#Im only tagging this one with their verse names otherwise the tags would be excessively long LOL
rivalkieran · 2 months
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made more kid protag designs :) yaay!! the hiltwins and serena are pre-journey age but the rest are still journey age. you can tell this by the presence of hats or not
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wieldbrave · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping-off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
MUN NAME:  Thyme ( won’t lie, I chose this alias for the sake of making puns ) OOC CONTACT:   I’m available through Tumblr IMs & Discord for mutuals ( thyme#5669 ), although I’m slower to reply using the former!
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TOMIOKA GIYUU: Water Hashira. Lost his parents, older sister and best friend to demons. Depression given human form, cursed with a resting b*tch face, completely lacking in self-awareness and has no idea how to interact with people ( often resulting in him unintentionally insulting them? whoops ). He hates speaking unless he absolutely has no other choice, would literally give his life to protect the Kamado siblings ( don’t test him!!! ). Created his own unique style, “Lull”. Surprisingly kind and lowkey empathetic deep beneath his blank exterior. Has a soft spot for siblings, especially sisters, mildly projecting his own feelings onto them. Values the lives of others well above his own. Views himself as an eyesore, unworthy of his status despite his strength. Keeps others at arm’s length because of this. Quietly sentimental, his haori acting as a physical reminder of the loved ones he lost. Likes animals, but they don’t like him. Basically, he needs more friends, please help him he’s so lonely???
KAMADO TANJIRO: Demon Slayer, Dance of the Fire God breath user, full-time older brother and firstborn son with an amazing sense of smell that defies all logic. The personification of compassion and empathy. Has likely known you for 0.5 seconds and will now die for you. On the flip side, if you threaten or hurt anyone he loves, he will absolutely decimate you, don’t even try it. Adores his sister and close friends more than life itself and doesn’t even stop to think if they’re ever in any danger. Driven, dedicated, has made it his mission to befriend as many people as humanly possible no matter their backgrounds or lifestyles. Won’t tolerate mistreatment of others and will stand up to anyone he views as wrong/a bully regardless of someone’s status. Has a strong moral compass and won’t hesitate to kill demons who excessively harm innocents, but expresses empathy towards his fallen opponents in their final moments. Can talk to and understand birds ( and likely other animals ). He’s basically a Disney Princess. A tone-deaf one.
SABITO: Dead, but I do what I want, so he has an alternate verse. Technically a Demon Slayer ( takes on missions from time to time ) but acts as a Swordsmen Cultivator alongside Urokodaki due to an injury in his Final Selection which has affected his abilities to fight for extended periods of time. Water breath user. Rough around the edges, quick temper, does not tolerate any whining or complaining. Typically keeps his true emotions close to his chest, but in moments of extreme stress, they come rising to the surface, especially when someone he cares about is hurt/in danger. A harsh trainer, an advocate of tough love. Under the guise of an abrasive attitude and a slew of insults, he’s encouraging and motivational. Confident, precise, dedicated, efficient. Wastes no time putting himself in harm’s way to protect others, even strangers. Refuses to let anyone give up or waste their life while there’s still so much they can do with it. Will Not Hesitate To Kick Your Ass. Dogs love him and he loves them. 
RENGOKU KYOJURO: Also dead, but I still do what I want, so he has an alternate verse as well. Flame Hashira ( recovering / retired ), focused on training a Tsuguko to take his place and bolster the Demon Slayer ranks. Loud. Rambunctious. Enthusiastic. Passionate. The type to wear a smile to bring comfort to those he aims to protect. Follows his strict moral principles to a T, will not falter or compromise for anyone or anything. Cares immensely for his younger brother and father, wants nothing more than to make his deceased mother proud. Keeps his negative emotions to himself, rarely opens up to those around him, but his friendly attitude attracts people to him regardless. The type to take kids in need of a role model under his wing and will protect them fiercely as he views it as his duty to do so. Animal lover.
