#Jess O'Neill x Sunny Kostas
Would You Know Me In Your Heart ~ A Song of Sway Lake Fic
A/N: This sort of unintentionally ended up a 3 part series (parts 1 and 2 being Brick and It’s All Coming Back To Me Now, though you don’t technically have to read either for this to make sense) about pasts and choices for the Sway Lake crew. I hope it means as much to you as it does to me. And, as always but even more so, I owe a huge thanks to @misskittysmagicportal. For the encouragement, and the workshopping, and putting up with me changing my mind about 800 times over the direction/outcome. I couldn’t have gotten here without you. 💖 Word Count: 2522 Rating: T - teen pregnancy, fear and isolation, discussions of abortion, adoption, regret, mild language
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“I have one condition,” Jess said, sitting down beside the young girl, who was clearly trying not to cry. “If we go through with this, it’s an open adoption.”
“What? Why?” she asked, her face a mixture of shock and confusion. 
“Because I’ve been where you are,” Jess offered up a hug, or at least a comforting arm around the girl’s shoulders, and she leaned into it.
Now it was Ollie’s turn to stare. He and Jess had been together for years now, and yet somehow, he still didn’t know everything it seemed.
“I know how terrifying and alone it feels, and how heartbreaking it is to think that your child is better off without you.” 
Jess felt the tears stinging at her eyes as she remembered her own ordeal in reaching that conclusion. 
“And you might think that you want a clean break, because watching someone else raise them will hurt too much. And if that’s really the case, that’s fine, you don’t ever have to reach out or open the connection from your end. But I also know you might find yourself lying awake someday, years from now, staring at the ceiling and asking the universe, ‘Is my baby okay? Is he happy? What’s his life like?’ and if that happens, I don’t want you to have to suffer not knowing. I want you to be able to call, or write a letter, or take advantage of a standing invitation to Christmas and birthdays and graduations.”
The young mother started to sob, turning to throw her arms gratefully around Jess's neck. Ollie watched on helplessly as the two shared a pain that he could never imagine, wishing there was some way to take it away, from them both. 
Later on, as they sat side-by-side and curled against each other like a pair of cats, watching the sunset, Ollie finally worked up the nerve to ask the question that had been plaguing him all afternoon. 
“Jess,” he said softly. “Will you tell me about your son?”
“How do you know it was a son?”
“You said 'he' when you were talking about the questions you ask yourself. You don't have to tell me if it's too much for you. I just...had no idea.”
Jess smiled a little sadly back at him. He really was the sweetest man. She hadn't planned to ever mention the baby she gave up, and wasn't sure exactly where to start. But she realized she wanted to tell Ollie, so she took a deep breath and tried. 
Jess had often wondered if there was truly a point where you could cry so much there were no more tears left. She had thought the loss of her grandmother might bring her to that point, but even after a week of spending more waking hours crying than not, there had still somehow been more tears to spill. But now, now she might have found the maximum, or maybe just her breaking point. 
“How could you be so stupid?” April asked for the fourth time that afternoon. “And with the Kostas kid? He’s been a manwhore since puberty. Why would you ever give in to that?”
She wanted to protest, to say that yes Sunny slept around, but it was different with her. She wanted to tell her sister that what they had was special and that she loved him, no matter what their relationship, or lack of, was. She wanted to tell her that she didn’t care that he slept with other people, so did she from time to time. But her throat felt dry and her tongue felt heavy and the words just wouldn’t come.
Instead she sat there, staring at the wall, and deliberately not looking at the test in her hands, and let her older sister berate her. Because for once, April was right. It had been one mistake, one moment of stupidity and it was about to ruin her life. 
She found herself thinking back on the night. It had been late, and pouring rain, when Sunny had shown up at her apartment. He stood on the steps, teeth chattering, asking if he could come in. His face was wet and she didn’t know if it was the rain or tears, or both. But he said he needed her (not someone, not Selina but if she wasn’t there Jess would do, he needed her), and no matter what their agreements were, that was all she needed to hear to let him in. She’d handed him a towel and an old t-shirt and her gym shorts. She’d set a kettle on and made tea. She’d marveled at his timing, how he might have come to her for comfort or care, but it was on a night she needed someone too. And they’d fallen into each other like a magnetic pull. It happened fast, neither of them thinking past their need and their hunger. It wasn't until much later, as she watched him sleep beside her and sipped oversteeped, slightly too cold peppermint that it occurred to her what they'd done.
And now here she was, facing the reality of where not thinking had gotten her. Three weeks past when her cycle should have come, unsure if her nausea was fear or something else, being lectured by her sister who finally had proof positive that she was the superior one. Or maybe not positive yet, but it was only a matter of time. 
“Can you stop yelling at me and help me figure out what the fuck to do?” She begged bitterly, voice thick with tears. 
“Don't take that tone with me. You're an adult. I could leave you to figure it out for yourself.”
“Please, April. I'm scared and I need my big sister.”
