#It's not gonna happen but if Hotch comes back let him wear his colorful ties with fun patterns. He loves those.
missmitchieg · 3 months
seeing the new bts photo of the cm ladies and Garcia's look is giving s12 vibes, which is also fitting as Garcia was also rude to Luke in that season (even if it was due to her still missing Morgan). At least we get to see Garcia wearing colors besides black
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Bless! They all look so cute and happy!
Garcia's got cat ears! And a turquoise bracelet!
It seems like the costume department are actually trying with her this season and I'm here for it. Now if only they could show that they're trying to do the same with the rest of the team and make less frustrating decisions in the writers room.
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Simple Victimology (Spencer Reid x Reader)
chapter one of “all bets are off”
“An agent of the BAU is exactly the unsub's type. Pretty convenient, right? Well, turns out she's exactly Dr. Spencer Reid's type as well. All it took for him to admit it was a bit of... performative seduction.”
{notes: sorry if this was is bit too dialogue heavy! i just needed to get all the groundwork/backstory laid out lmao. anyway action and NSFW content is coming up next chapter.}
"So our unsub's victimology is quite clear, right? I mean, almost to an irrational degree. All the women he's attacked have been dressed similarly, with similar body types, similar makeup." Dr. Spencer Reid mused, his eyes scanning the photographs up on the wall. "And he just doesn't seem to strike women who are alone. He enjoys the thrill of stealing his victims away from other men."
You let out a sigh. The case you and the rest BAU had been working on was fairly straight cut: psychotic sexual sadist who abducts his victim from parties, tortures them for months, then dumps the bodies in the woods.
"But it just doesn't make sense. With such a specific MO, he must rarely find a target that's suitable for him to strike." You shook your head. "It's not a trait that lends itself well to a serial killer."
"That's probably why he spends so much time with each of his victims. An attempt to keep him satisfied between hunts." Derek agreed.
Rossi piped up next. "The specificity leads me to believe he's chasing after a very certain high.. trying to recreate a specific person or moment through his delusions." He continued. "Our best chance of drawing him out is to send out the perfect victim. He's the type who can't afford to pass up the opportunity when he sees one."
Silence. Everyone on the team knew what happened last time they had sent an agent out as bait. No one was sure they were ready to take that type of chance again.
Spencer's eyes continued to scan the pictures and then, suddenly, you felt the weight of his eyes on you. "Y/N looks pretty close to the unsubs type.." He said hesitantly.
"No," Hotch began "We're not sending our own agent out into the field of a sexual sadist as bait."
You stood up quickly. "No, it's okay." You spoke firmly, your own gaze fixated on the previous victims' images. "All we need to do is draw him out, right? You guys will be with me the whole time. I'm not a risk. I can do it."
Silence befell the room again, until Hotch broke it. "Alright. Reid, Prentiss, go over the victimology one more time. Make sure we get this right. We'll send Y/N out tonight."
"That still leaves the issue of the male companion, sir." Emily piped up.
"I'll do it." Morgan volunteered. "I feel at home on the dance floor anyway. Easy cover." He chuckled.
"No..." Rossi thought out loud. " We need someone who's not threatening. Someone who has zero chance of jeopardizing this mission. Zero chance of scaring our unsub off."
Everyone almost instantly turned to Reid. It was almost comical. He blinked a few times, processing the implications of everyone's stare. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I fit that description." He smiled weakly.
"So it's settled then. Get to work agents."
And without another word, you each followed Hotch's orders. You remained in the conference room with Spencer and Emily, psyching yourself up for your first mission as bait.
"The women that our unsub target are all dressed..." Spencer trailed off.
"Provocatively." You finished for him. "They're all wearing short dresses. Lots of skin exposed. And, from what we've gathered, they all seem to be a fan of the party life. Witnesses at the sight of the abduction told us that the girls don't shy away from the taboo. Drugs, drinking, dancing, you name it."
Emily nodded. "You up for that, Y/N?" She questioned half-jokingly.
"You should be asking Spencer if he's up for dealing with that side of me." You jested, glancing up at him. He gave you a reassuring shrug, one that could've been mistaken for a wince, and you shoved him gently. "Don't worry Spence. I won't go too wild. Anyway, I should probably get home and grab a change of clothes. They'll want to have as much time as possible to wire me." You turned on your heel, walking out of the conference room.
"I'll be back!" You announced to the rest of the team.
"Y/N, wait!" Spencer jogged up behind you. "I, uh, I should probably get changed too, right? I mean, I don't want to look too out of place."
You gave him the good ol' once over and pondered for a moment.
