#In today's generation where we live in the face of Advanced Technologies influenced by different Social Media Platforms in which we do our t
leahtesani · 2 years
#In today's generation where we live in the face of Advanced Technologies influenced by different Social Media Platforms in which we do our t#less time-and-effort consumed. Now#facing the pandemic without any guarantee of when will it end and when will on site work and businesses will resume#thus we tend to lose our jobs#as an alternative#we use different social media platforms to continue delivering services to our dear clients/customers and finding different jobs to sustain#there were a lot of people confiding on different freelancing jobs. Thus#Virtual Assistant is the best way of.... You will have your job at the same time you can managed your own time. You can also be with your f#without compromising their health and risking them in physical contact outside home.#I have a husband who's working overseas#and at the same time I have a 3-year-old son. Being a wife and a mother is not that easy. Being in this situation#I cannot afford to have a regular- physical job. It's quite exhausting as I think on how I will survive in that case#and at the same time the chance of getting a job#applying#and dealing with a lot of nuisances of processing my application will take me sometime to be hired as well. And as a first time Mom#I would like to be with my son and be hands-on in taking care of him. I cannot afford to see him grow without me and without my guidance. I#I guess that would be impossible. You need to choose one over the other. I don't want to lose time with my child#but I don't want to waste the time for our future.#Above all#my family is my top priority. Instead of applying jobs tirelessly in a regular job#I found out that Virtual Assistant is more efficient#because not only you can manage your own time#but you can also be with your loved ones without compromising the other and it is the best way especially these days that we're having pand#I am actually enrolled at the moment in Surge Freelancing Marketplace#still enhancing and discovering my capabilities and skills in the freelance world. In freelancing#they train you not just by merely giving services to your clients of what they need#but they train you to be the best and competitive globally.#I know there were a lot of freelancers out there#they were smart and competitive. But my conviction and faith as mother and wife#I guess no one can stop me for being the best of what I can be as a Virtual Assistant
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nishamxx · 1 month
Life and Technology
Technology has become my best friend — of course, aside from my other friends who are living, breathing, and warm-blooded people — and oh, and my stuffed toys.
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But… why?
The influence and impact of technology, especially in today’s generation is inarguably strong. I am a hundred percent certain of this statement, as I myself am a living testament to this claim, as a Gen Z. From a child who was mostly alone facing the television left to watch cartoons, to a young adult constantly glued to her devices — I have certainly come a long way with all the technological advancements. As time passed, technology and the digital world became more and more important, especially with the several innovative apps that offered both entertainment and convenience.
However, I believe that its effects and itself peaked the most — not just for me, but for everyone — when the COVID 19 pandemic hit. We were all forced to stay within the comforts of our homes, required to follow strict health guidelines and policies, schools and many other establishments were closed and shut down — they even gave us many different variations of quarantines! To escape the boredom from being stuck inside, we all had to utilize technology to keep us entertained and carry on with our daily tasks within the bounds of our homes.
But, hey! Going back, technology did and still is one of my best friends. It’s like my real ones who have been with me for years, ready to listen to what I’m going through, my woes and blues. Almost everything I do in my life today involves technology and the internet. In fact, in this blog, I’ll be discussing how digital and smart technology work in my life, and how these help me get through with my day-to-day agendas.
The moment I wake up, my first instinct is to actually look at my phone to check if I had gotten some calls and messages that I missed to pick up or respond to while I was asleep. I usually open the apps, facebook and messenger, which are complementary to each other, where I can see updates about my friends’ and relatives’ lives, while also being able to share some information about mine with others. Moreover, through these apps, I am able to send messages to several people, besides using the SMS feature that comes with the phone’s system, which is actually important for discussions, since in places like this, is where I get to exchange different ideas and participate in discussions, while also making it easier for everyone to stay connected, no matter where they are in the world.
Most of the time, especially during weekdays where I have classes, we make sure of Canvas or CEU Leaps in order to access many different course materials, view announcements, submit assignments, take quizzes, and even view our grades. This is the most helpful one, especially during the lockdown, as learning has become more accessible for every student. Other apps, engines and sites we use would include Google and G Suites (Gmail, Meet, Docs, Drive, etc.). Google meet helps us carry on with our discussions, and meet each other online in our virtual classroom, Docs help us collaborate in creating work, and Drive helps us store and organize our data (and my life).
I spend a lot of my time using these apps and media, especially when my schedule is packed because of school requirements, but I also use some of them for other things, as these are versatile and can be used any time.
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On rest days or when I have some free time, I also use entertainment apps like Netflix, TikTok, YouTube, Tiktok, and others., to give myself a moment to breathe from all the academic stress, let me attain work-life balance. I get to watch movies, shows, and other content that I enjoy. Man, how I wish I could do this now! Guess, I’ll have to wait until the semester is over. Brb, crying. I no longer use Netflix as much due to my busy schedule, but during short breaks, I get to scroll on Tiktok or YouTube to view short clips and videos.
Other apps I use to socialize with people besides Facebook and Messenger, are X (formerly, “Twitter”) and Instagram. These apps come in handy for short captions and sharing pictures or videos. I have actually gained many friends from these apps, but not as much as I have from Facebook.
Everything I mentioned above are accessible through both my laptop and mobile phone. Both devices are functional, but when it comes to my academics, my laptop is much more suitable and convenient to use, as it has a bigger screen, storage, and capacity, compared to my mobile phone. Although, I do use it more often, especially when “laziness” gets the best of me, or if during moments that it would be easier to access what I need through my phone: like when I am outside for an important errand, I need quick access to some documents or when there is a sudden need to accomplish and submit a task. When it comes to movie-watching, Smart TV would be the most suitable match, but when traveling, my laptop or phone could also do.
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All in all, I am even more certain of how impactful the digital world and tech has been in my life and in the lives of many. It offers an avenue and a platform to people who need to be heard, as a way to disseminate information, and to meet some people you’d be friends with for life. But most importantly, it helps me get through my daily struggles as a Legal Management student of CEU Makati! Thanks to these advancements, my university life has become a bit lighter, making me feel more at ease.
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eschakravarthy · 3 months
The Role of Robotics in Shaping Tomorrow: Insights from E.S. Chakravarthy on Engineering Students
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In the realm of engineering, where innovation paves the way for progress, robotics emerges as a transformative force with boundless potential. As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, the role of robotics in shaping tomorrow's world cannot be overstated. E.S. Chakravarthy, a distinguished figure in automation and robotics, shares profound insights on how robotics influences engineering students and prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
Fostering Hands-On Learning:- Robotics projects offer engineering students invaluable opportunities for hands-on learning and practical application of theoretical knowledge. E.S. Chakravarthy emphasises the importance of experiential learning, as it allows students to explore concepts in robotics, such as mechanical design, programming, and control systems, tangibly and engagingly. Through robotics projects, students develop critical problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles, setting the stage for future success in their careers.
Encouraging Innovation and Creativity:- Robotics ignites the spark of innovation and creativity among engineering students, inspiring them to push the boundaries of what's possible. E.S. Chakravarthy believes that robotics projects provide a fertile ground for students to experiment, iterate, and innovate, fostering a culture of creativity that drives technological advancements. Whether it's designing autonomous vehicles, developing humanoid robots, or creating intelligent automation systems, robotics projects empower students to think outside the box and tackle complex engineering challenges with confidence and ingenuity.
Preparing for the Future Workforce:- In an increasingly automated world, robotics expertise is in high demand across industries, from manufacturing and healthcare to transportation and agriculture. E.S. Chakravarthy underscores the importance of robotics education in preparing engineering students for the future workforce. By gaining hands-on experience with robotics systems and mastering advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, students enhance their employability and position themselves for success in a rapidly evolving job market.
Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork:- Robotics projects often require interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together students from diverse engineering disciplines to work towards a common goal. E.S. Chakravarthy highlights the significance of teamwork in robotics development, as it mirrors real-world engineering environments where collaboration is essential for success. Through robotics projects, students learn to communicate effectively, leverage each other's strengths, and collaborate across disciplines to solve complex problems—a skill set that is invaluable in today's interconnected world.
Driving Social Impact and Innovation:- Robotics has the power to address some of the most pressing challenges facing society, from enhancing healthcare delivery and improving accessibility to mitigating environmental impact and advancing education. E.S. Chakravarthy encourages engineering students to harness the potential of robotics for social good, leveraging their skills and expertise to create innovative solutions that make a positive impact on people's lives. Whether it's designing assistive robots for individuals with disabilities or developing autonomous systems for disaster response, robotics projects enable students to contribute to building a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable future for all.
Conclusion:- The role of robotics in shaping tomorrow extends far beyond technological advancements—it is about empowering the next generation of engineers to innovate, collaborate, and make a meaningful difference in the world. E.S. Chakravarthy's insights underscore the transformative potential of robotics education in preparing engineering students for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to thrive in a rapidly changing world. As robotics continues to revolutionise industries and reshape society, engineering students need to embrace this transformative technology and harness its power to create a brighter future for generations to come.