April scoffed and rolled her eyes. “At least if it's a kid you can get rid of it, so you better hope for that. I've heard the rumors that he's been with men too,” she shrugged. “It could be AIDs.”
“That's not how that works. Besides, he's too smart to be that stupid. He's careful about that shit.”
“Aren't you usually smart about sex too?”
Jess bit her lip, realizing there was no arguing that point. A chill ran down her spine as she realized the test was finally reacting, slowly producing the answer she had feared. 
“The Kostases are loaded right?” April pointed out, peering over her shoulder at the colored strip. “All those famous people and their club, they must be.” 
Jess struggled not to roll her eyes. Of course her sister's first thought was of money.
“Make him pay for whatever you decide to do with it. And all your medical shit besides. Like going and getting it confirmed for sure.”
“I'm not doing that. I won't ruin his life too.”
“Jessie, honey, he knocked you up. You have every right to ruin his life. You should ruin his life. Or get something out of it.”
“I said I'm not doing that. If you aren't going to be helpful, then just go away. I'll figure out how to take care of it alone.”
“Fine,” her sister huffed. “But don’t say I didn’t try.” 
Jess did take care of it. By going to doctors out of the city so no one in her small social circle, or more importantly Sunny’s parents’, might catch wind. By wearing thick sweaters and baggy tops no matter the weather, to hide her growing stomach. By avoiding everyone she could, muddling her way through classes and work without socializing. 
She didn't want to think of options, pushing the choice off as long as she could. It was her baby but she couldn't be a mother. Especially not when her parents made it clear that she would get no help from them, and she was sure the very fact would give her granddad a heart attack. 
Jess thought about telling someone on his side. Every doctor's appointment alone or phone call with the adoption agency, every step toward the fateful day was a new scenario. She must have imagined telling Selina a hundred times, in a hundred different ways, and Sunny almost as many. But sometimes it was Klaus, or Honey or Leon (oddly never “and” despite how linked the two were in her mind), Tom Kidman, even Selina's…Luther in one desperate bid of loneliness. But she could never bring herself to do it for real; there were too many ways it could go wrong: anger, resentment, hatred, ostracization, running away; insistence like her parents’ that she get rid of the baby; insistence that they keep him or her - a Kostas, not really hers; shadowy figures in the night come to snatch them away to be some child soldier experiment.
She wasn't sure which thought was the worst, but she couldn't bear any of them. So she kept them to fantasies. 
“He deserves to know,” the voice in the back of her mind chanted in a constant loop. “His family deserves to know.”
But he had a whole world of options still open to him, and they were barely more than kids. It would be an unfair burden.
Instead she just carried on, silent and scared. 
Jess laid in the hospital bed, exhausted and sweaty and in pain, but that was nothing compared to her mental state. She cradled the newborn infant against her chest, giving it a chance to nurse. She tried to think of it as distantly as possible, even though her heart cried out for her son. His tiny, dark fuzz covered head and his big round eyes and the way he’d looked up at her moments before. The feel of his skin against hers. Everything about it filled her with regret: that she had made the choice she did, that she agreed to meet him for even a little while, that she couldn’t be his mother.
She knew the couple that had agreed to the private, closed adoption would love him, and that he would be better off with them than in any life she could give. But still, she wanted to look at them when they entered the room a little while later, the little bundle asleep in her arms, and beg them, “please don’t take my baby away.” 
The words stuck in her throat. They smiled at her, the woman reaching out for the child with a coo of how precious he was. A tear rolled down Jess's cheek and landed, fat and round, on his forehead, and she couldn’t help thinking of it as a sort of baptism, as she passed him over.
“Did you have a name you wanted him to have?” the man, Brian, her baby’s new father, asked. “We’d be happy to honor it if you do.”
For the few hours of his life, the child had been ‘Baby Boy O’Neill’, on his crib and the tiny identity band around his wrist.
“His father’s name is Niklaus,” she said thickly, smiling fondly for a second. “Even if he never goes by it. There's a family tradition that he should have some variant on that as part of his name. But I...I hadn’t planned to name him, I didn’t think I was allowed.” 
The man smiled at her, almost as paternal as he looked at her...at their new child. “We’re not taking him out of the hospital yet. Give it some thought. Unless you don’t want to.”
Later when they came back for him, when it was time for them to really take him away from her, she smiled through more tears as she kissed the tufts of hair on the top of his head. 
“I couldn’t think of anything,” she said regretfully when they asked her again about her son’s name. “Besides, he’s your son, really. So you should give him whatever name you want.” 
“Are you sure?” his mother, Niamh, asked.
Jess nodded, stiff and reluctant. They told her the name they had been considering, asking her opinion it, stating again they wanted her to feel comfortable and involved, if only for a little while. 
“We know it’s a little bit of an odd one, but it’s an old family name from my side,” Niamh explained, “that we’d always considered if we had a boy.” 
“It means Son of the Raven,” his father added. “And with how dark his hair is already, it must run in the line, so…” 
Jess’s thoughts were suddenly filled with a familiar, watchful (sometimes judgmental)  black bird, and she didn’t really hear the rest of what the little boy’s new parents were saying past the rushing in her ears that sounded a lot like wings. 
