#I've been SUPER low energy lately and still am so this reply is a little lackluster but please don't doubt my love for you
tervaneula · 1 year
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡♡
You don't have to send this on but just know you're a lovely kind person who is very awesome and we love you in this fandom. Your art and writing and general sweet energy is very much appreciated!
Thank you so much. I'm speechless. I adore you for sending this message, anon, it means so much to me to hear all this. I'm so grateful for you and all of my lovely followers! Thank you for having me in this fandom!! ;_;<333
I'm not going to send individual asks but instead I'll be making a list under the cut and shamelessly pinging EVERYONE I can remember from the top of my head either consistently leaving fun and sweet comments on my stuff or just one or two random ones which I'm fond of and can't stop thinking about. You're welcome lmao but know this:
Each and every one of you makes me SO HAPPY. It's always such a joy to see your tags and replies and I love all of you so much! You really make my days and I couldn't be more grateful! <3<3<3
@beeceit @antimattercontainment @amevello-blue @jumpybox @pommigranite @somecluelesskidd @wraenata @lunar-lair @snipersiniora @someoddmix @k0rinka @hellishgayliath @crash-the-mode @mvshr00m-1 @phykoha @some-guy-named-dominyk @leosmasktails @last-hourglass @chiangyorange @shittygaypornmagazine @spacemimz
And a special mention for @threestripeslider because even though it's been a while, I still remember and love all the nice things you've ever said about my peepaws <3
I probably forgot some people and I'm sorry, but I think this list is rather impressive for my minuscule brain so everyone who knows they should be on this list, you absolutely are appreciated as well <3
(also hoping I got all of y'all's urls right sjhdfgsjd (sweats))
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
Weird question, but you seem really productive despite seeming to have a constantly fluctuating routine, with both your work and your hobbies. Most people think having a solid routine is the only way to increase your productivity but I've pretty much given up on having a routine since my life seems similar to yours--a lot of travel, weird and always changing work hours. Do you have any advice on how you deal with routine and productivity in spite of that?
Oh gosh, this is definitely something I struggle with a LOT, and I’m not sure I’ve found a coping strategy that works for me yet. But the small things that have been helping have been (1) keeping a routine in my planning even if the stuff I do changes dramatically (even if I’m traveling, I have a notebook where, every Sunday, I list all the stuff that has specific dates/times for the following week, I list the stuff where I still have to come up with a date/time, and I list the stuff I’ve gotta do that week for sure), and (2) finding multiple ways to approach the same goals that I can tailor to my level of energy/spare time on any given week (so this week I’m just not in a super exercisey mindset and can’t rely on having the motivation to run every day, but instead I’m making an extra effort not to eat out this week—lower-effort for my current state of mind, but all toward the same goal of feeling a bit healthier overall).
I’m also very cognizant of how little time at work is actually spent working, so I try not to feel guilty if the total number of hours worked is low as long as the work’s getting done. I’m an incredibly routine-oriented person, but it’s been a bit freeing to slowly and steadily teach myself that stuff just has to get finished one way or another, and the easiest way to do that is to just focus on specific goals and let the rest be flexible.
Anyway, yesterday I was thinking of this ask and was like, “You know, I’ll just write up what I do on Monday as an example, and I bet things will go hilariously awry.” And so they did.
So here’s what my weekly planning list looked like last night:
Dated Events:
Call with paper coauthor at 9AM Monday
Call with leadership academy planning committee at 10AM Monday
Call with peer mentoring group at 9AM Tuesday
Sit in on class at 11:30AM Tuesday and Thursday
Seminars Wednesday at 3PM, Thursday at 4PM, and Friday at 3PM
D&D Saturday at 6PM
Undated Events:
Coordinating abstract submission for an upcoming conference (early week)
Setting up Skype calls with a couple friends I haven’t talked to in a while (late week)
Assorted Priorities:
Book hotel for work travel in July
Accept journal article review request and scope out how long that’ll take
Review some materials sent out for my peer mentoring call
Revise my paper and submit the revisions before the Monday deadline
Get my driver’s license renewed (the joys of yearly visa renewal… your license has to be renewed yearly as well)
Put together a schedule for a biweekly Twitter feature highlighting new publications for the account I run for a subcommittee in my field
Respond to an e-mail about a conference in January about some weird deadline that popped up for next week
Come up with conference abstract ideas before the as-yet-unscheduled meeting
Fill out some action items in advance of my 10AM Monday call
And some more specific checklists for four research projects I’m focusing on this week
I purposely try to group conference calls together, because I currently share my office and feel weird doing video calls when she’s stuck in frame five feet away from me while she tries to work. So Monday seems like a good day to work from home, and I can squeeze in Tuesday’s call before heading to the office that morning. I’ll be in the office Tuesday-Friday, which means I’ll be able to attend those seminars and classes with no problem. I have most of my D&D prep done already because we ended early last game, so I can leave that until Saturday. The only thing I might have to shuffle to next week is the driver’s license thing, because it’ll take three hours and I have to account for finding a Lyft there and back. Okay. Aces.