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missues · 8 months
Are Teenagers Today More Impolite Than Older Generations?
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The topic of impolite behavior among teenagers these days has relevance in today's modern society. Today, communication has become informal and more digital. We need to understand that being polite and respectful can help build a healthy relationship with everyone. As a matter of fact, there are real-life examples showing some instances of teenagers being impolite. The first example is in online comment sections, where people leave harsh comments on others. Next, in school, some students answer their teachers in a non-polite manner. There's a misconception that teenagers are impolite; however, how can we say that teenagers are more impolite in this generation? I think there’s a big misconception about teenagers in this generation because, like in the previous generation, there are also teenagers who are impolite to others, not only to their parents. There is no such scientific evidence that teenagers nowadays are more impolite; this is just stereotypes because there are factors why teenagers show being impolite nowadays
1.Developmental stage
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We need to consider that teenagers ages 13 to 17 in this age range have significant emotional and social development. Teenagers at this age may be forming their true identity and looking for a relationship. and they tend to experiment with different styles of communicating with others, which can sometimes result in being impolite.
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Teenagers at this age are very friendly. They may adapt bad behavior if they have a bad circle of friends, for example, using slang or informal language. These behaviors are definitely not good.
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At this age, teenagers are guided by their parents in their lives, and they may think that this is too suffocating for them. That's why they might test their boundaries and question their parents authority, and these actions can cause impoliteness because they are trying to build their identity and claim their independence or freedom.
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We can all agree that technology is rising today, and one of the advances made by technology is social media, which can affect the way teenagers communicate because online interactions lack face-to-face communication, which can lead to misunderstandings. I would also like to add that some of the social media platforms encourage impolite behavior.
In conclusion, it is easy to interpret stereotypes among teenagers as being impolite, but there is a good reason why this kind of stereotype occurs. Teenagers are not impolite; they are just simply expanding more around their lives. They have a lot of room for improvement, and that's where adults or the older generation can help, and that is the role of being an adult to guide and teach them what is right or wrong and help them to be more polite and considerate when they grow up. We can prove the saying of Dr. Jose Rizal, "Kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan".
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timessquaretech · 1 year
How to Make Sense of the App Development Industry
You're now officially an app creator! Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we interact with our electronic devices in today's fast-paced digital age. From ordering food to booking a taxi, everything is now at our fingertips. But I want to know how everything works on the inside. Who are the brilliant people who have designed these easy-to-use interfaces?
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A Look at the Role of Mobile App Development Firms in Shaping the User Experience
Companies that focus on developing apps for mobile devices are largely responsible for this dramatic shift in how we interact with computers. By adding variety to their customers' regular experiences, they can increase their likelihood of coming back for more. Mobile app development company in New York use cutting-edge technology and innovative design to tackle major social challenges.
One of the best things about making mobile apps is that they can be customized for each individual user. The adaptability of apps makes them more engaging and useful than static web pages or generic computer programs.
One more advantage is that it's easier to incorporate technology. Mobile app data can be synchronized between devices, allowing users to seamlessly switch between their phone, tablet, and computer.
Mobile app marketing allows businesses to interact with customers in new and exciting ways, such as through push notifications, geolocation services, and more. This has opened up new opportunities for business owners who wish to extend their sphere of influence and stimulate client participation.
Mobile app development firms have changed the way we interact with technology by making useful, one-of-a-kind applications available on our smartphones.
Successfully Using Mobile App Development Companies
Mobile app development nyc has been important to the success of many modern businesses. It's no secret that mobile apps have changed the way we live, facilitating tasks as diverse as ordering food and clothes. In today's cutthroat digital age, it might be the difference between success and failure to have a mobile app that is both well-designed and easy to use.
A company can take advantage of a mobile app development company by commissioning the production of branded apps that feature the company's offerings. These apps streamline the user experience with the client in mind, which results in satisfied repeat business.
Working with a professional mobile app development firm has several benefits, including access to cutting-edge resources and advice on how to increase your app's profitability. With their help, you can develop a one-of-a-kind solution that meets the requirements of both your business and your target audience.
Today's digital industry is highly competitive, so it's crucial to work with skilled mobile app developers. Doing so will allow for increased client satisfaction and the opening of new growth opportunities.
How iOS Apps Are Shattering Stereotypes and Changing the World
Constant advances in iPhone app development mean that mobile devices can do more and more. Programmers are always on the lookout for innovative methods to improve our capabilities, and recent advances in augmented reality and voice recognition provide some promising new possibilities.
The use of machine learning algorithms in app development is an exciting area of development. Through monitoring and modifying user activities, this technology paves the way for more intuitive and personalized interactions.
Another emerging pattern is the integration of blockchain technology into iOS apps. The decentralization of data storage and transfer has the potential to increase both user security and transparency.
The investigation into optimizing apps for the A12 Bionic chip and Face ID face recognition technology continues.
These advancements herald the arrival of a new era in mobile applications, one where sophisticated artificial intelligence meets consumer demand in a highly personalized manner. The future of iPhone app development is extremely exciting, and we can't wait to see what happens next.
Possibilities for Newcomers in the iPhone App Industry
The introduction of iPhone app development in New york has provided a platform on which entrepreneurs may showcase their creativity and originality. Creating an iPhone app is a great way for an entrepreneur to solve a problem or meet a need in the community. The best part is that there are countless possibilities to explore, as there are millions of iPhone users all over the world.
The creation of Instagram by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger is an example of successful iPhone app development based on creative ideas. What started off as a simple photo-sharing app has rapidly grown in popularity to become one of the most visited social media platforms on the planet.
However, unlike Systrom and Krieger, anyone can create a successful iPhone app. All that is needed is original thought and hard labour.
As a business owner, one of the advantages of developing an iPhone app is that you get to be involved in every stage, from brainstorming to marketing. You have complete creative control over the appearance, functionality, and marketing of your product.
Making a successful iPhone app requires careful planning and execution, of course. Extensive user research, the creation of user-friendly interfaces, the development of engaging features, and constant iteration in response to feedback from users are all necessary steps in the process of developing a successful product.
You may make a difference in the lives of millions of people across the world and reap the rewards of your efforts if you put in the time and effort required to become a successful iPhone app developer as a business owner.
The Artistic Procedure Involved in Making Apps
From ideation to the final product, the process of creating an app is lengthy and difficult. Finding a problem to solve or an untapped area for innovation is the first step. Once a solid concept has been formed, design and planning can commence by development companies.
The user interface and user experience of the app will first be sketched out as wireframes and prototypes. Functionality and design flaws can be discovered in these prototypes before the development process even begins. Once this is complete, developers can start working on more functional iterations of the app.
Testing comes next. The developers will perform extensive testing on a wide range of hardware and operating systems before releasing the software to the general public. This includes testing for both usability and safety.
After the software has been thoroughly tested, it will be made available on app stores like the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. However, even after a product has been released, it may still require updates to keep up with changing system requirements or the addition of new features.
It's rewarding to see months, or even years, of hard work, dedication, and creativity from everyone involved culminate in the realization of your idea.
Meet the Future's Visionaries: App Designers
In this post, we looked at how app developers nyc and mobile app development firms are shaking up the tech industry. Their creative thinking is making previously inconceivable improvements to user experiences and opening up countless doors for enterprises. With iPhone app creation at the forefront of opening up new frontiers, the years ahead are sure to be filled with even more promising possibilities.
The app creators, the true visionaries behind these advancements, should be honoured for their contributions to society. Their ingenuity, resourcefulness, and technological proficiency continue to break new ground.
To that end, don't be shy about reaching out to a mobile app development firm or a seasoned app developer if you're serious about expanding your business or expanding your ideas into the mobile app market. It could take you in any direction!
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purple-slate · 1 year
Empathy & Compassion — How Conversational AI Enhances Interactions
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Delivering a good customer experience requires human-like qualities such as empathy — understanding the intent of the users in order to deliver exactly what they want, and compassion — putting the customers above any limitation that may negatively influence the user experience.
These two qualities help build an emotional connection and trust, therefore, enhancing the customer experience. Understanding the user’s intent is important today because customers have higher expectations and are careful about where their money goes. The availability of many choices has also made it a key requirement to stand out in every aspect of user experience.
Why do people hate automated conversations?
Conversational AI Services for customer service has many obvious benefits. Yet many users are hesitant about using chatbots even though it has replaced a majority of the front-line support today. One of the biggest difficulties people have with chatbots is the unclear expectations that most of the users have. Many chatbots do not deliver immediate resolutions to issues and instead suggest other generic questions that do not resolve the customer’s query.
Another prominent reason is the bad experiences customers have had or heard about automated conversations. A survey by James E. Katz showed over 90% of people prefer talking to a human correspondent, 35% find automated calls difficult to communicate with, and only about 10% were satisfied with the calls.
