#Ievahn has his whole villain persona up and Eti's generic lowblood one goes out the window when he feels there's not much to lose
Of Disks Lost and Cullings Interrupted
5.1k | Rating T for referenced gore and language
Summary: An unfortunate encounter somehow manages to not go quite as bad as it should have.
This is one of the self-indulgent drabbles I wrote last year for me and @theartisticapparition’s fantrolls meeting for the first time and how much of an absolute mess it would be. Enjoy.   
It has three fucking months since you ordered that hexagonal disk and you still don't have a shipping notification for it.
You stare at the screen of your palm husk. It’s a single point of brightness in the store room you slipped off to while some other ship was docking. For supplies or inspection, you don’t know and you don’t care. All you care about it the fact that no one is going to notice a single rusty slipping away for all of two minutes to fuck around on a personal device and see if maybe something went to spam. Which you are looking at now. And apparently set to delete messages after thirty nights, so if it did go to spam, it was long gone now.
“Sh!t,” you quietly exhale.
It’s objectively not even a good movie, just something dumb and cheesy that you can use to break up an evening. But it's no longer even about that. You just want the garbage that you ordered because you fucking ordered it and paid for it using some of your very limited funds. Grunt work means grunt pay and you have to at least be olive to even be allowed to complain in the first place, so your bronze ass just isn't going to cut it.
It doesn't make sense for you to not have gotten anything. Like at least a, "sorry king, your package is delayed," thing should have happened. You work in this shit, you receive and ship and log and deliver until your pan feels numb and it’s just your body moving through the motions. You have been mentally trying to work out how to even fuck up bad enough that this kind of delay would even happen because even for a rusty, who expects very little, this is still a bit much. You’re drawing a complete blank.
The movement of a shadow catches your eye, snapping you out of your thoughts. It slowly shortens from its exaggerated length to a more proportional one as the figure draws closer, straight towards you. You don’t recognize the silhouette’s lean frame, horns or hair which seemingly fanned out to symmetrical points. You definitely didn’t hear them enter or move through the storage bay.
Swallowing, you turn.
You see his color before you notice anything else about him. Your blood runs cold as you immediately straighten to attention.
Seeing sea dwellers through screens and on posters did not prepare you for the real thing. You had never seen one in person before and definitely had never had one slowly making his way closer to you. Everything about him was sharp. His fins, his claws, his teeth, they all came to a clearly defined point. His grin was especially sharp. Almost sharp enough to distract you from whatever the hell his spear thingy that he casually held over his shoulder like it weighed nothing was.  
“S!r.” You address him, bowing your head slightly. “!s there anyth!ng ! can do for you?”
His smile widens when you acknowledge him. His golden bracelets jingle lightly against each other as he brings a hand to his chin, seeming to genuinely consider your question.
Oh goddamn it. This is going to take longer than two minutes.
“) is there anyfin you can do for me? (,” he repeats coolly. He pensively looks off to the side as he continues to move towards you. ") oh I don't know. i just wanted to sea what was back here ("
He walks just behind you and you stiffen. You can feel his eyes lingering on you.  
"!t's mostly crates here s!r. Noth!ng too !nterest!ng"
Faster than you can register it, the hand not gripping his weapon quickly grabs your shoulder, turning you to face him. The points of his manicured claws dig into you. You keep your balance as best you can, but stumble a bit.
”) now, now. you're here too (,” he smiles at you cloyingly.
And just like that, he corrects your stance, getting way too into your personal space in the process. His grin remains shallow and doesn’t meet his eyes. It just isn't warm enough to distract from how cold his touch leaves you and in that moment, you have a realization.
So, you’re probably fucked.
He holds you for longer than is comfortable in what you’re guessing is a touchy little power play, before continuing to move past you, looking up and down the racks that surrounded you two. They were nearly as high as the ceilings and he was doing a pretty decent job of acting like he actually gives a shit about what's on the shelves. He moves by each of them methodically, occasionally picking something up like he was shopping before putting each back neatly into its place.
At least the crew coming in after to replace you isn’t going to have to reorganize anything after washing you off of the walls.