GIYUU is instantly recognisable by his haori. The maroon half once belonged to his deceased sister, the cube patterned half belonged to Sabito, his best and only friend. Other than that, he purposefully does as little as possible so as not to stand out. He prefers to go unnoticed and will rarely approach/speak to strangers unless given a proper reason to.
TANJIRO stands out from the crowd for a multitude of reasons: he wears hanafuda earrings that carry a certain weight amongst demons ( or, rather, Muzan himself ), he bears a scar-like birthmark on his forehead, he wears a bright green and black checkered haori over top of his uniform and, last but not least, he is often seen carrying a large wooden box, where his younger sister sleeps during their travels. His bright smile and friendly personality will undoubtedly draw you in from the get-go — he thrives on interactions with other people and willingly seeks them out.
SABITO is instantly recognisable by the peculiar fox mask with a scar by the right side of its mouth that he is often seen wearing, paired with peach coloured hair that reaches past his shoulders. Beneath his mask, there’s an identical scar by the right side of his mouth, but it is rare for him to take off his mask by choice. He holds little regard for social status ( he’ll only ever express respect for Urokodaki or those who have beaten him in combat ) and can be quite abrupt, regardless of someone’s rank or standing, doubly so if he feels someone is needlessly complaining.
KYOJURO is a man who stands out, whether intentionally or not. Loud ( seriously, his volume is permanently cranked to the max ), rambunctious, wearing brightly coloured clothes and possessing even brighter hair, he is the epitome of ‘out there’. It is hard not to notice him.
GIYUU is embarking on missions issued to him by his Kasugaigarasu or attending meetings alongside his fellow Hashira. In his downtime, he keeps mostly to himself, either by training or meditating. His main motivation is to prevent innocent people from suffering at the hands of demons.
TANJIRO’S arc depends entirely on what point in the series I’m writing something for. His main motivation is to focus on finding a way to make his sister human again, defeating Kibutsuji Muzan and fulfilling his role as a Demon Slayer.
SABITO is either embarking on missions issued to him by his Kasugaigarasu, spending time with Makomo or working alongside Urokodaki as a Swordsmen Cultivator. His main motivation is to focus on keeping himself fit and healthy, coping with the lingering effects of his injury and fulfilling any missions given to him.
KYOJURO is focusing on his recovery and is eager to return to his status as Hashira ( or he’s in retirement, dependent on the partner ). His main motivation is to find and train a Tsuguko to take over from him in his retirement, preparing them for the duties and hardships a Hashira must face.
In between missions ( which is a very infrequent occurrence ), GIYUU can be found at his “estate” — a modest house by a pond at the edge of a forest that lacks any furnishing or personal touches. He views it as more of a place of rest between missions rather than an actual home and thus sees no need to decorate it. Typically, Giyuu is hard to pin down. He throws himself from one mission to the next, forcing himself to stay on the move. A lot of this is to help as many people as possible and fulfil his duty as a Demon Slayer, however, it’s also a form of self-punishment/self-harm. TW SUICIDAL TENDENCIES. By refusing himself proper rest, he can punish himself for his perceived failings, which is the least of what he believes he deserves. He wholly expects ( and, one some level, wants ) to die on his missions and fully believes it’s the best thing for him.
TANJIRO can be found all over the place, as he rarely stays still in one place for very long. He’s become a frequent visitor at the Butterfly Estate due to the injuries he often receives on his missions, but aside from that, he no longer has a place he truly calls home. He’s often on the move, his missions and duties as a Demon Slayer keeping him busy. Until he can help his sister become human again and defeat Kibutsuji Muzan once and for all, he’ll continue to fight for as long as it takes.
SABITO’S sole permanent residence is with Urokodaki at the foot of Sagiri Mountain, where he spends most of his time as he helps train budding swordsmen. However, when he’s called upon, Sabito will take to the road to fulfil his duties as a Demon Slayer.