"Do you own anything that doesn't look like a TA would wear on his first day of class?" Derick teased from his desk.
"I have some dress shirts, at least." Spencer replied seriously.
"Well I'll give you a ride, then." You offered. "Your place is pretty close to mine." Spencer nodded and followed you out the door.
"Do I really dress like a TA?" He questioned, partially to himself.
"Maybe, but like a TA that all the freshman girls would have a crush on." You patted his shoulder reassuringly.
The car ride to Spencer's place was a relatively quiet one. You discussed the case, you asked Spencer if he thought the plan would work. He seemed pretty confident it would.
"If you want you can just wait here for a second. I really just need to grab the clothes and we can head to your place." He explained once you had parked.
"Go for it." You replied.
He came back, a couple of shirts and ties in hand, and shut the car door. You began driving once again.
"So, Y/N, did you um, used to party a lot back in college?" He asked you. You smiled.
"A bit. I had some fun, that's for sure. I was always pretty focused on my academics, though. Not as much as you were though, I'm sure. A few of my friends used to call me "the fortune teller". I had a habit of making guesses on what would happen at the parties we went to. Who would hook up with who, who would black out first, stuff like that." You reminisced.
"Profiling your fellow party-goers." Reid chuckled.
"I suppose so."
You escorted Reid up to your apartment when you arrived. He commented that it seemed like a nice place. You thanked him. Casual small-talk was made. You began to dig through your closet, searching for a dress that would entice the unsub. "What color shirts did you bring?" You asked.
He quickly shuffled through his options. "Black, grey, white.. why?"
"Just wanted to make sure we wouldn't clash. Can't have a red dress with a blue shirt, right? We're supposed to be going to this party together."
"Oh, smart."
You pulled out two dresses, both of which were from your younger days. You prayed they would still fit. "Which one do you think?" You held them up to Spencer.
"Well, they're both.. they're both pretty. I like them both." He replied, analyzing them.
"Well, yeah . But I mean, which one do you think the unsub would prefer?" You chuckled.
He flushed. "Right. I'd say the dark red one. It reminds me of the dress from the first victim."
You nodded. The dress crushed velvet. Tight. Short. Exposing. But oh well, you figured, this was your job. "I'm gonna change in the bathroom. Feel free to change out here."
You exited the bedroom, leaving him alone. When you had finished slipping on the dress, which fortunately had fit perfectly, you slipped back into the bedroom. Spencer was buttoning up the last few buttons of his shirt. Your eyes followed his fingers, the way they methodically worked, and when he was done he looked up at you.
You both took a beat.
"You look great, Y/N." He coughed a bit, eyeing you up and down. "Ready to catch our unsub." He added quickly.
"You too, Doctor." You grinned. "I think we'll make quite a convincing pair." You grabbed some heels from your closet and motioned for him to follow you back out of the apartment. "Back to work we go!" You sing-songed, starting up the engine.
Almost the instant you stepped into the door of the BAU offices you were bombarded by Hotch a few additional FBI agents. Hotch began to go over the plan meticulously:
Make it appear like you've been drinking. Reid will leave to "go to the bathroom". You go outside for a "smoke break". The unsub will follow you from inside the club. The rest of the team will be staked out in a car near by. Keep the unsub talking. He'll offer to buy you a drink. Accept. He'll go back inside and bring it to you. It's drugged. Do not drink it. Keep the cup as evidence. That's when the others will come to put the guy in cuffs. Reid will be just inside if things seem like they're going to go sideways.
"Jeez, Hotch, I may not have an eidetic memory, but I can remember this. I promise."
Once you were wired up, JJ and Emily began the proccess of your hair and makeup. For a moment, it was almost cute. It was like you were getting ready for a girls night. Except, you supposed, that it was all in the name of baiting a serial killer.
When the clock hit 9pm you and Reid were shuffled off back into your car and given directions to the bar that you would be staking out.
"We didn't have much time to talk in there, what with Hotch being up our asses about the plan. How are you feeling?" You asked.
Spencer didn't reply.  Nerves, you figured. "Spence?"
He shook his head, almost as if he had snapped out of a trance. "Ah, yeah sorry. I feel pretty good. I mean, I'm confident we'll catch our unsub." A moment of hesitation. "JJ and Emily did a great job on your makeup. You look... great."
You felt your face heat up. Why was a compliment from Spencer Reid making you nervous? "Thanks."
At 10pm you were pulling into the parking lot of the bar. It was almost full. Tons of people must've been inside. Your unsub included. You took a moment of pause. "Time to get into character." You wiped your sweaty hands on the crushed velvet fabric of your dress.