He keeps going and you know he doesn’t genuinely care about whatever soaps and meal packets are back here. You don’t either, not really. He isn't even going through the whole store room, just the area around you. It is almost like he i-.
He’s circling you.
Is this a fish joke? You feel like this is a fish joke he’s making for himself. Or is he just adding another layer to his touchy murder dude bit?
His voice snaps you out of your thoughts before you can really try to work out what his angle on this is. You really hope he didn’t notice you starting to zone out there for a bit.
“) it all just seems rather dull (,” he draws listlessly.
“Wh!ch part?”
He glances back at you. His smile begins to falter.
“Wh!ch part s!r?” You correct quickly.
He chuckles and turns his body to face you.
“) the whole thing (” He gestures away from himself, at your general surroundings. “) i mean here you are, trapped on a run down ship, doing menial tasks for the rest of your unfortunate life. truly, i don’t know how you can stand to be here. i mean, I’d rather die than work in a place like this (,” he looks at you intensely, his pupils seemed much more narrow now that they were completely focused on you. “) what about you? (”
Ah. Yeah. You see what he did there, but he isn’t exactly providing you with any revelations about your life and you don’t exactly think boredom is what’s going to cull you.
“! see !t more l!ke a flavor d!sk.”
Your response stops him and he looks at you strangely.
“Even when !ts bad !ts good," you elaborate.
His gaze becomes harsher for a moment, and then it’s gone.
“) that is a rather crude way of looking at it, i seappose(.”
Alright. No mentally stable person seriously uses the word “suppose” out loud. You wonder how you’re inevitably going to beef it. The spear thing would be involved. It would be really fucking weird if he carried it here just to not use it, but he seems extra enough that you would not put him bringing a long a prop past him.
He notices you looking at it and smirks at you.
") so (,” he recovers and ambles towards you, focusing his full attention on you again. His weapon no longer was resting against his shoulder. He held it against the ground and casually leaned against it like it wasn’t one of the most threatening tools of questionable identity and mass murder you had ever seen. “) what are you doing back here with all of these very uninteresting crates? (”
“! just thought ! forgot someth!ng !n here and stopped by to check. S!r”
“) without telling anyone? (”
“Yes, s!r.”
He chuckles, all too pleased, “) whale, that was a poor decision on your part. there is just so much here that if anything happened to you (,” he lowers his voice, like he was graciously letting you in on a joke, “) who knows how long it would take anyone to find out (.”
A beat of silences passes. You swallow, You know he feels the tension. He looks too excited not to.
“!, uh, maybe should have told someone ! where ! was go!ng !n case someth!ng happened.”
“) i agree (.” He straightens and picks up his weapon, spinning it with ease before he points it at you and slowly starts to bring the to your neck. “) unfortunately for you (,” he starts, “) no one knows you're here (.”
Even as you move your arms, he makes no move to stop you. He grins wider, more manic, looking excited at the idea of you actually trying to fight back.
Sucks to be him because there is no fucking way that the last thing you do before you get culled is putting in some more effort to make this more enjoyable for the extra dude culling you.
Because if this guy's going to cull you, you're at least going to be the one making a request and try to have some fun here while you can. Because what is he going to do about it? You’re getting culled anyways, might as well, right?
The ridiculousness of it all makes you grin as you shrug at him. "Well, sh!t. Alr!ght."
This acceptance gives him pause as he tilts his head slightly, considering you. A crease forms between his brows and he tightens his grip on his weapon. ") w-"
You cut him off. You’re going to die so you think you get to be rude. Him being mad about it won’t really be your problem for long anyways.
"Can ! d!e !n a cool way though?"
") i-" he starts to lower his weapon, which you now think is a harpoon. Maybe? You don't know man. You don’t know anything about fish shit and you’re understanding less by the second.
You continue looking at him with the same resigned optimism that carried you through most of the bullshit you did. It got you this far. Which, granted, is probably getting culled by a bored sea dweller, but there are probably worse ways to go.
") wait (,” he says.
It isn't exactly like you're going anywhere. You know what to do with fear, being a rusty, you learn that shit real quick. But the look he is giving you now just makes you uncomfortable.
"What's up my guy?"