As humans, we enjoy interactions when the other person is listening and is willing to help. We like building trust with others as a means of connecting with other individuals. This domain is difficult for chatbots to imitate. Therefore, people feel a sense of security and trust hearing responses from a live agent compared to chatbots.
Some of the other issues people usually face with automated chatbot conversations include:
Lack of empathy or compassion
The inability to understand the intent of the users
Out-of-context and mechanical responses
Delayed or Erroneous resolutions
Preset one-way conversations
Why is empathy important in conversations?
Humans are social creatures that thrive on empathy. We discover more about each other through empathetic dialogue. We build conversations and arrive at decisions with emotions at its base. From a marketing perspective, this can be seen along the buyer’s journey since emotions have an enormous impact on our behavior. People are much likely to stay loyal to a brand when they have had positive emotional associations with the brand in the past. Therefore, if brands want to improve their customer experience, they need a system that is intuitive, learns from experience, senses intentions and understands both the cognitive and emotional pathway of human conversations. This is exactly what conversational AI for customer service aims at.
With the growing dependency of humans towards technology, there are studies that investigate how empathetic chatbots affect the users’ moods positively and on how AI assistants are even used to make people feel less alone. This proves that it has become critical to code empathy into machines as AI advances more and more towards imitating human conversations.
How is conversational AI for customer service a holistic alternative for chatbots?
Conversational AI solutions for customer service can cater to many use cases in businesses that require empathy. For example, a customer is trying to buy an insurance plan for his family and communicates with a customer service AI bot. The AI chatbot would be able to conversate with different tones and inflections depending on the conversation. Based on the customer’s responses, the empathetic chatbot can also sense complex emotions such as frustration, happiness or satisfaction and respond accordingly. In short, instead of feeling like you are talking to a robot, the experience of talking to an AI powered chatbot can be a lot more personal.
Apart from this, conversational AI offers a wide selection of options and applications compared to traditional chatbots. For starters, conversational AI can address both voice and text commands compared to chatbots that can respond to only text commands. This makes it easier for people to communicate with conversational AI fostering a better customer connection.
Regular chatbots are limited as they function exclusively in chat interfaces, whereas conversational AI customer service solutions are omnichannel, meaning they can be accessed on websites, and through calls, smart speakers, and voice assistants. In all of these applications, conversational AI has the same features and is often capable of continual learning and fast iteration to provide empathetic responses to customers.
Here’s an example of a mechanical response from a regular chatbot.
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Whereas, Here’s how a Conversational AI Chatbot would respond
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This is just a classic example of how conversational AI is here to be the holistic alternative for chatbots.
Showing compassionate examples of conversational AI for customer service
Check out some of these examples of conversational AI chatbots with individuals.
Someone is trying to cancel an order they placed.
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Someone trying to decide which saucepan they should buy.
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Understanding the user intent, remaining in the context of the discussion, and providing the users exactly what they need are some of the crucial components of Conversational AI and they need to be constantly optimized. Machine learning makes this easier for conversational AI by using valuable insights from past conversations to shape future conversations. Conversational AI services are advancing rapidly, and continue to become more humanistic — to the extent that someday chats between conversational AI customer service solutions and humans will become indistinguishable and that day is fast approaching.
This post was originally published in: https://www.purpleslate.com/how-conversational-ai-enhances-interactions/
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saniya241 · 1 year
Environmental pollution
The problem of environmental pollution has become very serious in recent years all over the world. Today, the air that we inhale is polluted. Our future generations will suffer from the harmful effect of pollution if we do not tackle the problem now. There are different forms of environmental pollution like water pollution, food pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, land pollution etc. No doubt, our progress and development is the result of industrial growth and technological advancement. But, this progress has a negative influence on the environment. Pollution makes the environment unfit for living. It becomes a health hazard. The unbalanced industrial growth is the main cause of air and water pollution. In India, waste from refineries and atomic plants are dumped into the rivers or seas which pose a serious threat to the health of the people living in its surrounding areas or far away. Consequently, freshwater resources are depleting very fast and water-borne diseases are on the rise. Agricultural runoffs in rivers are another major water pollutant as they contain fertilisers and pesticides. Today, we cut down trees and plants on a large scale. Air purification and generation of oxygen by trees and plants goes down due to the rampant erosion of the green cover. When forests are cut down, we face the problem of soil erosion too. Air pollution is one of the major ecological problems man is facing today. Air pollution is prominent in big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata etc. where the smoke is emitted from the chimneys of mills and factories, burning agriculture stubble and noxious fumes from automobiles. Thus, air becomes polluted and we are bound to inhale such polluted air. Inhalation of the polluted air gives rise to numerous diseases especially in children and the elderly. Besides, water and air pollution, we also face the problem of noise pollution today. The problem with noise is not only that it is unwanted, but also that it negatively affects human health and well-being. Problems related to noise include tension, hearing loss, sleep loss, high blood pressure, distraction and loss of productivity, loss of concentration etc. which lead to a general reduction in the quality of life. Land pollution is caused due to dumping and disposal of wastes and application of agrochemicals in the soil. Deforestation also leads to land pollution. Cutting of trees means uneven and lesser rain pattern. Overexploitation of soil, overgrazing and cutting of trees lead to soil erosion. Hence, it is necessary to start tree plantation as a social service and national programme. Deforestation should be totally stopped. Pollution of any type is the greatest threat to our life because it causes many fatal diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, asthma and even cancer. So, pollution control measures must be used. We must take immediate and effective steps to fight pollution. We must reduce vehicular and factory smoke. To trap smoke particles, smoke chambers should be made. Gases should be discharged through exhaust pipes higher in the air. Chemical industries should not be allowed to be set up on the riverbanks. We must stop the dumping of chemical wastes into our rivers, lakes and seas. Plastic and other hazardous waste materials should be subjected to recycling. Noise pollution must be made a punishable offence. We must grow more trees and protect our forests. Pollution is harmful for all and therefore concerted efforts should be made to eliminate all kinds of pollution. The sooner effective steps are taken, the better will be the tomorrow for mankind.
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careeralley · 2 years
5 Careers That Utilize the Power of Mobile Technology
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Mobile technology has revolutionized the daily lives of millions of people around the planet. Ever since the introduction of the first generation of smartphones, technology has evolved to encompass more tasks that are part of the daily routine. Likewise, mobile technology has also changed the way that many industries have done business. It has brought convenience, power, and innovation to different sectors in the private and public settings. Here are five types of career fields that have taken advantage of the power of mobile technology. When we reach the end of our education, we may have some idea of our options, but it’s incredibly challenging to know which career path is the right one to take. Tweet This 1. Education Working in education today means that you get much greater access to the technology tools of tomorrow. With mobile technology, educators can get powerful functionality without the pricey investment of individual computers for each student. Instead, teachers can rely on apps through tablets and smartphones to help bring more engaging and interactive material to their students. Mobile technology has also opened up a new world of possibilities for educators who work with students with mental or physical disabilities. 2. Communication Another career field that has been transformed through technology is the communication industry. Individuals working in communications are finding new ways to increase their organization’s power and potential, and mobile technology offers several methods. Companies can use tools such as mobile messaging apps, location data services, and mobile social media tools to improve their stake within their market. Universities like USC are helping prepare tomorrow’s workforce for these new capabilities. Our Pick IT's hidden face: Everything you always wanted to know about Information Technology. A look behind the scenes $11.11 $9.66 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:30 am GMT 3. Advertising The next career field that is increasingly relying on mobile technology is advertising. If you’re planning to start a career in this industry, it’s important to understand the role of mobile technology in marketing. Traditional means of marketing, such as print, television, radio, and direct mail, are being eclipsed by the new world of digital marketing. This form of advertising stresses the individual user, social media, and interaction to help build a brand identity. 4. Library science The traditional institution of the library is also a spot where the influence of mobile technology has been felt. If you are embarking on a new career in library science, be prepared to dive into the more advanced methods of mobile technology for information gathering. The modern librarian’s job is no longer simply about recommending the latest paperback titles. Today, these well-rounded media specialists are becoming partners and guides to the community about the coolest tech tools. Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay 5. Retail Sales The last career field that has seen a huge shakeup due to mobile technology is the retail environment. Instead of being dominated by large corporate retailers, today’s retail industry is experiencing a new renaissance of small business stores. Potential business owners are able to conduct business and complete transactions with inexpensive mobile technology. These technologies give business owners access to credit card processing, inventory systems, and cheap advertising through social media. B2B Is Really P2P: How to Win With High Touch in a High Tech World $14.97 Frank Somma has written a virtual step by step manual for sales managers, sales teams, business owners, and solopreneurs who want to create instant rapport, spike sales, and cement long-term customer loyalty. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 10:39 pm GMT Mobile technology has only just begun to make an impact on the world. While several industries are seeing large changes due to the influence of mobile apps and functionality, expect to see even more widespread transformation throughout every type of career in the near future. Mobile Applications: Architecture, Design, and Development $49.99 A guide to building successful mobile applications. It covers various facets of development and deployment. It is useful to those who needs to deliver robust, high-value mobile solutions: project managers, technical leaders, architects, and experienced developers alike. Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:28 am GMT Read the full article
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What is the main purpose of Information Technology?