“Unique,” Jess corrected, voice thick. “It…suits him.”
They smiled at her, and then down at the baby still in her arms. 
“It’s decided then.” Brian started to clap his hands together, catching himself at the last moment and slowing it so that it didn’t make a sound to scare the baby. 
She asked if she could hold him, for just one more minute, to say goodbye. They agreed, a look of kind pity in their eyes as they stepped out ‘to find the nurse and fill in the birth certificate,’ so that she could have her privacy.
“Cormac Nicholas MacNamara,” she whispered, staring into his wide, round eyes that already betrayed a glint of not-quite-natural intelligence. “You are going to be so amazing. And I will always love you.” 
“I eventually did tell Selina. I felt horrible keeping it from her, from all of them.”
“Selina's your best friend. I'm sure she understood.”
“But she's Sunny's sister first. It was complicated, and ended up being the longest we ever went without talking.” Jess swiped at her tears again. “I think she was as much hurt that she thought I didn't trust her to help me as at the secrets. But I didn't want to put her in the position of having to choose between us.”
“Obviously she forgave you though?”
“Oh, completely. Eventually. And I thank every god and goddess that might be listening for it. I don't know what I'd have done if I lost her too.”
Ollie was quiet for a long while, thinking about what she'd told him and the weight it must be for her. He couldn't even begin to imagine what that might be like, but it didn’t really matter. Pulling her close with the arm resting around her shoulders, he pressed a lingering kiss to her temple. She sighed, relaxing into him again.
“And adopting a baby with me…” he bit his lip nervously, “it’s not going to, I don’t know, upset you or be too much right?”
“What?” She turned to look at him, brushing the hair from his face in order to meet his eyes. “No. Of course not. There is nothing I want more than to do this. And it’s going to be hard sometimes, but…I have you, we have each other. And I don’t know, I probably sound too much like a Kostas again but, maybe this is setting the balance of things right again?”
Ollie kissed her softly. “I think it’s meant to be too.”
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It's All Coming Back To Me Now
(Sunny Kostas x Jess O'Neill - another @angst-fairygodmother collaboration ☺️)
Warnings- a hint at teenagers doing naughty things?
a/n- Once upon a time there was Sunny and there was Jess and there was love that maybe didn't last but it was true while it did.
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Sunny didn't want to be unique. Although in his family he really wasn’t. He could perhaps levitate and telepathically manipulate people (his mom called it charm because hypnotize sounds too vaudeville) on top of summoning and conversing with the dead, but it really wasn't THAT special.
Sunny’s parents were friends with George Carlin and Elton John and Blondie. His uncle or brother, or whatever Klaus was these days, started a religion. A cult. Both? And Selina danced her way through life effortlessly. She was a natural. Sunny faked his ability to keep up. He had it somewhere inside, but got addicted to borrowing talent from dead people.
When he was 14 years old, and grew about a foot, Sunny realized he didn't just favor his father. Or Klaus. He was their triplet. He would often walk past the full length mirror and call out a greeting to Leon, but when it was reciprocated identically Sunny would sigh. Even his looks weren't his own. Selina could at least muddle by only resembling Honey in passing. The teenage boy had a crooked nose that he had never broken and slid into a British accent without realizing.
He did however grow a sarcastic exterior. A loud demeanor that announced his arrival before his physical body even could. He was lanky and bony with big hair and big lips he hadn’t quite grown into yet.
But girls, and boys, couldn't help looking at him when he came around. So Sunny learned how to flirt and charm and kiss his way around not being able to use his powers freely. To give himself a reputation that preceded him as he plowed through anyone who dared get close enough to fall under his spell.
Then Sunny went down off of Tom’s mountain into Sway Lake for the summer with Selina. They decided to spend it with their surrogate grandfather. Even HE stood out: ex-CIA assassin, and his partner Ella was a French model, art film actress, and ex Warhol Factory Girl.
The summer Sunny turned 15, the townies were his for the taking. Until the unstoppable force (him) met the immovable object (her).
Jessica O’Neill.
Jessica O’Neill (never Jess, no matter how much she wanted to be, because it wasn't ladylike. And only Jessie when her sister wanted to make her feel foolish and small.) learned young not to go after what she wanted, that it wasn’t her place. She wasn’t the oldest, who was allowed to aim high and act mighty, who could only fly and never fall because their family was there to make sure of it. That was April’s role. And she wasn’t the baby, or the only boy, little Henry who could do no wrong in the eyes of anyone. No, she was first the youngest, and then later the middle child, which meant that her duty, her place in life, was to look out for her brother and support her sister, and never make a fuss. She felt certain that there would never be anything meant for her, that she could call her own. She pushed herself in school to get good grades and stand out, to have something that was hers, but she had so many of the same teachers in school, she was called the wrong name or no name at all until well into the year anyway. Jessica O’Neill was, or seemed to all the world to be, invisible.