") aren't you going to fight back or somefin? ("
"Uh." You glance around the room full of mostly crates and his eyes follow yours as you search before you focus back on him, confused. "L!ke w!th a weapon?"
") yes? (" His smile tightens, seeming incredulous that you even asked.  
"Why would anyone g!ve me a weapon? ! mean, there m!ght be a broom somewhere. Actually wa!t, ! th!nk that got broken last w!pe. !t wasn't even me th!s t!me," you add with a side smile.  
He doesn't seem to know how to respond. Neither do you, so you do what you normally do when you don't know how to react.
You keep talking.
"! did troll karate for a l!ttle b!t when ! was f!ve, but !t was k!nda lame so ! stopped going. Does that uh,” you hazard, “w!ll that work for th!s?"
") no (." He narrows his eyes at you. ") plus, I know fish judo(."
Your jaw drops.
"What the fuck. F!sh judo !s real?"
") of course fish judo is reel (." He quickly spits, looking offended by your ignorance. ") do land dwellers just think that you can fight the same way underwater? ("
"! mean !'ve l!terally never thought about !t."
") i'm not surfrised ( ."
"Okay, but ! feel l!ke !f a land dweller !s !n a pos!t!on where they need to know f!sh judo, !t means they're going to lose at f!sh judo."
") i mean, i guess? (," he replies, baffled before quickly refocusing on you again. His sharp thing is pointed back at your throat as he slips back into his previous cool demeanor.
“) you do reelize the danger you’re in right? (”
Your eyes dart down to his weapon and then at him, now being the one confused.
“Um, yeah?”
Was the whole mood he had going on not an intentional thing on his part?
He stares at you. So you go on, listing things on your fingers as you go, trying not to focus on his questionable object with definite pointiness.
“So you got the whole class!c stalk and lurk th!ng so you could follow me somewhere ! would be alone where no one can hear me scream. !t’s pretty standard,” you emphasize.
You can’t read his expression.
“There was the whole slow dramat!c enter, nefar!ous d!alogue, and, uh," you glance down, "harpoon?”
“) harpoon (,” he repeats.
“That’s what ! thought !t was, but ! felt !t would be we!rd to ask.”
His mouth opens slightly and his fins flare out more, now openly seething.
“) do you know what i could do to you? ("
A lull drags on.
") what (."
"My name !s Et!vor." You continue, "! thought you were draw!ng out the you th!ng because !t's l!ke. We are a good b!t into th!s whole th!ng and !t's kinda awkward to ask for names now, so ! am just, you know, putt!ng !t out there."
He blinks. "I don't give a fuck about your name Etivor."
He still used it though.
Taking a very deep breath, he resumes. “) i am going to take immense pleasure in cutting your tongue out and slowly flaying you alive (”
He moves closer to you, slowly, predatory, circling you again. One of his icy hands brushes by your arm in a mockery of comfort as he continues to muse more to himself than you.
“) maybe I’ll slice off each of your joints, starting at the ends and slowly work my way to eventually gutting you. perhaps I’ll simply behead you. although, i think you’ve said enough to have earned far worse, don’t you think? (”
His face being this close to you is definitely starting to put you on edge more than what he is saying. But what’s really bothering you most of all is that one of those sounds a bit too familiar.
“Wa!t. That second on-”
“) you don’t get to fucking choose which one,” he hisses at you as his claws start to dig in to you.
“! wasn’t done. Damn.”
You’re honestly surprised he hasn’t just stabbed you from sheer frustration. It’s kinda funny. It would be way more funny if he wasn't going to cull you though, but you’ll take what you can get.
“!sn’t that second one from that one comedy with troll Tob!hn Bhelle?”
“) you’ve sean that? (” He raises his brows. “) no. i added a little twist with the gutting at the end instead of letting them bleed out (.” Almost hesitantly he asks, “) did you like it? because i thought they were trying too hard where they ha-.”
He catches himself and raises his weapon at you again, “) STOP. This is NOT what is taking place right now (.”
You narrow your eyes. He's the one who kept talking.
“Then !t !s from that mov!e. You can’t just say, no !t’s not and then be l!ke,” you motion with your hands, “but w!th a tw!st! You l!fted !t.”
