#James Heckman
2023: The Past, Present and Future of Chinese Economics 
This article by Peking University Professor Yao Yang, calling for a greater focus on understanding Chinese domestic economic issues rather than theoretical issues reminds just slightly of the July 2023 article by Su Changhe, Dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University “China’s Autonomous Political Science Paradigm and Sharing it with the…
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hicapacity · 2 years
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A tudományos kutatások minden irányból megtámogatják azt a felismerést, hogy az emberek életének első évei a legmeghatározóbbak abban, hogy később ki és mi lesz belőlük.
És ez nagyrészt szociális meghatározottság. Ahogy Bessel van der Kolk fogalmaz, a postai irányítószámunk sokkal meghatározóbb, mint a génállományunk abban, hogy mennyire biztonságos és egészséges életet fogunk élni. Mindennél meghatározóbb, hogy milyen környéken növünk fel, hogy milyen hatások érnek, hogy a szüleink mennyit keresnek és hogyan, mennyit tudnak velünk foglalkozni.
Minél szélsőségesebben a társadalom margójára szorult családban növünk fel, annál nagyobb esélyünk van arra, hogy felnőttként mentális zavarokkal, függőséggel, antiszociális viselkedéssel küzdő, "sikertelen" emberekké váljunk.
A jó hír, hogy ezek változtatható dolgok. Ha tudatosan befektetünk abba, hogy minél több gyermek szülessen és gyarapodjon boldog, elégedett szülők gyermekeként, biztonságban és gondoskodó környezetben, akkor jóval kevesebb mentális zavarokkal, függőséggel küzdő, bűncselekményeket elkövető, antiszociálisan viselkedő kamasz és felnőtt él majd közöttünk.
Mi több, közgazdasági kutatásokból ma már azt is tudjuk, hogy ez a befektetés minden más befektetésnél jobban meg fog térülni az államnak.
James Heckman, a Chicago-i Egyetem közgazdaságtan professzora Nobel-díjban részesült azért, mert kimutatta, hogy minden egyes dollár, amit a korai gyermekkort (születéstől 5 éves korig) célzó segítő programokra költenek, 14 dolláros megtérülést hoz. Ez messze az egyik legköltséghatékonyabb befektetés az állam részéről: megelőzi még azoknak a programoknak a hatékonyságát is, amelyek csak az óvodáskorban kezdik támogatni a gyermekek fejlődését és jóllétét.
Kevesebb drogfüggőséget, bűnözést, mentális betegséget akarsz? Akkor a pénzedet ne abba fektesd be, hogy új börtönöket vagy egyéb, a "deviáns" csoportokat kirekesztő intézményeket hozol létre. Hanem abba, hogy megszünteted azt a szélsősésges kirekesztettséget és kilátástalanságot, amiben ma nagyon sok szülő gyereket kénytelen nevelni. A leginkább ne a középosztályt, hanem a legszegényebb családokat támogasd abban, hogy biztonságos otthont és egzisztenciát teremtsenek. Fizess meg szakembereket, akik segítenek a szülőknek abban, hogyan fejlesszék a gyermekük empátiás és kognitív képességeit. Hozz létre hatékony védelmet a családon belüli erőszak áldozatainak.
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blogcowboyron · 2 months
NYC councilwoman defends First Amendment rights of firefighters scolded for booing AG James, cheering Trump
NYC councilwoman defends First Amendment rights of firefighters scolded for booing AG James, cheering Trump New York Attorney General Letitia James was heckled at FDNY event, prompting investigation By Elizabeth Heckman Fox News Published March 12, 2024 12:25pm…
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educationday · 3 months
Emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in shaping the landscape of education statistics - 2024 Conference on education data and statistics.
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The UNESCO Conference on Education Data and Statistics is the first international event dedicated to establishing a collaborative platform for ongoing dialogue and mutual learning among education statisticians. This inaugural conference marks a significant milestone as the first-ever regular, open forum in the field of education statistics, where we delve into pressing questions regarding the present and future of internationally comparable data. Organized by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), in collaboration with UNESCO's Education Sector and the Global Education Monitoring Report, this Conference aims to reaffirm the vital role of Member States as primary agents for coordinating education data and statistics. The conference also seeks to foster international statistical cooperation, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in shaping the landscape of education statistics.
