#I'm not a frequent Twitter person I Do Not Have Tone Indicators Memorized and Urban Dictionary is not helping me rn
royalarchivist · 1 year
thank you so much for including a transcript with the harpocrates clip but in future, if youre transcribing something w cursing in it that isn't censored the transcript shouldnt censor it /nm and ty again for transcribing at all
No problemo!
Got a couple questions / comments about the cursing thing though (some more polite than others) so I might as well clarify this here: I'm not "censoring" things because I think someone's going to explode if they see a curse word (it's the internet, after all), but there is a personal reason and I'd prefer not to elaborate further than that. I'm just running this blog and sharing my clips for fun, not as a job, so I hope people can understand / respect that!
That being said, I do appreciate the feedback and I'm not gonna stop adding transcripts to things since I personally find them helpful and I know they help other people too.
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