#I've had more art on the back burner work and life has just been uh wow
concreteclouds · 5 months
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Emerges from my art hibernation to post some Baldur's Gate 3 house favorites.
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bluecreations · 2 years
Hello, Hope!
I really hope I read your bio right and that was your name and not you saying like... we should hold onto hope or something 😅
ANYWAY. This ask is in regards to the ask event you just reblogged that I'm running JUST today (about another 11hrs).
The OC I picked from your list was Diego.
So, Diego, when was the last time you laughed? What made you laugh? How would you describe your sense of humor?
Would you call yourself a person that takes life seriously?
Who are your best friends and what makes you so close to them? Like, do you share similar interests or have they helped you through a lot, etc?
What is the most important aspect of a really close relationship, romantic or otherwise?
How much would you say you've moved through your life? A lot? A couple times? Never at all?
Thank you for participating! :D
fajfdajkljfsla yes that's my name. Thank you for running this event!
Now for the Interview:
So, Diego, when was the last time you laughed?
Uh, I think about 8 or 9. I've been actively trying to suppress any memories from before 4 years ago. So you know. It's a little fuzzy. Not as fuzzy as I'd like it to be but with any luck if you ask me this a year from now I'll hopefully draw a blank. Complete mental fucking nirvana.
What made you laugh?
Uh, I think it was my dad. We were driving out of the woods from this 4 day camping trip, we were not camping people so it was a shit show. We were all un-showered, dirty and starving and we pulled into a Wendy's which was BIG deal when I was a kid cause they never let us have fast food. Anyways, my dad was like, teasing my mom about how she was eating her food. Like narrating her like they do on nature documentaries. I don't know. I just thought it was like the pinnacle of comedy at the time. Then nothing funny really ever happened after that.
How would you describe your sense of humor?
I don't know. Dry.
Would you call yourself a person that takes life seriously?
Who are your best friends and what makes you so close to them? Like, do you share similar interests or have they helped you through a lot, etc?
Well, there's 9, and Winnie, and Eris, and I guess technically Kid is my friend but he's really more like a forcibly acquired little brother.
What makes me close to them? Well we-[This part of the Interview has been Redacted]. Also me and 9 go way back. But I guess if I had to pick like one of them for best friend status, it'd be Eris. She knows all this shit about art, it's crazy cause like, she isn't even an artist. She's like...I don't know what it's called but she's like the one of the people who work in IT. IT worker? Computer nerd? I don't know. I don't think computer nerd is politically correct, so uh, sorry. The point is she can do wild shit with computers. Anyways, she just knows all this art shit for like fun. Like it's a hobby. I just think it's cool. Also, she never broke my femur or shot me, unlike SOMEBODY-
[He calls loudly to Subject 9, who's being interviewed in the next room over. She is staring down the interviewer with a cold, unwavering gaze and not answering any of the questions, making the interviewer increasingly flustered and anxious.]
What is the most important aspect of a really close relationship, romantic or otherwise?
I guess, like, I don't know, like acceptance? Like, so you know how 9's telepathic and shit, so she read all our thoughts and see into everybody's heads like it's no big deal. Oh, you didn't know that? My condolences. Don't think too loudly. Try to keep your most annoying thoughts on the back burner for later. Yeah, she's probably reading them right now.
Anyways, so 9's a mind reader and she can like, she can see in my head and all the things I can't stand about myself. And instead of being like judgmental, or trying to change me or use these things she uh...she just accepts as is. Just takes me as I am, but also, like if I were to change, she'd accept that version of me too. It's nice. I guess that's really important important in a relationship. [He's visibly flustered, avoiding eye contact or looking at the wall where 9 is sitting on the other side of. He repeatedly itches the back of his neck].
How much would you say you've moved through your life? A lot? A couple times? Never at all?
Yeah I've moved a lot. Ever since I escaped [REDACTED] I haven't stopped moving. They can't catch ya if you don't stay in any one place for any length of time.
[He says this final sentence while doing finger guns].
This concludes the interview.
Thank you so much @queerlilchinchin !!!!
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