09:15 – 09:45 Opening of the Conference
09:45 – 10:30 Professor James Heckman, Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics & the Director of the Center for the Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics (2000)
10:30 – 11:30 High level panel
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maximizeeducacao · 6 months
Educação Infantil: O Papel do Professor
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Educação Infantil: O Papel do Professor e o Impacto na Vida Escolar - Um Guia Completo A educação infantil desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento das crianças, influenciando diretamente a sua formação e aprendizado. Nesse contexto, a figura do professor da educação infantil assume um papel crucial, atuando como mediador das aprendizagens e orientador do processo de formação das crianças. A prática educativa nesse ambiente requer uma abordagem que integre o cuidar e o educar, respeitando as particularidades de cada criança e promovendo a participação ativa delas no processo educativo. Além disso, a base nacional comum curricular (BNCC) e o referencial curricular nacional para a educação infantil (DCNEI) fornecem diretrizes e orientações essenciais para a prática pedagógica, destacando a importância da formação continuada dos professores e a valorização de suas funções de cuidar e educar. A concepção de criança como sujeito de direitos e a ênfase na escuta, observação e valorização das narrativas das crianças também são aspectos fundamentais a serem considerados na prática pedagógica do professor da educação infantil. A educação infantil é uma fase crucial para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, social, emocional e físico das crianças, e a sua importância é frequentemente subestimada. No entanto, investir em educação na primeira infância é uma estratégia de baixo custo para promover o crescimento econômico no futuro, como mostra um estudo do professor James Heckman, ganhador do Prêmio Nobel de Economia. Além disso, a educação infantil é fundamental para expandir aprendizados essenciais de memória, linguagem, coordenação motora e outras funções que terão impactos para toda a vida. A educação infantil tem um papel crucial no desenvolvimento integral da criança. As atividades de aprendizagem orientadas, as brincadeiras, as interações com outras crianças e adultos e as rotinas diárias são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, emocional e social da criança. A educação infantil também é importante para a formação da consciência, da imaginação, da criatividade e das relações sociais. No entanto, a pandemia da Covid-19 promoveu uma ruptura do acesso pleno e integral à educação infantil, o que impactou negativamente a alfabetização e o aprendizado das crianças. Um estudo da Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal mostra que houve uma redução de cerca de 275 mil matrículas na pré-escola em 2021. Outro estudo da mesma fundação destaca que a perda estimada em termos de aprendizado de crianças que vivenciaram a educação infantil presencial em 2019, na comparação com crianças que terminaram a pré-escola em 2020 fazendo atividades remotas, é de até seis meses em matemática e sete meses em linguagem. Além disso, a proporção de crianças de 7 anos de idade que não sabem ler e escrever dobrou, passando de 20% para 40%, segundo novo relatório do UNICEF. Os professores de Educação Infantil e alfabetização dos Anos Iniciais da Educação Fundamental são profissionais fundamentais para garantir o desenvolvimento integral do aluno. Eles encontram, nas salas de aula, crianças que são um espelho da vulnerabilidade que vivenciam em casa, ao mesmo tempo em que estão cada vez mais expostas ao mundo digital. Por isso, é preciso avançar mais na formação qualificada desde a universidade, com a adoção de práticas pedagógicas enriquecidas, espaço físico e materiais apropriados, seguindo as melhores práticas de formação docente. Para construir uma política de formação inicial e continuada sistêmica coerente de desenvolvimento profissional para educadores da educação infantil, é necessário que governos, iniciativa privada e sociedade trabalhem juntos. É essencial garantir a valorização, desempenho e motivação do professor, que juntamente com seus gestores escolares fazem a diferença na mudança por um país menos desigual e com mais oportunidades para os brasileiros desde o começo da vida. #educação #qualificação #capacitação #treinamento #desenvolvimentoprofissional #crescimentopessoal #carreira #empregabilidade #habilidadesprofissionais #competênciasprofissionais #EducaçãoInovadora #Pedagogia #TecnologiaEducativa #EnsinoEficiente #AprendizagemAtiva #DesenvolvimentoProfissional #EducaçãoOnline #EducaçãoInclusiva #MetodologiasAtivas #SalaDeAula #FormaçãoDeProfessores #EducaçãoInfantil #EnsinoSuperior #FuturoDaEducação #empreendedorismo Read the full article
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jayessentials · 7 months
The Wisdom of Long-Term Decision-Making: Insights from a Century of Data
In a world of instant gratification and short-term thinking, there's something profoundly inspiring about the art of long-term decision-making. We're all familiar with the saying, "Haste makes waste," and yet, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of short-sighted choices. In this blog, we're going to delve into the wisdom that emerges from a century of data on long-term decision-making, drawing insights from various sources to shed light on why thinking beyond the immediate horizon can lead to remarkable outcomes.