Why Information Technology?
It is difficult to comprehend how much Information Technology or IT pervades and influences our daily lives. Or you can say, it is a practical application in the computers, tablets, and smartphones that we use. IT influences almost everything we do like shopping online, learning, going to the doctor, banking, and dining out. In fact, it is in the industries of business, higher education, healthcare, finance, banking, and food service where IT has made the most improvements to our lives.
Significance Of IT Industry
Information technology helps students of top engineering college in Jaipur to build and grow the commerce and business sector and generate maximum possible output. The time taken by different sectors to generate business is lowered with an advancement in Information technology. It offers electronic security, storage, and efficient communication.
To conduct the work, Information technology requires computer applications. Computers connect IT to different organizations of the world. It helps the employees to maintain records of their numerous clients of various companies. It helps patients to contact physicians’ online and take advice related to their health problems. Also, records of patients can be properly managed by the system.
To collect information, data conversion, programming/coding, data communications retrieval and storage, system analysis are used. Even the education sector has been dramatically changed with the arrival of Information Technology at best engineering college in Jaipur. To run business in the right way and generate expected outcomes, software, computers, and the internet plays a significant role.
Now, Companies are having the virtual vaults which is a new form of storage system which allows users to keep or withdraw their documents. The IT department offers a strong communication system to communicate effectively.
No business, education, agriculture work and health sector can produce an expected outcome without the internet and technical system. In today’s world, technology is important and plays several roles in the IT industry like Data scientist, Network Administrator, System Administrator, System analyst, Technology Specialist, Data scientist, Database administrator, IT Manager, Support Analyst, Database developer, A software tester, Engineer, Architect, Software Development Manager, Network engineer, etc.
Uses Of Information Technology
The uses and role of information technology in our society in many fields are as follows:
1. Business
Since the introduction of computers, the entire face of the business world has been changed. To run the different departments of business swiftly, use of Information Technology is essential for the students of private engineering colleges in Jaipur and it is possible with computers and software. The use of IT can be seen in departments such as finance, manufacturing, human resources, and security.
2. Education
Technology allows teachers to be up to date with new techniques and help their students to be updated with latest technologies like the use of tablets, mobile phones, computers, etc. in education. Information technology helps students to learn new things and students of college dropouts.
Information Technology offer opportunities for traders and common people to do online purchases. Banks keep records of all the transactions and accounts via computers. Unlike before, now the transactions and other deals have become easier and faster.
With Information Technology, the field of health and medicine has been seeing tremendous improvements. For doctors, sending and receiving information, checking patients, and discussing with other professionals of top information technology college in Jaipur have become very convenient.
5. Security
Online transactions and keeping records of all online transactions are now safer than before. Only proper management and an individual responsible for the system can access the data online. It prohibits any random person from reviewing the details. All these have been made possible by keeping the system passwords. Only permissible authority can access all your information.
6. Communication
With improvements in information technology, globalization has been increased. The world is brought closer, and the economy is quickly becoming a single interdependent system. Information can be shared easily and quickly from all over the globe, and barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries can be torn down as people share ideas and information with each other.
7. Employment
With Information Technology, new jobs have been introduced for the students of engineering colleges Jaipur. It creates new jobs for hardware and software developers, programmers, systems analyzers, web designers and many others. Information Technology has opened an entirely new fields and thousands of jobs for IT professionals.
Perks Of Information Technology
Information technology has changed our lives completely. There are several benefits of information technology in our lives and also there is a need of the Information Technology in every field.
1. With the advancement in IT, students of BTech colleges Jaipur can access the system of the company from any place. They can also submit their work from home. Easy access to the system has surely increased individual’s productivity without any physical presence of the person in the office.
2. There is a huge demand for IT professionals in distinct fields. The demand offers an immense opportunity for IT professionals to explore the field and show their talent. The IT field offers graduates to work for computer programming, system analysis, software and hardware development, testing, web application design etc.
3. With the advancement of information technology, the educational industry has transformed its outlook and has adopted a modern way of teaching and learning. Teachers and colleges are using modern gadgets to teach their students. A computer with an internet connection allows IT engineering graduates to learn new things and understand the topics easily and deeply.
4. Information technology helps patients connect with physicians and take online advice. Also, there are numerous virtual healthcare applications available to provide guidance. Electronic health records and tele-medicines offers efficient and quality health to patients.
5. In the world of technology, with information technology, the drawback of time and distance in business activities has been removed. Now, buying and selling have become easy. Now, customers can buy online from their locals and international vendors as well.
Source: Click Here
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Isana Yashiro
Terms of address: Shiro
Birthday: June 1, Gemini
Blood type: B
Age: 18 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.69 cm in height. He is a boyish physique that looks slim and small.
Face, hair: He always has a nice smiling face.
Attire: School clothes that have fallen apart. Fold up the sleeves and wear the hem of his sneakers. (Phase 1)
Weismann's clothing is worn based on Shiro's size. (Second stage version.)
Personal effects: Japanese umbrella.
· Go in and out when he goes anywhere. He is good at improving lies.
· The image color is "white", "transparent".
· Image of "free person".
· At first glance, he seems like a lazy and mediocre child.
· It is nice to meet people, but there are places where there is no place.
· The power of the clan is accompanied by the soft silver light.
Originally a proud genius from Germany, he devoted himself to researching the Dresden Slate. At the time, he dreamed of the bright future of humanity with the power of the Dresden Slate, but he lost his sister, Claudia, in the Dresden airstrike, and fell to the bottom of disappointment. He turns into a certain kind of disgrace. After that, he lived an isolated life in heaven for almost 70 years, but he lost his memory from the seizure of power by the Seventh King, and his consciousness changed when he woke up again. Although it was a short time, the experience of living with Kuro Yatogami and Neko had a great influence.
Although there are some parts that seem to be a bit neglected, after regaining Weismann's memory, he began to have doubts about the surface of the Slate and began to realize what was really important to him.
Regaining Weismann's memory, even if he wakes up as the "Silver King", his basic character remains almost unchanged. As usual, he is the type to laugh, even if the situation is serious. As you can see from the fact that he was a precocious genius and had few friends, he was originally unfit for "king". Although he's worthy when it comes time to call him out, he doesn't really think of grouping a lot of people together like Rey, and he's not good at it. However, he is prepared to act as their leader while forming close relationships with a very small number, Neko and Kuro. He seems open and positive to everyone, but in fact it may be that he is carefully selecting people to associate with.
For Shiro, the happiness that surrounds a human and a platform that can be protected is the most important. In that sense, he is quite different from Munakata and Kokujoji. Ichigen Miwa may be the closest thing.
He seems elusive and incomprehensible, but when it comes to his heart, he begins to move forward and prepare.
To the Green Clan who want to empower all human beings by using the Slate, Shiro will deny the Slate that he ever dreamed of the happy future of humanity.
We concluded that instead of the supernatural power of a huge stone slab, he would choose a future that he would make with his friends around him, and confront Nagare, causing a change that would destroy people's little happiness.
At the beginning of the story, he was a normal person, but when he woke up as the "King" at the end of the first term, he used his fluffy flying ability with an umbrella, a barrier, and a Neko-mediated mind-transmission ability. He is not good at direct attacks, but he has a wide range of applications and great power.
Mainly defense. Immortality.
Since he was a scholar when he was Weismann, he was not good at exercising.
A + (Superior in the "King" class, but does not participate in voluntary combat.)
His favorite food is white rice.
It is said that the food that Kuro makes is very delicious, but he appreciates most things. Neither gourmet nor sensitive tongue. A relatively harsh taste.
Nothing particularly. Those who speak loudly in meetings.
He has always loved reading as an art culture since the Weismann days, but it is subtle to say that it is a hobby.
He likes to joke around and chat with others.
Researching science in general is a hobby, but it is inextricably linked to work. He didn't need distractions because he used to work as a hobby.
After meeting Kuro, eating rice became one of his hobbies.
Perhaps because he was born before the war, his fashion sense is a little different from that of young today.
He was tall in the Weismann period, but Isana's body is small and delicate. Sometimes majesty doesn't look good.
Very high. Originally called "double headed genius" with his sister Claudia, a scientific genius. He has knowledge of science and technology in general. Furthermore, he is a mere scholar and possesses such a wealth of knowledge that he can pursue flexible subjects outside of his specialty. Furthermore, he is also good with tricks and deception that fools the opponent.