At seventeen, she was sent to Sway Lake to live with her grandparents, to help care for her grandmother who had fallen ill, and work for her grandfather and “learn to be more responsible” (as if she weren’t already bearing the weight of her family on her shoulders). She stayed for nearly a year, accepting the long commute for school and the isolation from people she'd called friends in favor of space to breathe.
She fell in love twice that year.
The first time was with The Papermill. She had worked there from time to time before, helping out whenever she went to visit, but now she was left to run it alone many days, to explore and find its secrets and quirks, to run her fingers over hundreds of spines and breathe in the life hidden in their pages. Within those four little walls in the not-quite-town on the lakeshore, she found home and a happy place and hope that there might be something for her still.
The second time was with an impossible boy. He was brash and sarcastic and beautiful in an unconventional sort of way, all wild hair and bright eyes and charming devil-may-care smirk. Her friend Selina’s little brother, Sunny Kostas was everything Jess should never have wanted.
There was something that compelled Sunny to follow his sister into town that summer. Typically he would steal away in the evening, blend in to the parties at the summer camp. The townies, bored high schoolers who needed cash to blow and college students pretending to enforce hidden rules while getting high and fucking practically out in the open. This was the crowd Sunny could work over.
But there was a strange pull into the bookstore he passed a hundred times. He had been so filled with the belief in soul mates, he was always subconsciously looking for that connection. So when he realized THIS was where his sister had been going, he hoped she could share.
In all the years to come Sunny would remember that first kiss with Jess with embarrassment and warmth.
Their playful and natural banter. Which, in his nerve-wracked state, spewed out in a multitude of languages that made her face scrunch in confusion. Then a smile and crimson crept along her face while he handed her the latest Stephen King. Sunny had puffed out his chest in triumph.
Jess rolled her eyes behind closed lids when he had shown off using his tricks to shelve books with only his mind. Playfully, to her annoyance, he stacked them seven feet high in the aisle. Her imperviousness to his charm drive him nuts. So he resorted to parlour tricks.
"Who ya gonna call!"
"Klaus!" Jess bit her lip and smirked. She pushed him in that way girls do just to touch someone.
Sunny had momentarily scrunched his nose. She leaned up and kissed the end of it. He swallowed his bottom lip to stifle a giggle.
"I.. Don't tell Selina.."
"She's not our keeper," That wasn't completely true. "Do it again. Please?"
She did, but lost her footing and landed on his chin. Sunny could feel the heat from her mortification against his skin. Goosebumps had formed on every inch of his body.
"Fuck," she had mumbled.
Sunny launched himself at her. His hands knew instinctively how to hold the back of her head and small of her back. He Invaded her space. She was Troy and he was the entire Spartan army. Tumbling into bed one day was inevitable.
“What are you doing Sunny?” Jess mumbled, squeezing her eyes shut and burrowing her face into the pillow.
She could feel his fingers trailing patterns across her spine and shoulders. If she didn't know any better, she'd think he was drawing pictures there.
“You know you've got constellations?” He asked instead of answering. So maybe that was what he was doing. “My sister the moon, me the sun. It makes sense that you're the sky, between us.”
“You're talking nonsense.” She felt her face getting hot, shame and a strange sense of anger filling her as he rambled. The Kostases were like that, and after nearly a year of…of...whatever she and Sunny were, and longer as Selina's friend, she should have been used to it. All their talk of gods and destiny and celestial symbols. But she wasn't, and he'd never pulled her into it before.
“They're not stars,” she snapped as she rolled away from his feather-light touch. “They're freckles. Blemishes. Marks on the skin developed because I'm too pale to have any business being outside all summer and I–”
spend too much time in the sunlight. The words suddenly died in her throat and she cursed herself for getting dragged into his foolish metaphorical terms. But it was true. She'd been spending so much time with him, soaking in his energy, basking in his light. Her grandfather had even commented how different she seemed since that summer began, bolder. She had no business with a boy like him, someone so special, and because she dared to anyway, she was changing.
It was never supposed to go this far. They were supposed to just be friends, indulging boredom and curiosity and hormones. Because he was sweet (if arrogant) and pretty (if still boyish and awkward) and she trusted him a hell of a lot more than any of the boys from town. But once became twice. thrice. More. She stopped keeping count when they added in hand holding and kisses in dark corners and secret picnics and closed for lunch signs and napping together on the stupid futon in the attic (always after, never on its own, not yet). If she didn't know any better she'd think she was dating her best friend's little brother.
Only she did know. They had agreed to keep their hearts out of it, so they were still ‘just friends.’
It was an agreement they reinforced when summer ended, and when he called her unexpectedly and when they cuddled, one crawling in next to the other long after Selina fell asleep, when Jess would spend those blessed long weekends in the city. But eventually that stopped too. They never labeled it, though, or made it “real,” even as she fell madly in love with him.
“Jess?” Sunny's voice startled her, so close to her ear but loud, confused. She realized that she's stopped mid sentence.
“Don't be stupid, okay,” she said, voice weaker this time. “They're just discolored spots of skin, normal skin.”
