me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
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two storylines here!!!
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zadig-fate · 3 months
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Husbands in Hamburg (19.03.2024)
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mitamicah · 3 months
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Joker Out in Helsinki sketches; SyS tour 03.02-03.03 2024
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arctixout · 3 months
I just realised Bojan has made all his bandmates get out of their comfort zone in the span of a year and I'm so loving it
(Kris sing NGVOT, Jan speak Serbian (I think?) in an interview, Nace get his mullet (I'm counting this as a Bojan win) and Jure show off his metal singing skills in front of a small live audience)
and I guess also himself for playing piano live!
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niini5 · 9 months
Cha Cha Cha, Joker Out, Käärijä and Häärijä, Tampere 22.9.2023
Video by me
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bo0mcat · 3 months
Hi Joker Out Tumblr!
I’m not very active here but after seeing all the comments regarding the recent JokerOutSubs interview in London I had to respond.
I was the one who went to go and interview them in London and the response over the last couple of days has been incredibly emotional, and incredibly overwhelming, so firstly, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for making me so indescribably happy. Seeing people say that they felt safe watching this interview, and that it’s going to be a comfort video for them, actually brought me to tears on a number of occasions.
I wanted to respond to a few comments that I’ve seen. The questions were mostly devised by me and @alephai . When we were perfecting the questions and going over ways we could make them as respectful as possible, she suggested that we ask permission from Bojan before jumping into personal questions about his anxiety. I immediately agreed and I’m so glad we insisted on keeping it in, even as the questions went through several redrafts. We are both strong advocates of mental health acceptance, and I certainly understand on a personal level how challenging it can be to talk about. We wanted to make sure he had the opportunity to not talk about it, if he didn’t want to, and we were prepared for multiple scenarios.
We also decided right from the beginning that we didn’t want to put our own interpretations on the band. We wanted to frame the questions so they could answer anything they wanted to them, and make it clear that we’re not trying to sensationalise or find some kind of clickbaity quote. A looooot of thought, time and effort went into the questions and we think that the band could sense that there was a lot of love, respect, and genuine admiration for what they do in them. We’re really glad everyone else noticed it too!
We were also really mindful that the questions flowed neatly into one another - for instance, the questions about Bojan’s anxiety got steadily less personal and lighter so it would move smoothly into the questions about music. Again I’ve seen loads of comments about this and it’s so validating to see that the hard work put in was noticed.
We were extremely mindful of appropriate boundaries, and kept the knowledge that we’re ultimately strangers to them front and centre. The main goal on the day was to be as professional as possible. I’m genuinely so happy that they felt relaxed and comfortable enough to open up. I’m glad to say there was never a moment in the room where there was any tension, it truly felt like having a chat with friends! Afterwards, Bojan asked me if I were a professional journalist (which I am not) and it really made me incredibly happy. They are all absolutely sweethearts and some of the warmest, kindest people I’ve had the pleasure to spend an hour with.
The aftermath of the interview was one of the most intense weeks of my life and I have to shout out to every member of @jokeroutsubs who worked on this one. The dedication I saw from the subtitles, translators and video editors was insane. Lots of conversations at mad hours of the morning trying to get this out to the highest possible quality, and I am, as ever, bowled over by the JOS team. To say that joining up with them has been life changing is an absolute understatement, and I’m glad to say that through JOS I’ve met a series of women without whom I can no longer imagine my life. Strong, intelligent women from all over Europe who I now consider to be my sisters, and whom I love incredibly dearly.
I have to mention the message at the end of the interview. This was the product of many months of conversation about the impact of Joker Out on Slovene society between me and several members of the slo team, something that it’s been amazing to learn about from the perspective of an English girl, and we’re so glad we had an opportunity to tell them. Massive thank you again for all the voice notes I was sent to help me practice my pronunciation. I wanted to make sure it was as good as I could possibly manage to show my respect for the Slovenian people, language and culture.
Lastly I wanted to say thank you for all the messages I’ve received complimenting me on this interview. Credit in this case has to be shared between so many people. It was truly a team effort and I’m just so happy I could contribute in giving something back to a band I love and admire, and a community that embraced me with open arms during a difficult time in my life.
