#It's why I like Dante's Inferno. Multiple of 3. Able to mix and match. It's very nice and simply.
48787 · 2 months
Fun fact, when someone picks a new deadly sin to represent themself, you can actually eat and become their old one without needing to compromise your previous deadly sins!!
You don't have to be just one! You're actually intended to have quite a few of them, in fact! It's a strange system, I would've designed it differently, but that's just one of the tips and tricks I learned over the years about the Abrihamic meta, if you're trying to minmax.
This system does lead to some people being pressured into picking new sins so the pressurer can maximize sin intake, however it is also important to remember that once you reach all 7 you either (1.) run out and reset your method of sin intake by picking a new starting sin and counting from 1 again or (2.) move on to a new model of sin measurement (Such as Dante's Inferno layers of hell, for instance) and need to retrofit old sins into new ones, which is almost like a soft reset of sorts (For example, needing to figure out how to translate Sloth into the layers structure while accounting for thematic overlaps).
Point (2.) can get complicated when going from a model with more sins to a model with less sins. You have to figure out which sins are being conglomerated and consolidated as well as distributing importance semi-consistently, because you need to make sure there is at least one in the new model that you haven't taken yet.
There, of course, is the universal truth that "You are all Sin all at once and You only wish to quantify sins in the first place to pretend like You are excluded from sins that You are actively embodying (By being Sin, in Sin's entirety)" but that really is just a 1-sin binary model... which necessitates a 0 to explain its existence as 1 in the first place... You get it. The reason why we pick these models is because it's fun.
Sure We are God, but we knew that already and want to pretend like there's more to it than that because it's fun. Sin is fun!! That's why people keep dying (Or living but being tortured through living) for Our sins (It very much did not start with the one big example you're probably thinking of). It's fun!!
Just. Maybe stop dying. I get it can be fun for you, more power to you or whatever, but dying also kinda blows. I know I will sometimes say Till All Are One or whatever but I wanna be One with You... even though you'd be there regardless, under All after all... Whatever.
Anyway if you're wondering, I just ate Wrath, which puts me at:
And I've been teasing at Greed for a while. Though, those are just the ones that are compliant with both the Deadly model and the Inferno model, it gets a bit more complicated considering my Deadly root was Pride and I haven't given that up yet, so to separate the models a bit it'd actually be
With Greed, Sloth, and Envy missing (Sloth is actually maybe next for my deadly chart, and Envy flickers in and out on its own)
With Heresy, Violence, and Fraud regrettably missing (The three flicker like Envy in the Deadly model but it's because sometimes I'm leaning more towards the Deadly model so it is Envy and sometimes I'm in the Inferno model so Envy gets interpreted as one or two of the three without completing it outright, with the stressing on one over the other two or two over the other one allowing for enough of a buffer to be fickle. This is also the reason why Greed is locked in for Inferno but not for Deadly. I tend to prefer Inferno, after all.)
Anyway, yeah, I was just using myself as an example. But if you're thinking about dropping sloth for something else hmu I'll eat it after you.
You also don't have to drop them, if this proves anything it should be proving that you can be multiple at once (That's kinda the whole point actually) so striving to be multiple instead of just relying on revelations to begin swapping might be a game changer for you if you're trying to grapple with your original sins and don't know how to respec without resetting
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