“They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
She flushed, whole body growing hot under such simple praise. And for a shining moment, she let herself be convinced that this was how life was meant to be.
@neuroticpuppy @firstpersonnarrator @forenschik @love-is-dirty-baby @rob-private @holidayspirits @a-ghoulish-tale @elliethesuperfruitlover @crabstick @bisexualnathanyoung @vonkimmeren @sylvertyger @falloutby
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16 and 25 for Jess and Ollie? Or, if you'll share more about them 17 for Jess and Sunny? --🦚xx
Jess and Ollie:
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
I think that would absolutely depend on the reason for the break-up. But I think if it were amicable...
Jess'll always love him and wish him the best and happiest, even if it's not with her. And would probably try to remain friends, even if it breaks her heart (because her best friend is married to his best friend).
Ollie would I think harbor more resentment, even if the break up was his choice/a mutual decision. But I'm not sure if it would really be toward her, or toward himself and the universe for him losing one of the best things in his life.
If it was a bad split...Ollie gets sad/angry and possibly self destructive. Jess gets bitter and petty.
25. What moves do they know work on the other?
It's super easy for Jess to get Ollie going. Sit on his lap, pout at him, wearing outfits with lots of tiny buttons or things to unlace, drawing on his wrists or inner forearms with her fingertips.
For Ollie to use on Jess: combing his fingers through her hair or pulling on it, touch the butt, kiss her neck.
Both of them also know that the best thing to do is whisper in the other's ear.
Jess and Sunny
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Jess: peppermint, smoke, lightning storms when there is no rain, sour summer berries, the chill you feel when you first go inside after too long on a summer day, perfect almost cartoonly shaped clouds
Sunny: the smell of pine trees, sunsets and autumn leaves, fake fruit-y lipgloss (that never quite stops being sticky), Iron Maiden, quilted blankets, paper and dust
OTP Asks
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Working on a Selina holiday one shot to be followed by a Jeanie x Darren, The Threesomers and Honey x Leon 🎄🌟❄️⛄️⭐️🎅🏼
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Lay All Your Love On Me
From The Moonbrella Lake Universe (Nikolai x Selina) *1994
Word Count- 3200
Warnings- family drama, mention of breastfeeding, use of superpowers, language, fingering, penetration (m!f)
A/N- Why would Selina and Nikolai ever think a transatlantic flight with the Kostas family would be uneventful? *Appearances by Sunny, Leon and Honey Kostas, Klaus Hargreeves, and Oliver Sway and Jess O'Neill (borrowered with love from @angst-fairygodmother) **Picture by Ari Gold
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“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Continental Airlines Flight 1423 non-stop to Athens. We've been given the ok by air traffic control. Once we've reached cruising altitude on our ten hour flight, we'll start our service including a selection of in flight entertainment. Again thank you for choosing Continental.”
“Hey did you see they have Leon,” there was a dramatic pause, “The Professional. Sel imagine our dad, a career hitman!” The plane engines roared to life so he shouted.
Sunny’s face appeared between the seats. His nose scrunched and grooved dimples formed just under his eyes while laughing at his own joke. Then he grew instantly stoic, his gaze shifted to stare up at his own eyebrows that met in the middle.
“Is that what he’s learned from Abba Tom all these years?” He bit his pinky nail, “Like The Commission?”
Selina rolled her eyes while fiddling with her nursing bra. She freed herself from the fabric and lifted her tee shirt up enough for Irina to latch. Hoping to prevent her tiny ears from popping, she was glad she skipped a feeding to ensure her daughter was hungry enough to take a nipple.
“If anyone in this family is a hitman it's Klaus. He has combat training, dad has Whitechapel street smarts. Which means his mouth and a switch- Ow! Shark teeth! Do you have two more, dolcezza? Hrm?”
“You know, Nikolai’s face matches his eyes. You alright? Not thinking about doing a runner as Dad would say. Imagine the first ‘return to sender’ Russian bride.” Sunny giggled at his own joke.
Nikolai could only white knuckle the arm of his seat. His eyes clenched shut while the plane continued climbing higher. He ignored his soon-to-be wife who had covered his hand and tried to wedge her hers around it. He relaxed and spread his fingers so she could settle her fingers in between them. Then they formed a clasp.
Selina turned her gaze towards Sunny. Her eyes narrowed, "Why are you like this?"
"Why did you hide an entire baby from me? Or that a Sway is with my.. Jess."
Irina responded for her mother instead by squealing with delight and grabbing a tiny fistful of her uncle's poorly excuse for facial hair.
"You look like a tool. Your niece thinks so too."
"You're a frigid hag who's marrying a Russian hooker. As for all this on my face, the ladies love it." Sunny flashed an obscene, two fingered gesture that involved his tongue. Why do you think Honey's been with Leon this long." He puts his split tongue on display and points at it then his mustache, "I-iss ah iss."