He also likes to play games and make jokes. He has an expert and generalist perspective. However, he rarely uses it for practical purposes.
There was a panoramic view of all phenomena from Weismann's height. Mental in nature, he is a lonely person. He may have come from the first half of life when he had no other person to open his mind to except Claudia and Kokujoji because he had transcendent intelligence. Weismann entered the lonely life due to the loss of his sister, Claudia, but he was not completely abandoned in his life, such as following his only friend, Kokujoji, to Japan.
Since he became Isana Yashiro, his mindset has changed considerably after he formed ties with Kuro and Neko. It seems that the important thing among him is probably not the country or the ideal, but the important people within his reach.
He was called a double-headed genius with his sister, Claudia, since he was a child. He participated in the study of the Dresden Slate and met his longtime friend Kokujoji.
Due to his incomparable intelligence, he was a lonely entity, which he could not easily meet with others. From that moment on, he was cheerful and liked mischief.
· 1922, Adolf K. Weismann is born.
· 1943, Weismann participates in the investigation of the Dresden Slate. He advances in the analysis of the Slate.
· 1944, Weismann meets Kokujoji.
· 1945, February, Dresden airstrike, Weismann awakens as the "Silver King".
· 1945, April, Kokujoji brings the Slate to Japan, Weismann and Kokujoji say goodbye.
· 1947, Weismann visits Himmelreich.
· 2012, December, the “Colorless King” took over Weismann's body, and fell on Gakuenjima with the boy's body and became Isana Yashiro.
The first person is "Boku", and the second person is "Kimi" or "Anata".
He calls him "Lieutenant".
In the Weismann era, it was almost a farewell decision, but once he was awakened by the "King" as Isana Yashiro, he was able to face another stance. He has a complicated affection for him that he cannot describe in one word.
He calls him "Kuro", "Kimi".
He is more important than a servant, and he believes that he is more like a family. The part that depends on him is great.
He calls her "Neko" or "Kimi".
Like Kuro, she is more of a friend and family than a subject. There is no romantic feeling so far.
He calls him "Nagare", and "Kimi".
A young man who tries to realize his dream of changing the world with the power of the Slate, which he used to see. He thought that he could make everyone happy with the great power of the Slate, but he only saw others as "humanity" and did not see the little happiness of each person. It is the responsibility of those who have started it all, to prevent Nagare from trying to cause chaos in the world by releasing the Slate.
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The Lost Art of Communication
Most people in today's society have lost the ability to communicate.
Sounds silly right? How can a modernized society like ours lose the ability to have a simple conversation? Unfortunately it has happened.
When we’re little we learn our first words. Those first words turn into first sentences. Those first sentences turn into our written and spoken thoughts. As we grow up we are taught how to use those words, sentences, and thoughts to communicate with others. That communication builds the relationships we have in our lives. Technology has also advanced as we have gotten older. The evolution of things like smart phones have greatly influenced our generation.
For starters we call our cell phones smart phones. Technology has become smart aka knows all the answers to everything. You have a question about something? You ask Siri. Need directions? Siri has that too. We no longer have to learn about geography or reading a map because Siri will get us where we need to go. You’re looking for recommendations about a new restaurant in town? You Google/Yelp it. There is little to no face-to-face conversation to find out details about things. If our technology is so smart why do we need other people? What would be the reason to create conversation?
Social media networks have become outlets to express feelings. Individuals no longer take time to talk to others. You’re upset about the bad day you had? You’ll tweet about it before you say it. You found out the guy you like has been talking to other people behind your back? You post a quote or song lyric that distinctly relates to your life situation and then not talk to anyone about how you feel. I’m all for creating posts with quotes and inspirational topics. There is a difference though between venting online and trying to inspire others online.
It’s also come to the point where people try to start relationships online. Whether it’s a message from someone telling you that you look good in your profile picture or someone asking you out via message….it’s unreal. If you like someone enough to ask them on a date why aren’t you doing it in person? There are even apps to meet people in your area (aka Tinder, Bumble, etc). It isn’t a common thing to meet people face-to-face anymore.
We are so connected as a society…..but it’s a connection to the wrong devices.
Instead of being connected to other human beings it is almost like we’ve created a bond with the online world and all of its being. I have walked into restaurants plenty of times and have seen people circled around a table on their cell phones. Some may be texting, some tweeting, others taking pictures of their food for their Snapchat or Instagram, but not one of them is paying attention to those people sitting across or next to them. Iphones are glued to the hands of our generation. Something so small has become so essential in our lives. It’s to the point where we are neglecting people we care about and ignoring the world around us.
This way of life has caused our society to suffer.
Relationships are no longer real relationships. Relationship worth has decreased due to things like social media. If you aren’t posting about your relationship people don’t even believe you’re in one. People dig deep into a person’s social media sites to try to find out about them rather than talking to them in person. Couples now have arguments over something someone favorited, retweeted, or liked by the other person. Now, if the person you like doesn’t text you first, or text you back then he/she isn’t interested. Now, if someone opened your Snapchat and didn’t reply they don’t like you back. Now, if someone didn’t like the selfie you posted they probably are into somebody else. When did all of these become measurements to tell if a person likes you or not?
Want to know what I think?
Now don’t get me wrong, my Iphone is useful….but we’ve taken all of this too far. I consider myself a people person. I have an Iphone and I have social media networks. I may be connected to the online world, but I am not disconnected from the real world. I have the ability and the want to get to know someone face-to-face. I have the want to notice the little things around me and the people I surround myself with. I crave the experience of getting to know a person (in person) if they’re interested in me. I pride myself in the fact I still can communicate with others. I will never understand how others cannot want real contact and communication. Call me old-fashioned or call me too mature, but I think somethings got to give here.
Take time to reevaluate what you’re doing. Makes some changes and become more personable. Build a network outside of your social media networks. Our parents, grandparents, and so on all survived without all of this technology. We’re lucky to have all of these advancements and all of this technology. We need to start using it the right way.
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aighozt · 2 years
Future is here
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Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.
The problem of environmental pollution has become very serious in recent years all over the world. Today, the air that we inhale is polluted. Our future generations will suffer from the harmful effect of pollution if we do not tackle the problem now. There are different forms of environmental pollution like water pollution, food pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, land pollution etc. No doubt, our progress and development is the result of industrial growth and technological advancement. But, this progress has a negative influence on the environment. Pollution makes the environment unfit for living. It becomes a health hazard. The unbalanced industrial growth is the main cause of air and water pollution. In India, waste from refineries and atomic plants are dumped into the rivers or seas which pose a serious threat to the health of the people living in its surrounding areas or far away. Consequently, freshwater resources are depleting very fast and water-borne diseases are on the rise. Agricultural runoffs in rivers are another major water pollutant as they contain fertilisers and pesticides.
Today, we cut down trees and plants on a large scale. Air purification and generation of oxygen by trees and plants goes down due to the rampant erosion of the green cover. When forests are cut down, we face the problem of soil erosion too. Air pollution is one of the major ecological problems man is facing today. Air pollution is prominent in big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata etc. where the smoke is emitted from the chimneys of mills and factories, burning agriculture stubble and noxious fumes from automobiles. Thus, air becomes polluted and we are bound to inhale such polluted air. Inhalation of the polluted air gives rise to numerous diseases especially in children and the elderly. Besides, water and air pollution, we also face the problem of noise pollution today. The problem with noise is not only that it is unwanted, but also that it negatively affects human health and well-being. Problems related to noise include tension, hearing loss, sleep loss, high blood pressure, distraction and loss of productivity, loss of concentration etc. which lead to a general reduction in the quality of life. Land pollution is caused due to dumping and disposal of wastes and application of agrochemicals in the soil. Deforestation also leads to land pollution. Cutting of trees means uneven and lesser rain pattern. Overexploitation of soil, overgrazing and cutting of trees lead to soil erosion. Hence, it is necessary to start tree plantation as a social service and national programme. Deforestation should be totally stopped. Pollution of any type is the greatest threat to our life because it causes many fatal diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, asthma and even cancer. So, pollution control measures must be used. We must take immediate and effective steps to fight pollution. We must reduce vehicular and factory smoke. To trap smoke particles, smoke chambers should be made. Gases should be discharged through exhaust pipes higher in the air. Chemical industries should not be allowed to be set up on the riverbanks. We must stop the dumping of chemical wastes into our rivers, lakes and seas. Plastic and other hazardous waste materials should be subjected to recycling. Noise pollution must be made a punishable offence. We must grow more trees and protect our forests. Pollution is harmful for all and therefore concerted efforts should be made to eliminate all kinds of pollution. The sooner effective steps are taken, the better will be the tomorrow for mankind.
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“On Becoming a Medium: Gen Z Individuals as Modern Communicators”
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Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. YouTube. Google.
If you are au courant with technology, you may have used these at least once in your life.
