#I'm so fucking stoked every time I see Asuka fans engage with my Asuka posts LOL
arashi-no-saxlphone · 1 month
hiii the more i see your Asuka analysis posts, the more i think we would be such good friends
i'm known as The Asuka Guy in my friend groups because of how insane i am about him. i also have an in-depth analysis of him but it's locked away in my GDocs until i'm actually done writing it (it's probably breached 2k words, the entire document itself is an analysis for 5 gg characters, but i've only actually written stuff for Asuka so far) and the amount of things we agree on about him is just perfection
but alas i am too shy. aldkksm i hope you're having a great time though, love to hear more of your Asuka thoughts at any time
AAAAH thank you so much! You should give yourself more credit though- a google doc of character analysis??? That's that real and professional level of effort, I don't have the energy for that level of stuff so I respect that immensely that's super cool!! I prefer to just ramble on when a though pops into my brain before I forget it haha.
Asuka is a super complex and interesting character in Gear and I think it's sadly super easy to flanderize him or blame him for everything at first glance (which in lore is how he's intentionally written - to be blamed initially which makes sense LOL) but like any Gear character, there's more to it if you dive deeper! Same deal with Bedman, or Ky (greatest victim of flanderization imo).
Thank you so much for this ask! I'm really glad that there are so many Asuka fans on here that resonate with him like I do cause he's so cool. Also I totally get the shyness thing haha - I do the same thing with anon asks cause I'm afraid of coming off too strong or weird cause - I'm a weirdo! But my messages are open for anyone if they just wanna chat about Gear or have a question or anything - I've actually had many people just message me out of the blue like that and it's always pleasant and a good time. I can be kinda bad at responding in a timely fashion, but I will always try to get back to folks so feel free to pop in if the urge strikes! I like getting silly little messages so it's really no bother
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