istherewifiinhell · 1 month
anyway more es. ARE U GETTING. THAT ALTMODE MIGHT BE.... allegoric. of things......
[ID: Transformers Earthspark clip of Jawbreaker interviewing Elita-one on a camcorder. There's scanline and recording ui affects. Jawbreaker is a young terran transformer with squat preportions in his protoform (white, grey, and blue, non discript body). Elita is a large cybertronian transformer with a pink SUV alt mode, clear car parts like wheels, headlights, and grill visible on her robot mode body.
full transcribe below
Camera over JB's shoulder, looking at a city skyline with the sun behind it.
JB: It's so... pretty.
Camera whips to Elita as she speaks: This whole planet is. I... like to end my work outs by reminding myself what I'm trying to protect.
JB graps the camera and turns it around, setting it up: I want to keep it safe too. [Sad, comtemplates the camera] But how can I do that without an alt mode.
He sets down the camera and we exit the camcorder view. The camera is very small in his hands
Elita sitting behind, twisting to look at him: Kid, you don't need an alt mode to do that.
JB: But, I'm a transformer. I'm suppose to transform!
Elita gives a breathed laugh/huff: Jawbreaker, lemme let you in on a little secret, hmm?
She tap the space next to where shes sitting on a shipping container. We see in camcorder mode the profile shot JB set up, he walks over and sits. We exit camcorder mode, and see JB and Elita from head on.
Elita: Scanning your alt mode isn't some kind of magic. There's a special compotent inside of you, [hand to her chest] Inside every bot, called the T-cog. It's what lets us change shape.
JB points to his chest with his one large finger. Speaking deliberately: The T-cog. Wow... [normal speech] Oh! But I'm not cybertronian. How do you know I... have one?
Elita, prompting: Some of your terran siblings have changed form, right?
JB: But what if I'm... [voice break] different?
Elita, looks toward the city: You know it took me forever to find an earth alt mode too? Nothing I saw ever felt right. So I waited. I waited, and waited, and waited.
JB: And then?!
Elita, turns to JB, points to her chest again: My spark, told me what was right.
JB: BUT- [somber] what if I'm broken or something? When I look at- cars. I feel nothing.
Elita puts a hand on JB's shoulder: Then maybe... you weren't meant to be a vehicle.
JB, suprised/awed: You can scan other things?
Elita: Almost anything you want. It's up to you.
JB: Thanks, Elita.
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