The Power of Historical Data:
To appreciate the value of long-term decision-making, we can look back at historical data from the past century. Consider the example of stock market investments. A study by J.P. Morgan Asset Management reveals that, despite market volatility and economic recessions, investments in U.S. stocks have grown significantly over time. In fact, the S&P 500 has seen an average annual return of around 10% when examined over the long term.
This historical perspective highlights the advantage of adopting a patient and steady approach, even in the face of market fluctuations. It's a testament to the power of compound interest and the benefits of staying invested for the long haul.
Environmental Sustainability:
Long-term decision-making extends well beyond financial matters. Environmental issues, such as climate change and conservation, are domains where a commitment to the long view is critical. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 97% of actively publishing climate scientists agree that climate change is largely caused by human activities.
To address this critical issue, long-term planning is indispensable. Sustainability initiatives, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, are not only environmentally responsible but also economically sound choices in the long run. By investing in a greener future, we safeguard our planet and secure economic benefits for generations to come.
Health and Well-Being:
Another area where long-term thinking yields remarkable results is health and well-being. Studies conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health emphasize the importance of making health-conscious decisions early in life to reduce the risk of chronic diseases later on. The choices we make in terms of diet, exercise, and stress management have a profound impact on our long-term health.
Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the value of long-term healthcare planning and investments in preventive medicine. Immunization campaigns, access to clean water, and disease control programs are examples of long-term strategies that have led to significant improvements in global health.
Education and Human Development:
In the field of education, a commitment to long-term planning can lead to transformative outcomes. Research conducted by organizations like the World Bank and UNESCO underscores the enduring benefits of investing in quality education. Access to education, particularly for girls and marginalized communities, is associated with economic growth and social progress over the long term.
Moreover, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, James Heckman, has shown that early childhood education interventions, such as high-quality preschool programs, yield substantial long-term returns by improving the cognitive and non-cognitive skills of disadvantaged children.
In a world that often prioritizes quick fixes and immediate gains, the beauty of long-term decision-making lies in its enduring impact. By considering historical data, we learn that patience and perseverance can lead to financial success. When addressing global challenges, such as climate change, sustainable choices today ensure a healthier planet tomorrow. Investing in our health, education, and human development pays off for generations to come.
The wisdom of long-term decision-making isn't just a philosophy; it's a data-backed reality. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." The decisions we make today, guided by data and the long view, can pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
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moslvn · 9 months
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[Chuyên mục STATA]
Tốt khoe xấu che, take it easy man!
Cùng MOSL trao dồi, hiểu thêm các biến thể của mô hình Tobit nè. 
💌 Loại I 
Mô hình tobit là một trường hợp đặc biệt của mô hình hồi quy có kiểm duyệt , vì biến tiềm ẩn y_i ^ * không thể luôn luôn được quan sát trong khi biến độc lập x_ {i} có thể quan sát được. Một biến thể phổ biến của mô hình tobit là kiểm duyệt ở một giá trị y_L khác 0:
💌 Loại II
Trong tobit loại I, biến tiềm ẩn hấp thụ cả quá trình tham gia và kết quả quan tâm. Tobit loại II cho phép quá trình tham gia (lựa chọn) và kết quả quan tâm là độc lập, có điều kiện dựa trên dữ liệu quan sát được.
Mô hình lựa chọn Heckman rơi vào tobit Loại II, mà đôi khi được gọi là Heckit theo tên James Heckman.
💌 Loại III
Loại III giới thiệu một biến phụ thuộc quan sát thứ hai. Heckman cũng rơi vào loại này
💌 Loại IV
Loại IV giới thiệu biến phụ thuộc quan sát thứ ba và biến tiềm ẩn thứ ba.
💌 Loại V
Tương tự như loại II, trong loại V chỉ có dấu hiệu của 
💌 Phiên bản không có tham số
Nếu biến tiềm ẩn cơ bản y_i ^ * không được phân phối chuẩn, người ta phải sử dụng các lượng tử thay vì mômen để phân tích biến quan sát được y_ {i}. Công cụ ước tính CLAD của Powell cung cấp một cách khả thi để đạt được điều này.
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Alessandra Gotti: Como concretizar o direito à creche no Brasil?
