#I'm pretty fine with bugs- thank god I'm not scared of spiders because this house has the biggest I have ever seen in my entire life
the-busy-ghost · 1 year
Constantly forget that the ceiling and windows are lower in the upstairs room, and think I finally know what people over six feet feel like
#I'm like a giant#Everything is so far away? The windows are lower? The fireplace is lower? I can't visualise furniture in there because my proportions are of#Not that I could get the furniture up the stairs anyway#Ah well that's the least of my problems currently I have one wall that was almost soaking wet the other night due to condensation#Which considering that that's really the only major issue in a house which dates back 400 years I'm trying to be chill about#But I am not succeeding; I'm just wandering around feeling like an utter failure because *checks notes* there is slight damp#which I already knew about because it was on the home report over a year ago when I moved in#And I had people come out and look at it and they told me exactly why and how and when it would happen#I just haven't been able to try their suggestion of the damp-proofing paint because it's winter#But then I'm also concerned because it may  be because of a lack of ventilation in the chimney#But I'm going to have reduce the ventilation further because a slug somehow got in#I'm pretty fine with bugs- thank god I'm not scared of spiders because this house has the biggest I have ever seen in my entire life#And I've been to Australia#And there's the odd case of the wasps that kept coming in JUST to die on my windowsill#But slugs are a  huge no; I detest them with all my heart and am only slightly better with them now#Because after a few years of mild gardening I a) know they can't catch me (haha slowcoaches) and b) they are good for compost#But they have no place inside my house LEAST OF ALL in the tiny tiny study room on the fourth floor of the building#I'm very very worried about that chimney but I can't open it up to have a look without opening a gigantic can of worms#So we're just going to have to try some tape and some paint and try not to think about the slugs#That's a long way of saying it's an absolutely darling little room and actually the issues on the chimney wall#are basically the only issues in the entire flat#So I really should NOT be complaining but yeah I still feel like I've failed myself and the house and everyone I know#Because a slug got in#The rest of the house is largely bug-proof and the windows the heating the water all work and I have a cosy bed#The roof I'm panicking about a bit but that's because I need to grow a spine and tackle my neighbours like a grown-up not long-term damage#I'm only responsible for part of the building and almost all of it is in good nick and I intend to keep it that way#But I'm still worried and if that little room falls apart it will be my fault but on the other hand it's been there since 1589 so not all me#But everything has been a failure there- none of the furniture fits up the stairs; the floor took three tries to finish; and now wet wall#First world problems EXTREMELY but also hard not to take it personally and feel like I've failed the house#Earth & Stone
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kaimelia · 2 years
ferris wheel
"Did we stop moving?" Kai's voice shakes as their eyes widen, and a hand braces the metal bar on the wall of the ferris wheel car.
"They're probably just letting people off at the bottom," Amelia hums, gently nudging Kai's foot with hers. "You okay?"
"I, uh," they chuckle nervously, "may or may not be afraid of heights." Her gaze snaps away from the view to look them in the eyes.
"Are you joking?"
"I wish I was." They fold their hands in their lap. "And please don't make a joke about how tall I am because I've heard it a million times." Amelia pouts her lip and stands to sit next to them, immediately stopping when Kai shakes their hands rapidly. "You'll shake the car."
"You didn't say anything." She slowly sits back down.
"You were really excited about this Ferris wheel, and it's normally fine, but we've been stopped for a concerning amount of time, so I'm getting a little freaked out." They drop their head into their hands. "I'll be okay," they mutter, "I just really wish we would be on the ground again."
"I'm sorry," she pouts. "Is there anything else you're scared of that I should know?"
"Uh," they slowly lift their head, brushing a hand through their hair, "I used to be a little agoraphobic, mainly from the aspect of social anxiety, but with medication and a bit of exposure therapy, it's not much of an issue anymore. And, public speaking," they laugh nervously, "which you know."
"So, what I'm hearing is that you let me drag you to a fair, which is an incredibly public space, and then you let me bring you on a ferris wheel? Both things you get anxious about?"
"I've had a lot of exposure therapy in the past, which has helped, so I try not to say no to things even if they make me anxious." Amelia cocks her head to the side.
"Okay, but please know that you can always say no, even if I'm excited about something. I'd much rather get ice cream and sit on a bench with you than force you into exposure therapy."
"Ice cream and sitting for a while does sound good for whenever we get off this," they murmur, making eye contact with her. "What about you? What are you scared of?"
"Spiders. Really just bugs in general, which isn't working out well because Scout's currently obsessed with insects. He brought a caterpillar into the house last week, and I'm pretty sure he and Bailey were going to make a home for it and keep it." They chuckle and run a hand through their hair. 
"Oh-" Kai sits up as the car begins to move, their eyes wide, and Amelia holds back a laugh at their expression. "They should really do some sort of announcement before we start moving again." Their hand tightens around the rail, their knuckles turning white as they exhale slowly.
"I think it's only fair that I let you pick what's next," Amelia smiles softly. 
"That ice cream you mentioned earlier has been getting me through this, so I'm sticking with that." She watches as the tension leaves their face as they near the ground, sighing in relief as they stop at the station. "Thank god," they mutter, standing up and rushing out as soon as the gate is opened.
"Thank you," Amelia waves to the attendant before quickening her pace to catch up with Kai and lacing her fingers through theirs. "Better now?"
"Much better," they shake their head and laugh. "Sorry about that."
"Don't apologize. I'm sure you'll just make it up to me by killing a spider at some point." They squeeze her hand and lead her through the exit of the ride. 
"Alright. But for now," Kai bends down to quickly kiss her, "ice cream."
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