KYOJURO frequently visits his estate to check in on his younger brother and ensure his father is doing well. Otherwise, he can be found all over the place, visiting his fellow Hashira, or any wounded swordsmen at the Butterfly Estate. When he’s called upon, he, like everyone else, will take to the road to fulfil his duties as a Demon Slayer.
Arcs my muses will be going through already or in the nearby future.
GIYUU recognising that his lack of self-worth is harmful and trying to change the way he thinks about himself/interacts with those around him. Giyuu struggling with his attempts to change, frequently slipping back into old habits and slowly finding his footing again.
TANJIRO learning how to further utilise his Dance of the Fire God breath. Facing his feelings regarding everything he’s been through so far, as he’s never had the chance to truly acknowledge it all. 
SABITO continuing to work at his strength, despite many years having passed since his injury. Connecting with people rather than continuing to isolate himself due to his continuous struggle with depression. Helping to train other budding swordsmen or helping to polish the skills of already well-established Slayers.
KYOJURO building himself back up to his full strength. Depending on the partner, either returning to duty and training his Tsuguko or retiring from being a Hashira and focusing on bolstering the strength of any newbies to the Demon Slaying Corps while training his Tsuguko.
**  If you have any ideas for any of my muses that aren’t listed here, I’m more than open to anything!! These are mostly things I’m thinking of off the top of my head.
GIYUU: I’d like to explore him attempting to connect with his fellow Hashira ( OC or canon ) following his chat with Tanjiro, overcoming his feelings of worthlessness and learning how to cope with his depression, or even forming an older brother/younger sibling dynamic with any of the kids ( OC or canon ). Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD. Any interactions ranging from emotional to lighthearted and fun would be great!
TANJIRO: I’d like to explore Tanjiro having a moment to properly grieve the death of his family and being forced to face the full weight of his feelings, especially around the anniversary of their deaths or any birthdays, particularly with a Nezuko, or anyone who may be interested! Tanjiro experiencing symptoms of his PTSD. Shenanigans at the Butterfly Estate/a house with a Wisteria Crest. Going on missions together. Having some downtime in a village/town. Someone educating Tanjiro on the more modern goings-on ( think his reaction to the train ).
SABITO: Having him meet other members of the KNY cast ( OC or canon ), whether helping them on a mission or offering extra training during the Hashira training arc. Sabito expressing vulnerability with someone, being able to smile and laugh with them etc. INTERACTIONS WITH A GIYUU!!! Sabito showing signs of struggling with the lasting effects of his injury. Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD.
KYOJURO: Expressing difficulty in recovering from his injuries after his fight with Akaza, verbally or otherwise. Struggling with his newly altered depth of field, expressing rare and mild frustration over it. Spending time with his fellow Hashira. Choosing a Tsuguko ( typically defaulting to Tanjiro, if fellow Tanjiros are okay with it, but this is open to other characters who would like to explore this!! ). Forming an older brother/younger sibling dynamic with any of the kids ( OC or canon ). Experiencing symptoms of his PTSD.
AKA things my muses can offer to yours.
GIYUU: Extremely awkward, stunted, one-sided conversations! Yay! Hesitant attempts at friendship ( specifically for Hashira muses ), impassiveness, extremely mild contentedness around Tanjiro and Nezuko in particular. Sadly, without a solid plot/idea in place, Giyuu is pretty flat when it comes to interactions due to his personality. 
TANJIRO: Unconditional love and affection from the second your muse meets him for the first time ( and also if your muse already knows them, that much is a given ). Moments of reckless selflessness in which he tries to protect your muse, homemade food ( he’s really good at cooking ), endless and undying support, a friend who will stick by your side through thick and thin. He’ll stand up to your muse if they’re being an ass and tell them how it is while somehow being incredibly patient, earnest and kind about it ( well, mostly ).