Selina grows queasy, but Irina stares at her uncle upside with intense fascination. Her eyes transfixed on his every movement. Sunny can only respond with pink cheeks and masked embarrassment at the unwanted attention. He didn't command it, so he can't bear it.
"Alright you, go back to Mummy's milk or whatever." Then he whipped around with a finger pointed at the seat beside his sister, "AND STOP OGLING MY SISTER'S TITS, OLIVER! Would Nikolai be ok with that?"
"Turnabout is fair play, Kostas. That's for looking at my fiancee's," Ollie spoke with a calm misdemeanor. His arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Oh come on Little Orphan Ollie, I've done more than ogle them," Sunny makes a motorboat gesture in Jess's direction.
Oliver turned pale pink, but it looked weak next to Jessica's blood red cheeks that rivaled her hair. A hand reached from a seat in front of Sunny to slap him on the back of the head. He flinched in a dramatic fashion.
“OW! Mama!”
“Stop being an asshole, Nicklaus. It's a 10 hour flight, you're 23, and YOU walked away from her. She's not a toy Oliver picked up that YOU decided belonged to you because you stopped playing with it. Now quit being a bitch, or I'll replace you with ANOTHER clone.”
Honey didn't even need to look at Sunny. She went back to her book, head resting on Leon's shoulder. Sunny seemed to deflate in his seat next to Klaus. His voice softer when he finally dared to talk back.
“Well you weren't supposed to replace me with one of your pet projects, let alone a Sway. Is Charlotte Darling dead?” He paused and a blank look came across his face. He was trancing; searching for her spirit. “Mmm, is Nikolai rich now? I bet he's rich. He really has a way with the retirement home crowd. It's almost grave robb-”
“Достаточно!” Nikolai’s outburst startled them all with his outburst. ENOUGH! Irina so much, she started to cry.
“NIKOLAI!” Selina snapped.
She held their daughter to her chest and murmured nonsense to her. Her body rocked back and forth instinctively while she sang a lullaby under her breath. Every parent’s worst nightmare was a screaming child on a flight of any length.
“Lina, he has done nothing but turn everything into a joke or mock us all. I won't have him speak to you or Oleg or your Mama that way. Or anyone,” Nik’s eyes darted towards Jess. “HE left this family.”
Nikolai turned towards his future brother, a finger pointed at him. “Yes, Sunny I get it. There are two of us here who understand your need to be separate. From your abilities. From the Kostas name. It is big shoes to fill. But YOU did not watch your Mama cry for so many months because you never called or wrote.”
“Kolya, please.” The baby had calmed down, so Selina now held on to Nikolai’s shirt. “He doesn't need to know this.”
Nikolai trembled in response. He was shocked to feel the sting of tears while holding back a wave of nausea. “Sunny, you broke everyone's hearts because you were a jealous, selfish prick.”
Nik unbuckled his seatbelt and struggled to get around Selina. “прошу прощения.” Excuse me
Sunny had gone totally dumbstruck for once. No smart ass retort or quick, immature comeback. He watched as his brother in law practically climbed over his sister and niece. Then to the front at his parents.
Honey, who couldn't really be seen over the back of the seat, was ignoring her son. Leon towered over her and was pushing all that dark hair streaked with silver behind her ear. Sunny noticed for the first time his dad had aged. He LOOKED fifty. The grey in his goatee also crept from his temples and was growing through the rest of his head. Even Klaus beside him finally started to age, allowing time to ensnare the time traveling Prophet.
Sunny remained silent. Hands folded awkwardly in his lap, he bit his lip. He could hear Selina singing Moon River until it became just humming and babbling.
He saw Leon's own dad (who died when they were little) and brother (who died when Leon was sixteen) sitting nearby. They were always nearby, but Sunny knew Papa didn't need his abilities to see them. Leon had his own secrets that likely only Honey knew. And the days his son.
There was a calm that floated along the family and some of the passengers, and Sunny wondered if his sister had come into her own powers finally after all these years. Her voice was like an anesthetic. Yet the one person who needed it was having a panic attack in the bathroom.
Right on cue, Selina spoke up: “There's something really wrong with Nikolai. Ollie, can you take Dolce for me?” She lifted the musically sedate baby in his direction.
“Normally yes, but maybe Sunny should. It's pretty obvious to Jess and I that he's more upset about us getting to be with Irina than he is about not knowing you were pregnant. You think he'll really say no to you? Or her?”
Selina held the baby aloft. A flicker of a memory so long ago of her papa doing that with a baby of his own. Those flashes always played with her mind, what was real and not.
But Irina had her fingers stuffed in her mouth like her uncle used when he was little. She beamed a barely toothed smile and squealed at her mommy; Selina could only see Sunny.
She supposed of course Nikolai and Leon and Klaus, but her daughter had Nicklaus’s cheek. His wonder with the world around him and need to command any room’s attention. But the utter dependence on Selina.
She sighed and stood with the baby on her hip. Irina put her head on Selina’s shoulder while babbling softly to herself.
“Take your niece,” the young mother demanded and presented her to Sunny.
