mahashankh · 1 year
International Nurses Day
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International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 12 to honor the contributions of nurses to healthcare and society. The day marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The theme for International Nurses Day 2023 is "Nurses: A Voice to Lead – A Vision for Future Healthcare." The historical significance of International Nurses Day dates back to the Crimean War, where Florence Nightingale led a team of nurses to improve medical care for wounded soldiers. Nightingale's contributions to healthcare and nursing have been widely recognized and celebrated, and she is regarded as a pioneer in the field of modern nursing. The theme for International Nurses Day 2023 highlights the important role that nurses play in shaping the future of healthcare. The theme recognizes the need for nurses to have a voice in healthcare decision-making and to be involved in developing policies and programs that promote quality care and patient safety. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role that nurses play in providing healthcare services and addressing public health challenges. Nurses have been at the forefront of the pandemic response, providing care to patients, administering vaccines, and advocating for public health measures to prevent the spread of the virus. International Nurses Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of nurses to healthcare and society and to recognize their dedication, compassion, and professionalism. The day also serves as a reminder of the importance of investing in nursing education and training to ensure that healthcare systems have the skilled workforce needed to meet the evolving healthcare needs of communities. In conclusion, International Nurses Day is a significant event that honors the contributions of nurses to healthcare and society. The day provides an opportunity to recognize the historical significance of nursing and the important role that nurses play in shaping the future of healthcare. The theme for International Nurses Day 2023 emphasizes the need for nurses to have a voice in healthcare decision-making and to be involved in developing policies and programs that promote quality care and patient safety.
International Nursing Day is celebrated on May 12 every year to commemorate the contributions made by nurses to healthcare around the world. The day was first celebrated in 1965, marking the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer in modern nursing. Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, providing essential care and support to patients. They play a critical role in preventing illness, promoting health, and providing care to patients of all ages and backgrounds. Nurses work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and community centers, and are involved in every stage of the healthcare process. The theme for International Nursing Day 2023 is "Nurses: A Voice to Lead - A Vision for Future Healthcare". This theme recognizes the crucial role that nurses play in shaping the future of healthcare and highlights the need for their voices to be heard in policy and decision-making processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of nurses and their contributions to healthcare. Nurses have been on the front lines of the pandemic, providing essential care to patients and working tirelessly to prevent the spread of the virus. They have faced unprecedented challenges, including shortages of personal protective equipment and long hours of work, but have continued to serve with dedication and commitment. The celebration of International Nursing Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions made by nurses to healthcare. It is a time to reflect on the challenges faced by nurses and to recognize the critical role they play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of communities around the world. The day is celebrated with various events and activities, including conferences, seminars, and workshops, to raise awareness about the role of nurses in healthcare. Nurses are honored for their contributions, and their dedication and hard work are recognized. The day also provides an opportunity for nurses to connect and share their experiences with their peers, highlighting the challenges they face and the innovations they have implemented to improve healthcare delivery. In conclusion, International Nursing Day is an important occasion to recognize the contributions made by nurses to healthcare. It is a time to acknowledge the crucial role played by nurses in maintaining the health and wellbeing of communities around the world and to celebrate their dedication and commitment to patient care. The day serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by nurses and the need to support them in their work towards a better future for healthcare. Read the full article
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freezecrowd · 2 years
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Happy International Nurses Day to all the nurses in the crowd and on http://FreezeCrowd.com Freeze with your nurses! "I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse." - Florence Nightingale 
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Wawali Arya Wibawa Hadiri Puncak International Nurses Day 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Kota Denpasar merayakan puncak International Nurses Day (IND) 2023 di Gedung Sewaka Dharma Lumintang Denpasar, Minggu (25/6/2023). Acara ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Walikota Denpasar, Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, Ketua DWP Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ida Ayu Widnyani Wiradana, Perwakilan PPNI Provinsi Bali, Ketua PPNI Kota Denpasar I Ketut Sudiarta dan sejumlah tamu undangan lain. Indonesia Nurse Day (IND) 2023, merupakan hari peringatan untuk perawat di seluruh dunia yang jatuh pada tanggal kelahiran Florence Nightingale, seorang pendiri keperawatan modern pada 12 Mei. Kegiatan tersebut  juga dirangkai dengan lomba serta penyerahan  nominasi terbaik DPK berprestasi tahun 2023. Ketua PPNI Kota Denpasar,  I Ketut Sudiarta mengatakan setiap 12 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Perawat Internasional atau sedunia. Hal ini merupakan momentum memperingati semangat pelopor keperawatan dunia. Dimana, semangat ini menjadi inspirasi bagi perawat seluruh dunia dalam menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsinya. