#I've seen this movie thrice now jesUS CHRIST
terraaurea · 7 years
DSOD Differences between ENG and JP
These are just my observations from watching the DSOD movie in English twice, then once in Japanese (Here’s where I watched the sub, so credit the fan subber! Also remember to support the official release of the JP with subs when it is fully available! -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3pKUWJ9VACyR2RueEN0ZS15R0k/view ). Feel free to add stuff/your own thoughts. I don’t know Japanese, so I’m going off the fan-sub. 
·         Yugi's not like "I wish I could have told him what he meant to me" he's just like "we're in our own worlds now..."
·         Omfg the short bully guy has a REALLY DEEP VOICE I love it
·         and he's like to Aigami "Well, you are CUTE..."
·         He's like "I'm gonna make you famous...the theme this time around...IS PAIN HAHA"
·         I forgot that Kaiba calls Atem ‘Yugi’ in the JP
·         "Leaving Yugi behind like a COWARD and vanishing without a trace made it difficult to track you down..." (In the Cathedral)
·         ORE NO TAURN
·         I forgot that the music from the jp is pretty cool--very orchestral--rather than GUITAR RIFFS
·         Already makes more sense with the duels—they mention sacrificing monsters more often thank god
·         The mirror absorbs neo 3 blue eyes whatshisfuck and sends it back at Kaiba. It doesn't deflect it and then send a new attack like the dub implies
·         Kaiba doesn't mention any coiffed hair but says "I even replicated his provoking personality"
·         Jounouchi, you're fired! Instead of NO CLOWNING AROUND
·         More explanation about the Plana/Planners--ok so 7 items found, Pharoah goes back home, and it opens up that new dimension where they've gotta keep the order or something like that
·         They want to get rid of the old world to make room for a new order? And they gotta eradicate evil?
·         "We've been waiting for you" instead of "You've graced us with yer presence sIR"
·         Still has the "Ok but it took Yugi 8 years..." "Yeah, but Yugi has the brain of a child" KAIBA SAVAGE
·         Kaiba's jp voice is so much more intimidating just a reminder
·         "Even though I didn't register my deck or duel disk anywhere, you still knew where I was. You're quite the control freak, aren't you?" - Diva
·         "I hate dangerous murderers like you, you see...so I think I'll need to erase you from this dimension." -Diva, with gun at back
·         They're actually talking about the connection between consciousnesses. Which relates to that 2 chapter prequel manga (Transcend Game).
·         Diva's like "Kaiba, you know all about the human consciousness, don't you? Everything done in this world is done by the unconscious mind...all of which are linked together...even you, the dictator of this city, are powerless to control the consciousnessesses of all of Domino…let alone the world."
·         I’m not going to bother spelling consciousness right anymore
·         Because Kaiba had to use the consciousnessess of all the children combined playing his VR prototype to catapult himself up into the afterlife the first time in the manga
·         So to keep everything in order you need those links to be balanced, too.
·         It’s in the ENG too but if you watch the children that Diva summons are all connected with these golden darting lines and now that makes more sense THX
·         He's borrowing the power of other people's consciousnesses (all those children) in order to have enough energy to wield his powers by using the cube
·         So in the other dimension that he sends the gunman, the gunman is no longer connected to the consciousnesses of everyone else in the world anymore
·         In the JP then too Diva explains that he is using the power of the Plana, but also the Plana's Mind, which makes the control of his consciousness (and by extension the links to everyone else) 7x stronger than everyone else's
·         Instead of saying "NOT SO FAST/etc." when he's not disappearing into the other dimension, Kaiba goes "DON'T WORRY, MOKUBA” BIG BRO IS HERE FOR U AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT
·         So the reason why the power didn't send Kaiba to the other dimension is because his ego is SO INFLATED and thus his consciousness and intellect are so great that he's on par with Diva's Plana Mind
·         With his duel disk connected to his brain--which if you remember is connected to that Cloud Network--he's got enough connections with other consciousnesses in the cloud to combat Diva's powers??? I think
·         "Kisama no TURN..." sounds so cool like damn
·         JP also explains why he can summon shittons of blue eyes
·         JP explains the spell cards better
·         I think they left out the monster noises/screams in the ENG? Someone should confirm that for me
·         "I was the one who had to bury Yugi, no, Atem inside of me. His ghost continues to wander in my unfulfilled consciousness. Yugi!" – Kaiba
·         The eng music slightly is based off the jp music but with 10x more guitar riffs and zero chill
·         As for why the fuck he could summon Obelisk—in the JPDiva says there's residual energy left in that place due to it being where the Pharaoh left the world, and that Kaiba must have picked up on it. And Diva says that Obelisk is only a servant to the pharaoh. I think Diva missed that whole Battle City thing tho and doesn't realize that other people were wielding the god cards too
·         Still got "IT'S NOT A MONSTER. IT'S A GOD."
