Thea Glad Yukai Du Rachel Reid Marcus Bakke Emanuele Colombo (Antimatter) Justina Lei Nejc Polovsak (Twisted Poly) Yino Huan DeeKay Kwon Pablo Cuello Romain Loubersanes Jorge R. Canedo E. Simon Appel & Oscar Pettersson of Part 1 Sharon Harris Seth Eckert
Narration: Julian McLaren Poulter
Original Music & Sound Design: Antfood
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