“Something is wrong with Nikolai. He's been in the loo for way too long, and he either died or MacGuyver’d his way out of the plane somehow.”
“No thanks. We have nothing in common. She can't even speak English, and my poly-lingual abilities are tapped out. It's EXHAUSTING sleeping your way across several continents.”
Selina reached out and a tiny firework appeared on the tips of her fingers. She flicked it at her brother’s direction and shocked him.
His sister held her palm flat in front of him and made a small light display with sparklers. Sunny’s jaw unhinged when it shot in his direction and into his head. It shrunk and twisted in his cortex until he nearly passed out. Then it was over.
“The longer Nikolai and I are together, the more we find out something was in me too. Nik too. He's like you, but in different ways? When I got pregnant, Irina’s abilities were immediate the further along I was. She's so much like you, Sun. You and Kolya and all of us that came before.”
“Oh good, so she's THIS universe’s Vanya. Due for an apocalypse soon?” Sunny inhaled sharply when his niece began to float in his direction. “Oh no. Nope! Go to Topolino.” He tried to manipulate her in Klaus’s direction.
Klaus shot his head up, “ No way. She's YOUR niece. I did my baby duty with the two of you.” He deflected Irina back to his double like a tennis ball.
Irina giggled. Her uncle folded. Sunny held out his hands so he could catch her. “If she falls helplessly in love with me, well that's on you and Nik. You should've taught her better.”
“Thank you! Promise me we’ll talk later? REALLY talk?” Sunny nodded. She continued, “Be warned, Irina is a stage five face hugger.”
"What's a stage five face hug-"
Before Sunny could finish his query, Irina grabbed a fistful of her uncle’s hair and got them tangled. She put her wide open mouth to his forehead and sucked. Saliva dripped down his face. "Oh," he said from somewhere in her terry cloth onesie.
Jess snickered, “I see she kisses like you.”
But Selina noticed her friend’s face when Sunny seemingly tapped into a hidden parental instinct with the baby. She leaned over Ollie to kiss Jess on the head, humming to her. The red head relaxed as her best friend made her way towards the restrooms.
“Kolya, are you ok?” She knocked on the door. “Can I come in?” To Selina’s surprise it was unlocked, maybe had been this entire time but no one had tried to interfere.
Nikolai was leaning forward over the sink. His forehead pressed to the mirror. He looked, as Sunny pointed out, green around the gills.
Selina closed and locked the door before hooking her fingers in his belt loops. “I can get my scrubs out of my bag, and we can play nurse. That might make you feel better, hrm?”
She kissed the back of his neck and grazed her fingertips under his shirt along his stomach. It reflexed and grew taut in response. She let them trail down to the button and fly of his jeans before he swatted her away.
“Lina, stop. Please.” Nikolai’s free hand had a death grip on the sink.
“You're actually scared,” her voice was soft. Selina leaned back and so he could see her reflection. “Do you want me to sing? Relax you a bit?”
Nikolai shook his head no.
“You've never been on an airplane before, have you?”
Nik closed his eyes and shook his head again. “We took trains to somewhere in western Europe, and then a boat to New York. By the time we got to America, we got stuck in that cabin on Long Island. Pops died or was killed.”
Selina laid her head on his back, her cheek to the fabric of his purple shirt. Her hands covered both of his. “And now we know you had to be smuggled out of Russia.”
“How can he exist in so many worlds? WHY does he exist in our world?”
“Because the Fates are tricky, my love. They need a balance: intertwined our souls, but those bitches needed someone inhuman to keep the circle going. Every little choice my parents made and my Abba made and Reginald made and Klaus made spirals and branches off. This one gave us you and Irina and Ollie and Jess. And Klaus made the choice to bring us Sunny and The Umbrella Academy and himself.
“You sound like Leon,” Nikolai smirked. Then his face fell before lifting her hand to kiss it. “I was made to be a weapon.”
Selina slipped around the front of her partner. “Nikolai, look at me.” She held his chin so that he was forced to see into her eyes. “Children are meant to be loved. Not alien science projects on evolution or weaponization.”
Nik held onto her tightly. Selina kissed the dip in his neck where the collarbone met. She felt him grow immediately hard against her thigh when her fingers tangled up in his hair.
Instead of his lips meeting her’s, Nikolai kissed behind her ear. He bit it gently; his breathing grew heavy coming from his nose. His lips trailed down her throat. Selina moaned.
“You’re a brother.. And.. husband..” Selina urged him towards her cleavage. “A dadd-”
The sounds he made caused her to lose the words. Then Nik reached under her shirt. His warm palms on bare skin electrified her. Lifting her shirt he unfastened the nursing bra to pinch a nipple gingerly knowing they were tender from the baby.
Selina literally sparked; Nikolai laughed into her chest just before capturing the nipple to swipe at with his tongue. He knew not to do anything else, having learned that lesson the moment they could have sex again after Irina was born.
Instead he sucked on the flesh just above. Hard. He lost his hand under her polka-dotted skirt. He teased the fabric outside her entrance wetter than it already was.