·         No "I NEED TISSUEEEEES" thx
·         Still got "Pharaoh can't come back if we get rid of his vessel" gotta kill Yugi
·         The big duel tournie takes place at Kaibaland
·         To put the puzzle back together quickly he needed his machine to be in space to utilize zero gravity—still extra
·         "Enough of the boring Flattery. // My Apologies, Mr. Kaiba" No "I'm programed to remind you of your genius" darn
·         Yugi says he's keeping the Dark Magician in his deck and is like "I wonder what Aigami's gonna use in his deck" instead of "You got me out of a lot of jams!" Suggesting Yugi actually knows how to fucking build a deck wow shocker
·         Shadi was supposed to collect all 7 items so he could send Pharaoh back to deadland and Yugi was a necessary vessel that had to have been chosen to help the Pharaoh get there out of the puzzle and shit
·         Yugi shares a consciousness wavelength with the Plana people because welp he let the pharaoh live in his bod
·         Instead of Joey just losing his memories in the dimension it's more him struggling to find out what's real and what's fake because he also can’t trust his own memories. And the idea is that he's not connected to the consciousness of the rest of the world so he's only seeing what he has ever seen. But if he does forget things then he does lose everything because he's relying solely on his own consciousness
·         Shadi's eng voice is VERY similar to his jp voice nice
·         Diva asks about rulers and how they aren't afraid because they have everything and never have anything taken from them. And so Shadi is like "Yeah but then they take everyone from others"--makes sense given that Diva tries to control everything so that he loses nothing. No talk about how easily manipulated children are like in the ENG. Just talk about power/loss/fear and loss/loss and fear
·         Shadi says an evil thing lives in the ring and has already chosen a master, and that you have to surpass a trial to be able to wear it. Obviously that doesn't end well for him.
·         3 items are for justice, 3 have evil presences inside them, millennium puzzle has both
·         Shadi says that there will be a young boy that will become the vessel for the pharaoh, and then says that he's the same as them (the Plana children--meaning he's probably just got strong connection powers or whatever/spiritual powers)
·         "Oh, did he finally croak? You guys are an eyesore" -Yami!Bakura
·         "I'm going to paint this world in darkness" – Yami!Bakura
·         Diva doesn't know that Bakura doesn't have evil dickmix in his blood anymore
·         "But...I killed someone very special to you, didn't I?" -Bakura. No "I also lost someone very important to me that day..." though obvs his dad is dead AF
·         Joey was able to come out of the dimension because his bonds with his buds surpass dimensions--which is fucking intense given that going to a different dimension is supposed to prevent that in the first place friendship is sTRONG
·         No "My cardio stinks", just "Bakura-kun..."
·         Kaiba's under the impression that the afterlife is still connected to the puzzle--sorry Kaiba
·         He really wants to resurrect pharaoh to face him again welp
·         Also Mokuba isn't like "HEY YUGI, LOOKIN GOOD!" He's like "Hey Yugi! We've already got the game shop covered for you!" So that's nice. No worries about G-PA getting snatched in the meantime
·         Diva says even with Kaiba's tech it's impossible for them to go into another dimension (inside of the cube to get the puzzle piece)--obvs Kaiba's not gonna be havin that later...
·         Your body is a flesh prison for your soul and when you die it's free but until then you're stuck in flesh prison and even when you win murderous wars and fight needlessly you are still in yer flesh prison.
·         So through Kaiba's duel disk he wants to allow people to go beyond the flesh prison to eliminate language/barriers/need for fighting/etc.
·         So it's a lot more than just "PLAY MY CHILDREN'S CARD GAME"
·         he legit says flesh prison
·         Shadi's always been able to go through dimensions as a priest of the Pharaoh?
·         Shit. "Yugi, I'll remind you, that you're just a vessel! -Kaiba
·         "It looks like you won't summon the pharaoh...until I duel you into submission!" Ok kaiba
·         No lemons being sour jokes
·         No "You really hate dragons...don't you?"
·         Kaiba does have a very dramatic line about Deep Eyes coming to live from the blue abyss
·         "No you gotta let him go" but "This is the reality...he's no longer in there..." Yugi's like "I've accepted it and you gotta accept it" but nah
·         But yeah the idea was to open a new dimension and drag the world into it with the 8th millennium item (cube).
·         But, if you bring it into a dark world like Diva was going to, it would only bring the chosen ones into the new dimension, eliminating everyone else
·         Still says "Kaiba, why? // Because of him. Yugi (the pharaoh)"
·         Still has "Call him." But also has "Call him to you."
·         Yugi just says "Draw...I'm sorry...everyone..." because there's no heart of the cards bullshit in the jp. So Yugi is convinced that he's failed instead of hoping in cards
·         No epic music when Atem comes back so it's definitely more unsettling. Kind of underwhelming but makes it weightless. Which I can appreciate because it's basically like "Diva literally has so little power that there doesn't even need to be epic music because Yami just wipes the fucking floor with him"
·         Instead of saying "DID HE ASK ABOUT ME?" Joey says "I saw him too!" And Yugi goes "I knew it!" So Atem did pay him a visit to get him to come out of the weird dimension. That’s cool
·         "So he did really come here then, Yugi." - Kaiba
·         "I had all but given up, Kaiba. But you still believed."
·         "I don't know about that. Farewell, Yugi. You were indeed a proud duelist." - Kaiba
·         So instead of being like "I got my thing with the pharaoh, bitch. And you got yours." it's more like hey we saved the world together, and I recognize you as a good, strong dude. We can be 'friends' now…in Kaiba's own way
·         "Kaiba, I really have to thank you." -Yugi
·         Mokuba’s like "Are you sure you want to do this?"And Kaiba says, "Once this is completed. It will create a new type of duel as we know it."Then Mokuba does say that this new prototype using the dimension emulator (different than the VR used earlier) is too dangerous.
·         Kaiba isn't like "I leave everything to you...Mokuba..." He's like "Watch over everything while I'm away." Implying he plans on coming back.
·         Thus this version of the movie is definitely less "KAIBA HAS NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! BATTLE PHARAOH ANYWAY" It's a lot more that he develops even further in his technological goals. So he still wants to battle the pharaoh but he's using him more as a guinea pig for testing his transdimensional duel system rather than saying "fuck everything I'm gonna go duel dead people ANYWAY BECAUSE I'M AN EGOTISTICAL ASS” tho maybe he still wants some pharaoh dick who knows
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