#IVE SAID IT BEFORE but baby artist me used to always yearn for artist/writer collaboration
baylardo · 2 years
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thank u guys for liking my cringe naenae threshold au beyer book stuff hahaha like I’m sure it’s easy to just manifest normal yaneway in them idk it’s really sweet you guys like it so much and I appreciate the support 🥴❤️❤️❤️
Im having fun indulging, I don’t write but I really love developing stuff like this and idk it’s nice to have eyes on it I guess as a content creator haha, not that I need it but shfjfjfk everyone’s been insaaaanely encouraging and affirming of our stuff aha and the fics and art we’ve received is always unexpected and amazing and idk! Just genuinely grateful for everyone’s responses and reception 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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