The world is changing at a rapid pace. Modifications, transformations, and advancements in all fields are constantly happening around the world. For instance, a few decades ago, the words 'social media' and the 'internet' are still unknown. Nevertheless, these soon played pivotal roles in revolutionizing and modernizing the society that we know of nowadays. People likewise attune and habituate themselves to various changes, hereby adapting to the new and evolved manner of living and communicating with others. The youth in the 21st century is no different. Individuals who were born alongside this expeditious technological and scientific progression are collectively referred to as Gen Z, and they might become the prominent catalysts of change in this modern era.
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What year were you born? If you were born after 1997, then you belong to Generation Z (Gen Z).
Generation Z, often shortened as Gen Z or iGeneration, is a demographic cohort for those who were born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, succeeding the Millennials. Despite labeling them to the last letter of the English alphabet, they contrarily have a lot of firsts compared to the previous generations. To name a few, they are considered the pioneering generation of digital natives; they can now reshape the power of technology for the betterment of themselves and others. Moreover, they are also the first generation that was raised in the era of smartphones and the internet. Since Generation Z was born together with the rise of digital technologies, they are more oriented and used to having widely available information anytime anywhere. According to Katie Young of GWI, it has been estimated that Gen Z typically spends around 3 hours and 38 minutes online, 50% higher than an average mobile user. Internet became a fundamental part of today’s society, and it is inherent to Gen Z as well. Their use of the internet on a daily basis has influenced their interactions and patterns of communication with others, both positively and negatively.
Having been accustomed to the technology we have nowadays, it is unquestionable that this generation is considered 'tech-savvy'. Come to think of it, they have not experienced a world without these technologies. They can quickly create documents, presentations, and journals with ease, especially with sufficient internet speed and fine gadgets, like laptops and phones. Additionally, they can share it with their friends, classmates, teachers, or coworkers, making it systematic and efficient. These increase their overall productivity and connectivity with one another, allowing them to multitask on various activities within a short period of time.
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More than half of the internet users across the globe are under the age of 24. Additionally, this group of people tends to spend roughly 70 hours a week on their devices (Metafacts, 2018).
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Whatever they want to learn, it's readily accessible for them to read and practice. This gears Gen Z towards excellence and discipline, and the earlier these are practiced, the better it is for the maturity and growth of an individual.
The integration of technology into the lives of Generation Z is indeed highly powerful. Before, millennials use SMS and voice calls to connect, and prior to the invention of any telecommunication device, mailing a letter is the only way of communicating with others from afar. Unlike the previous generations, online and digital communication through various social media applications has become the predominant means of communication among Gen Z individuals. It doesn't matter where they are, they are all connected virtually, may it be a virtual conference call or a simple text message. Moreover, as technology made its way to almost everything, collaboration with one another is a crucial aspect that Gen Z individuals would prefer to have. Using popular messaging applications like Messenger and Discord, many of them can keep in touch with one another and easily collaborate on projects, tasks, or any activities.
Over the recent years, communication among people has transformed and changed. Aside from the technological advancements, the way we communicate with others both digitally and personally is now different compared to the previous generations before us. We now commonly see abbreviations and slang in chat messages and comments online. This is often used in casual conversations among friends and family. However, this is also a piece of evidence on how our language adapts and evolves to the changes we create over time.
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These are the most common slang and abbreviations used in social media. How many of these have you used?
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Despite the rise of messaging apps and virtual calls, face-to-face or personal communication is still the widely preferred form of communication among Gen Z individuals.
With the frequent use of social media and the internet, Gen Z individuals tend to acquire a lot of ideas and information from others. YouTube and TikTok trends are great examples of this. As a result, they become more creative and imaginative when performing or doing something, especially when it strikes their interest. Besides, they can also create content to share with their audience. It may be for entertainment, education, information, and many more.
On top of that, Gen Z is also considered the most diverse generation, as they openly accept and embrace diversity and differences of everyone. No matter where you came from and what you define yourself, you are accepted by this generation. They are generally open-minded to the issues and taboos we commonly avoid to discuss. Moreover, they enthusiastically engage in various activities that support equality and transparency, and actively protest against racism, discrimination, hatred, and corruption which have long plagued our society. These actions, together with the rising influence of social media, may pave the way for the young generation’s voices to resonate around the world, making an impact to the society in the process.
Furthermore, these social media platforms gave them the chance to become more knowledgeable and updated on what is happening locally and internationally. They can be easily informed of any recent events by simply browsing the web or opening any social media app. Social media applications like Facebook and Twitter are the common avenues for this up to date information. However, remember that some of these may be false information, especially if the author or account who posted it is not a verified media outlet. Fact checking and verifying the sources of the articles seen in these platforms are easy and common ways to affirm their legitimacy.
Additionally, these social media applications also allow them to share their thoughts and comments regarding different posts, not to mention that may post something as well, provided that it is credible, verified, and factual. This consequently enriches their vocabulary and skills in writing, speaking, and debating, especially when involved in topics that are deemed controversial. As opposed to the millennials and previous generations, Gen Z is more open to voicing out their opinions, ideas, and thoughts to the world, candidly expressing their freedom of speech to everyone. 
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They don’t want to continue being a follower, they want to lead. They want to make change.
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Twitter and its tagline, "What's happening?", describing the purpose of the social media platform, to connect people and to allow them to share their thoughts with a public audience.
However, it is worth noting that knowing how to navigate the internet and media does not necessarily mean that you are already digitally literate. It is essential that as users of media and spreaders of information, we know what are the proper things to do online. Intently spreading disinformation is just plainly wrong, no matter what the reason is. It does not only cause confusion but also panic and hysteria, especially when that false information is an alarming threat to security and lives. In general, we need to be responsible and disciplined all the time. You may think it is harmless, but it may actually be harmful and damaging to others. Remember, think before you click.
Communication has always been an integral part of being a human. It is the sole reason why we progressed into the civilization that we live in right now. As we reach the digital age of our civilization, the new generation of digital natives, Generation Z, will soon become the contemporary modern communicators of this society. This generation is a vocal and active group that can be a great catalyst for change. Their fervent principles, philosophical beliefs, and prudent judgments may serve importance later on as the world progresses. However, to express these to the world, we need to become a good communicator — an effective and influential communicator. And to do that, we need to be genial, compassionate, and rational to others who wants to become a communicator as well. Let them speak and let them be heard. That way, you too will be heard by others.
Generation Z is a unique generation on its own, and with their power to become a powerful communicator, they can become a medium — a medium with a potential to spark change to the society we live in.
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As digital natives and users of social media, we need to be responsible for using the technology given to us. Do not make it a place for false information and hatred. Instead, use it as a platform for various purposes that everyone can benefit, learn, and enjoy.
Seymour, E. (2019). Gen Z: Born to be digital. Retrieved from https://www.voanews.com/a/student-union_gen-z-born-be-digital/6174519.html.
Rapacon, S. (2019). How Gen Z is redefining their world through technology. Retrieved from https://garage.hp.com/us/en/modern-life/generation-z-redefining-the-world.html.
NDMU. (2019). The evolution of communication across generations. Retrieved from https://online.ndm.edu/news/communication/evolution-of-communication/.
Belinne, J. (2019). Gen Z - The communication generation. Retrieved from https://community.naceweb.org/blogs/jamie-belinne/2019/07/23/gen-z-the-communication-generation.
Barcelon, B. (2010). The life of Generation Z. Retrieved from https://teenlife.blogs.pressdemocrat.com/10220/the-life-of-generation-z/.
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“On Becoming a Medium: Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators”
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Blog #1
In today’s time, the evolution of communication across generations is rapidly increasing. Various generations have certain preferences when it comes to communicating; whether through a specific medium, frequency, or at a particular speed. The world, like the people who live in it, changes over time. One's knowledge has grown to such an extent that it is capable of creating a huge impact on the world. People born after the millennials, notably in the late 1990s and early 2010s, are recognized as Generation Z. Their generation grew up with far more advanced technologies compared to what millennials have grown up with, thus they are accustomed to the availability and immediacy of information. Creating documents, sending texts, making phone calls, and even looking up for details regarding one's academic queries (especially since we are only having these virtual classes) are just a few of the things that technology is capable of doing; all of which can be done from the comfort of our own homes. For Generation Z, digital communication is the primary means of connecting with other people. This is particularly useful in our technological age, wherein digital literacy is highly encouraged even in educational institutions.
As the innovation of technology has become more prevalent, the methods of how individuals produce, execute, and even express ideas have revolutionized. Things in the past, such as communicating and researching, are progressing at a higher pace than they have ever been— this leaves the previous systems obsolete and keeps the digital world immensely versatile. Communication has progressed over time. It is crucial because it enables people to understand one another. People nowadays communicate in an entirely different manner than they did in the past. Historically, communication was limited to face-to-face engagements. But then eventually, it progressed to symbols, letters, and phone conversations. The age of the internet has built a foundation that allows people to converse in a variety of ways. Generation Z is the first generation in which technology has advanced massively. They are referred to as digital people since they rely more on digital rather than personal productivity. Different social media platforms are widely utilized by this generation. The majority of their population is greatly influenced by what they see on these sites, be it positively or negatively.