SABITO: Training. As a Swordsmen Cultivator, Sabito is good at drilling in techniques to his unfortunate pupils. Backhanded encouragement disguised beneath insults and Sabito quite literally beating the stuffing out of your muse ( if talked over first, of course ). A friend who will aggressively support your muse, aggressively hype them up and remind them how worthy they are.
KYOJURO: AN OLDER BROTHER FIGURE FOR THAT MUSE! AN OLDER BROTHER FIGURE FOR THIS MUSE! EVERYONE GETS AN OLDER BROTHER KYOJURO!! He will take on anyone and everyone as his Tsuguko and offer to train them up. He’ll support your muse’s every endeavour, offer constructive criticism on how they can improve, make them hearty meals ( he’s an amazing cook ), a guiding hand against their back.
N/A at present. I don’t typically post opens very often, as I’m more likely to throw out starters for people my muses want to interact with at random.
This blog is set to low activity! I’m a slow writer with extremely erratic bursts of inspiration because work kicks my ass and depression is a little b*tch. Some days I’ll write a lot, other days I won’t write anything at all. There’s rarely any in-between, but I’m working on trying to change that. I operate best with plenty of plotting and regular chats ( whether in the IMs/Discord/in the tags of threads ), as I find it extremely motivational to get to know the mun I’m writing with and maybe even plot out a relationship as we go!
I don’t mind if you favour a single muse over the others! I don’t mind if you want to write with every single one of them! I don’t mind threads with duplicates of my muses! I don’t mind multiple threads, even if we don’t always finish all of them and get hit with a new idea! I’m more than happy to go with the flow — so long as we’re having fun that’s all that matters.
My portrayals often involve the heavy use of headcanons, some of which haven’t been officially posted yet! Everything you see on this blog is likely a continuous work in progress, as my muses and ideas for them are always developing and growing.
For any extra info, please refer to my rules!! If you’re unsure of anything, hit up my IMs!
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smokeblooded-blog1 · 7 years
REALLY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.  RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !  TAGGED.  i took it from myself bc i was bored  TAGGING. spiritmiinded, soughtdawn, clandestinesque, spyblooded, starveincd, pastryblooded, and anyone else who wants to do it who hasnt already
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FULL  NAME :  jean otus NICKNAME :  the cigarette peddler / receiver depending on the translation, the cigaretter receiver jean AGE :  thirty BIRTHDAY :  unknown ETHNIC  GROUP :  white NATIONALITY :  german (? subject to change) LANGUAGE / S : english, japanese, german SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  bisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  verse dependent, canonically single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  born in the Bādon district of the country (at the beak of the bird) CURRENT  HOME : he currently still lives in Bādon in a large apartment complex (he lives on the top floor, but only because he and his sister manage the building) PROFESSION :  second in command at the ACCA inspections department
SKIN : fair skin that is scarless for the most part, no acne or notable blemishes except for some small birthmarks of no particular shape on his lower back EYES:  sky blue; the perfect blue color. they are often shaped in a tired, disinterested look of a poker face, but when smiling the softness is shown through them the most. more emotion can be seen through jean’s eyes than any other feature on him FACE :  his face is rather long for the most part, not a baby face in any form, but it doesnt look scrawny or make him look sickly either. he has a longer nose as well that is more lengthy on the bridge than the point itself LIPS :   arent particularly special. theyre not too thick, not too thin, and they are often in a straight line / resting. they dont get chapped often because he drinks enough to keep them hydrated and they are not bitten or chewed at in any form. when smiling, small dimples (barely noticiable) come on his cheeks  COMPLEXION : isnt anything particularly special. its not like he keeps his skin flawless (he has no particular interest in that), but jean is one of the lucky ones who is blessed to not have much acne. he cleans his face in the shower / when its dirty, but with that taken out of the picture, jean doesnt participate in washing it to the excess. its just naturally free of acne and other blemishes. he doesnt get red faced either, nor does he (or would he) wear makeup to cover it up BLEMISHES : besides the small birthmarks on his lower