He bemusedly stares at you.
“) are you purposefully trying to infuriate me? was your egg dropped? do you not understand what happens when you piss off royalty? (” He snidely adds, “) i am going to get so much satisfaction out of flaying you (.”
He is literally the one holding the weapon, and holding you hostage, and also did physically hold you a few times. What the fuck does he think you’re trying to get out of this?
“! have never purposefully done anyth!ng !n my ent!re l!fe dude. ! am not about to start mak!ng an effort just when !’m about to get culled,” you respond, surprisingly defensively.
Wait, this has gotten off of the fucking rails and you don’t know where you guys actually stand.
“You are going to cull me r!ght?”
“) well, uh. yeah (.” He’s tense and glances around the room, taken off guard by your question.
"Cool." You nod at him. Worth a try you guess.
His harpoon is less looking like a weapon to be used against you and more like a barrier to keep you away from him. Silence again draws on and he stares at you expectantly. You glance around. His frown gets deeper and he looks more frustrated as time goes on. You have no idea what he is waiting for.
You never thought being culled would be this fucking awkward. Guess the torture’s already started.
") aren't you going to plead for your life? (" he demands, bringing his harpoon closer as he does so.
You’ve never been great on the spot. You try to muster something decent up.
“Uh, don’t cull me?” You said it as lamely as you felt.
He looks at you blankly. “) are you getting off on this? (”
“Dude. No. Gross.” Your face twists. “!t’s just like. !’ve never pleaded for my l!fe before. !t !sn’t sh!t you really get to pract!ce and ! feel l!ke !t won’t actually matter since !’m getting culled anyways. So. Yeah.” You slowly nod to yourself before looking up at him.
He is still waiting. Goddamn it. You sigh.
“No. Please don’t cull me. !’ll do anyth!ng.”
While that covers all your bases, it came out a lot drier than you thought but you’re too over this shit to feel any kind of way about it.
"!s there any chance plead!ng would even work?"
His disappointment was broken by a sharp laugh, ") of course not (."
“Then what do you even want from me?” you ask, getting kinda exasperated at his apparent high standards and prereqs for the randos he culls. Like it is one thing to play some kind of sadistic game with your prey, that’s normal, whatever, but it is a whole other thing to get weird about them not being good at it.
"Why ask unless y-. Oh." Your face falls as you get bitch slapped with the realization of what is really happening here. "Oh fuck."
You step back.
Your fear has apparently slam dunked him right back in his comfort zone because his grin is back full throttle and wider and sharper than ever like he was making up for lost time. ") you finally understand the weight of the seatuation you're in? ("
He slinks towards you and you feel the edge of the blade graze your neck.
"Yep," avoid his gaze and swallow.
You were going to get culled in the weirdest way possible.
“) and what is that? (,” he asks lowly, getting right the fuck back into your personal space. His smile almost splits his face and you want to crawl out of your skin.
"Th!s !s l!ke. A th!ng. W!th you."
He lowers his harpoon again, looking completely done. “) what the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? (” You half expect him to throw it across the room or through your torso.
You can’t stop yourself from speaking now that you're actually nervous and stressed and he is yelling and also way too close to your person and his harpoon isn’t doing either of you any favors.
“You had the whole k!nda fl!rty touchy th!ng going on and then you got really p!ssy when ! d!dn’t f!ght back. And you also got super d!sappo!nted w!th my sh!tty plead!ng l!ke you were really look!ng forward to !t or someth!ng.”
“) i’m disappointed because this is the least satisfying cull of my life! (,” he hisses.
You visibly cringe at the word “satisfying” and take another step back from him. There is some fear there but mostly you’re just really fucking uncomfortable. Troll Jesus Christ this dude is into some shit and you are not playing into it.
He also takes a step back too, now into a defensive stance. ") what? it doesn't look like that! ("
You suck in air in through your teeth and are looking anywhere but at him as you reply, "!t k!nda looks l!ke that."