Wake up this morning to find my internet’s out, and I also somehow left the hard drive with all my research on it at work. Hoo boy. But staring over my to-do list, I think I can set today up as a “big picture” day and not have to do any actual coding, so I’m still okay to work from home. I can also phone in to the conference calls instead of using the video call software. All good.
Luckily, the internet comes back right before my first call of the day. Said call is with someone who also happens to be a dean, so she has a tendency to get held up at meetings, so I take that delay to look at the action items for my second call (I mean… if you send me action items at 8PM on a Sunday I am not gonna touch them until Monday morning).
When she did make it online, we chatted about the new paper, and she strongly encouraged me to send it to our other coauthors in case they have suggestions. We’re submitting on Monday, which is way too short-notice to read a 20-page research paper, but they already read the pre-revision version in great detail, so I shot them an e-mail that included a summary of the substantial changes and a note to the effect that if any of them want more time to look at this stuff, I can beg the editor for an extension on their behalf. Minor crisis averted.
Second meeting is very intense and structured. Everyone has to volunteer to organize and lead two webinars in the next three months, so I go ahead and volunteer for the two April ones so I’ll get it out of the way early. Aaand the first webinar is at 1PM this Friday. Okay. I’ll work from home that morning so I can do last-minute prep, then head into the office in time for the 3PM seminar. No biggie. One organizer puts together a draft schedule, and I send a quick e-mail suggesting a different use of one of the ten-minute time slots. One of the other organizers requests another conference call tomorrow instead of e-mails. I tell them I can only do after 4PM, if I leave work early. Eh. We’ll see how that works out.
After the call, I get through a bunch of small tasks in maybe 20 minutes: hotel booked, Twitter posts prepped, review request accepted (not due until May 20, so plenty of time on that), conference deadline e-mail chain started. I spend the rest of the time before noon getting sucked into an article someone sent me about the myths surrounding undergraduate grade inflation and then reading up on the peer mentoring materials for our call tomorrow. A couple other minor e-mails pop up (scheduling the precise date of a conference mixer in January, that kind of thing) and I manage to deal with them right away.
Lunch! Clearly working from home means I should take the opportunity to indulge in some fine cuisine, some leisurely cooking that highlights—
I heat up a microwave meal (chicken couscous) and watch YouTube videos for an hour.
Back in it! I write up some abstract submission ideas and make a valiant attempt at setting up a time to talk about them, but it looks like that might have to wait until next week. We’re still a ways before the deadline, so that’s okay.
Mmmmmmm someone on Twitter mentions a conference in Germany in September and a workshop in Colorado in July that both look like a good fit for my research. I’m in a situation where I have a big chunk of travel funding that’s going to disappear unless it gets spent in the next year. Oh no. But also oh yes.
Just in case, I put together a couple point-form ideas for stuff to propose that I can bring to the people holding the purse strings.
The rest of the afternoon is spent putting together weekly goals for four of my research projects: each one involves a collaboration with a different person, so I’d like to be able to send each of them an e-mail with at least one new thing to share about that project this week. Just in case that doesn’t happen, though, I rank them from most to least important. Worst-case scenario, I don’t have to send any of them this week, but it’ll make next week tougher if I don’t.
It’s only about 3:30 at this point, but honestly, I’m feeling a bit exhausted and overwhelmed (some of the e-mail chains have gone through five or six replies at this point and keeping it all straight is giving me a headache), so I opt to get some groceries and call it a day.
I may have added some stuff, but I got a lot crossed off today! Here’s how that last checklist looks at the end of the day:
Assorted Priorities:
Revise my paper and submit the revisions before the Monday deadline
Project #1: come up with a new exploratory figure and send to Person A.
Project #2: summarize the early results I started last week and send to Person B, along with an ask to see whether he’d be up for me presenting this stuff in Europe in November.
Project #3: improve on figures I showed last month and send to Person C.
Project #4: prepare a rough outline of the next paper to send to Person D.
Not having my work hard drive means I was able to just focus on the stuff that wasn’t specific to research today. In all the chaos of today, I’ve set myself up well for a research-heavy rest of the week where I (hopefully) won’t have to worry about non-research stuff or big changes to the schedule and can just burrow into research, emerging for occasional seminar/webinar breaks. A good Monday, all around.
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Proofread by aji10647731 (Twitter)/ @janiappend
Special thanks to yeska_noka (Twitter)
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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Sweet and sour like a strawberry.
This month, the theme "Strawberry Boys" was photographed.
In round table discussion by threes, they talked about "the strange things from the other team."