Em meio à disputa política que precedia as eleições do ano passado, um tema de suma importância para o Brasil teve pouco espaço na mídia. O Supremo Tribunal Federal decidiu que a educação infantil é direito de todas as crianças. Mas isso já não era óbvio? O assunto estava há anos na corte e não era unanimidade, apesar das evidências científicas —a mais famosa, do Nobel de Economia James Heckman,…
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prenewstech · 1 year
Grading Buffalo Bills drafting Justin Shorter in 2023 NFL Draft
Justin Shorter (Photo by James Gilbert/Getty Images) Buffalo Bills Draft: Brandon Beane’s Day 2 haul was a home run by Ryan Heckman The Buffalo Bills began the day with only two picks over the final four rounds of the 2023 NFL Draft. However, they traded back from their fifth round pick with the Washington Commanders to pick 150 while adding another sixth round pick in the process. With that…
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mariacallous · 2 years
Early childhood enrichment programs don’t need to be expensive to be effective. Jorge Luis García of Clemson and James Heckman of the University of Chicago find that low-cost home-visiting programs that focused on improving parenting had similar effects on children’s home environments and cognitive abilities as time-intensive, costly programs that offered more services. The findings suggest that “enhancing parenting [is] an essential ingredient” for effective early childhood enrichment, and that low-cost programs which focus on this component can achieve many of the same effects as more comprehensive alternatives. Additionally, the authors find that high-cost programs have been successfully replicated and scaled in the U.S. through the Head Start program, and that low-cost programs are also likely scalable. Because the programs studied overwhelmingly serve socioeconomically disadvantaged children from racial minorities, the authors argue “national implementation of the programs…would substantially shrink the overall U.S. Black-White earnings gap.”
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bestnurseryschool · 2 years
How Early Childhood Education Can Help Shape Your Child’s Future
Might youth instruction at any point have a massive effect on your youngster's future? Will picking a decent pre-school emphatically affect their grown-up life?
Specialists absolutely accept so. Great quality educating and a very much arranged educational program in nursery school can immensely help a youngster, long after they leave for grade school, and, surprisingly, well into adulthood. one of the well known pre- school is monroesnursery which is in Dubai marina.
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Change Lives
James Heckman, a Nobel Prize Champ and Teacher of Financial matters at the College of Chicago, is one of the many promoters for top notch youth instruction. He accepts that a solid instructive establishment has the ability to change lives and that interest in small kids can enormously help society, financially and socially.
He has frequently utilized the similarity of a developing tree to make sense of his thinking. A youthful tree that is very much supported, took care of and watered develops further and tall. It creates solid roots that make it strong to tempests and dry season. It will probably charge better compared to a tree that is let potentially run wild.
Long haul Advantages of Nursery Instruction
In the UK, specialists from the Organization of Monetary Examinations followed a companion of English kids, some of whom got a nursery schooling, directly through to adulthood.
Their discoveries were that there are 'positive and durable impacts from early instruction. In particular, pre-obligatory training (pre-school or school section before age 5) was found to yield huge enhancements in mental tests at age 7 … [and] stayed critical all through the tutoring years, up to mature 16 … In adulthood, pre-necessary tutoring was found to build the likelihood of acquiring capabilities and to be utilized at 33.'
In this way, research proposes that kids who go to a decent nursery school might improve in school and may try and proceed to accomplish better school and college capabilities. This, obviously, engages them in their profession decisions later.
Abilities Conceive Abilities
James Heckman solidly accepts that 'abilities conceive abilities'. The prior kids foster specific abilities, the simpler it will be for them to foster an ever increasing number of abilities later on.
This is a view reverberated by other early training specialists all over the planet, who trust that dealing with 'delicate abilities' (like certainty, socialization, correspondence and inspiration) in preschool can engage a kid to perform well scholastically in school and accomplish objectives in adulthood.
The following are seven manners by which an excellent youth instruction can assist with forming your youngster's future.
Rousing a Hunger for Learning
In the event that this is your kid's most memorable experience of schooling, you really want it to be a decent one. A great pre-school will enthuse kids to learn, make disclosures, and submerge themselves in books and learning materials. The seeds for a deep rooted love of learning are planted in a preschool that shows a tomfoolery and energizing educational program.
Construct Certainty and High Confidence
Building connections and having a lot of positive communications with educators and different kids is gigantically useful. These trades advance an uplifting perspective and a solid mental self portrait. Having this certainty permits kids to investigate interests and fabricate abilities by empowering a 'have-a-go' mentality.
Advancing Versatility
Versatility is an indispensable expertise. It implies that when we fall, we can pick ourselves back up once more. We can continue with assurance in any event, when we experience a mishap. A decent nursery school can advance versatility through a solid and supporting climate that defines clear assumptions and limits.
Distinguishing Fundamental Help
Now and then kids need some additional help in learning conditions. This might be conduct backing or learning support for issues, for example, dyslexia or discourse delay. The sooner these issues can be recognized, the sooner the kid can get the vital assistance. This implies better long haul results for the kid.