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan, perawat merupakan salah satu profesi mulia di dunia. Karenanya perawat harus terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat. Dengan tema Our Nurses, Our Future, diharapkan menjadi momentum untuk menetapkan visi keperawatan di masa depan untuk mengatasi tantangan kesehatan global dan meningkatkan kesehatan global untuk semua. "Sekarang saatnya untuk melihat ke masa depan dan menunjukkan apa arti investasi ini bagi keperawatan dan perawatan kesehatan  sesuai dengan tema Nurses Day yaitu Our Nurses, Our Future," imbuhnya. Ditambahkan Sudiarta, peringatan hari Perawat Internasional atau Nurses Day tahun ini dikemas dengan pengabdian masyarakat, webinar dan workshop serta berbagai lomba. Dari 26 DPK yang mengikuti lomba, terdapat 3 nominasi terbaik dan diserahkan hadiah yakni Juara I DPK RSUP Prof IGNG Ngoerah, Juara II yakni DPK RS Surya Husadha dan Juara III yakni RS Dharma Yadnya. “Harapan kami untuk rekan-rekan yang belum mendapatkan juara tetap semangat, karena kedepan kita akan terus melaksanakan kegiatan semacam ini sehingga semangat kita untuk terus memaksimalkan pelayanan terus meningkat,"  katanya. Sementara Wakil Wali Kota Denpasar, Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa menyampaikan terima kasih atas dedikasi dan perjuangan para tenaga medis khususnya perawat atas pengabdian kepada masyarakat Kota Denpasar dan bersinergi dalam menangani pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Denpasar hingga saat ini sudah menjadi endemi. “Harapan kami PPNI Kota Denpasar akan menjadi organisasi profesi yang terus berkembang dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk men junjung kompetensi dan profesionalitas perawat, agar perawat di Kota Denpasar memiliki daya saing tidak hanya di tingkat nasional bahkan hingga internasional,” kata Arya Wibawa. Selanjutnya dalam kesempatan tersebut Wakil Wali Kota Arya Wibawa memberikan apresiasi dan  penghargaan berupa piala, sertifikat dan uang pembinaan kepada Dewan Pengurus Komisariat (DPK) PPNI berprestasi yakni  Juara I DPK RSUP Prof IGNG Ngoerah, Juara II yakni DPK RS Surya Husadha dan Juara III yakni RS Dharma Yadnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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suvidhahospital · 1 year
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primecashpro · 1 year
Happy Nurses Day!
To all the nurses out , you are truly superheroes in our life. …
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blaqsbi · 1 year
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Post: #blackisbeautiful@ natural 🥰 https://www.blaqsbi.com/4XAX?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Happy Nurse Day to all the amazing nurses who make a difference every day! Your expertise, kindness, and dedication to your patients are truly admirable. We appreciate everything you do!
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anashashimmohammad · 1 year
Celebrating Our Nurses, Shaping Our Future!
Honoring the Heroes Among Us: International Nurses Day!
On this International Nurses Day, the English Medium School in Lucknow expresses our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated nurses who inspire and care for us. At Scholars Paradise International School, we recognize the invaluable role they play in nurturing a healthy and compassionate society. Together, let's celebrate our nurses and inspire our students to follow in their footsteps toward a brighter future!
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edoxi · 1 year
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Make this International Nurse's Day a memorable one by choosing Edoxi as your upskilling partner. Take your career to great heights by choosing from the many courses that Edoxi offers.
Happy International Nurse's Day to everyone celebrating!
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numberdekho · 1 year
International Nurses Day.
Let's thank and honour to all the Nurses for their selfless support towards society!! ❤️🙏🏼💐🩺💉
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freezecrowd · 1 year
Happy International Nurses Day! Freeze with your nurse on https://www.FreezeCrowd.com today! Nurses are heroes. "I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse." - Florence Nightingale #InternationalNursesDay #NursesDay #Nurses
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drcare24x7 · 1 year
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🌟 Celebrating International Nurse Day! 🌟
👏 To all the nurses out there, you're not just heroes; you're guardian angels who bring light in times of darkness. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and for being the true heartbeat of healthcare! ❤️👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️
For more updates on healthcare, follow @drcare24x7. Visit www.drcare247.com for telemedicine inquiries.
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Today we celebrate the incredible work of our dental nurses who are the backbone of our dental care system.
Our nurses are not just our heroes today, but they are also our future. Their hard work and dedication, and unwavering commitment are truly appreciated. Thank you for keeping us healthy and safe.
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freshworldexpress · 1 year
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Happy International Nurses Day to all the incredible medical professionals. You make us feel safe, and we appreciate your constant assistance.🤍💙 . .
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pioneeryamaha · 1 year
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Happy International Nurses Day! We just want to say thank you to all the nurses and other healthcare workers for the hard work you do every day to keep patients healthy! We sincerely appreciate all of you!🤍💙 . .
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gempac · 1 year
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We salute these unsung heroes and their enduring spirit! Thank you for taking care of all humankind and helping us. Happy International Nurses Day!🤍💙 . .
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