#Jail men who don’t give women fair access to financial support
coochiequeens · 1 year
Good news for women!
By Cecilia Macaulay
BBC News
Sierra Leone has passed what has been described as a "ground-breaking" law to improve women's rights.
President Julius Maada Bio made an apology to women for their poor treatment in the past: "For so long we haven't been fair to you," he said.
The law states that 30% of public and private jobs must be reserved for women.
The Minister of Gender and Children's Affairs says women have been "crying" out "for years" for this change.
"It means a lot to women in Sierra Leone," Manty Tarawalli told the BBC's Newsday radio programme, adding that no other sub-Saharan African country had passed such a law.
The law lets girls who are still at school know "there are opportunities for them in Sierra Leone for employment for business" and for them to contribute to the economy, Ms Tarawalli said.
Under the new Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Act (GEWE), women also benefit from ringfenced senior positions in the workplace, at least 14-weeks of maternity leave, equal access to bank credit and training opportunities.
There are harsh repercussions for employers who do not stick to the new gender ratios, including hefty fines of £2,000 ($2,500), and even potential prison time for institutions like banks that do not give women fair access to financial support. It is thought this will make it easier for women to start their own businesses.
The government says the employment law will apply to any business with more than 25 employees, but a final decision has not yet been made.
Ms Tarawalli said the move was "important" but that "more steps will have to be taken before the country can say fairness has been achieved across the genders".
Discrimination against women in the workplace is a "big issue," according to the minister, and the new law will "change the status quo," she said.
For Sierra Leone to become a middle-income country it must engage the 52% of the population who are women in the economy, Ms Tarawalli added.
Prior to the law, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) said that "progress has been made in expanding opportunities for women and girls" but warned that "gender inequality and denial of women's rights are still prevalent at all levels in Sierra Leonean society".
As for gender equality in the continent as a whole, UN Women also says thatprogress has been made, but "the majority of women work in insecure, poorly paid jobs, with few opportunities for advancement".
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To the Orphans now under the protection of the Taliban,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all you've suffered. The images I've seen are horrific and painful. Losing your family is difficult.
I've lost mine several times. So much. I know it has made me stronger and sadder.
My parents were also murdered and so I know the sadness and need, sometimes we Just need our parents. I'm old and i still need my parents.
But I know my parents are angels and are here often, even if I dont recognize or remember them. I still find comfort from them.
So sometimes us orphans are the luckiest because our parents are angels that never leave us. And always protect us.
It doesn't make up for their murder, it just makes up for their absence.
I hope this translates well. I just wanted to say from my scarred heart to yours, I care and I love you
I know as orphans our safety is taken away, our comfort, our nutrition, our education, every thing perfect.
But i also know that those that have needs and have pain usually can find each other and help each other and do Well in social ways and grow to be as good ss their parents wanted.
I talked with Malcolm in 2008 and he promised me $5 billion USD for every child he ever stole in the Middle East to go to me, to heal my heart.
In the USA, we pay $2 million per kidnapped victim and other benefits. And since you were kidnapped by a USA citizen, you get those benefits from the USA government.
I promised in 2008 i will take at least half of the money to the Middle East to provide for the victims for life. Food, clothes, homes. Anything they want. You want a yacht? You want a car? You get it. So there is a special DNA4U shop in the app for those special victim orphans of Malcolm and his associates, Brandon as well and any other Victim in the Middle East of human trafficking.
Worldwide tree offers a 35% discount for life in the shop for all victims.
And I'll have to see if he actually has that much money to give to me. Because we cannot have an imbalance of rich and poor.
So for a period of 2 years I'll offer the entire Middle East free life to upgrade their lifestyle to wells and solar electricity and better homes. Luxurious mansions and cars. So their bills will be low or not at all but they have all they ever wanted.
Then we will expand that globally of course.
It will take time But that has always been my lifelong dream.
I will also love to donate money to the Taliban to help their infrastructure to protect and love their community better without hostility as they do.