back, he doesn’t have any SCARS :  none TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :  177.5cm / 5′10″ WEIGHT :  72.57kg / 160lbs BUILD :  has muscle, but nothing extraordinary. his strongest muscle point is in his wide / broad shoulders, but the rest of body just has lean muscle. he appears rather thin, so you wouldnt be able to tell he had much muscle unless stripping him down / seeing him shirtless / etc. he has a flat stomach, but there isnt much developed muscle through his stomach. the abs are there, but nothing noticable, really FEATURES :  nothing particularly notable ALLERGIES : bee stings. there arent many bees in Bādon, but when jean travels to other districts he often has to bring medicine with him just in case he does get stung USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  golden hair with an undercut underneath a near-bowl hair style USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  he typically is expressed with a poker face. jean doesnt smile often, or really show many other expressions for that matter, but all of his expressions are vibrant (but short lasting). his smile comes out a lot when hes drunk USUAL  CLOTHING : typically hes seen wearing his ACCA uniform, with or without the jacket 
FEAR / S :  losing the people hes close to (i.e lotta and niino for the most part) ASPIRATION / S :  completing his work every day, leaving ACCA somewhere down the line, finding niino (post ep8) POSITIVE  TRAITS :  adaptable, calm, candid, capable, compassion, determined, easygoing, empathetic, faithful, friendly (though it sometimes seems otherwise), honest, open-minded, punctual, etc NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  absent-minded, bored (sometimes), distracted, dull (before getting to know him), oblivious, etc MBTI : DEFENDER (ISFJ-A) ZODIAC : virgo (subject to change) TEMPEREMENT :  phlegmatic SOUL  TYPE / S :  the helper ANIMALS :  mouse VICE  HABIT / S :  SMOKING FAITH :  christian (however, he is not very spiritual. religion does not matter much in his life, he just has his basic beliefs in the entity itself) GHOSTS ? :  yes, but not a strong belief AFTERLIFE ? :  yes REINCARNATION ? : probably not ALIENS ? :  yeah he would POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  ACCA EDUCATION  LEVEL :  high school graduate
FATHER :  a poor man prior to managing an apartment complex (the one that was passed to jean and lotta after his death) that does not have much known about him. jean doesnt talk about him much because of his higher fondness towards his mother, but his father was not a particularly bad man. currently deceased from a train wreck MOTHER :  a woman who was formerly the second princess of Dowa, but was removed from the royal roster for the sake of the country. she kept this to herself, even her husband and children when she met them / they were born, because she had faked her death to become a commoner on the streets. currently deceased from a train wreck SIBLINGS :  lotta otus, approximately eighteen to twenty years old, is the younger sibling of jean. she has a striking resemblance to her mother, as jean notes, and currently lives with him in their shared apartment on the top floor. has a love for bread, pasteries, and just food in general really. she and jean are quite close to one another EXTENDED  FAMILY :  king falke II (jean’s grandfather, the current king in power), prince schwan (cousin), other royal family members NAME  MEANING / S :  jean’s first name in hebrew quite literally means “gift from God” while otus means “keen of hearing” in Greek HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  historically speaking, jean is of a royal family bloodline. he does not know this for most of his life, nor does he care about it once he finds out that he is apart of it. he would have been the next king in line instead of schwan if not for his mother being removed off of the roster, but his bloodline is still all the more royal
BOOK :  he hasnt read a book unrelated to work in some time, so he doesnt really have one MOVIE :  see above 5  SONGS :  jean listens to a lot of untitled instrumentals, mostly because it appeals to him. he will listen to other things on and off, but his favorite thing is typing in something along the lines of “relaxing music” in the search bar and clicking one of the 8 hour videos and just letting it play. he doesnt need to know the tracks, theyre good enough for him like this DEITY :  speaking as hes christian, god / jesus obv HOLIDAY : christmas MONTH :  he doesnt have one SEASON : spring. jean likes things to be mild and, despite how flimsy spring can be, he doesnt mind it too much. he likes when its not too hot, not too cold, but doesnt like it to be as chilled and rainy as it can be in fall. spring brings about rain as well, but not nearly as often as fall does, so