#ICATapprovederickshawmanufacture  plaudit
plauditerickshaw · 3 years
The Unnoticeable E Rickshaw Revolution. Let's Talk About It!
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E rickshaw dealers in Kolkata are working consistently to promote a cleaner, sustainable, and eco-friendly transporting medium. Why don't people talk about this?
ICAT approved e rickshaws by manufacturers have recently become a go-to vehicle while shuttling between houses to shorter distances. The recent revolution has been saving tons and gallons of fossil fuel application. So many people commute to work every day without being aware of their participation in an e vehicle revolution in India.
What Do Local Citizens Have To Say?
Users are of the opinion that rickshaws feed their families. "Our houses run depending on it..one rickshaw feeds the rickshaw seller, the auto-repair person and so many," says Renu. She hails from Maharashtra and is a female e-rickshaw driver in Delhi.
Her major work is to open the battery compartment that lies underneath the seat of the e- rickshaw. Further, she adds "We need to change the battery every six months and we have to save Rs 24,000 somehow for it. It becomes difficult to afford it." 
Presently, India has more than 1.4 million three-wheeler battery e-rickshaws running every day on roads. The fleet is larger than the total number of electric passenger vehicles sold by China since 2011, as per a report by Bloomberg. 
Vivek Chandran who is the Program Manager of Transport, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation says that "India's e-vehicle revolution took off real steps during the 2010 Commonwealth Games." 
He further adds, "It was basically the agricultural ministry who thought of upgrading all the hand-drawn rickshaws to electric rickshaws. Moreover, it is also a welfare measure."
Call Of The Drivers:
The drivers of the e-rickshaws find it much more lucrative than the traditional auto rickshaws as e-rickshaws need very little maintenance. The present auto-sector slowdown does not affect the sales of these rickshaws. 
The owner of Sarthi e-rickshaws, Rajesh Sehgal states "we sell more than 1200 e-rickshaws every month and gain a profit margin of around 5000-6000 per vehicle we sell." He is one of the biggest e-rickshaw dealers in Delhi. 
His company is recently starting to dole out electric vehicles that are commercial and can carry heavy loads. He thinks that it can be a big privilege among the drivers who now drive diesel vehicles. 
Vivek says that a lot of policymakers are very skeptical about this revolution of electric vehicles in India. They state that it is a slow-moving commuting option that looks unsafe when four people sit together. He adds, "I think that apprehensions need not exist."
Looking forward to buying e rickshaw parts in West Bengal? Get in touch with Plaudit E Rickshaw, the biggest e-rickshaw dealer in Kolkata. They deliver optimum services along with a team of experts. To know more, visit their website. 
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