#I've abandoned streaming platforms for pulling shit like this before
stephthestegosaurus · 7 months
Dude, the whole youtube adblock bullshit has broken normal functionality of the website. I finally turned off my adblockers. I can watch videos again, however, if I open a video in a new tab (how I've pretty much always used youtube), I'm completely blocked from it as if I were still using an adblocker. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem if I completely uninstalled ublock. but I'm not completely changing how I use the internet for one website.
I also want to say that there was a point where I actually didn't mind ads on youtube at all. I'd even let skippable ads run sometimes while I went to do other things, like a commercial break on television. I have more patience for ads than probably anyone I know. I didn't start using adblockers on youtube until they increased ads to what felt like a ridiculously excessive amount, and updated their policy to allow ads to be forced on videos where the uploader has turned them off.
Youtube is a business. Obviously their goal is to make money. But in trying to endlessly increase their revenue they've completely missed the fact that what makes their website profitable is. y'know. people wanting to actually use it.
I honest to god don't mind a few ads every now and then. I wouldn't mind paying to remove ads if I had a little more expendable income. But fucking forcing people to pay to make your service tolerable. I disagree with on principle. It's just fucking greedy and there's no excuse for it.
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