crystalmagpie447 · 3 months
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Had an idea
ill m ake refs for them eventually
(last doodles al so including @basyacriptid NDFBKDDND)
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persephonyed · 1 year
hi hello ! soooo i’ve really enjoyed imogen over the last couple weeks, and i really wanted to expand her world and write more within it, so i added her sisters. please give this a like if you want a starter from any of them! i’ll come to your dms and ask who you’d like and we can either plot, or i can make a starter randomly/from your wanted plots, or i can rant a bit about them in your dms. my muse is just so high for this rn i’m really into this dynamic okay.
you can find some brief info about all three sisters under the read more !
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ingrid edmunds. 36. cardiothoracic surgeon. heterosexual. super judgmental older sister, married and probably a mother of one or two already, very traditional and strict and can be quite closed off and cold when you first meet her. is incredibly loyal and would literally murder anyone who dare hurt her sisters but also will be the first to give them hell herself. is very disappointed in imogen and tries to protect indie too much because of it.
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imogen edmunds. 32. elementary school teacher. bisexual. a typical artistically driven middle child who is kind of impulsive, goes with her gut, follows her heart, and likes to experience new things all the time. ran away from home because she’s getting a divorce and they don’t approve, so she doesn’t talk to her family much, but used to be super close with ingrid which makes her sad now. she’s the most endearing and friendly of the three sisters.
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indigo “indie” edmunds. 26. corporate recruiter. bisexual. as the baby of the family by quite a decent gap in age, her parents nearly suffocate her and treasure her, their prized possession. she desperately needs to break away and she talks to imogen still in secret. is an actual genius and strives to make a difference in teh world, but feels shunted by family ties and the pressure to make her parents and ingrid proud. has the biggest heart ever.
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I want to write a really long sheriarty fanfic I've got stuck in my head for years (by long I mean like, 20k words or something). But the fact is that it concerns an AU I think 90% of the fandom dislikes and thinks it would be OOC but. It would be developed thoroughly to make it IC. But like. No one would read it. And I know it's bad because I should write the story for myself but I am a slut for acknowledgement and. All that effort for no one but me? Idk whatto do
Honestly, the best thing to do is find a group of people or ship friends to have in mind when you’re making it. Or put a post in the tag asking would anyone be interested in your AU and then get those people involved. Maybe bounce some ideas off them about plot points you’ve been kind of unsure about, maybe hammer out some dialogue or characterization with them, maybe post some rebloggable snippets to get them excited about the fic so that way you have a mini-audience and also have motivation to continue. They can kind of be like betas, but not to the extent the role usually calls for.
And even though I make a lot of pieces for myself first and foremost, I don’t know of anyone that’s okay with then sharing their work to get feedback and getting none in return. It’s natural to want acknowledgement and to hear how people are responding to it. So having that feedback available to you earlier in the process as opposed to later on once it’s finished will do you a lot more good in the long run, because those people being invested in the fic might lead to more people who wouldn’t normally read that kind of AU checking out your work just to see what they’re talking about. A lot of the fic I read these days is by word of mouth. If it’s not on my dash or by people I trust, the chances of me clicking it just went down considerably and that’s before I even looked at the tags or the summary.
Don’t worry about pleasing the whole ship because it’s impossible to cater to everyone’s specific likes and dislikes. I tend to go by the general rule of create work that you want to see more of, and what I want to see may be different from what you want to see. You just have to run with it and many of the fandom friends I make are people who wanted the same things I did, we started to chat about it, and then we started making more of that together. Now we may have differing ideas over what’s IC and what’s not, or certain details or headcanons that don’t match up, but I think a lot of people are willing to temporarily play by someone else’s rules if the fic is good, you know?
No, we in general as a ship are not big on AUs that aren’t canon compliant or a canon divergence, that is a fact. We barely trust people with those, so to then extend that trust to someone’s AU where Jim is Winnie the Pooh and Sherlock is a pot of honey is nerve-wrecking (I legit might read that one tho). But we’ve also changed quite a bit over the years about what we do and don’t read thanks to a pretty solid foundation of fics built by Sheriarty shippers for Sheriarty shippers that’s then allowing everyone to branch out a bit more about what they’re looking for in their writing and reading material. So now’s a good time to put oddball fics out there because it diversifies that foundation and the selections people have later on down the road. There’s only so many times they can go stargazing, guys.
And especially if you had that idea years ago when we would have been in a completely different mindset depending upon the outcome of that series, it’s definitely worth a shot to try it now since we don’t have too much to be worried about anymore. This period of time after hiatus tends to be my favorite just because we’ve exhausted all the obvious things to do and now we get to really be creative. Take advantage of that while you still want to write the fic is the best advice I can give.
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