"The rest of the team must be down the block." Reid nodded.
You looked towards him anxiously and stepped out of the car. He followed suit, coming around to the passenger side and grabbing your hand. You squeezed it gently, not sure if it was to calm your nerves or his, or just because you wanted to.
"Come on, babe!" You exclaimed, pulling him towards the entrance.
It must've caught him off gaurd, but he just chuckled. "I've been waiting for this night all week."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Heavy is the Crown
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: During a case, you learn that Spencer never got to go to a high school dance. And that just doesn't sit right with you, so you decide to fix that.
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The case was closed. Several young teenage girls had been kidnapped and murdered. The unsub was a thirty-seven year old male who’d been humiliated at his senior prom, so he saw the young girls as surrogates for the girls who humiliated him at his prom. Before he was able to hurt two more girls, you and the team managed to track him down in time.  
You, Spencer, Derek headed towards the SUV after the capture of the unsub. You shook your head in disbelief, “Wow. Prom. Not gonna lie, I didn’t see prom as a big deal, but I went anyway because I didn’t want to miss out.”
Derek smiled with a hum, “My prom is a bit of a blur, honestly. A lot when on that night,” he gives you a knowing look and you and Spencer roll your eyes at him.
Then Spencer spoke up, “I never got to attend prom.”
You stopped him, before getting into the car, “Wait, you’ve never been to prom?” 
Your friend and crush, Spencer, shrugged, “Well, I wasn’t very liked in high school. I got bullied a lot so didn’t bother going. No one wanted to go with me.” he hopped into the front seat with Derek in the driver’s seat, and you took the back.
You shook your head, not liking the idea that Spencer’s high school experience was tainted by bullies. Then an idea popped into your head....
Friday morning, Rossi walks into the bullpen gathering everyone’s attention, “Joy, Kai, and Shawn are coming over to visit tonight so I’m inviting everyone else as well. Dress to the nines. It’ll be a formal dinner cooked by Hayden and myself.”
Everyone’s eyes lit up with excitement. Yours especially. You watch as Emily speaks with Spencer and you gather everyone else near you, “Okay. Remember everyone needs to get to Rossi’s a half hour before the designated time. We all know that Spencer likes to be punctual.”
“This is so exciting!” Penelope squeals and you, Tara, JJ, and Luke quiet her down, “Sorry!” She then whispers her previous statement, “This is so exciting!”
You giggle, “Okay, remember, Spencer doesn’t know. And try to act cool guys. He’s a profiler. He’ll know if we’re up to something.”
“Who’s up to something?” you jump when you hear Spencer’s voice behind you. He winces and murmurs out an apology.
You shake your head, “It’s fine. We’re planning on pulling a prank on Hotch. You in?”
He shrugs, “Depends what it is.”
“Well, we’re still fleshing out the ideas, but I’ll let you know.” you pat his shoulder and everyone goes back to their respective desks. 
Spencer follows you to yours and leans against your desk as you sit down, “Can I give you a ride to Rossi’s tonight?”
“Sure! You’ll be my DD!” you giggle and he smiles back when he asks, “So, what’re you thinking about wearing tonight?”
“I have this maroon satin gown that I’ve been meaning to wear. Guess I’ll wear that. You?”
“Coat and tie?” he gives a shrug.
“At least add some color, Spence! I know you have some colored ties on you.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’ll wear a maroon one so we could match,” he teases.
You scrunch your nose up in playful distaste, “Ew. Matching with you? No way.” you both giggle at the teasing. 
When you answer your door, Spencer is taken back. Your hair is done nicely, makeup glamorous, but not too subtle. The maroon satin dress clings to you perfectly, showing off your figure well.
Spencer gulps, “W-Wow. You look-You look beautiful.”
You shy from his compliment, “Thanks, Spencer. You look pretty good yourself.”
“Oh, uh, thanks,” he says as he smooths down his maroon tie. Looks like he decided to match you after all. 
He gulps when you move around your living room, collecting your purse and shawl, locking up your place. There’s a slit on your dress that reveals your leg when you move and he feels himself grow a little hot.
“Ready?” you ask expectantly. 
“Yup!” he shoots you a smile and helps you into his car. 
You sway to the classical music he plays in his car, completely unaware of the conflict swirling through his mind. Spencer has had feelings for you for a long time, deciding to never say anything to you because he’d rather keep you as a friend than potentially lose you due to his own feelings. 
But tonight, he feels like he’s being tested. You’re so beautiful and there’s this elegance to you that you’re exuding tonight. He feels so overwhelmed. Maybe at the end of the night, he might tell you. Just maybe.