I love you all, and thank you all for your wonderful words. X
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izpira-se-zlato · 3 months
Umazane misli Entertainment with Jan and Nace
Joker Out at Gothenburg Film Studios
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darkcreamz95 · 3 days
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🪩 Happy 1 year of getting into Slovenian One Direction~
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da-proti-toku-grem · 17 days
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joker out pics that i never got over part 10
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unetonriehuja · 26 days
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
this is their public side. they are confronting the camera, they are playing with us more. the second photo is absolutely sexual/sensual and it's still a bit of a performance for us, even if it's based on truth.
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this is them, boys kissing behind closed doors. the door is glass so we can see. but they are being intimate and affectionate in a way that isn't a performance at all. it's a little blurry and out of focus. but that's okay. it's meant to be.
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zadig-fate · 3 months
Bojan's less than elegant attempt to get back on the stage after Umazane Misli 😂😂😂
Hamburg (19.03.2024)
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eurovisijan · 2 months
Jan completely zoned out, starting the interview in Slovenian before realising what he is doing, smirking from time to time and getting most of his nail polish off
He truly is relatable
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luluxa · 8 months
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was watching Radio Maribor interview and sketching Jan, cos let's be honest, the boy was there to play sick riffs and look pretty
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
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In a surprising twist for fans of the Slovenian Shagadelic rock and roll band Joker Out, frontman Bojan Cvjetićanin has recently confirmed his decision to relocate to Finland, followed quickly by the announcement that guitarist Kris Guštin will be leaving the band to join Dutch girl group K3. Along with the recent news of drummer Jure Maček’s critical drumstick shortage, fans of Joker Out appear to be facing a crisis that not even ‘Sama’ released on Spotify could solve.
Amidst the whirlwind of changes, two steadfast members, Jan Peteh and Nace Jordan, were spotted returning from their recent European tour to their rehearsal space. However, fans quickly noticed the absence of their bandmates, prompting speculation about the band's future.
But now, in an exclusive revelation, we can unveil the heartwarming reason behind Jan and Nace's solo return: they adopted a kitten together, and took some much needed alone time to settle in their new addition. After the emotional rollercoaster of bidding farewell to their departing bandmates, Jan and Nace found solace in the company of their newfound furry companion.
Sources close to the band suggest that the kitten has been named ‘Jos’. While some speculate that this is an ode to Dutch member, Kris Guštin, it is far more likely that this decision was made to honour fan group, JokerOutSubs, and thank them for their tireless work in translating Joker Out content. Nace, the only member of Joker Out to follow JokerOutSubs on Instagram, is known to be an huge fan.
The rockstars now face the onerous task of introducing Jos to their existing menagerie. Jan’s cat Igor, known for his sassy demeanour and rockstar attitude, is said to be unsure about the new addition. When confronted about his new sibling, Igor remained tight lipped and mysterious, much like his father, Jan. On the other hand, Nace’s dog, Ollie, has been wildly enthusiastic, and provided a comment to our reporters: ‘woof woof, bark bark!’*
While the band undergoes a period of transition, fans can take comfort in the knowledge that the bond between Jan, Nace, Igor, Ollie, and their newest band member will only continue to grow stronger. In the ever-changing landscape of rock and roll, Joker Out proves that amidst departures and new beginnings, the power of music and friendship endures.
*Note from JokerOutSubs: in a rare moment of failure on our part, we were unable to translate this sentence. If anyone speaks dog (the Slovene dialect version) and would enjoy joining our team, send your credentials to [email protected].
Original article by Delo can be found here.
Article translation by a JokerOutSubs member. Proof read by IG GBoleyn123.
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mitamicah · 2 months
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Ah, yes the tourbus reunion where Bojere would make everybody else question if it was a good idea to invite Jere with them through Finland by for intance playing "trash" slavic music in the tourbus at a too early hour x'D Day 6 of Bojere week was fun :3
Bonus: everybody else's reactions up close
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