#Im the pepe silvia meme about this man
grumpy-salad · 5 months
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𝔸𝕟 𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕡𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕀 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
sAME ANON! I really do think there was a deal made in that moment, especially in the context of the pages. We see Scoob remembering how Shaggy gave him his life, a friend, EVERYTHING, and it almost directly parallels how Deedee got her powers, so I rlly do think Scoob made a deal to save Shaggy- lmk if im remembering wrong, but the Toones think that bc Shaggy has no Ballyhoo, he has like an empty equipment slot for Ballyhoos right? But to me it just seems Scoob's ballyhoo got boosted to apply to living beings too, it's probably gonna be a huge plot-twist when Shaggy cant use any other ballyhoos?
ALSO I SAW ON A COMMENT ON ONE IF THE PAGES THAT SHAGGY IS GONNA GET SUCH A BIG POWER BOOST WHEN MICK/SHAGGY 2 DIES BC WE AS THE VIEWERS GIVE HIM BALLYHOOS. I also have a huge theory about how their universe's humans cant give Ballyhoo but OUR universe (as in irl) can but im gonna Avoid writing a 5 page essay for now until later unless u wanna hear it
ANON I AM SHAKING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS (affectionate). Literally these asks are making me SO excited omfg I'm so excited to talk about this series!!!! It's SO fucking interesting and exciting and I think it deserves so much more attention.
Okay because I have mutuals n' besties who want to read Scoob and Shag, I'm gonna put my thoughts under the cut for ~spoilers~. But just know anon I am so delighted by these asks thank you for this food
First, I 100% agree with you about the deal--I feel a little silly that I hadn't considered this before, but I think you're right and that's what I think happened!!! Even if it hasn't been confirmed in the sense of us actually SEEING Cyan directly, I do think that's what was intended here. The parallels!!! I'M LOSING MY SHIT.... Also I don't think you're remembering wrong at all, and these are all good points--my brain's kinda mushy rn but I cannot stop thinking about Daphne's dialogue in the new update, as well as some of Shag's dialogue earlier in part two.
The ambiguity surrounding why Scoob's Ballyhoo was able to work on Shag is SO FUCKING FASCINATING to me!!!! I think you're onto something that it was expanded to work on living beings, because that aligns more with the themes and story we've been giving so far than literally saying that Shag isn't really a PERSON, if that makes sense. Daphne referring to him as a thing seems to be more her personal perspective than anything, and I'm really intrigued to see this explored more going forward. Because I really want to know--HOW personal to Daphne is this? Has she always felt that way, to some extent? Because at this point we don't know how many Shag clones there've been. Idk I'm just so interested. Shag being a clone is something I really want to see be explored more going forward, honestly.
ANYWAY BACK TO THE POWERS. I'm actually wondering a bit now if Cyan's deal is meant to tie Scoob and Shag together in some way? I don't know how much sense that makes b/c brain mushy, but idk I think that'd be really interesting thematically.
ALSO YEAH THE ISSUE OF SHAG'S BALLYHOO...... VERY INTRIGUED TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES. And also I think you're onto something with the idea of Us The Viewers giving him a Ballyhoo--the comic has broken the fourth wall before, especially with Bugs in her first introduction, and I think that'd be a fun way to tie that all together. I don't think it's going to happen for a while, but I also have no idea how long Dingo is planning for this story to be, so I guess we'll find out :)
Also GRASPS YOUR HANDS GENTLY... PLEASE SEND ME YOUR ESSAY..... I REALLY WANT TO KNOW YOUR THEORY..... (no pressure ofc but genuinely I'm really interested to know your thoughts)
this is me rn
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[Image Description: The Pepe Silvia meme, which is a screencap from the TV series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The meme depicts a man with dark hair and a beard, wearing a blue button-up, khakis, and a large tie, with a frantic expression on his face as he gestures towards a wall covered in papers connected with red lines and string. End ID.]
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prosebushpatch · 2 years
OKAY LECLUE UPDATE BECAUSE I HAD A RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE SHOWER LAST NIGHT AND IT BLEW MY MIND, will talk about anything up toooo the sewer section so beware spoilers below!
Alright I gotta preface this with I am so lost on the timeline of events before the story. I originally thought that the Zazer spheres and the mining accident happened way long ago just because of how the Dean’s ring fit into the machines and that was apparently passed down for so long BUT I started to wonder otherwise when Suzie mentioned that Zazer guy apparently went mad from mercury poisoning. So then I started wondering how recently this all happened and I may have just missed it, of course, BUT *BUT* if this happened recently I am so calling it now, my man CJ is Zazer. like insert pepe silvia meme, my man CJ is Zazer. This is the only thing Im 97.9% sure about. Someone give him a hug.
Also regarding my other theories, when my pal Matt the grave digger commented how tragic Jenny’s dad’s demise was and how THEY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE A BODY TO BURY LET ME TELL YOU I WAS SCREAMING LIKE I *KNEW* IT NO BODY MEANS HE’S ALIVE DANG IT. And I was also screaming when we decoded the message “Still Alive” LIKE OMG I hope it’s really her dad, my goodness. I still think that the shadow guy is her dad? Either “Trapped on the other side” means like “other side of the law”/bad guys OR im also thinking he might be trapped in whatever is hidden below the lake. Or maybe on skull island in the lake? Idk. Still hope the Dean is okay too because, idk, I’m holding out hope for Keith, also that purple vein thing is too weird.
Still have NO idea what the spheres are trying to do or how the quartz family comes in but eh? I feel like the big bad is Suzie’s mom (maybe?) because she’s the only one I have gotten malicious vibes from but that was, of course, a very short moment I got to see her. but we shall see. I’m off to bust my mom and CJ my man out of jail! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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