#I'm rereading some of my fav comics rn
smugraccoon137 · 2 years
For all the small creators out there who wonder if their work ever reaches anyone.
Remember that there are people like me who reread my favorite stories every year. Comics from the small corners of the internet that came out 15 years ago. Books and fanfic and short stories that people have never even heard of. Animatics and hastily drawn unfinished sketches. Early works from people who've long grown and forgotten the things that made them grow.
If you're wondering if you've ever reached someone. If you're wondering if all the time you spent was worth it. It was. Because I didn't forget. You found me when I needed you. And I never forgot that. Thank you! 😊
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mathvica · 1 year
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Hi! Welcome to my intro post 🫀
I go under Mathvica, but you can call me V or Vic for short. I have been lurking for centuries and until now, I decided to finally actually start a studyblr to archive the rest of my junior and senior year in college!
Below are some more stuff about me ⇣
about me! V/Vic! Twenty. They/Them. My academic journey has been incredibly crazy (former college dropout here). I'm a mathematics major with a data science concentration. I'm a junior rn, and I'm in the class of 2024💌
academics! Class of 2024, mathematics major with a data science concentration. Huge programming nerd.
what's mathvica? mathvica is my math studyblr! I'm taking all upper-math courses and need to find a way to make the numbers on my pages pretty. I mostly use Goodnotes, so expect lots of iPad notes from me!
goals? I just want to romanticize my life. I have gone through a lot as an indigenous student attending two PWIs, and there is so much to unpack in the future. I'd like to start looking at the positives in my life. i also would love to start an insta
hobbies/interests? Huge boxing enthusiast. I love readings- fav book is Worm from the Parahumans series (I am currently attempting a reread!). I love RWBY, and I love Marina as well. I've been going back to my old interests for comfort. I also love stickers, writing letters, and journaling! I also am working on a comic series on instagram and tumblr about my experiences, and I want to post drafts on here for the process.
etc? Point me to the stars!
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