I also hope to liberate the woman better so they must not have to wear so much clothing protection in the heat. And i hope DNA4U helps that.
I do admire the culture of protecting the woman from being degraded by vultures of men. However, i know how disgusting men are and the coverings sometimes make it worse, it makes it a more of a game of competition and with extreme aggression.
Don't worry, those hidden away. It doesn't happen so often. But I think you know exactly what I mean.
And the girls that have been abducted and stolen as children and even women to work in factories don't wear coverings.
As a child working in Iraq, i would disguise myself as a boy as often as possible to avoid the hair covering. But I would carry a bandanna if I worried.
As I got older, it was difficult to keep it on, it would slide and i would not notice or would panic.
I was never beat but I was detained once. Otherwise the reminders were gentle and just a sidewise glance "you need to cover up dear" girls would often stop to help me cover better on the street. Then i would go look in a mirror or window reflection to see how they did it for me so i would know in the future.
So the culture is not unkind.
But like here in the USA with racism, there are beatings and death and so on related to the coverings of ladies.
So if those restrictions are lifted then I can give great strides to the military in the forms of financial assistance. Just so they don't have to wear them at all.
Suddenly now we all have to wear masks and when i go out, i see us wearing masks. Almost all people i see are wearing them.
So, I know it is possible to change the law immediately and then it come into effect easily. I do know that there will be horrible horrible fights as i have seen over the simple reason to wear a mask. People are being shot, arms broke and it is absolutely horrific! I am shocked. Absolutely shocked because it is for our health so we do not die! And yet, I know it is those people that must get COVID and die. They are the reason COVID exists and I pray it gets spread faster to those that are violent.
And so for the Middle East the change cannot be immediate and uncontrolled. It will be too dangerous for the woman. They must be protected to not wear coverings.
So i think it would be about a period of 6 months to one year of daily teaching and reminder of no coverings and as to why.
At this very moment in time, coverings are better and safer for the women. As their hair and so on is protected from breath and sneezes. As they get home they can immediately remove the coverings and wash the germs away
So what I would like in the middle East.. Is a optional for men... As it is mandatory for most to wear mask or otherwise recommended, I would like it to be recommended for men to wear a simple head scarf.
This way they can see it is cumbersome and they can feel liberated and also feel understandings toward women when they, too, can be free from having to wear hair covers.
This will build community understanding and support.
So, while their whole head but eyes must be covered -- and in some areas all their arms as well .... It is cumbersome and so much ... The whole community, all genders.
They are unified in their outdoor uniform. So women feel the men are seeing their discomfort they have with their required adornments.
And so the news will tell the people that the men must wear as recommended for their health the same covering as women and not their usual taller wraps. They may feel the woman Don't have it So bad...as it is less heavy. However the threat.
It is the threat which must be educated. The men must wear the woman's covering for the threat of COVID. And understand the women wear them for the threat of jail, fines and death. And the men must make that educational connection. And the government and media must help. Then they will find that emotional unity. And support for the female gender roles.
I do not want to punish the men. I want to have them to be able to support the women. Show them the support from their hearts.
A man choosing to wesr a hajib says in public as a vote "women I support you to stop wearing these when it is safe to breathe again without masks"
I know some cities in India are most polluted and they may continue to wear mask but i mean for the Corona and COVID reasons.
So, it is just men who stand in solidarity, proud and strong to say "women I support you in your choice to be free from so much cloth. It is unnecessary in normal time"
As a woman I will feel relieved, I would feel pride. I would feel extra happy. I would feel joy. I would cry tears. My heart would be filled with hope and love and would soar to the skies.
It is symbolic of love. I know the Middle East is certainly capable of this. To have significant symbolic gestures of love.
74% of children have been kidnapped and placed in bunkers in human trafficking and do not wear traditional Middle Eastern clothing. They all wear men's tunic and pants, including the women which is a Style of India for women but they wear plain colored cotton. Unlike the gorgeous style of India.
