#José is 5'3'' in my heart no matter what
polisena-art · 1 year
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First is how I usually draw them and Third is just because “what if they’re all little guys actually?”
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hi there!! could i please request a haikyu and legend of korra match up please?
im a genderfluid pansexual that presents feminine. im about 5'3-5'4 and im on the chubbier side, which makes me a bit insecure. im very pale and covered in freckles. i have dark brown eyes and my hair is short and bleached to a light orange color, but im thinking of growing it out to about shoulder length and going my natural hair color (a dark brown.) my skin is pretty smooth except my hands because they're covered in bite marks from my two rats bruno and josé. i have prominent eye bags due to a lack of sleep and a small scar along my lips from my (late, he passed away a couple of days ago), budgie. i have horrid posture, scoliosis and asthma.
at first glance i can seem pretty calm and i don't really speak to anyone besides my friends and close family. when you get to know me, im very sarcastic and witty. im a good listener but i only let my closest friends vent to me. im a lot more sensitive than i let on but im quick to mask how im feeling. im interested in literature, astronomy, crystals, tarot, angel numbers, painting, violin, piano, flute, dancing, harry potter, manga, encanto, sketching, writing and ancient history. i mostly draw tattoos and im planning to get coco (the budgie i mentioned earlier) tattooed on my upper back, bruno tattooed on my left writst and josé tattooed on my right wrist when im eighteen.
fun facts:
-my brother was a volleyball coach and the reason i got into haikyu!!
-i have over 200 crystals in my room
-i cuddle with bruno and josé every night. they're extremely cuddly (now that they've stopped biting)
-i either want to pursue a science, writing or work in theatre (behind the scenes though. my anxiety would not allow me to go on stage)
take your time. sorry if its too much
Hello Sunnth! Of course, I'd love to do a match up for you!
Before we get onto it, I'm so sorry to hear about Coco. Bruno and José sound super cute!
Alright, let's go! Hope you like your match ups.
For Haikyuu!! I match you with...
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First off, Daichi and your brother would bond over Volleyball coaching bigtime! Who should I ship? You and Daichi or Daichi and your brother?
But seriously, Daichi will be super supportive of you and will help you feel better about yourself when your insecurities get too bad.
This guy will love and support you no matter what. Plus, a personal headcanon of mine is the Daichi (despite loving people no matter what they look like), does have a preference for people on the chubbier side.
He finds them more huggable.
If you have an interest in learning the basics of Volleyball Daichi is ready willing and able to help.
Sugawara will also be a super close friend if you're with Daichi. He third-wheels a lot but does repect your privacy so if you and Daichi want some time just the two of you, Suga will make sure he had other plans.
The rest of Karasuno (and any other Volleyball friends you meet through Daichi (*coughcough*KurroandBokuto*coughcough*) all love you as well.
They think Daichi has found a wonderful person to be with.
For Legend of Korra I match you with...
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This boy is a lovable bean who will support you in everything you do.
Music? Heck yeah! Painting? Woah, it's so cool what you can create! Dancing? The way you move while dancing is so interesting to him!
Bolin is also a bit on the bigger side. It's mostly muscle but I think he's always had a bit of puppy fat as well. Chubby baby Bolin? Yes please!
He loves all of you, even the parts you're insecure about. And he'll make sure you know that!
Team Korra loves you as well. Mako was a bit suspicious of you at first but that was because he didn't want to see his little brother's heart broken again. Now that he knows you two both truely care for each other, he's a lot more welcoming
Girls nights with Korra and Asami where you talk about your interests and just relax together happen all the time.
Bolin is occasionally invited as well. He likes having his nails painted. It makes him feel special.
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