When the door to the Rossi residence swings open, Rossi lets out a whistle, “Look at you two kiddos!” Rossi hugs Spencer and he kisses you on both cheeks, “Bella.”
You giggle out a “thank you,” and then go to greet Hayden who’s donning a beautiful navy blue gown.
“Everyone else is already in the back,” she gives you a wink. 
You begin heading towards the backyard, Spencer right at your heels. With your shawl wrapped around your shoulders, you step outside and you’re beaming.
Rossi’s backyard as lights everywhere, a photobooth, a table lined with hors d'oeuvres and a punch bowl. Music is playing in the background as the team and their significant others mingle. All the while their children are running around playing with Luke’s dog Roxy. 
“Wow. This is nice. Wait-” Spencer then spots a banner that says BAU PROM, “Prom?” he turns to you with confusion in his eyes. 
You gave him a shrug, “You said you never got to experience prom, so now you can. And you’ll be surrounded by the people who love and care about you.”
“You did this?” he asks in disbelief.
“Well, yeah, but Derek, Penelope, and Rossi helped.”
“Reid!” Derek emerges from the group and Spencer’s eyes light up. He rushes to his big brother’s arms, getting a strong hug from him. 
You giggle as you move to greet Derek as well then moving to the rest of the group. Everyone looks at you in awe, “Woooow.”
“You look beautiful, my maroon goddess!” Penelope swoons, hugging you while also not trying to spill her glass of wine. 
“Thank you. For helping out and showing up. This is gonna be so fun!” you jump for joy as your coworkers and friends surround you. 
After mingling for about an hour, dinner is served and you all pick your designated tables. You don’t expect Spencer to sit with you, but he does anyway, pulling out your chair for you. 
At your table is Derek, Savannah, and Hank. You all make small talk, occasionally pausing to coo at little Hank who’s now two years old. 
An hour later, plates are cleared, drinks are flowing, and the music is booming. You dance with various people on the dancefloor while Spencer decides to spend some time with the kiddos. He doesn’t dance and you respect that. 
The music is now cut and Penelope has a mic in her hands, “Alright, everyone! It wouldn’t be a prom without a prom king and queen!”
You look at her with confusion and walk up to her, “Pen, we didn’t even vote.”
She gave you a mischievous grin, “We did. You didn’t. And by unanimous vote, our prom royalty is our very own Spencer Reid and Y/N L/N!”
Your eyes widen in shock as everyone bursts into hollers and applause. You laugh as you watch Penelope rush to Spencer and drag him towards you on the dancefloor. Hotch comes around with a plastic crowns for you, placing one on each of your heads. 
Everyone applauses again and Penelope announces, “Now, if the prom king and queen would like to make their way to the center of the dancefloor for their royal dance!”
You’re now suddenly nervous. You look to Spencer and give him a small smile, “We don’t have to dance, Spencer. It’s okay.”
“It’s alright,” he slips his hand into yours, “You did all of this for me. I can do this for you.” he tugs at your hand, bringing you to the center of the dancefloor. Everyone circles around you as you bring your hands to rest on Spencer’s shoulders and his hands rest on your hips. 
You sway to a cover of Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight”. Spencer is looking at you and you’re looking at him. And the world around you seems to fade away. 
“So...we’re BAU Prom royalty,” you state.
“Yeah. Looks like we are.”
“Have an idea what you’re gonna do now that you’re king?” you ask jokingly and Spencer licks his lips and gulp, “There are a lot of things that I want to do and say, but I’m not sure how.”
You hum, “Uneasy is the head that wears a crown.”
“Henry the fourth,” Spencer murmurs. 
“Yeah. I remember you said it was one of your favorites.” you look down, unable to handle Spencer’s gaze anymore.
The more you two slow dance together, the closer you guys seem to get. You’re completely unaware of the dancing couples around you or the fact that Penelope is anxiously waiting for something to happen. 
“Hm?” you look up and as soon as you do, Spencer’s lips on yours. You stop swaying as his hands cup your face and your hands move to grip the lapels of his suit jacket. 
On the sidelines, everyone is beaming from ear to ear, while Penelope is jumping for joy. JJ and Derek fist bump and Hotch and Rossi are just giving supportive smiles. 
When you pull away, you chuckle at the smeared lipstick on Spencer’s lips. You use his handkerchief to wipe away as much as you can while helps you.
You two don’t say anything, but go back to holding each other and swaying to the rest of the song. 
This may have been Spencer first and last prom he’ll ever attend, but it was certainly the best one ever. 
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