Their mouths inches apart, sharing oxygen but refusing to touch. Little whimpers escaped Selina as Nikolai worked his fingers faster. He stopped only to aggressively tug her underwear down so she could shimmy out of them. She put her long leg out with a foot up on the wall behind him, astonished that her flexibility was still intact.
Nik bent down in front of his fiancee and held a fistful of her thighs. He was anchoring himself before lunging forward to dive into her sex. He sucked on the parts of her that hid her clit before snaking the tip of his tongue inside to find it. He spread her with thumb and forefinger for better access and worked with a strange fury.
“Fuck!” Selina cried. Her thigh started to shake. She had overestimated her stamina to hold a position she once could for ages. “Use your fingers too,” she commanded. Throat dry.
Nik obeyed. He looked up at her, plunged his fingers in her sex again. He reached up to lower her leg so that it was over his back. He hooked his fingers inside of her and found a rhythm by alternating this move with circling her clit with his tongue. Stopping to suck on her slit at various times.
Selina groped at him. Her grip tugged his hair and head so that he was smothered in her. Nikolai made a satisfactory growl when she constricted and her thighs clenched. The orgasm started in her throat, her body coiling and flexing under his mouth.
Suddenly he was on his feet to swallow the punctuated cries that came with her cumming. Selina could taste herself, the sticky bitterness, while her body rocked and contorted. Nik held her and she threw small fireworks that flashed colors in tiny raining sparks. She had never done that.
Before either could react, Nikolai freed himself from his jeans. “I think it is my turn, dorogoy.”
Selina turned beneath him so that her back faced her soon to be husband. She stood with her feet wide apart and bent just slightly over the sink to present herself to him.
Nikolai held his erection in hand and widened her stance with a knee. He grabbed Selina’s hip which he pulled down on to his cock ramming it forward. Inside of her so deep her ass crashed into his hip bones. She gasped and cried out.
“More,” she begged.
“Like this?”
Nik started to rut wildly. His face twisted with pleasure. Selina desperately clung to the sink. Her eyes fixed on him in the mirror. He took handfuls of her tits and clenched the nipples. Used them to rock her up and down over the shaft.
There was a rhythmic drumming to the pounding. He penetrated Selina like their bodies could merge together. Her gaze, never straying, finally locked into Nikolai's. It encouraged him to fuck harder. Faster. Until her muscles quivered from trying to keep up. She relaxed into his control. That tiny bit of submission and-
“Motherfucker!” Nik all but shouted. His Russian accent all but gone. “I'm gonna cum!” right before he did.
Nik spilled into Selina. His body twisting and twitching and pumping every last ounce into her. Their eyes held each other like he was holding her to his chest. If they were in a bed he would've stayed inside of his fiancée until they fell asleep. Instead he embraced her tightly while he tried to return to normal.
“I think I can survive the rest of the flight, hrm?” Nik kissed Selina's neck.
Selina adjusted her skirt before fastening the nursing bra and caught Nik's eye in the mirror while he put himself together.
"You know it is impressive you've kept the long con. Even around my family. Will you ever let them hear your real voice?"
"Lina, they know me as the Russian thief. Why upset them?"
"You've been here since you were ten years old. They're smart enough to realize the possibility that your accent is fake."
"Yeah but when I talk like this," he affected a New York tone between Brooklyn and Long island, "you freak the fuck out! So, I'm Russian."
He shrugged. A panicked look had spread across Selina's face. Unease laid out in her dark brown eyes. "Huh, what did I say? Это заставляет нервничать. Вы просто видите своего брата или дядю." It makes you nervous. You just see your brother or uncle "Και αν μιλάω στα ελληνικά, είναι ο μπαμπάς σου"
And if I talk in Greek, it's your papa. "Russian separates me from them."
Nikolai slapped her on the ass as was his way post sex. “Let’s hope someone besides you is worried about me. When will the rest of the family meet us in-”
He was interrupted after opening the door. Sunny was flirting with a flight attendant. With a few flight attendants. Their eyes blank, listening intently to his words. Nikolai realized he was enchanting them. Probably keeping them from catching his sister and brother in law.
They turned to make the way towards their seats only to see the entire plane spaced out. Save for the Kostas family of course. Irina happily babbling and holding fists full of Ollie’s hair. He looked mildly sick.
“You aren't the only one whose powers grew.” Sunny moved past them. “Selina, I think maybe we should talk now instead of later.”
She couldn't help but agree while she and Nikolai did their best to ignore the flood of blue spectres filling the empty seats and aisles.
How dare they believe a wedding in Greece would be drama free. And to think, they still had eight more hours.
tag list: @bisexualnathanyoung @magic-multicolored-miracle @maerenee930 @messengeronthemoon @love-is-dirty-baby @neuroticpuppy @nightmonsters @elliethesuperfruitlover @vonkimmeren @forenschik @duck-noises @feed-davis-and-steve @falloutby @firstpersonnarrator @rob-private @frogs--are--bitches @holidayspirits @a-ghoulish-tale
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