#I'm not sure why these two just decided to (lightheartedly) bully Majima but I guess that's what happened
overdevelopedglasses · 7 months
Tojoctober Day 19 - Costume
(Every day, it's the same old craziness)
Alt title is from the stylized lyrics of Get to The Top
Saejima enjoys the peace of nighttime Kamurocho, before something sinister breaks loose in the city…
(no spoilers!)
It's that time of night in Kamurocho where it’s surprisingly calm in the streets. The typical hustle and bustle has died down, as most denizens have found their way to bars or restaurants within the sector of the city. Saejima is enjoying the peace and quiet, his hair styled into a ponytail (which he thought looked damn good on him), olive jacket slung over his shoulders, his boots swishing through the still puddles on the pavement. 
Saejima spots a man on the other side of the street, walking a bit…strangely.
Of course, it only takes a couple seconds for Saejima to realize not only who's across from him, but that he doesn't exactly look right.
“Majima, what the fuck are ya doing?”
“Graaaaaaaah, I’m comin for yaaaaaaa, brotherrrrrrrr”
Majima doesn't look too healthy, that's for sure. His skin is a much paler shade than usual, blood is all over him, and his good eye is a bright red instead of its normal brown. 
He's walks towards Saejima for a few more seconds, before swiftly lunging at his oath brother.
“Ack, the fuck!?"
Saejima defends himself from Majima, who almost bites him in the neck.
“Graaaaaaah, Sae-ji-maaaaaaaaaaa"
Saejima turns to run but then sees…. a second Majima. This one simply groans at him. 
“This is getting weird, Majima."
Saejima starts to walk the way he came, slow enough to not look like he's making a break for it. More zombie Majimas appear from the shadows, and it's only a matter of time before Saejima will be overwhelmed by... whatever is happening.
“How many guys did ya recruit for this shit???"
He then sees another figure, at the entrance of the street, defending themselves from 3 other zombies who were attacking him.  
Saejima knows there's only one person Majima would harass like this.
He has a plan.
Saejima breaks into a sprint, bolting towards the other man. The zombies behind him give chase, but Saejima has enough of a head start to make it to the other man before he is caught. He delivers a haymaker to the zombie on the man's right, while he faces and counter attacks another zombie with a lightning fast punch, sending it flying across the road. While this man looks a bit sweaty, these shenanigans are no match for one such as Kiryu, who looks surprised by the assistance.
“Saejima-san!? I thought you were still out of town?"
“Got back this morning, Kiryu-san. Hope my family wasn't too much of a problem."
“No, actually, they were quite pleasant." Kiryu counters another zombie, this one sent slamming into a wall a few feet away. Saejima grimaces a bit at the impact. 
“Any idea why this is happening?" he asks the dragon.
“Majima-san figured out I was in town a couple days ago. This is another plot of his... he's trying to get me to fight him." Kiryu responds plainly.
“Wait, another? What else has he-"
The two are interrupted by a loud cackle.
“Caught ya!"
The zombie that Saejima is pretty sure is his oath brother (everyone else looks slightly off) saunters up to the other men, standing a few feet away from the pair.
“Thissssssss is gonna be good!" Majima cackles again.
“Majima-san." Kiryu steels himself beside Saejima. However, Saejima only smiles at his brother, unintimidated by his display.
“That was a snake hiss brother, not a zombie moan. Yer pretty bad at this."
Majima looks to be offended. "BROTHER!? Are ya mocking my impression???" he says in his normal voice.
“I don't recall zombies speaking that eloquently, either." Kiryu retorts, also boasting a wide grin.
“Yeah. What's next, are ya giving me a submachine gun, Majima?" This sparks a rare laugh out of Kiryu.
“Give Akiyama-san two pistols and set him loose on the city! That'd be a real threat!" Kiryu jokes.
“Nah, he'd kill one of us before hittin a zombie." Saejima says, deadpan.
Kiryu laughs again, this time Saejima joins in with a small chuckle.
“Hey! I'm the threat here!" Majima waves his arms around in an attempt to get the others' attention.
“But believe me, Saejima-san. This isn't the weirdest thing he's done to try and fight me." Kiryu says, calming himself down.
“Oh no." Saejima says with a worried tone.
“Oh yes. He's-"
In a swift motion, Majima's blade is thrown between the two men, silencing their conversation immediately. 
“Maybe we should entertain him? There’s always time to catch up later, Kiryu-san." Saejima proposes, knowing that they’re one move away from getting jumped by the Mad Dog.
Kiryu nods, and the two turn back to Majima, who clears his throat and turns towards them. Saejima does see more zombies emerge from the shadows, so he begins to keep his guard up.
“Ok, ya may have figured out that I’m not a real zombie.” Majima starts, “But, there are many things that I am better at than zombies. For one, I’m not gonna kill ya if I win this fight!”
“What fight?” Saejima asks. He can tell that Majima isn’t really posing too much of a threat to the two men, especially if they tag-team him. There’s only so much agility can do against brute strength.
“Yeah, you’re not more threatening than any other zombies in this state, Majima-san.” Kiryu replies.
Majima seems really confused for a second, but then falls back into the bit, “Well, I’m much more handsome than any zombie you’d come across.” Majima says, winking at the younger man.
“Not when you’re looking like that.” Kiryu says under his breath. Saejima hears it, and lets out a hearty laugh.
“What the fuck, Kiryu-chan!?” Majima says, apparently hearing Kiryu’s roast as well. Kiryu looks surprised at the outburst, a slight bit of redness flooding his cheeks.
“What’s something you can do that a zombie can’t do, brother?” Saejima askes, hoping to avoid a surprise attack.
“Well… did you know that zombies can’t do this!?" Majima shouts, before doing what can only be described as the hustle. One of the zombies produces a boom box and begins to play a song that Saejima has never heard before. Kiryu seems to recognize it, but Saejima figures now isn't the time to ask.
Instead, they both stare blankly at Majima, whose eye shines with expectancy.
After a few moments of seemingly awkward shuffling, Majima leaps up into his typical fight stance.
“Augh, fuck this! I'ma stomp the both of ya right here, right now!"
Saejima glances at his ally. “Kiryu-san… ready to go?"
Kiryu nods, “As always, Saejima-san. Are you good with the crowd?"
Saejima smirks, head swiveling to take scope of the battlefield. “Always have been. Let's go!"
The ensuing skirmish would be talked about both within the Tojo as one of the most spectacular things to have witnessed or be a part of, and outside the Tojo as the wildest thing people had seen in years.
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