A decent nursery school will utilize early years experts who are capable and experienced in distinguishing regions for improvement and aiding kids who need some additional help.
Educating Admiration
Socialization is a significant part of nursery schooling. We realize that we should assist our youngsters with enhancing in their connections outside the family, which is in many cases a vital inspiration for selecting a kid in nursery school.
In an early instructive setting, your kid should figure out how to explore their new environmental elements, where both toys and grown-up consideration should be shared. Regard for others in the nursery climate and the actual climate is immediately educated through the amazing good examples that are their educators and by advancing naturally close by their friends.
Experience Variety
Esteeming variety is a significant fundamental ability. Nursery school is an important chance for a youngster to initially discover that we are interesting. A small kid can construct new kinships with youngsters who come from various social foundations and whose families have various convictions. This can be a gigantically positive encounter that keeps on affecting them sometime down the road.
Creating Fixation and Great Listening Abilities
Youngsters will figure out how to focus on standing by listening to headings and guidelines at nursery school, as well as to esteem commitments from different kids during bunch work.
Listening is fundamental for good correspondence and the capacity to shape associations with others. Having the option to listen well will likewise emphatically affect kids' exhibition in grade school and then some. Getting an early advantage with this significant expertise is a huge advantage of nursery schooling.
The Worth of a Decent Nursery Training
While preschool is a significant chance to acquire scholastic abilities, as pre-perusing and pre-composing, prepare for elementary school and to mingle, a decent nursery educational program will advance a lot more. While kids are 'playing' in a decent nursery, they are likewise excelling with so many of the delicate abilities that will assist them with accomplishing a ton in school and then some. Monroes Nursery is their to help you out! Visit us :-
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laopiniononline · 2 years
[Carta al Director] Economía, desarrollo país y derechos de la niñez
[Carta al Director] Economía, desarrollo país y derechos de la niñez
Señor Director: Chile está en un tránsito social, político y económico muy particular, pero hay ámbitos donde no podemos fallar: la inversión en el desarrollo de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) de nuestro país. Harry Grayde Desde que el economista y Premio Nobel James Heckman evidenciara que la inversión en la primera infancia es fundamental, tanto para el desarrollo económico como para la…
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Fairmont football back to business in 2022 | News, Sports, Jobs
Fairmont football back to business in 2022 | News, Sports, Jobs
Back to the gridiron — Members of the Fairmont Cardinal football team open the season Friday night by traveling to Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall for a game against the Marshall Tigers, Front row (left to right): James Johnson, Zaron Schutz, Taylor Austin, Elijah Johnson, Levi Pulley , Jess Teveldahl, Tyler Heckman, Evan Martin, Devon Jafrick, Gage Cyphers, Caleb Chambers and…
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elektramouthed · 2 years
 Multimodality is participatory and experiential, requiring a certain level of mastery if either is to be effective. Most readers acquire language as a natural part of their development, which in turn facilitates the acquisition of learned literacies. Literacy is connected to the formation of the public sphere, the creation of a certain literary public that reads and produces criticism, and this relationship becomes complicated by the introduction of the digital, which gives rise to new unfamiliar literacies. This estrangement, to echo Bouchardon and Heckman, is aesthetically powerful, in that it reinvigorates the interpretative process, stimulating senses that typically remain dormant through the act of reading. When this happens, when the contemporary reader is presented with a familiar interface, and a familiar act in the shape of reading, a compelling tension emerges: the act of reading changes, and their comfort with the digital is challenged as they realise that meaning goes beyond the interfaces upon which we have become reliant. This has profound contextual repercussions, in that it reconfigures the relationship between literature and literacy, transforming certain ideals and social contracts.  This tension is founded upon the fact that it is all reading: whether you are looking at a sentence on a page, or a work of born-digital literature on a screen, it is all reading. Sometimes you are reading words, sometimes images, sometimes you are experiencing a modal maelstrom—but you are always reading.
James O’Sullivan, from Towards a Digital Poetics: Electronic Literature & Literary Games
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healthanddietblog · 2 years
Early Childhood Education - Importance and Learning
Early Childhood Education – Importance and Learning
As a parent, you may have many questions such as what does early childhood education mean? and Why do our children need to learn “early” in order to thrive better in school and in life? according to dr James Heckman, a Nobel laureate in economics and expert on the economics of human development, “Early education is the foundation of later learning. Learning early creates more learning.” Planting…
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nosferdoc · 3 years
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