#If yall wanted to read something abt reader w thighs/tummy/whatever… lmk
boyfriendstevie · 6 months
How do you think Steve would feel about plus-size women in a romantic/sexual sense? We only see him with Nancy and that one ditzy girl at the ball game, and flirting with a few others. He even briefly hit on Robin once. They're all slender though, esp Nancy. [Not body-shaming, just stating a fact.] Do you think he's only attracted to slender ladies, or that body type isn't a factor for him and the showrunners just didn't see fit to portray that? Asking because... sadly... so many guys IRL are either actively turned off by plus size ladies, or are too ashamed to admit to being attracted to one especially if that's their overall preferred body type unless it's for incelly type reasons.
Hello angel baby love!! I have also thought about this, as I am definitely not a skinny girl (I’m not plus-sized, probably solidly average, but def not skinny, and def don’t see myself represented in media often… only saying all that to say I get it to a certain extent). ANYWAY I think it would be easy to write Steve off as an asshole who only likes skinny women given the whole “king Steve” thing, but I don’t think that’s who Steve is. Like I said above, I just really don’t think there’s enough body representation in all forms of media, and that’s definitely true for stranger things. I can think of Barb (who was immediately killed), and Hopper (who got super buff? lol).
In my heart of hearts, Steve is a lover. He cares less about what his partner looks like, and more about who they are as a person. He’d never write someone off based on their size. Steve loves you for you, no matter what you look like. I’m a firm believer that he LOVES boobs (obviously), and thighs, and tummy wholeheartedly <3333
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