Social media allows you to:
Keep in touch with family or friends regardless of where they are.
Meet and socialize with new people.
And it also helps news spread more quickly.
Isn't it great how convenient it is? Individuals from Generation Z have the potential to be empowered communicators. They have the skills and knowledge that come with living in the modern era. However, there are negative counterparts of these things as well.
Is there any guarantee that these new people we meet and talk with online are healthy for our mentality? That they are, on the whole, good people?
This isn't meant to offend nor judge anyone, but it is wise to be aware of who might be surrounding us.
Are we certain that the news we read is coming from a reliable source? Do they provide accurate information to the public?
There are instances when misleading information is circulated online and would cause panic in some people, particularly those who do not comprehend and read the entire article posted.
This is why being exposed to social media would provide a person not only with entertainment and happiness but anxiety and stress as well. Through this, one should acknowledge how essential it is to be cautious of how to communicate, even online. The thing is: you may not be the one anxious or stressed, but you could be the one causing a person to experience such.
In conclusion, through our world's technological innovation, individuals from Generation Z are known to be modern communicators who make use of numerous social media platforms, both influencing and influenced by the things they see on these sites. The mentioned influence could be positive or negative, depending on how a person permits himself or herself to perceive it. We all have a voice, and we must understand the rightful purpose of possessing it. Thus, we must be mindful of how we comprehend, speak about, and respond to specific concerns. The rule to become an empowered communicator is to avoid panic and to not cause panic. They say communication is the key, but we must not forget that we are the ones responsible to make that key fit into the keyhole, as not everything is compatible.
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Graduation || Kylo Ren x Reader
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A/N: Based on an anonymous request - 'Hi can I get a Kylo Ren request where reader is from earth and studying in college and it’s her graduation soon so Kylo surprises her by showing up at her ceremony when they’ve been in a sort of long distance relationship and Kylo has told her many times he doesn’t see the need for her to have such qualifications when she’s to be empress but nevertheless he’s proud?? Thank you!!! :-)' - I presumed that college is the same as university in the UK and I ashamedly had to google if college is the same as university which it seems to be, so imma roll with that - reader is in early 20s.
Sorry if this isn’t what you pictured anon - this was the only way I could think of making this request work! So, as Earth itself is not a planet in the Star Wars universe, I've twisted things so it is - and the First Order was a terrible organisation, but under Kylo’s leadership has grown to be a more peaceful organisation. Also, wasn’t specified but I picture Earth to be a lot more futuristic, (kind of like Star Trek in the Chris Pine edition - a lot more technologically advanced, as Star Wars has a lot of advanced technology). A bit different to canon Star Wars, but I couldn’t see how the reader would be with Kylo when he’s as destructive as he is in Star Wars, especially when she’s a college student on Earth. 
Star Wars Masterlist
Main Masterlist
“Hey Kylo!” You grinned as you answered a call on your data-pad, and Kylo’s face came into view, blurry for a moment as the video quality settled. You adjusted the camera as you pulled out various sheets of paper from your bag, as well as a few textbooks so that you could study and complete assignments while talking to Kylo. “How was your day?” You asked as you got started on your work.
“It was relatively dull, as usual.” Kylo said smoothly, dark eyes fixated on you fondly as you flicked through your textbooks to help with your assignment. “You know my usual routine - track down those who rebel against us, et cetera.” He mused, and you smiled as you worked. “How was yours?”
“Oh...busy, as usual.” You quoted him distractedly, jotting down notes on the subject you were currently studying for. “I had two different lectures today, and then I was doing work at lunch so it was a pretty full day for me.” You smiled tiredly at him through the screen. “So I’m a bit tired. I don’t have any lectures tomorrow, but I do have a shift at the campus cafe, so it’ll be another relatively busy day tomorrow as well.” You rubbed a hand over your face, trying to hide a yawn from Kylo.
“You know, once you become empress, you won’t need such qualifications.” Kylo spoke, leaning back in his chair resting his head in one hand. “It displeases me to see you so stressed and tired, when soon you’ll be living a life of luxury.” Even though his tone was disapproving and concerned, his low, calm voice always managed to soothe you. 
“I know, Kylo, you’ve told me that many times since we started dating.” You laughed lightly, grinning at him, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes. “But you forget that before we met, I had a normal life, with relatively normal expectations.” You said, beginning to write your assignment. “I mean, I definitely had more opportunities than others considering that my parents are well known, but if they weren’t, I wouldn’t have met you!” You smiled as you spoke, not looking up from your work. “My parents wanted me to get these qualifications so that I could get a job, but that was before I met you,” You paused, eyes trailing over your notes. Your parents also wanted you to have a backup plan in case things turned sour between you and Kylo and you needed to support yourself, but you weren’t going to tell him that. They were just looking out for you. “And you know that I enjoy studying at college, being busy and working hard; it’s satisfying seeing hard work pay off.” You reminded him. 
“We live such different lives.” Kylo murmured, reaching forwards to grab another data-pad, and started to type on the screen, presumably responding to a message to do with his job. “We both have busy days, yet I do worry for you sometimes.” You looked up at that, only to meet his gaze through the screen. “You seem tired every time we talk - I don’t want you to get overwhelmed with your work, Y/N.” You put down your pen, and rested your chin on your hands, waiting for him to continue. “And I have...bad news. It’s the reason I wanted to talk to you tonight.”
You knew what this was going to be about. Your graduation. You didn’t mind it if Kylo couldn’t make it; you knew that he was incredibly busy, and considering your relationship was mostly long distance, you knew he’d be working far away. You gestured for him to continue. 
“I’m afraid that I am unable to make it to you graduation ceremony.” He spoke slowly, and you could hear the guilt in his voice and see it on his face. “I have tried everything I can to make it there, but it clashes with something that must be done out here.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m really sorry, sweetheart. You know that I’d much rather be there with you-”
"Ben."  You interrupted, wanting nothing more than to hold his hand at that moment. “It’s okay. I knew there was a very small chance of you being able to make it.” You smiled encouragingly. “I admit I am a bit sad that you can’t come, but I’m not mad or devastated. You have a really busy and important job, and I don’t blame you at all.” You weren’t lying. You’d made sure throughout your relationship that the two of you were always honest with each other, and if there was a problem, the two of you would talk it out over a call, sometimes lasting for hours. The last thing you wanted was for your relationship to crumble as a result of your distance. Kylo let one of his rare smiles slip onto his face as you spoke, and resumed a more relaxed position in his chair.
“I...thank you for understanding.” Kylo replied once you had finished talking. “You...know that I love you, and I would never do anything to purposely hurt you.” 
“I know.” You said gently, and after a few moments of silence, you changed the topic of conversation to something more cheerful, as you carried on with your assignments, with Kylo occasionally answering messages on his data-pad from people he worked with.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Once you’d finished the call, you sighed, running a hand through your hair, and reflected on how your relationship had grown since you first met. 
The two of you met about four years ago, at one of the many conferences your parents were invited to. Even though you’d been to plenty of conferences before, your parents had reminded you time and time again, that this time the Solo family would be in attendance - your parents didn’t work for Han Solo and Leia Organa, but they were still regarded very highly amongst most people.  
You knew when they entered, as everyone turned to the doorway, and grew silent for a brief moment of awe and general respect - Leia Organa, especially, was a force to be reckoned with, and earned all the respect people gave her. As you peered around your parents, you saw them enter, and then a boy, around your age, maybe a few years older, enter behind them. That must be their son, you thought to yourself as you watched him mingle in the crowd, not talking much to anyone, simply giving formal greeting when needing to.
When Ben Solo was born, Leia and Han wanted their child’s name to remain private until he wished to reveal it to the public. Instead, he had chosen the name Kylo Ren, so that he could still be identified by appearance but wanted to keep his real name hidden and kept private. The family had fallen into a lot of controversy a few years ago; Kylo Ren had joined the First Order - an incredibly dangerous organisation that defied many of the beliefs and practises that Leia and Han preached. However, these beliefs must have greatly influenced Kylo, as after the previous leader, Snoke and unfortunately (and mysteriously) died, Kylo was in a powerful enough position to guide the First Order into a less violent rule, and he had been greatly credited for it.
Anyway, you’d been awkwardly wandering around the room, as you weren’t one for social interaction with complete strangers who were also mostly adults, and you just happened to bump into Kylo Ren himself, and there was the awkward:  ‘Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there,’ and ‘No, no, I wasn’t watching where I was going’ interaction, and maybe it was the fact that you two were the closest in age of any other guests, but the awkward meeting turned into a slightly less awkward introduction, and before you knew it the two of you had been talking for most of the event. You’d been in awe of him the whole time you were talking - you were nobody compared to him, and it helped that he was incredibly attractive, and surprisingly easy to talk to, despite how quiet he originally seemed. Something just clicked when you spoke - at first your conversations had been topical and less personal, but the longer you spoke the more you wanted to know about Kylo, and he was surprisingly funny, cracking a few jokes here and there, making you laugh more often than not.