this is a higher preference for him PLACE : at the bar / anywhere with niino, at home / anywhere with lotta, a bakery, the roof of the apartment complex WEATHER :  he likes sun, but he doesnt like when its too hot. it has to be like, mild, because if its too hot then its uncomfortable for him. he likes when its breezy as well but, like previously said, not too much. just enough so that it isnt chilly SOUND :  niino / lotta’s laugh, a gentle breeze blowing, rain SCENT / S :  strawberry, cigarette smoke, baking bread, faint cologne scents (i e: a specific brand that niino wears), warm food cooking TASTE / S :  strawberries, tobacco, bread (specifically tough bread) FEEL / S :  the cigarette between his fingers, people he trusts rubbing his back, people he trusts petting his hair, silk ANIMAL / S :  cats NUMBER :  he doesnt have one COLORS :  blue
TALENTS :  figuring out when someone is lying to him (for the most part), investigating BAD  AT :  getting close to people, expressing his emotions in a way that isnt just deadpan / poker faced, cooking, holding his liquor, dealing with social events (he isnt anxious, he just doesnt like being at them that much) TURN  ONS :  body worship (receiving), care, confidence, dirty talk, minimal marks, praise, soft biting (more to be added most likely) TURN  OFFS :  being too rough (he likes it softer, more making love-esque), having to beg too much, too much teasing (a little is okay) (more to be added most likely) HOBBIES :   drinking with niino, smoking (is this considered a hobby? idk), listening to music, going to bakeries TROPES :  “Royal blood”, “Smoking is cool”, etc QUOTES :  “I never noticed I had an observer you’d assigned to me. But he isn’t a straightforward guy.” (to Grossular, about Niino) || “I smell tobbaco on you.” || “I try not to think of my subordinates as exceptional. After all, doubting them is my job.” (to Eider)
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   what does ??????? this question even mean asldkfj Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   itd probably be a lot of soft music. nothing super upbeat like pop and nothing like rock either. itd be maybe soft indie music, instrumentals, stuff like that Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :   you know, i honestly wasnt going to write any muse from this fandom? i figured the rp part of it would be dead after i couldnt find anyone after some time, but a few of my friends got wound up with the show after i talked about it so much and after they decided to make blogs, i made the decision to join them. even though i dont get that many interactions and this blog is still extremely new, i love being on jean. hes a really good character and im glad my friends convinced me to write him Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   honestly, it didnt come immediately. i never disliked jean, but i thought he was rather plain at first, which is to be understandable when you know how he is. i didnt think there was anything striking about him at all and i was more attracted to niino (i still am attracted to / love niino). that said, jean started to come to live more as the anime progressed and i found that hes really just a sweet bean and is VERY cute and i love him so so much. i think it was episode 3 when he was blushing / being precious and adorable while drunk that really got me getting gay for him Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :  definitely the fact that he smokes. i dont hate people because they smoke, but i have an extreme aversion to smoking due to the fact that i not only have asthma and its very bad for me to be around, but because of the fact that it smells awful Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :  mmm, i think we’re similar in the fact that we’re pretty introverted and / or reserved and we like being away from social events and such Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   i hope he likes me. i love him so Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :   honestly ? all of the interactions on my blog so far are great. my niino spyblooded and i already have like a kajillion threads and he loves their niino so so much <3. clandestinesque and i have an interesting thread and im not quite sure where we’re going to go with it but ive enjoyed it so far !!. spiritmiinded / astrallance and i also have good interactions too. we had great ones when i was still on keith too and im super happy that im still writing with them over here :’) Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :   i  dont really get inspiration, im just kinda here, writing because i enjoy it lmfao Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :   idk exactly but 2-3 hours probably ? longer than it took me to complete keiths i know that
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