[Sugeta Rinne x Sasaki Taiko x Yabana Rei CROSS TALK]
Daka-san regularly talks to himself weirdly (LOL)
Sugeta: The strange thing about Katsuki is that even though he minds being told something like, "Didn't you gain weight?" from the adults, he will just eat (LOL).
Sasaki: Certainly, that is mysterious.
Sugeta: Moreover, since he moves so he burns calories, he should endure a little bit after that. But, he eats a lot after, I think him burning calories has no meaning.
Yabana: Isn't that a serious advice?! Also, Daka-san regularly talks to himself weirdly (LOL). He mutters to himself like it comes out naturally (LOL).
Sasaki: Even on stage, he plays around by himself. Moreover, since it is a self-satisfaction, he does it in the corner secretly...(LOL).
Sugeta: He does it without saying anything to anyone, right?
Yabana: But, if he didn't get noticed, maybe he is lonely after all, he will appeal saying, "Honestly, I've been doing this all this time."
Sasaki: Is it for self-satisfaction or he wants to be noticed, which one is it!?
Yabana: Even though he is really that weird guy, he still appears in shows like 「Q sama!!」, isn't it pretty insane? (Lit. kekkou yabai)
Sasaki: As for Konpi, I don't understand the meaning of him having a mood of going out together for a meal but will go home at once when he arrived at the front of the restaurant (LOL). He said, "Well, I didn't say I will go."
Yabana: But, haven't you come to understand him a little lately? On days when, "Oh, I think he won't be coming," he will suddenly become quiet.
Sugeta: Ahh~ I see!
Yabana: Although he goes, "OK!" when you invite him on a day he feels like joining in, his tension is low on a day he doesn't feel like joining that much. Konpi has his own distinct reactions.
Sasaki: Speaking of Konpi's peculiarity, it is also strange that it depends on the height of the vehicle whether he gets carsick or not (LOL). Since he doesn't get carsick from riding a sedan, but gets carsick from riding a rokebus. (T/N: rokebus = bus used by actors,etc. during film and TV production).
Yabana: Moreover, this is something that Konpi has said himself, he gets dispirited when being controlled by anyone. He tends to take things on his own.
Sugeta: Konpi is quite the person who makes the decisions, right?
Yabana: Like in birthday party for Jr.SP, he made a reservation in a restaurant by himself. That mood of having a desire to be a leader character is also strange.
Sugeta: Konpi has a different sensibility than the 5 of us. There are times when he is funny like, "I didn't see thay coming?!"
Yabana: That's why, there are times when he is into us, and there are times when he is completely not interested in us (LOL).
Sasaki: There are also times when I get annoyed (LOL). During those times, I will say, "That's not okay."
Yabana: And then, he will reply, "Oh, it's not okay? Ah, I see" looking like he is not convinced .
Sugeta: Yes, you're right!
Yabana: Reia-kun...occasionally, I feel like he doesn't have a heart as a human (LOL).
Sugeta: That is slowly being shown in platforms like YouTube (LOL).
Yabana: But, even though being like that, people gather around him, that's why he has definitely a great charm.
Sugeta: That reminds me, he said in an interview something like, "If you will say bad things about the members, then better say all the bad things about me." I think it is because he has that kind of humanity [that's why people still gather around him].
Sasaki: He looks do-S at first glance, but isn't he really a do-M (LOL)!?
Sugeta: Actually, all 6 of us have different personalities. And yet, we have quite a good balance.
Yabana: On the contrary, why we have a good balance is the strangest thing (LOL).
[Nakamura Reia x Motodaka Katsuki x Konno Taiki CROSS TALK]
Actually, they are twins. Maybe they take turns going to work you know?
Nakamura: The strange thing about Yabana is that why he is always tired. It doesn't have to do with being busy, he feels like barely living.
Konno: Certainly! He is tired no matter when. He looks exhausted everyday (LOL).
Nakamura: He is weak with mornings too, and he often has stomachache too.
Motodaka: It looks like it takes all his energy just by living (LOL).
Nakamura: Moreover, he interchanges morning and night too much. Since it's possible that he will go to sleep at the time I wake up.
Motodaka: But Reia sleeps early, right (LOL).
Nakamura: I think I sleep around 12 at midnight. That's why, I wake up at 8 in the morning the next day even if I don't have work, but I wake up at around 5-6 in the morning and when I message Yabana during those times, he replies back immediately. He will say "I will go to sleep now," so I am like, "What on earth are you doing!?" (LOL).
Motodaka: But, I am also a nocturnal that's why I somewhat understand that part of Yabana.
Nakamura: You also interchange morning and night sometimes, right? Since Yabana always does it, that's why that is strange. The strange thing about Taiko is that he suddenly changes between being an adult and being a child.
Konno: I know! I don't know the timing when he will switch.