The two of you kept in contact after the first meeting - your parents and Kylo’s parents had noticed the two of you talking in a corner of the room, and your parents had gladly introduced themselves to the Solo’s, (they’d been admirers for years, while you had never taken too much interest until you met Kylo.) and encouraged you to keep in touch with Kylo. At first it was probably because it was the Solo family, but after a while, talking to Kylo nearly everyday despite the distance you grew a lot happier, and even though you were glued to whatever screen you were using to communicate your parents were happy if you were happy.
After a few months of being friends, the two of you started to feel differently towards each other, and there was a while where the idea of calling him caused butterflies to squirm around in your stomach. Eventually you did confess your feelings towards him, surprising the both of you as it wasn’t like you to be that bold, but you didn’t start dating until a year later, (your parents didn’t want you dating until you were 18, coincidentally just when you had started college.) and it was then that Kylo realised he could trust you enough
So, the two of you have been together ever since, and it hadn’t been perfect. Long distance wasn’t easy in any way, and was extremely frustrating at times, but Kylo was so special to you that you really didn’t want to let him go; so the two of you have been making it work for almost four years, and neither of you had any intention of breaking it off anytime soon.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The time had come; you’d written all the exams that needed to be written, had probably more than your fair share of stressing sessions over calls with Kylo, and it was finally your graduation day. You were incredibly relieved to be graduation, a little sad to leave all the good memories behind, but mostly relieved. And there was the fact that Kylo wouldn’t be attending the ceremony, which dimmed your smile significantly every time you thought about it.
As you and your classmates were all lining up to receive your certificate and accept your qualifications, you caught sight of your parents waving at you to gain your attention, and you smiled and waved back, blowing them a kiss.
“You okay?” You turned around, to see one of your best friends, Amelia, looking at you with concern laced in her expression. “Boyfriend troubles?” She asked sympathetically.
“Not really,” You sighed. “He couldn’t make it today, and I don’t blame him at all; but I just miss him. We’ve been doing a long-distance thing for about four years now, and today would have been a really good day to see him.” Your smile drooped slightly at the thought. “But apart from that, not much else is wrong. We’re graduating!” You threw an arm around her shoulder. “We should be celebrating, not talking about my relationship.”
“If you’re sure.” Amelia chuckled at your actions. “We should go out for drinks tomorrow or something - I have plans with my family tonight to celebrate.” She indicated to where her family was sitting, giving them a small wave as they waved frantically at her.
“Me too - my parents are taking me out to dinner.” Your smile widened at that. You’d missed spending quality time with your parents where you weren’t stressed out of your mind, so you were really looking forward to dinner. 
The two of you exchanged small talk as the line to the stage grew smaller and smaller, until it was your turn to step onto the stage. Amelia gave you a little nudge forwards, and you took a deep breath before ascending the steps, exhaling to calm yourself. As you reached the head of your college, who greeted you with a smile, you glanced out into the crowd to see your parents, but something in the very edge of your peripheral made you look further, into the far corner of the crowd, where some family members were standing, as far more people had attended the ceremony than your college had anticipated. You inhaled sharply, and it took everything in you not to trip over your gown.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. There, standing at the back of the crowd, dressed in an immaculate, and very formal black suit, stood Kylo. You beamed at him, feeling happy tears spring to your eyes, and the world went back to normal speed, as you accepted your diploma, had your picture taken and shook your Headmaster’s hand gratefully, and hurried down the steps to hug your parents. 
Once they’d finished hugging you and pressing excessive amounts of kisses all over your cheeks, you left your diploma with them, and quickly and excitedly made your way over to Kylo. When you’d made it through the majority of the crowd, you broke into a run, letting out a laugh. Kylo grinned at you; one of the rare, truly happy grins, and opened his arms as you ran towards him. As you reached him, he swept you up into his arms, hugging you tightly as you clung to him like a human hermit. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked joyfully, gazing at him adoringly as he finally put you down. “And when did you get here? How are you here, I thought you had an important meeting or something?” You chatted away, reaching up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Luckily for me, and for you, the officer in charge of the meeting fell ill last night, so the meeting was cancelled. I got here as soon as I could.” He smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead in turn. “I couldn’t miss your graduation, sweetheart.” He murmured, and it made you wanted to melt into a puddle. He leaned down, kissing you softly, and you couldn’t help but smile as he kissed you. Eventually, he pulled away, gazing fondly at you. “I’m so proud of you, Y/N.” Your cheeks hurt from how hard you were smiling, and you were surprised you hadn’t cried from happiness. 
“Come on,” You clasped his hand tightly, swinging it between the two of you. “Let’s go see my parents and get dinner, I’m starving.” You tugged on his arm lightly, and pulled him along to greet your parents.
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anushkachoudhury · 3 years
Why digital marketing is the best new hot career?
Digital marketing has totally changed how the organizations collaborates with other business and accomplishes its goals. Technology is taking over each and every industry just like it is in our day to day lives. 
Following the influence of technology today the modern market has also completely changed its branding and marketing strategies. The choice of advertising your products online to only those who fit your target audience criteria or remarketing your ads specifically to people who showed interest in the past was one of the many reasons why marketers shifted to digital marketing.
Digital marketing is all about promoting product or services online using some business marketing techniques. Now a day’s online business can reach people easily. With digital marketing you can increase your website’s traffic and improve your business sales on different online medium. Social media marketing, search engine optimization, pay per click, marketing automation, affiliate marketing many other ways that are used by digital marketers to reach their targeted customer.
Let’s face it, printing advertisements are expensive. It can take around several hundred dollars to run a single print ad in a popular newspaper or magazine, and then consideration must be given to whether or not the target demographic is even seeing the ad.
But online marketing can make you reach hundreds or even thousands of people via posts on various social media sites for a few dollars a pop.
With the present day digital advancements, organizations are doing their best to get benefit from this new age marketing methodologies. Either they are channelizing to digital ways or they are intensifying the existing marketing procedure with digital methods.  Not only MNCs or top business firms should grasp about digital marketing, it is equally important and effective for small and new businesses.
Small and medium scale organization or new businesses now have the advantages to perform online advertisements and generate leads. Digital marketing is more beneficial for small scale industry as they have more definite goals to reach which can be easily tackled through online marketing tactics.
Career growth in digital marketing   
 The continuous evolving digital marketing had opened new career opportunities for the coming generation.
Let’s take a look at statistic on the valuation of digital marketing industry in India.
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The digital marketing industry across India had a market size of around 47 billion in 2015 which only went up to have a market size of around 199 billion in the financial year 2020. This figure is projected to go up to 539 billion rupees by the year 2024, indicating a massive growth in the digital advertising segment.
This showcases that a lot of money is being pumped into these digital channels today which means that digital marketing activities are being used tremendously. 
To run these activities smoothly, they need highly skilled professionals to look after them. So that’s one positive statistic that indicates a motivating career scope in digital marketing in India.
 Around 90% of all interactions start with search engine. This shows that how important it has become to make SEO-friendly content so that you can rank on Google as well as other search engines. If you can master skills like SEM and SEO which increases your business ranking on search engines, then you can easily land a high paying job as it is the need of the hour.
Similarly, there are many different on-demand digital marketing skills that you should probably know
1.       Video production and marketing
2.       Paid media
3.       Content marketing
4.       Search engine optimization
5.       Copywriting
6.       Pay-per-click
7.       Graphic designing
8.       Social media marketing
9.       Email marketing
10.   Data analytics
How you can start your digital marketing journey?
Start by learning a few digital marketing skills. Learning industry-relevant skills from a renowned institute is the first step to enter into this field.
Finding a right digital marketing course as a beginner can feel hectic sometimes. There are so many digital marketing agencies that are offering these courses that it’s difficult to figure out which is the best for you. 
So, if you’re new to this and haven’t found out which digital marketing course to opt for you can check to this Advanced digital marketing course that you will definitely like.
The next and most important step would be to start applying for internships and freelance. Go for as many as you can. These will lay a foundation for your practical learning as most of the skill-based application and learning will happen on the job. 
Once you have gained good experience, we would recommend you to start building your portfolio to have a better digital presence, also if possible create your own brand. In this way, you will try to stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends.
Apply to companies that you believe in and where you think you might be able to offer your services best. Send personalized cover letters attached with your resume and portfolios. 
Digital Marketing is fast becoming a promising industry with rapid career growth and a lot of new opportunities. If you want to be a part of the hottest industry and grow with it in the coming decade, start getting upskilled today.
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