") oh my cod ("
He just slumps down, his harpoon clattering in front of him. His mouth is in a straight line and his head rests between his hands. You stand there, unsure for a moment, before slowly lowering yourself a decent distance away from him. You honestly thought that getting culled would be less uncomfortable than it was being here while he has whatever the fuck it is he has going on going on or at least uncomfortable in a different way.  
You continue trying to avoid looking at him. It’s kinda expected that a highblood was going to cull you at some point. That was just how it tended to go for rusties, but you could not have guessed this, and now just kinda want to get this whole getting murdered thing over with.
You try to give him a moment, glancing around the room, mentally taking inventory of everything there twice. The awkward silence is weighty and the longer it stretches on, the worse you are feeling about this whole fucking ordeal.
“Would cull!ng me help you uh, not be l!ke th!s?”
He gives you a dirty look.
You sigh, "!t's not l!ke anyone gets to th!nk that for long, !f !t helps.”
“) if it helps? ( ” He spat each word, getting louder as he went on. He whipped his head at you, indignantly, “) this is your fault! ("
") getting culled is so fucking basic. how did you fuck that up? ("
You stare at him, trying to figure out how the fuck to even respond.
Slowly, in what might be one of the last things you do in your existence, you serve this royal what you are assuming is the stalest tea of his life in the form of the lukewarm take, “you know, be!ng bad at dy!ng !s a good th!ng actually.”
These are real words. These are real words that you are saying to the guy who was leaning way too hard into the thirsty part of bloodthirsty.
You continue. "L!ke you don’t get to pract!ce th!s. ! mean, do ! look l!ke someone who has been culled before? Because ! haven’t. Have you?" You add.
He looks like he is about to have a conniption or the sea dweller equivalent. Can sea dwellers have conniptions? Because this guy is about to have a big one.
") you did not just seariously just ask me if i've ever been culled before. that is the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me! (," he practically shrieks.
"Well you're acting like ! should just know th!s sh!t. We have the exact same amount of exper!ence gett!ng culled!"
“) whale i’ve never encountered any TROLL who is so miserable that they just accept getting culled from the fucking get go (.”
“!’m not m!serable! !’m real!st!c! ! don’t have a weapon, ! can’t fight for sh!t, f!sh judo !s apparently fuck!ng real, and plead!ng does noth!ng. !’m gonna end up at the same place no matter what ! do so why drag !t out? L!ke, come on.”
You slump against the wall, exhausted from this whole interaction. “!t wasn’t great, but ! don’t see much of a po!nt !n gett!ng so worked up about sh!t ! can’t control. ! just wanted to go out !n a cool way s!nce noth!ng ever fuck!ng happens here. The reason ! was even back here !n the f!rst place was to see !f ! had an update on a stup!d hexagonal d!sk ! ordered three months ago. But that sh!t !s apparently !n the vo!d," you gripe.
You pull out your palm husk and check again. Jack shit. You groan.
You’re surprised to hear him chuckle.
“) sucks to be you (.”
“Yeah." You shake your head. "And then a few seconds after ! found out, some guy showed up to cull me.”
He actually laughs. This is so fucking ridiculous so maybe that’s why you are too.
“) it’s a lot more fun to be doing the culling (.” He eyes you again and you don’t want to crawl out of your flesh this time, and you feel like that’s a real development here. “) you seam like you’d lose a fight (.”
An accurate assessment.
“Yeah. Troll karate didn’t do sh!t for me.” A beat passes. “Drones actually burnt !t down l!ke two w!pes after ! qu!t.”
He snickers and a moment passes.
“) one month for a disk? that is fucking bullshit (.”
“) fuck (," he raises his brows. Moderate inconvenience seems to repulse him more than anything you've said tonight. ") that sucks, i get my shit next night with cullazon prime (.”
"N!ce. !'d probably try that if ! had more than twenty seven whole caegars."
Broke bitch disorder also seems to do it for him in the humor department and the two of you continue chilling in silence. Less uncomfortable this time. You almost feel bad for thinking he was a sadistic creep.
He breaks the silence. “) give me your palm husk (."
“) i don’t repeat myself (," he replies tersely, holding his hand out to you.
What the hell.
You type your code in and pass it to him. He glances at the massive crack on the center of your screen with disgust. He looks at you and shakes his head before he starts typing.