Motodaka: Even though he usually doesn't seem to really care about his sorroundings, he will immediately start to care.
Konno: Moreover, if he is consistent about that, I will understand him and be like, "Ah, this person cares about situations like this," but Taiko is not consistent so it is confusing.
Nakamura: Probably he got a dual personality (LOL).
Motodaka: That's got to be true!
Nakamura: Or...maybe they are actually twins. Maybe they take turns going to work you know?
Motodaka: But in interviews like this his switch suddenly changes completely. Even though he is saying nothing but jokes on a previous magazine interview, he is suddenly talking about serious matter on the next magazine interview.
Konno: Maybe his switch turned off?
Nakamura: I mean, what would probably the "on" one? Will he be an adult when he said "Let's turn on the switch" or he will be a child when he turns on the switch...
Motodaka: Either way, both are very extreme (LOL).
Nakamura: The strange thing about Rinne is that he is super healthy even though he only eats so much snacks.
Motodaka: Don't people who maintain their muscles usually pay attention at their diet too? But as fars as I can see, Rinne only eats those that seem bad for the health (LOL). And yet, it is a mystery that he maintains his muscles. If I do the same diet as Rinne's, I will definitely look terrible (LOL). Moreover, the amount of snacks he eats is not normal! The snacks that we always receive in interview locations, he brings home an amount of those to the point that can he even eat all of those?
Nakamura: It's 3-4 months of snacks for me (LOL).
Konno: But, he brings back home the same amount of snacks again in the next month's interview.
Motodaka: The amount of ice cream he eats is terrible too!
Nakamura: Like he casually eats around 10 packs in a day.
Konno: There's an ice cream that you divide to share right? When I noticed it, that's in his mouth.
Nakamura: Then, since he maintains his figure, when I see in television or alike programs like, "Train your body by watching what you eat," I think "I wonder if this makes sense."
Motodaka: No, that's because Rinne is idiosyncratic. Recently, when we went to a boxing fitness too, I was dripping with sweat and had two bottles of water too. But Rinne, without drinking water and without having a single drop of sweat, acted like nothing happened at all. I was a little bit scared (LOL).
Nakamura: Surely, unlike the normal people, maybe he can change anything he eats to protein.
Konno: I want him to have a medical check-up. And then, an amazing result might come out, you know (LOL) ?
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Hi there i'm from Ireland i'm 16 and i have pku (for anyone who wants to know my allowance is 27g a day and i take maxamum 2 times a day but both my allowance and the drink cause problems for me) i see you said pku is actually irresversible brain damage and i was wondering if you could elaborate ir explain is that for all people with pku?? I've never been told the exact facts behind pku and i'd really like someone's info
Hello! I'm sorry I've not been on tumblr lately to reply to this, so what I have learnt so far (super simply because I'm not a scientist!) PKU is a metabolic disorder, our metabolic system is what breaks down our food to use it for energy, growth etc. our bodies are missing the animo acid to break down proteins (phenylalanine or phe) this means we get a build up in our blood system of too much phe which can damage our brains, which is why we have the monthly blood tests. Our blood levels are supposed to be under 600phe, the 'normal' person levels is usually under 100. Which is why pregnancy is such a massive deal so we don't poison our own child!It's crucial to find to asap in babies as that is of course when your brain is developing the most and anyone undiagnosed at such a young age is likely to suffer with some if not terrible brain damage. As for whether it affects all diagnosed children/teens/adults I learned at the ESPKU Conference there are over 380 different types of PKU and every PKU I have met have had different types, I am classical PKU on 4-5g a day and 3 drinks and I do feel effects if I over eat on my diet (slurred words, headaches, unable to concentrate) where I have met someone who is also classical PKU yet feels no effects! Your best chance is to know your own person limits and stick on the diet the best you can and have your drinks! As not only does it give you your protein supplements but acts in the same way as diabetics having insulin it does actually help bring your levels down. It's really really REALLY hard, I'm 23, nearly 24 and I'm still trying to get my head around my diet so don't ever feel stupid if you are struggling. For me, my priorities are getting my drinks down me and eating as much low protein food as possible so I don't have protein, I don't even bother to count exchanges these days. It doesn't do me any favours mentally, it just makes me more aware of how limited I am and it screws me up so I end up going on a massive binge! You need to do what is right for you and your lifestyle, as long as your levels are in good form then your doctors that see you one every six months and have no idea the life you actually live can't say anything.I hope that helps and sorry if you did know some of those facts already! Just thought I'd explain from the beginning :DI'm always here for anyone who needs help with their PKU, I don't claim to be perfect or any good at it! I'm still learning myself but I may just be a little bit further down the road so even if I might be able to help you see the light at the end tunnel or just someone to moan at when your friends and family don't get it, I'm always here!Cx
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