So this will also show support and love for those coming out of human trafficking. So they don't have to come out and learn all these new things. Some were infants when taken underground. They have so much overwhelming information and stimulation having to wear hajibs and cover their arms or otherwise be punished... That is too much for those that have suffered so much already.
So i ask the government to change their laws and rulings and encourage the changes. And i will instill finances in their military. I have awesome planes and boats and more that i can supply and better wages and more.
Education is the key to allow the coverings to be removed after the COVID and Corona crisis.
As for the victims a special color, yellow and rainbow was or is or will be provided for them So they can be held accountable different in public for their dress, so it is known they have an educational crisis in how to dress in public and must be forgiven. I think it is a baklava, tho so it is simple to wear. So they are not punished or taken aside. Like a ski mask... But has "wings" so it wraps around pretty.
So they pull the ski mask down then wrap the extra material around their chest and neck and head so they look conventional but they don't have the fuss of using just a wrap (single sheet of fabric) and having to deal with it just falling. The public has had access to this design since Fall of 2008. I did design it myself. So you're welcome.
And although i do support the custom. I would like it not to be a law and it be optional only.
During cold days I am sure the hajib and other head dresses will come out. I don't want it to become obsolete. Like no one ever wore them
So plans of festivities where traditional clothing is recommended, like how we have medieval festivals and people dress up to attend. Then pay to get in. So then we could allow free tickets to those that wear. Or free food or games if it is an open street faire which I prefer. Men also have traditional dress.
So if I opened a restaurant, I would say, "75% off your meal if you come in traditional dress"
Then we would see people on the streets and driving in those old style clothing so it does not become extinct. Because I would hate to take away a culture.
So a pizza place with games and prizes, a traditional Middle Eastern Cuisine, Mexican Restaurante, McDonald's. All those types of and more. Could and would offer a discount.
And I will ensure that is supplied at regular prices. Then a discount is offered. Here a traditional sit down restaurant meal is $8-10 so if I wore every single component I would pay $2.50 which would cover the actual cost of the food and a little leftover.
So the restaurant will make sure the cost of the food is covered per plate. This way the restaurant can continue to operate.
On a Well with solar electricity, owning the building, the monthly cost is low. Next to free.
Then there is labor. 60-90% will dress. So as I said $2.50 for a steak, potatoe and vegetables bought whole sale is $1 left over for wages and building and insurance and other fee.
Also only milk water or tea. No soda, no coca cola no Pepsi... That shit is toxic. I know. I drink it every single day. But we will have sparkling juice. 😇 for the burps. Only healthy good pure ... Even at the McDonald's. But ice cream yes!
So if we serve 50 plates an hour. That's $50 per hour.
Say we only serve 10. That's $10. At 12 hours per day is $120. So what? I'm rich. It will be fine on my taxes I'll have to pay less and then I'll have to pay out of pocket.
I just got $5 billion per kidnapped child in the middle East. I can feed the people that want to keep culture alive and keep their cost down. Allow them a gift.
Anyway this got on a run away train as per usual.
These are things I would like to do in the Middle East.
Of course I'll do things for other countries but the Middle East has their own particular special things we get to accomplish.
With DNA4U it makes it different.
Hajib and things are to protect women from being looked at And sought by men that are unknown to them.
But DNA4U protects them from such men and people. So the hajib and arm coverings are not necessary any longer.
Except the culture is absolutely beautiful when the woman is respected and others around her are not lacking understanding and respect and compassion.
So I do not want the culture to be lost.
However I know the cumbersome and fear associated with the laws and rulings of the clothing.
We still have Brandon's stolen children to find and some others in the middle east. Brandon calls his orphanages. And they're underground.
Eric Trump's are dry martini. That is his text codes. When he doesn't want a wet one, that is the gas chamber location (he has to confess because i found out he gave me Tuberculosis. And got my daughter Brittany Spears taken away and she has diabetes as a result, because she was a newborn when he dosed me and she got it and worked with Denise to steal my child)
And there's more.
My dad Fred will post more.
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