He didn't ask, but still, you answer. “! cracked !t do!ng a k!ckfl!p on a doll!e.”
He doesn't look up. ") you can't do a kickflip on a dollie (."
"Not w!thout a cost."
He spares you a side glance. ") why the fuck would you even do that? ("
"Because !t !s bor!ng as sh!t out here and there !s much better to do !n the ma!lblock."
He hums noncommittally.
"Were you just spaced?"
") and what if I was?(," he asks, a touch defensive.
"Noth!ng. ! was just wonder!ng !f !t sucks th!s bad at your level too?"
") of course not (," he snaps. ") do you genuinely believe anyone could be doing worse than you? ("
"Well yeah." You tap your sign. "But not by much."
He huffs and rolls his eyes before he looks out for a moment.
") i'm abshellutely krilling it out here (,” he states resolutely before continuing, “) but taking orders is a reel pain (.”
He sullenly joins you in leaning back against the wall.
Damn, This might just be the first time he's ever had anyone above him. Well, above him and specifically giving him orders you mean, judging by the way he is basically pouting over it. Everyone loses agency when they ascend. Guess it just sucks more when you have more to lose, not that you’d really know.
"!t doesn’t get better, but you do get used to !t," you say, not looking at him.
He glances at you, frowning deeper before exhaling.
You keep not looking at him when you ask, "So. Are you go!ng to cull me?"
") no. there is no salvaging that. you completely ruined it (." He replies bitterly while returning your palm husk.
The cullazon app has been downloaded and opened to an account page. You raise an eyebrow at him.
He announces, “) okay etivor, i shared my cullazon prime with you. you’re still going to be a sorry excuse for a troll, but you might get enough out of it that culling you acshelly becomes entertaining (.”
This is a joke. This has to be a joke.
“Thanks, but there !s l!terally no way for me to pay you back for anyth!ng ! buy on th!s.”
“) do i look like i need your fucking charity? (” he sneers.
He is actually serious about this. He looks too pissed not to be.
“Nope, you’re way too bl!nged out for that,” you grin. This dude is wild. “What’s your number?”
He looks at you suspiciously.
“!s th!s really where you’re gonna draw the l!ne? You gave me access to your Cullazon, but won’t g!ve me your number? Ser!ously?”
He doesn’t ask this time. He just swipes it out of your hands.
“) i am ievahn mordax, probably the best thing that has and will ever grace your miserable fucking life and i will brutally cull you if you mention any of this ever happened to anyone (.”
He hands it back, but still holds onto it. “) i’ve made myself clear? (”
“Yeah,” you nod and he finally lets go. This is way better than a shipping notification. 
You check the time.
"Fuck!" You leap to your feet and he quickly grabs his harpoon.
") what? (" he shouts.
"! was supposed to be here for l!ke a m!nute to check on the d!sk." You look at your palm husk again. It has been way more than a minute and you have the feeling someone definitely noticed by now. You completely forgot about having some work work to do considering you thought you were going to die. "Sh!t." You look at him again. "Do you have anywhere to be?"
") what? (" He squints.
“! mean you just had some free t!me and you seem bored and apparently don’t believe ! can do a k!ckfl!p on a doll!e. ! have to defend my good name. You get !t.”
“) what good name? (” he snickers. “) and if i did, why the fuck would i want to spend anymore time with you? (”
“Because you can’t make fun of my Cullazon orders !f my boss culls me for tard!ness. You be!ng around means she can’t say sh!t.”
He seems to consider, “) a compelling argument. and i do get to watch you maim yourself in the dumbest way possible which is a definite bonus (.”
You grin as you start walking. “Or have your pan be blown when you see what trollk!nd can really do when there is l!terally noth!ng else to do. !’m push!ng l!m!ts here !evahn.”
“) you’re pushing your luck (.” He leans his harpoon against himself as he follows.
“Maybe.” Quickly, you face him and add. “But ser!ously, be cool. !f my boss f!nds out about any of th!s, she w!ll absolutely cull me.”
“) she can’t cull you (,” he huffs. “) i already called dibs on that (.”
You grin returns.
“Damn. !’ll let her know.”
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